Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Open world raids
There is not much information about this, but it seems that there is no limitation for the amount of raid groups inside open world raids.
Do you think it is plausible that people will just take every guild member that is online and divide them into 40m raid groups to cheese all bosses by the sheer number of people?
Do you think it is plausible that people will just take every guild member that is online and divide them into 40m raid groups to cheese all bosses by the sheer number of people?
“Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil.”
― Plato
― Plato
When I read that I imagine that there will be a wall or debuff that prevents players outside of the raid from touching the boss. Not much is known yet, but they are probably floating ideas around. I am betting the raids are going to be more like lineage 2, and less like WOW:Mythic or FFXIV:Savage. I don't think we are going to be wiping the raid until we get it right. It is seems like it is going to be tag, the boss and stay alive until the boss is done. Maybe have some teams of smaller raids focused on PvP defense to keep other players from wiping the raid. I don't think we will be cheesing anything for sure though.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
I would just prefer to have negative scaling, if there is more than 40 people than there will be aggressive scaling to inflate hp without any change in loot table
― Plato
considering that they already expect multiple raids to attack a boss within the loot distribution systen i'd expect that they think multiple raids attack it at the same time.
This is what I posted in the other thread about there being no instanced content. I don't believe the lack of instanced content contributes to the longevity and broad-spectrum appeal of the game. Most of the discussion on this subject I see in these forums involves people coming up with convoluted ways to make raid content feel instanced while not actually being instanced. I look forward to seeing what the Intrepid team comes up with for this problem, but at this point I'm still concerned that this game won't cater to those who want a PvE progression path.
Maybe if the raid mobs had active hp scaling if there would be more than 40 players to counteract it. It had to disproportionate to discourage stacking people. Like 80 people would triple the hp instead of double it, because essentially you would have minimal amount of tanks and you are just adding another dps classes
― Plato
The problem with this is that if your guild is trying to kill a boss, my guild can just get together along with all our alts and friends and add 160 people to that scaling system.
Best of luck killing it now.
Any system the developers make to deal with this will be cheesed either by a guild trying to kill the content, or a guild trying to stop the kill.
There have been exactly three mechanics that I have seen to deal with this situation; instancing, phasing and encounter locking.
Very much this.
As I said, there's nothing wrong with having some world-bosses in the game. Even some dungeons that are open-world. But I cannot imagine a way to build genuinely challenging PvE content without some means to restrict who can access it concurrently.
In my opinion, there are four types of raid content that a game like Ashes should attempt to have.
1, open world encounters like the red dragon from Archeage, which essentially functions as a PvP beacon. This kind of encounter should spawn in an area where corruption is turned off, and it should literally be a free for all.
2, open world encounters where the competition is the PvE, not the PvP. To me, this is what open raid dungeons should be. PvP shouldn't be turned off, but the consequences for it should be higher (respawn location placement and such) in order to discourage it - and there should be some form of penalty to attacking a raid that is fighting an encounter (guaranteed corruption to the entire attacking raid for each kill seems appropriate).
3, event encounters such as the rifts from Rift, or wtfever those portal things in ESO were - just much rarer than in either of those two games. This type of content should be all about the community coming together to defeat a challenge, and should very much be open to all players to join in.
4, the kind of raid content that is found in many other games. The kind of content a top end guild can plan a few nights worth of activities a week around. The kind of content that guilds don't just kill the first time they take it on, but may in fact take weeks of trying to finally kill.
All four of these are valid content types, all four serve a different purpose in a game, and all four should be present in Ashes.
Because of the requirements of that last type (guilds need to know they will have content, player count needs to be capped), I have yet to see any content type that would work for that other than instances.
I very much doubt that this is content that Steven wants to have in the game. As I understand it, instances are supposed to be utilized only for story content - not PvE content. Everything from the disapproval of meters and all the talk how raiding was great in old MMO's is making me think that this is unwelcome toxic content.
Please change my mind, because I honestly don't believe that this is not the case
― Plato
I expect that to be the case for all open world bosses.
All they need to do is to add a buff on the boss depending on the number of players in the boss room.
Maybe add special powerful AoE Ability's if the number of players exceed a certain number.
― Plato
Entering a raid with your raid group consisting of friends & guildmates and going through encounters together is fun. Enter random peeps. Well time to log off.
― Plato
If that is what they go with, I WILL see to it that I can get 100+ players in to any such room in a moment's notice. Alts are fantastic things, and family summons means it isn't even that much work to park alts in these rooms, ready to be logged in at a moments notice.
