Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
So sure , i will fix the node system for you and them post it in the Comunity Creations, but i need some time, and i will not be able to make any reply ..
If the main thing of the game are the nodes, and the design of the game is to customize the story of each individual server, then this feature is important to customize, also becouse the design and the lore of the game follow this path.
They should have just said (exaggerating):" you will have static cities like World of Warcraft, with the additional feature of beeing part of his Static advancement, that you cannot choose. We will add the achievement of beeing a Mayor for the most successful player, but he will not receive any Mayor power."
Sure there will be some customization in the city, i hope they will add more later on. Or i'm just badly informed about some feature, pls informe me then.
Actually there are some customizable options
Anyway they said to us that each server will be unique and different, with his own stories, and the customization is one of their main focal points. Right?
Nothing against them, but if they were more clear ...
You have a distorted vision of the game.
All the good things you said come with the dynamic feature, not the static one.
The nodes will not be already built, so you cannot choose or discover any node at the start of the game, not knowing what you like. When they will be built you can visit tham and then choose.
If you just like the Idea of a node type then you are free to build it where you want (in all the node points), beeing able to explore and discover the location you like the most.
With a Static system you cannot do that, you are forced to choose certain locations with certain node types.
You can always discover the node you like, where you like, with a Dynamic positioning.
Having the possibility to choose what node type to build and discover is much more appealing.
A dynamic sistem promote exploration becouse you have to actually explore the best location for your Ideal city. You choise of where you go have more relevance.
If it's static it does not matter where you go, you just need/want the militaristic node, then you don't explore but just go to the already designed static point and the build it. The exploration doesn't matter anymore and it has no relevance. The game already choose for you where and how the city will grow.
Of course you can explore all the militaristic nodes excluding the other, but you will explore less, with more boring parts.
If they were for some reason even slightly unbalanced ...? Do you trust so much in their skills as designer? Even if it's their first big project, and it's so fk big and ambitious that can scare any of the most expert game developpers in the world. Made by expert .. players.
No it will not be balanced probably, and that's a problem sure (unless i help them). But there are ways to prevent one node type to be ubiquitous/omnipresent. Simply by making each node stronger when his node type is scarse or rare.
Immagine the problem of having some cities and the players inside it more advantaged and stronger ... it can be a big problem.
As i said many times their project is too big and ambitious, and for me personally i don't like to build a huge and broken world, instead of a smaller but working and fun.
Who knows, maybe they will surprise me at the end, if they change some of their flawed design. (i'm refering to other stuff, the Static nature of the node is not bad for now, just poor fo the game)
Anyway i rly like their will, in advancing the game even if it's not perfect ... at the end it's better than doing nothing.. Goodjob!! I admire them.
The node type Quests will not Increase, they are 4 and they remain 4 quests. If it changes it doesn't matter. You rly don't know how games are made.
They will not design each possible game scenario. Making a game means building objects and the way they act. It's not like writing 10000 different books, one for each city of the game. You write/build/design 6 game variables and them mixing them you will get 6 to the power of 6 (math) different results, it means 46656 different game scenarious xD or books. You don't need to design each one of them ...
If it will be fresh or not it depends on how well the variable design is, this is an oversimplification of course.
You can design one by one all the quests and make them beeing each time the same, or build a general logic scheme that generate your infinite number of new and fresh quests.
Minecraft is a good example, and why it's so sucessful.
Another example is how the animations and the film are made, you don't need to paint each frame to make a film, now they use programs where you just need to make 1 "frame" or paint of the object, and it will move inside a game engine. With all the lights and physics beeing calculated by the computer perfectly.
Another example is LoL , or even more the sport and the sport games, you have few components but an infinite almost number of scenarious. This makes everything different and feel new.
So it's not true that you need to paint new assets and text to make new content, if the game has a good variable design it's going to be playable for your entire life, and feel everytime new. Until you are tired of the type of game.
Chess ... they don't add new pieces each year to keep everything new xD and it's a game with 1000+ years of history.
Of course changing a type of node to another has some consequences, that need to be designed. You are right
Sry i'm a bit tired and i probably wrote badly, i spent too much on the forum, i will try to design the node system for AoC if i have the time ... wait to see it pop up in the Comunity Creations.
Yea it's funny, just watch the fanmade wiki. We know a bunch of stuff already.
Oh, thz, i missed some info in this
Yes, it says exactly what i was refering too, each variable will influece a city in a different way. They not design 1000 or + cities oen by one, it would take too many years
WoW!!! Rly thz a lot, those video cointain a lot of info that i badly needed, i missed them . Thank you!!!
This changed my mind a bit and made me feel a bit more positive for the game
That's not a problem. That's a talent!
Really? What? Wait, really?
Seems every post you've made across the whole forum has been about how the game, its designers, its developers, and its core functions are all flawed and destined for failure.
You're finally seeing the potential here?
I think "metropolises" is cooler ... wanna debate with me? -_-
just kidding
"Metropolises" just has too many "ssss" sounds. Could go on forever: Metropolisessessissesisssessisesss....
"Metropoli" sounds like "monopoly", so you get to say "A monopoly of metropoli", and that's just way cool and can't be beaten.
Or, monopolies of metropolises.
In an effort to save time and not misinterpret things you have said since I am guessing English is not your first language (this isn't an insult, I just genuinely had trouble with some of your wording.) If you truly believe that all of this is correct and the direction intrepid wants to take, you are more than welcome to apply to them because they are hiring right now. So go apply and see what they say. I am still convinced that the current system is good for the game. But if you can convince them, maybe I will be able to see what you mean.
Monopolises of metropolises?
Monopolies of metropolies?
Just doesn't have the same ring, does it.
That's becouse i'm focussing on the problems tha game has, so it seems that for me the game it has only problems.
But i actually think that this can be one of the best mmorpg we have ever expirienced so far, in some aspects.
It made me a bit more positive, but i'm already positive for the game, otherwise I wouldn't be here wasting my time.
I'm specialized in looking for problems and solve them .
I love essess , i'm a dragon
i also like the slytherin house in Harry potter ... just kidding ^^ . Anyway it's better to not spam too much in the discussion
I love Sesso!!! xD mean sex in italy. but i'm also a virgin nerd . And i cannot be beaten in the Monopoly game!
Or some secret Italian police squad.
I'd like to apply for a trademark.
We're your witnesses that you thought of it first! Remember us when you're living the high life!
That fan-made wiki is the number one repository for info on ashes, to the point, even the mods point people to it so yeah I'm going to read that way more than your nonsensical posts
Hey, this is Italian stuff ... i own it!
The sense of my post is that we have some info in the wiki. So I'm not making it up with just my mind. You are not forced to read the wiki then. If it doesn't make sense to you , don't try too hard, there is no need to.
Sorry bro im takin it.
The trouble your running into is complete lack of information. You start threads with little knowledge about stuff easily found in the wiki or the Youtube page. Then you go on about how bad the game design is on stuff we know very little or next to nothing about. The races effecting how the nodes develop has been known since Kickstarter.
Please please please watch the videos they give a lot of information about what they are doing and the vision they have set before us all.
Saying the game design is bad based on a complete lack of understanding is bad form.