Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Friday, October 29, 2021 at 11AM Pacific



  • Hi, I was curious about the functions/roles of classes. for example, will rogue be a more utility-oriented class, whether ranger focuses on high burst damage, or even if it's possible for a summoner to tame and use creatures from the wild as their summons or if it's by another system they gain their type of summoning?

    I'm also curious about possible plans to make certain improvements on classes so they operate better with PvE/PvP, mainly to avoid the topical mage being the dominant meta pick theme that you'll usually see.
  • ELRYNOELRYNO Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Hey! Would you be able to elaborate on how levelling coincides with node progression if we are moving from a level 10-15 area to a 15-20 but the nearest area is within a different ZOI? Therefore somewhat voiding the work you've put into the node already? I'm trying to figure out if you will end up moving from node to node in order to level and not necessarily "settle" with citizenship until max level?
  • Will there be objects in the world of verra that give certain utility/mobility buffs (e.g a mushroom that makes you jump high when stepped on ala Wildstar RIP)
  • RuerikRuerik Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    To me, the biggest factor in a MMOs re-playability (as in, after all content is completed, what keeps me logging in day after day for years) is the ability to get attached to my characters and show off and share them to my friends.

    Is there any chance we can get similar screenshot mode tools that FFXIV and its community developed, which have enormous benefit for role-player's like myself.

    [I am referring to the games native "Gpose" tool where you can 'freeze' your last action anywhere in its playback (So imagine being able to capture a specific frame of an attack or emote animation), and also a 3rd party tool the community has developed called "Concept Matrix" where you can take individual control of your characters bones and create your own custom poses to take a screenshot with.]
  • AmarAmar Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Late last month we all watched the rollout of a new MMORPG (I won't mention the name) The login queues for some servers were insanely long (someone I knew was almost 875th in line) What is Ashes thinking about to mitigate this since it's often an issue when a game goes live. As you know players don't really like servers being merged at a later time (and with Ashes node system that doesn't really seem to be an option) but also don't want to wait in a login queue for hours.
  • YawanocYawanoc Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What are some lessons learned from New World's release? Did any technical aspects of AoC get reconsidered? (launch/balancing/UI/UX/etc.)
  • LeonerdoLeonerdo Member, Alpha Two
    How much random stuff can I expect to pick up if I go exploring for an hour, and what will I be able to do with it?
  • UrkgothUrkgoth Member, Alpha Two
    When you move into Alpha 2 phase of testing, do you have any predictions, hopes or goals concerning server population/capacity?
  • EPH_ZabyEPH_Zaby Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Anything regarding planned features for character customization?

    for Example
    - Sliders.
    - custom tattoos
    - Height / scale
    - Legacy Options for Alts or Visual Prestige System?
  • AeturnesAeturnes Member, Alpha Two
    As far as customization of characters, will tattoos be an option? And will they be able to be placed on different areas of the body if we want certain designs, or will it be more just stock images that are picked, and must stay in the certain panels? Also, will they be based on race, or (if we have tattoos) will they just be stock tattoos
  • GrilledCheeseMojitoGrilledCheeseMojito Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will I be able to unlock high level buildings on my Freehold for artisan skills I don't have at high levels yet, or don't have on the character directly connected to the freehold, for use by my friends/in-game 'family', or my alts?
    Grilled cheese always tastes better when you eat it together!
  • DezzRevasDezzRevas Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am trying to figure out some lore snags for my guild. We are rewriting our guild origin to fit your world. So I have 2 questions if they are not asking too much.

    How long did it take for the corruption to spread before the gods opened the portals? To clarify guess I am asking if it took months or years fast spread or slow process with perhaps agents working on the three's behalf.

    The other question is how much warning did we get when the gates reopened to Verra allowing us find our place?

    How long do the races of Verra live? Is it close to Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder ages or completely different.

