Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
AFK XP gain, good or bad?
Just as the title states, some MMORPG`s offer certain activities that provide a player with XP while they are not actively playing, such as BDO`s fishing.
Whilst I do enjoy that gain, as it is a mechanic in game, it is not something I would want in game if I had the choice.
So, AFK XP gain, is it something players want or not? (or is it not that simple)
Whilst I do enjoy that gain, as it is a mechanic in game, it is not something I would want in game if I had the choice.
So, AFK XP gain, is it something players want or not? (or is it not that simple)
What is it that you enjoy about being rewarded for doing nothing verse being rewarded for being an achiever?
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
We want this game to be played. If there are things that you can do to not play the game and still progress, we've done something wrong.[26] – Jeffrey Bard"
It’s basically the opposite of XP debt, which we know Ashes will have, and maybe it can also be used to slowly eliminate XP debt?
We should not get xp while logged in and afk.
I do like activities that I can do on my mobile device while on the bus or train to work.
IIRC, in NWO, we could do some crafting from mobile devices without being logged into the actual game.
Might be nice if we could schedule caravan runs from mobile devices.
Maybe somehow participate in tavern games.
Whatever it might be should involve some active participation, though.
On top of that, as stated, you have people logged on afking which means they're not logged off and taking over someone elses spot on the server. Servers can't hold an infinite amount of people, and as such you need people to log off from time to time it doesn't take too much resources.
IMHO the afk reward mindset is lazy and also stimulates from the everyone gets a trophy mentality which this game is completely against. This game is bringing back the old school, retro feel of MMOs where you have to work on everything for an actual sense of accomplishment after it's all said and done. Not some, here so you're happy we're giving you everything you ever want so you don't feel left out concept.
From what I can tell the closest thing like this that will be in the game will be buffs when you log in from sleeping in a bed, or with your spouse.
Absolutely. I'd class that as being "logged in". You're just logged in via a different platform.
A solid 'no', for launch; Maybe several years in when a lot of the player-base has already ground multiple characters to max-level.
Taverns offer rested experience (rested XP) for those who rent rooms or spend time as patrons of the tavern.[1]
Rested experience allows players to gain experience at a faster rate for a period of time.
There are sleep mechanics that require a crafted bed.[3]
Certain beds will have rested XP benefits. Some bunk-beds will boost the rested XP if two family members are sleeping in the bed at the same time.[4]
It looks like the plan is for only way to get rid of corruption is by grinding mobs. Which I think is great because corrupted players cannot essentially avoid the penalty by logging that character and playing another.
Yes a rested EXP bonus is fine but AFK EXP is just a stone age and lazy mechanic.
Pro: Crafting rewarding XP means that their won't be a lack of items in the early game of the server, and early game items will always be available, and keeps the early game resources value consistent.
Con: could reward a sedentary play style where you could (theoretically) reach max level just through crafting alone which depending on your viewpoint could be a bad thing.
I'd say no to crafting giving exp to the adventurer level.
Gaining exp should involve actually playing the game not afking.
I never cared for the way SWToR or EVE did crafting. Hated setting a queue of items to be crafted with real time and walking away.
As far as getting XP for it I am split on this. Some people love to just play the crafting game and selling their stuff. Seen some games where the adventurer and crafter levels are separate which seems like a good way to go.
The EQ2 mini crafting game was kinda neat but I didn't get real far in that game so not sure how painful it becomes at higher levels.
To the original point No there should never be any thing accomplished while AFK. This just leads to people staying logged in and stopping other people from playing if there is a large server population(here's hoping).
Same goes for leveling abilities over time based on use. Seen people find a corner near a mob crouch and place a fishing weight on W so they are constantly sneaking just to level the skill up.
If possible to AFK, the resulting products should be the lowest quality possible.
Where this system did work well wasn't the ability to make easy crafts easy to the point the m8ni-game was pointless, but keeping it so that higher tier crafts needed success on this mini-game.
The problem in EQ2 is that you had that same mini-game, for every craft, for every class. This means thatcraftinga swordfeltexactly the same as crafting a chair, a scroll, or your dinner.
Take that general idea, but give a different nine-game to each class, and you have a fairly good system.
it would also mean the artisan skill tree can go a lot deeper if the skills in the tree can boost the minigame
Long story short, make crafting engaging.. not "click 'n build" or "whack-a-mole", but actually engaging. Thanks!
It dose give me some hope that there are SWG devs working on Ashes; very inventive and awesome in its day, and could be even better in the current age.... I know this crafting will be completely different; but I know the creativity is there within the team.