― Plato
If there are only open world raids then I dont think I can even play AoC. I dont like raiding with random people, at least random people not part of which ever guild I will be part of because they dont have any responsibility towards other raid members and are there just to secure some loot for themselves.
Wow, this just killed my entire enthusiasm for AoC.
I don't need access to the room other than when a guild is fighting the boss.
The funny thing about that system is - if you are a rival guild legitimately wanting to kill the encounter, if you come along and someone else is working on it, the best thing you could do is probably literally nothing. Scaling content can only ever work if the content is designed around community participation.
As I said earlier, any system like this will he chessed by one side or the other.
I honestly hope they bring some awesome tech solution to make the raids challenging and to keep the intended number of players to 40.
I wouldn't be even opposed to "claiming" a raid once it is open so only 1 instance can be open at a time with maybe some qualifiers when these raids are about to open up to determine which guild gets to do it
― Plato
Might as well implement a normal tried and true instanced raid then. I only see casual players losing out if this happens.
For PvE raiding be all inclusive for 90% of the game population is on plain sight in WoW now, they have piss easy difficulties just so the player can see the content.
― Plato
Lets say I can raid from 9pm to midnight and have assembled a raid of 40 people. But by 9 pm the world boss is dead or some other guild has already hoarded that 1 instance of the raid at 7-8pm. I am straight out being denied the opportunity to raid itself here. Me or my raids capability is not even in the question. Not everyone can wait outside the entrance of an encounter waiting for their turn.
This is like either live for AoC or go home.
Mythical crypts and beasts are fine, but let me at least enter them first.
I hope they have both.
The issue with L2 bosses is that they weren't a challenge. They were fun to fight for, but if you got then without anyone trying to stop you, you had an easy time of it.
Ashes needs encounters like that, for sure. But it also needs PvE encounters that are challenging for the PvE aspects of them, not because someone keeps sniping your tank.
Maybe it is just me, but that quote seems to be highly overused from my point of view.
If you think Lineage 2 would be a good inspiration for the PvP part of the game,
why can't WoW be an inspiration for the PvE side?
(things that mutually exclude each other aside of course)
Ashes of Creation is a PvX game from what the devs told us it is supposed to have PvE and PvP content.
If they can't deliver on the PvE part they do not only fail to archieve what they wanted the game to be,
but also alienate the bigger portion of the MMO community.
Judging from the population of MMOs it seems reasonable to assume that there are more people playing them for PvE than PvP.
PvE doesn't need to be over the top great, but at least decent.
So, dont cater to WoW raiders but catering to lineage is fine? The only word I have in mind for you is WOW, ironic really.
I agree with you, Challenging boss mechanics I expect and hope to be in the game. Instanced raids where you are under no threat besides from mobs? I don't want to see it happen personally. Dungeons will become a place in the world worth fighting over and controlling in the current system. Guilds can promise their citizens that they will keep the node and surrounding dungeons safe for them, while enemy guilds can make the node unsafe for the citizens by running gank squads through the territory. Instanced raids will ruin part of the player driven potential the game has to offer. If your tank keeps getting sniped you need better security for the players on the mob.
Yes basically. I am sorry if this confuses you but Lineage 2 was an open world PvP guild driven game with harsh consequences to death and PKing where guilds fight for control of good spots on the map to level/grind mobs. AoC will be guild driven, guilds fighting for control over areas/dungeons/caravan routes/whatever. Instanced raids completely detract from the guild driven player driven game that AoC is going for. Instead of changing the game to be more like WoW, WoW players can just play WoW imo.
I want to see instanced raid encounters in the game so that there are situations where players can fight PvE encounters in a completely known setting (known to the designer of the content). This allows content to be highly curated, complex encounters.
It also means guilds are able to know there is some content available to them - since raid bosses may have a respawn timer of several days, if there isn't any instanced raid content, guilds will have no content they can plan around - and a guild without content to plan around is a guild that moves to another game.
Now, I am not suggesting all encounters should be like this, but some should.
However, I also agree that the basic ideal of Ashes makes that hard. Guilds and nodes should be able to fight over and control access to this content.
This is why my suggestion for a long while now has been that raid dungeons should have two or three single boss instances in them.
Since there is no instant porting to instances, players wanting to go to these instanced bosses will still need to work through the dungeon. This means any guild controlling that dungeon is also controlling those instances, as you can't get to them unless you pass that guild.