Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
As a result, skin colour is either meaningless, or limited in scope. Sometimes limited scope means no Africans.
But I'm black.
I am not eurocentric at all. It's not a high bar to not let fictional lore/game offend someone. It's quite low actually since it's not real. I was trying uplift OP by saying he's a stronger person than he believes. I never said he was weak, but I said the idea was weak. There's a clear distinction: one's just an idea and the other is me attacking the person, which I did not do. All I did was offer an alternative idea, which I think is stronger and more reasonable. And he's free to accept it or leave it if he thinks similarly.
That's quite a blanket statement saying "unintentional bias". That could literally mean anything, at least be somewhat specific. I also don't rely on popular media. Remember that you quoted me and are talking to an individual, not just the general population.
Furthermore, I never said that the game should only include "white" races. I said that games/lore should fit within the intended scope/design of the game developer's to what they think the best MMO experience is. And If consumers do not recognize/dislike the product they will leave, allowing the game to suffer.
My "what-if all-white" statement is trying to show there's nothing wrong with being white. There's also nothing wrong with being diverse if it's done well/ by design and merit. This goes for the "what-if all-white" statement too.
The fact that I have to explain this maybe shows that you have "unintentional biases".
Also my tulnar statement was a joke in case you didn't get that too: there was a tonal shift/ change in word choices for exaggeration.
Same thing with elves. They're meant to be fair skinned. You have the drow elf concept though ashes doesn't appear to have that. Though again, skin sliders in char create can fix this and devs can just throw in dark skinned elves and stick lore on it.
Orcs are orcs
Dwarves: as someone mentioned, the island dwarves do appear to be a bit more dark skinned.
I guess what I'm trying to say here is it all depends on what the player creates and what kind of npc the devs create. Yes the devs can add a specific culture that is more relevant to a specific skin type and that would be cool. The only time things get concerning is if devs dont add skin sliders or just copy paste white npcs.
Also OP, don't bring up asian mmos in a race discussion. They either always look like anime characters, or lolli or cute animals or 5ex dolls or k-pop stars. theres no in between. Race is an irrelevant concept in that regard
For me, i'm middle eastern/south asian. I have brown skin and was never bothered by representation. I was always that by the book player who designed a character to resemble my real self (aside from hair style. Always go with a cooler hairstyle than the one i rock irl). That's just me though. I won't claim to understand where you're coming from because i truly don't understand it.
And that games attempting to apply races/colors to cultures was a greater sin in terms of inclusivity than allowing any culture to present with any race/color?
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but I'm pretty sure there was a whole big thread about that on here recently.
Also, I think it's weird to boil down the races in this game to "a bunch of white guys" when they clearly take inspiration from polynesians/native americans/asiatic nomads (for orcs, which is it's own discussion of racism).
Going too much further down the rabbit hole here - we'd have to start arguing about marxism/post modernism The topic is rarely about the topic, and there are underlying goals. I would agree that in a rational world - assuming that race = culture, would be more racist than not, but the underlying ideology that drives the topics like these - isn't really concerned with rationality
The overall culture of the game is going to be inspired by the players though. If everyone is white it is because they chose to be that way and it is racist to say they shouldn't be. If an entire race option is only black and people don't pick it then people will yell racism. That is why most games generally allow you to choose.
I've always been against assigning racial profiles to video games. There will no doubt be options for everyone.
I think people who call Orcs racist should just be banned.
U.S. East
Representation across the gaming industry is abysmal and I’m surprised when I even come across a dark skin shader, of course no way to actually add African features so mostly they come out looking like white characters in black face.
However, we haven’t heard much from the Devs, but hopefully your post will prick some ears.
Also, why would anyone not want more options for skin and hair in a sand box game lol
To clarify on this point specifically, it’s the “white is default” mentality. Basically, if I start describing a character by their profession, their clothes, their personality, etc, people will generally see all of those things on a white man up until they’re specifically told that the character is a black woman. It also sometimes ends up with people being asked to justify why a character “was made black” when they just.. are black.
I actually sort of see it in the original post too, in describing the distinct races as “white” when they pretty clearly pull from real world cultures all over the world. Granted yes, three are white/european/Tolkien inspired. But like I said, in a pure fantasy world, especially one that’s brand new, nothing is set in stone. It’s the best place to explore a wide variety of cultures, and Ashes is doing that!
I think they’re on the right track, I just don’t think totally dismissing OP’s concerns is the right route when the gaming industry does tend to be a little bit toxic. It’s healthy caution, at this point.
You could easily have 8 dark skinned races and have them all distinct from each other.
I agree with you that there really should be some cultural diversity and note that the slider function is a way to create a character that is more befitting a profile poc can better identify with.
Culturally ; (my impression as they are described) the two races I immediately thought of as being a specifically non white (aside from Orcs and Tulnar ) the Vaelene And the Nikua.. To me each represents an entirely different culture and aesthetic. A departure from the European models.
Representing the Middle East / Africa and maybe Polynesian / islander folk respectively. . (Maybe even south East Asian or even Native American .) Just my impression.
