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Next Live Stream + Q&A Submission - Friday, October 29, 2021 at 11AM Pacific



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    NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited November 2021
    Vaknar wrote: »
    @Vaknar Show some love my question ignored? 🤗
    @Nerror , @Blip (questions 1 & 2) - You can read more about both decay and possible destruction here, on the wiki! - Subject to further testing, of course. :)

    You and Nerror had essentially the same questions from what it seemed, so I answered both of yours at once! Unless you're referring to something else?

    Well, the wiki isn't clear on the question I posed at least :) I've read the wiki several times and seen the clips where @Steven Sharif talks about it, and essentially, when Steven says destroyed from over-enchanting, the item isn't gone and can be reforged. I would like some elaboration on the reforging part as well as how that affects the previous enchant level of the item. So no, the wiki doesn't cover it sadly :smile:

    I also went by the the wiki discord and asked, and @Lex there said he'd also like some clarification on the use of "destroyed" in this over-enchanting context.
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    @Vaknar Thank you for your answer. I was aware of the wiki.
    I was hoping for something more than a "maybe" stated four years ago. Isn't cross-server play alpha testing worthy?
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    Vaknar wrote: »
    @Vaknar Show some love my question ignored? 🤗
    @Nerror , @Blip (questions 1 & 2) - You can read more about both decay and possible destruction here, on the wiki! - Subject to further testing, of course. :)

    You and Nerror had essentially the same questions from what it seemed, so I answered both of yours at once! Unless you're referring to something else?

    My bad i missed that.
    Thank you.
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    With 64 different class combinations how are you planning on addressing class balance and diversity?
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