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    If its going to be like this they can wipe my stored information from their company and clear my alpha2 access without refunding me, Because im give a rats ass about a game if it means im going to starve for a month again
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    Happily using maestro nowdays and no online payments with it. Good riddance dark ages credit card scams
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited December 2022
    Frykman wrote: »
    Sorry it doesnt work like that here like simply writing down my credit card number, For someone to use my banks credit card they need my personal information such as social security number, name, adress verified by bank id directly through the payment.

    The only part of the above that is needed to use a credit card is your address. Anyone that is in a position to have uninterrupted access to your credit card probably either already knows where you live, or is able to find out really easily.

    If you think using a credit card in a website using Stripe is an unacceptable risk, that's up to you. However, I'm not one to leave blatantly incorrect comments unchallenged, and your statement that your credit card was compromised due to using it on the Ashes store is blatantly incorrect, and so will be challenged.

    Allegations of a website not handling credit card data properly are actually serious. Like, police, lawyers and judges serious. You don't go making them lightly. This is literally why there are only a handful of companies around the world that directly handle credit card data.
    Frykman wrote: »
    Im not asking for refund of alpha2 im just saying im not risking giving out another credit card information again

    Why would being refunded for the purchase you willingly made be a thing?

    If your credit card was indeed compromised, you talk to your credit card provider.

    Honestly though, I'd look at what was purchased with the card and work out which one of your friends or family would most like that - it was probably them. It being someone you know personally is significantly more likely than it being Stripe.

    Keep in mind, whether you know it or not, what you are saying here is that someone gained access to a database on hundreds of millions of credit cards, picked your card out of it and used that card to purchase one months salary worth of items - and nothing else. At this point it is probably worth pointing out to you that Stripe have a bug bounty program, and the person that you think got your credit card details from them could have instead made $25,000, and not broken any number of laws.

    I mean, your claims simply don't add up to basic scrutiny here. Not even a little bit.
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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Botagar wrote: »
    Local payments are a thing that totally should happen and isn't as hard as some people think (for a business with a decent development team).
    There are a few backend platforms that specialize in EU/Asian payments facilitation and they support many different types of payment systems you'll encounter. You are however paying for that platforms services. Would recommend though as these platforms deal with all the legal/privacy issues of that region as well and can help with fraud detection and mitigation.

    I think this sounds like a good solution tbh.

    That said, @Frykman see if you can't set up a paypal account perhaps. It has decent consumer protection and return policies, and when you pay with paypal, the recipient doesn't get your credit card info. That stays between you and Paypal. I am not sure, but you might even be able to link paypal straight to your bank account instead of to your credit card?

    As far as I know, Sweden doesn't have a national digital ID yet like we do in Denmark. We have to use the digital ID as a kind of two-factor authentification almost anytime we use our credit card for online purchases (with some exceptions), which does reduce fraud from other people knowing your credit card info significantly, at least.
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    Sounds like Frykman has a keylogger on their payment device(PC/phone) and got their data stolen. Perhaps you should check your system for malware and such. Not to mention as far as I know many banks compensate you if you explain your data was stolen and charges made. Like if you are in Europe and someone in India or Florida is making charges on your card then its fairly obvious something is up. If you have a clean PC your data should be secure in any legit company. Hopefully you didn't go through some third party system for your alpha.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Alpha 2 is a months pay for some people...
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    You dont know how banking system works in sweden do you?
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    I dont go in on the interenet with my mobile phone bankid app except this one time for ashes alpha2 sorry
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Frykman wrote: »
    You dont know how banking system works in sweden do you?
    In terms of credit cards, it works the same as every other country - that is why you are able to use your credit card to purchase things from over seas.

    Now, your bank (or who ever issues your card) may have an additional security layer that they have in place (sending a text with a code, things like that). However, this has nothing to do with how your credit card itself functions, and is simply an additional layer between you, your bank and whom ever you are purchasing from.

    If you have such a layer, and you are still saying your card was compromised after using it with Intrepid, you then have to explain how the person that used your card got that information - as that information fors not go to Stripe at all, it is between you and your bank, and takes place after funds are requested from your account, but before they are approved.
    Frykman wrote: »
    I dont go in on the interenet with my mobile phone bankid app except this one time for ashes alpha2 sorry

    Yeah, but that doesnt mean that is where it was compromised.

    Your card is safer being used through a service like Stripe than it is sitting in your pocket.

    The fact that you thought it was Intrepid that lost your details rather than the payment processor they use (not that it was actually either of trm) tells us all that you have no idea how online payments work at all.

    Literally zero idea.

    It is immeasurably more likely that either someone has access to your phone, or your phone has a keylogger on it. My assumption is the former - and if this is true, if someone accessed your phone, used your credit card to purchase something and then you went to your bank, they would see that the purchase was made on your phone and not want to hear about it, as it is your fault and your issue.

    Again, if you reported unauthorised use of your card to your bank, they have to look in to it. If they suspect it could even possibly be a breach at Stripe, they are obliged to tell Stripe, whom in turn are required to investigate, and make public any breaches they may have.

    It just isnt a viable sequence of events that you used your card, Stripe was compromised, that person literally only accessed your card, and nothing else happened at all. On the other hand, it is perfectly viable that someone with access to your phone may have used it to make a purchase.
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    EmanuEmanu Member
    edited December 2022
    No online payment dont work same all over the world, sorry you dont know what you talking about. And no my mobile phone cant be compromised since i dont call anyone that i dont know and thats about two people one of them government official the other my wife that doesnt know how to hack. You dont know what information we need to give out to make online purchases in sweden
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    You sure you have to give out your social security number where you live when you make a online purchase?
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    You must use a flip phone if you think phone calls are what put malicious software onto your phone. So many companies have used this form of payment that I think its more a you problem at this point. Maybe you will be able to get time cards or something from a brick and mortar store I haven't heard of any plans of that though as its a rather dated model as well. But your banking system sounds as useful as a coffee full of money buried in your yard. Perhaps you can work off things like Visa Gift cards but to a point there is a level between accommodation and feasibility when facilitating a setup that can reach majority of the world.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Frykman wrote: »
    And no my mobile phone cant be compromised since i dont call anyone that i dont know
    It's rare that I am left speechless on these forums.