It's an interesting perspective for sure and I think you are correct and that culture diversity is lacking for some players to better connect with games.
I would say there is a catch 22 here. Does a game culturally appropriate things from cultures that are out side the game and face that back lash or does the game decide that in this world/universe we are given choices that exist because the lore of the game didn't have certain peoples evolve or certain styles of dress/appearance and face the back lash of not being "inclusive" when there are races in games that don't exist in the real world.
It's a no win, because someone will always point out that some Hair Style is from a specific culture and no one from that culture should have it or access to it.
I agree there should be lots of variation that everyone has equal access to, regardless of character color, race or anything else. It's a game, games we play to escape the B.S. of the real world. Let's not start bringing the B.S of the real world into the games. It wont end well for anyone and it will ruin the fun for everyone.
Love a good story and lore.
Twitch Streamer
I'm for having as many black feature customizations as they can fit to be in the game. If I want to make Dennis Rodman that should be a choice. I just can't tell you how many people playing the game will actually choose them.
NPC wise it's probably going to match each area.
U.S. East
I think they're doing a pretty good job reaching out to the middle eastern community with the Vaelune, I've seen games do a good job of giving cultures shout outs adding Djinn "middle eastern spirits" and Iwa "african spirits" like a "yeah we see u" type thing and thats kinda cool.
The main thing is as soon as you see dwarves and elves, you are in norse mythology realm which has its own set of stories and its kinda gonna be geared in that direction. It would be cool however to find a way to create a badass story around a race of black people with some kickass lore built around it within the scope of norse mythology, but i haven't seen it done yet. ( if anyone has some examples of it existing plz share and maybe we can steal the idea) Since it hasn't been done yet, it's a worthy task of someone taking on. With Norse mythology ur kinda workin with the foundation ur workin with.
Skin sliders are our best friend, i am neon pasty white and any resemblance of a tan on my character wouldn't sit right with me. ^-^
TL;DR I could easily suggested color slider for skin/ customization but others did it well, I was offering a better underlying reason/ alternative idea (in my mind), not completely dismissing OP's concerns. All colors = good. And all numbers = quick google searches. Also person implied my post is a problem so I had to explain it's not
I will clarify for you then for what I said, just so we're clear: if you are going to promote caution, at least be cautious yourself instead of carelessly implicating my post as part of a problem you stated, when it's not.
I could easily have suggested what others have stated about skin color slider/ characterization (in fact it immediately came to mind), but others did it pretty well. So I chose not to. It's not a hard solution to come up with.
I also did not completely dismiss his idea. I addressed the underlying reasons for providing what I thought was a better idea. Why live in fear of games when one could easily not let the fictional races bother him or her. Then he/she can simply focus on enjoying the game. That is likely what all of us want to do in the end.
Sure, you probably are right in being cautious, but then each and everyone one of my gah dang post would be this dam long at minimum, not sure if anyone wants to deal with that, or even me.
In my normal life experiences when someone describes a person, their skin color is usually described. "Whiteness" as a default may just be because of the majority. It could also be that "default" changes depending on the continent/ country/region. There's nothing wrong with a default. People will just normally change the default of the described person when they meet them.
My point is one has to start a concept somewhere and somehow, it's only natural to change it when there's new information. It's not necessarily racist or whatever to default to a person. All concepts have to start somewhere and will change based on what people learn. This in my mind is a matter of principle/logic ,not that of human reasoning, but more akin to natural law or a natural progression in thinking. I think it's a better alternative than saying "whiteness" or "white is default mentality".
Here's a counter-example for you, let's say I was Chinese, and I am in China looking and describing (without mention of skin color) for x person cause she/he wandered somewhere and does not regularly look at texts. Do you really believe that person I was asking would default to a white person or more likely the 1.4 billion other Chinese people (rhetorical question)? Could do the same example and parameters for India too. That's 2.8 billion people combined, almost a third of the world. Asian countries tend to be more homogenous than the West too.
For reference, there's about 1.2-1.3 ( I am being generous) billion people in The West. I don't think your "white is default" mentality idea holds up that well.
. There isn't anything wrong with hypothetically starting with a white person, when 72.4% of Americans and 85.7% of Europeans are caucasian. It's an incredibly high chance the person being thought of, without mention of skin color, is white, and if not just reimagine the hypothetical person when told a different skin color, nothing wrong with that.
There's a natural progression of thought when a person is trying to imagine/perceive a concept or person based on incoming information
So would you really blame "white is default" as if there's some unspoken taboo or there's something wrong imagining a white person? I don't think that's as reasonable as one would think. Though I recognize that it can be someone's answer, I don't think it's a sufficient one.
Dwarves are very much Tolkien inspired (which he took from Germanic folklore). Other races and cultures do have mythology for "small people," (for instance Pygmies) but high fantasy Dwarves are very much their own thing, grounded in their own lore, created by a very British White male based on very Germanic white people mythology. There have been Dwarves that are extremely tanned or dark (hell in WoW there are Wildhammer Dwarves which represent a more native american style of culture and there are Dark Iron Dwarves which are black because they were born from volcanic rock, there are even Robot/Elemental dwarves that never received the "curse of flesh"), but most are white because that's just how Tolkien envisioned them and that's what he took from the Germanic folklore.
