Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
AoC Trading Card Game?

As a way to bolster cash-shop sales (which so far has been stated to be mostly skins/textures), what would the peanut gallery think of an in-game Ashes of Creation Trading Card Game?
Yours truly greatly enjoyed parking a toon in a cantina in Star Wars: Galaxies, opening up their trading card game, and playing a few matches. It was a way to be seen in the world, while filling time or keeping busy. It also spawned both official and un-official tournaments, and even offered rewards to people who completed certain card-game challenges.
Everyone gets a starter-set, then you buy the additional packages, for chances at getting rarer cards (prob not an option for the Euro community), and you can trade cards to other players for in-game money or items.
Yay / Nay?
Yours truly greatly enjoyed parking a toon in a cantina in Star Wars: Galaxies, opening up their trading card game, and playing a few matches. It was a way to be seen in the world, while filling time or keeping busy. It also spawned both official and un-official tournaments, and even offered rewards to people who completed certain card-game challenges.
Everyone gets a starter-set, then you buy the additional packages, for chances at getting rarer cards (prob not an option for the Euro community), and you can trade cards to other players for in-game money or items.
Yay / Nay?
I sacrifice enraged battle ox and 5 dollars to summon blue eyes white dragon!
*gasp* but that's against the rules
you do know the publish in the EU now?
Oh, I assumed the problem had to do with online gambling laws, though judging by your reaction, it's something else?
not all card games are gambling just look at magic the gathering or gwent
The idea of needing to collect ALL the different cards gets me all squirrelly.
Playing with other players at a tavern sounds like a fun down-time option.
Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
So with that in mind, an Ashes-related game could certainly be in the cards (hehe) - it being tied to anything Shop-related though might constitute what some would consider "P2W", so that might not be an avenue we'd want to go down :P
AoC is gonna have a board game, right?
Is that board game gonna be integrated INTO the game too?
Thanks for the input, gang! Happy to see that yours truly isn't alone in liking the notion of an AoC TCG.
A card game would be cool.
1) Gwent was insanely fun. Once I got over my resistance of playing a game-within-a-game that I didn't sign up for, and actually tried it, and learned how to play it, it was addicting.
2) Once I got into Gwent, the actual gameplay and story became secondary. Suddenly Geralt wasn't trying to save his friends or fight evil, he was desperately trying to get his Northern Realms deck to be as strong as possible, and traveling all over the world to collect the best cards. Gwent became the game.
So... Yeah I dunno. I worry about opening a Pandora's Box here. Then again, the "Pokemon" minigame (the battle pets) in WoW was a fun little diversion that didn't pull me away from everything else, so maybe this is less likely to overshadow an MMORPG than it is in a single-player game.
The cosmetic cash shop could sell card sleeves as opposed to actual cards, which wouldn't be "P2W".
I would love to see it though
I would want to host tournaments on stream and would love the idea of a spectator mode!