    If these questions are something you don't want to share yet no worries. We are just excited to begin all of our rp stories and maybe have a dnd story line to fill out our development in the mean time.
  • DougBug27DougBug27 Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    With the Summoner class Steven has said you will play "Through your summons." What does this mean? Let's presume I summon a tanky summon. Will I control said Summon like it is my character now (become this summon) and if so, does that mean my summoner toon just sits there idly, or will the AI control the Summon and my toon will move (melee attack still available) and I select abilities for my tank summon to use?
  • Leolouch Vi BritanniaLeolouch Vi Britannia Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    are there plans to tie pve content behind a crafter/gatherer profession? outside of needing gear i mean in the sense that say to lure a giant sea monster up to fight for a raid one first needs a fisher to have caught some sort of legendary fish that they then need to sue as bait to start the encounter. or a rock monster that needs a miner or something else along those lines
  • TortaSteveTortaSteve Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    What ideas are you throwing around regarding AOE caps?
  • BagamutBagamut Member, Alpha Two
    How many players will the server be designed for? And is there a plan to migrate characters between servers?
  • theonegargoyletheonegargoyle Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Would you by chance be ready to share the design intention for how well secondary archetypes will be able to fulfill their role (eg will x/tank be able to tank easy content for small groups?)
  • HakaijuHakaiju Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Will an item with an unique effect be craftable/drop for different levels?
  • Can you provide the nodes progression data as an external API for developers to use? Would love to create a website where players/content creators can tell stories how these nodes developed/destroyed.
  • BabafatBabafat Member, Alpha Two
    Will there be some kind of indication of item/gear power? And not in the since of raritybut more like a measurable number?
  • CadacCadac Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Will instanced content be repeatable, or tied to quest chains?
  • skearnzskearnz Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    if combat pets take away a percentage of power, why would some1 want a dps combat pet?
  • One could say that restricting armor/weapon types that a class may use is an important part of a class' visual identity. Would you be able to give some insight into how class identity will be represented in Ashes of Creation? Cheers and godspeed Intrepid!
  • SentSent Member, Alpha Two
    Will arena PvP match players from different servers?
    LA MANO NERA - Gilda Italiana - Sei pronto ad unirti all'Ordine della Mano Nera? Questa può essere la tua occasione
  • HjerimHjerim Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In regards to the app; what can we expect to be able to do on it, come launch?
    What are current goals and what are potential stretch goals?
  • bosheanboshean Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Is there any new information on Summoner Gameplay, and/or Taming profession?
    I have played every single mmorpg that has come out.
    Me and my guilds absolute favorite times were:

    1: in WoW where we would storm the opposing faction main city and kill every player in sight. This would cause them all to band together and fight back. Super epic battles.
    2: in Archeage we would sneak around the housing district and go on a serial killer spree. This would cause the victims friend to portal in and fight back. Unpredictable open world battles. sometimes we would win, sometimes they would push us away and defend their properties.
    3: in Archeage on the open sea. We would see a group of boats fishing, sneak up from underwater, board their ships in STEALTH and attack once on board. all the fisherman would rally together and fight us off, but we would steal a few fish and escape. SO FUN.

    PLEASE have open world pvp be random and have the constant suspense of never knowing who is around the corner. boring repetitive grinding quests? boring. need open world pvp to spice things up

    PLEASE have a pvp type currency token, similar to how WoW had it for people to get pvp based gear or ingredients, that did not want to do dungeons.

    If I kill an equal level or someone within a 10 level range out questing, I want them to drop a pvp coin. make it so u only get the coin for the first time you kill that player. not over and over. so 100 unique pvp kills over time, gets you 100 pvp coins. you can then turn that in for EPIC pvp piece of gear of your choice, or ingredient needed to make that epic piece. This way the world Pvpers can progress to get geared in the way they like to play. open world pvp. constant never ending war between world pvpers and bounty hunters. both grinding pvp coins
  • LethanelLethanel Member
    edited October 2021
    I have three questions:
    1. Will tulnar have different racial benefits depending on our choices in character creation?
    2. Once more about tulnar. Is it possible to combine mammalian and reptilian features in character creator?
    3. Does a secondary class influendes more than combat skills? For example, would I get a dungeon exploration trait of a rougue?
  • DraksDraks Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2021
    Will tanks have a Taunt ability?
  • DABZ16DABZ16 Member, Alpha Two
    About bounty hunting

    Will players be able to group up to fulfill a bounty and will the bounty be naturally split? For example, a bounty is placed for 1000 gold on a strong corrupted player, can weaker players group to fulfill it and all be rewarded equally for the kill?
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