Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Guild Map Tab?

I had a discussion with a few members of my guild and we came across an idea that I wanted to share. Most games have a guild menu with several tabs showing different things like roster, calendar, MOTD and more. What do you think about a map tab that leaders can customize for the rest of the guild to see? being able to update it with focus areas, areas to avoid, strategic movements, resource nodes and more would be awesome. I feel like something like this may not be too difficult to implement and would make for a unique sense of map awareness. What are your thoughts?
There goes the idea of having some characters misled by bandits. Woot, I don't have to actually explore!
What if the pins just mark a point in the fog of war on your own map?
I think this would open the need for scouting/spying to be really useful to guilds.
You're right bro. Imagine going into a new town you have never been to in real life. You don't know the area. In your mind....the area is foggy (see where I am going here?). You are hungry AF and ask a local "where is a good place to eat?". He gives you directions on where to go and details of the surrounding area. Are you suddenly offended by this? Do you yell at him and say "NoW I DoN't GeT tO ExPlOrE tHe ArEa!?!?!". No, you don't. You thank them and go eat.
What I am suggesting is a way to better organize play with something practical and unique to an mmo experience. Still explore to remove fog of war
Yes, great way to 'play'. It makes it much simpler for the people behind the keyboards. But since this has RPG in the name, I would expect/hope to have some role playing aspects. Like not breaking immersion because I can suddenly see what is on the other side of the world.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
This is something that can easily be set to unlock once the area is explored. You don't gain access to this perk until you have fully explored an area and it only opens for that node. Both sides are appeased here.
@Vhaeyne I am the same way but as guild leader, I am not able to hide as easily : ). In response to your comment, I definitely do NOT want to see everyone aside from the mini map. I am wanting a simple tool that would allow me to organize my group while roaming or assaulting/defend a caravan/castle. This would just add a nice perk to the QOL for people running events.
When I personally think of a guild map function, I wasn't thinking of a "live" map, but rather an interactive one. So in your case nobodies positions would be up but it would be more of could draw lines or circle certain positions and write like Group A,B,C sort of thing. Could be useful for strategy, but also fun things like treasure hunts.
Imagine this (but like a nice version where I'm not terrible) with pins and markers that could be updated based on need or strategy:
As I was able to do this by using paint it could be done out of game sure, which is why my thought of making it an optional perk would just make it more convenient.
This 100%. This is exactly what I would hope it to look like. Give the guild leader the ability to choose who can write on the map and give everyone in guild the ability to see what is written. No players on the map (just the minimap). Purely for strategic purposes.