    If you are this clueless about how a phone can get compromised, then your phone is absolutely compromised.
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    AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Thank you Frykman for the humor, your posts are hilarious.

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    My phone number is a cash card not tied to my identity
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    Sorry mastercard or visa giftcards dont work if i shop online from sweden unless i tie it to a bank id thats tied to my social security number
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    EmanuEmanu Member
    edited December 2022
    Sure if i can pay through my ipad there is no real issue but i dont want to use my bank id
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't get the issue. If you don't want to pay, don't buy. It's impossible for us to sort the issue and if you do have a valid issue raise it with the relevant people.

    There are thousands of accounts for Ashes. So far, you are the only one with this issue to my knowledge.
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    EmanuEmanu Member
    edited December 2022
    Np its really up to devs and their accounting what they see worthwhile. Thousands of accounts is not that much in the grand scheme for so hyped game
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Frykman wrote: »
    No online payment dont work same all over the world, sorry you dont know what you talking about. And no my mobile phone cant be compromised since i dont call anyone that i dont know and thats about two people one of them government official the other my wife that doesnt know how to hack. You dont know what information we need to give out to make online purchases in sweden

    You should get one of those, it helps you not get hacked by intrepid again

    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    This whole thread sure Is something else.

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    unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I will throw another wrench into his plans. They won't have anonymous "game cards" that you can charge for sale. Why do you think that every scammer or hacker that is successful wants you to go to Target or similar in the US and buy a gift card and send to them. "I want this, I demand this, or me and my imaginary host of similar players won't come! You hear me! I am a big deal here!" Karen posts never work. You can refund your package purchase if you like. You have 90 days according to the terms you agreed to when you used your credit card (oh, the irony) to make the original purchase.
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    Noaani wrote: »
    It's rare that I am left speechless on these forums.

    Someone summon Vaknar so we can get this pinned with the rest of the General Discussion lead-off threads.
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    EmanuEmanu Member
    edited December 2022
    Some of you guys are out of touch of how things work in other parts of the world. Sure you could make this game for obsolete banking system countries if you wish.
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    Anyone that been on the dark webb knows that hacked credit cards is avaiable so using credit card to verify security isnt the best
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    I will throw another wrench into his plans. They won't have anonymous "game cards" that you can charge for sale. Why do you think that every scammer or hacker that is successful wants you to go to Target or similar in the US and buy a gift card and send to them. "I want this, I demand this, or me and my imaginary host of similar players won't come! You hear me! I am a big deal here!" Karen posts never work. You can refund your package purchase if you like. You have 90 days according to the terms you agreed to when you used your credit card (oh, the irony) to make the original purchase.

    Its not about the money even if i refund my payment its too late they got my complete identity not only credit card info but also my social security number

    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Frykman wrote: »
    Some of you guys are out of touch of how things work in other parts of the world. Sure you could make this game for obsolete banking system countries if you wish.
    See, you have too positive an opinion of Swish.

    It was created to facility person to person transfers, not for purchasing from companies (and ESPECIALLY not for international transactions). It is a platform that you would have used between you and your friends back 10 years ago, so you obviously have a positive opinion of it.

    However, Swish (owned by your banks, essentially) has all of that information on you that you are afraid of handing out to others for what every your own misguided reason is. So you are essentially saying that you don't want to hand out your information to one company, yet are happy to use the service of other companies that outright require you to hand them all of that information.

    The thing is, the argument here isn't necessarily against Swish - it is incredibly monopolistic of them to require that businesses not pass their costs on to consumers (would be literally illegal where I am from), but that isn't the issue.

    The issue here is your totally misguided assumptions about credit cards, and how your card was compromised (or, allegedly compromised).

    Your comment that your phone (and thus card) can't be compromised because you only call people you know is one of the most misguided things I have ever heard. If it was a comment by a random poster that wasn't engaged in the discussion, I would assume it was just some random troll attempt. As a comment, it is utterly inane. The fact that you hold this to be an actual truth is all anyone needs to know in order to simply ignore anything at all that you say in regards to this.
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    I can use my card at the store without verifying through phone app bank id, but not online purchases. And yes swish was intended as person to person payment but nowdays also works online all over eu but doesnt reveal your bank id who only my bank got information on till i do online shopping with my card
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Frykman wrote: »
    I can use my card at the store without verifying through phone app bank id, but not online purchases. And yes swish was intended as person to person payment but nowdays also works online all over eu but doesnt reveal your bank id who only my bank got information on till i do online shopping with my card

    I still don't get the issue you have with bank information in relation to credit card purchases.

    For person to person purchases, obviously you don't want random people having access to that information. This is why services like Swish exist.

    However, for purchases from a moderately large company, you are literally tinfoil hat wearing to have the kind of aversion you seem to have here.

    Now, I know you're going to go and say something about using your credit card and it being compromised - but due to your comments about your phone and the calls you make on it, we know we can basically discount what you are saying here - it was probably your wife using your card.
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    EmanuEmanu Member
    edited December 2022
    You not up to date sorry, You all just guessing in the dark
    Avid gamer and charity streamer. looking forward to stream ashes of creation alpha two for my charity hobby.
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