What you are asking for is something entirely different. If you want some other cultures mythological "small person" then that is not a dwarf. Ask for the Pombero ( or something.
Don't ask the devs to change established lore and culture because it doesn't fit your headcanon or fill up a diversity quota. No one wants that.
If their vision didn't pay respect to some of the current social issues we are facing today then I would be concerned. I highly doubt this is the case, though, and there will be sufficient diversity afforded to players at character creation. And if not it seems like a texture project that can be corrected without impacting anything related to lore, content, etc.
Ah, yes! But don't forget the bond shared between slave and master. You are minimizing a legitimate issue that has permeated through society for thousands of years and is reflected in all forms of art, politics and social class. Open your eyes to systemic racism, don't normalize it because of legacy.
I see your point. I suppose most of my issue comes from the community more than it does the devs. Seeing some of the replies far too quick to (basically) tell the OP to not mention race at all made me too hasty in judging your position on things.
I still disagree that someone can choose whether something bothers them, but I agree that there are other battles to fight and learning to let go is essential for keeping a healthy mentality.
Thanks for the discussion, really.
Now we just high five and say "Skin Color!". Hold up my black millionaire boss is callin me. He callin me.
I have to work this weekend can't high five. Sorry guys
I'm all for diversity and inclusion, and I want people to be able to make characters that look like them and that they can relate to - if that's what they so desire.
I think this was OP's main point, that a lot of people have overlooked. Very little has been released about the games lore, so a lot of the points made in this thread are purely vague extrapolation based on concept art. So long as it makes sense and is consistent throughout the cultures, why can't there be black dwarves or asian looking dwarves? Certainly you can't capture all cultures and ethnicity in the world, but as long as the culture makes sense, who gives two flying frogs what color they are?
Except for the Ren'Kai. Don't touch the Ren'Kai, they're beautiful how they are.
I'm 36 years old, my ethnicity is African American/Caucasion. First your question isn't simple. In fact it took you several paragraphs to reach your question. Second there are only 360 million native english speakers in the world and roughly 1,132 million English speakers in the world. This means America and European culture are the most well known and most recognized cultures in the world . These cultures dominated the last twelve hundred years of the worlds history. 70% of the NFL are of African American descent. During slavery, the strongest biggest slaves were bred in the hopes of creating bigger and stronger slaves. When a portion of ethnicity is bred for a purpose it creates certain changes. African Americans are highly represented in American Football games because they are highly represented in life. Do great and be recognized as great. Understand history and how it played a role.
You don't see many black authors writing epic fantasy that are remembered throughout the decades because there haven't been any. People write about what they live and the lives of others. (Fantasy is a bit harder to write about when your culture has been oppressed and keep in mind slavery "officially ended in Africa in the 1930s...but there were still slaves) In the 1990s when I was growing up in a small town of 2,000 a few children were still taught racial slurs by their parents. But I had it good I didn't grow up during the civil rights movement. I didn't grow up in 1954 when the supreme court overturned Brown vs The Board of Education allowed African Americans to go to "white" schools. Chinese use to call Japanese dwarves. Your assumptions that all cultures had mythology that wouldn't offend other cultures is just negligence, do your homework. JRR Tolkien is considered the father of modern fantasy or high fantasy. That's the bar. No one has reached it yet. Game of Thrones and Harry Potter were good but they weren't the phenome that Lord of the Rings became.
You lump Asians together in feeling under represented. When it comes to generalizations Koreans hate Japanese. They're...historical reasons and cultural stereotypes that parents have often passed on to their children because of this. Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese can easily tell each other apart but it is often a difficulty for westerners. (I've lived in asian countries for seven years of my life so far) I could write a paper on why a great deal of the Korean people feel this way.
Ethnicity isn't culture...and culture matters far more than ethnicity. Yet, you have an issue with ethnicity being under-represented. Do you understand how difficult it would be to accurately portray the different subtleties in genetics among different nations? don' feel bad. I'm sorry you feel bad, but it's not AoE's job to fix it. Make a fantasy world worthy of the world remembering. Don't ask someone to fix the world for you. If they get it right great. If not...well...I'm mixed...half the time if I go to a barber they screw up my hair...because they don't get many mixed customers. They're use to black/white/korean/phillipino hair. It's what they know. JRR's what the world knows. Are you going to make something better or just ask others to scratch your itch? Fantasy...doesn't have to reflect reality, but it's a lot easier to write when you align it with other forms of main stream fiction.'re asking for an original epic...and that's a big ask.
^^ This all the way
I do not want politics in a video game. That type of thinking is what directly ruins the integrity and immersion of a world.
Besides AoC is more than likely already about as diverse as it gets. We're getting a lizard race and hawaiin dwarves.
Just kidding, really hope you they make it possible for you and others to get the skin colour you want, atleast if it's remotely close to the fantasy lore thingie.
"and I feel I will be black for quite some time."
This made me giggle, well put