Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Discussing a Tulnar

29.07.2022 Update.
Wellcome all of you.
This thread is made for conversations about Tulnar race. Share your thoughts, ideas, concepts.
I honestly don't mind hosting even "kill all tulnar group", have your opinion, and you're free to express it here.
And I know this section is dead for a while, but after last livestream I'm so hyped, that I will become a freaking necromancer and raise it up again.
Wellcome all of you.
This thread is made for conversations about Tulnar race. Share your thoughts, ideas, concepts.
I honestly don't mind hosting even "kill all tulnar group", have your opinion, and you're free to express it here.
And I know this section is dead for a while, but after last livestream I'm so hyped, that I will become a freaking necromancer and raise it up again.
I expect by "base" they mean the humanoid shape: tall, short, skinny, stout, male, female. Then you add animal features like bird beak, cat ears, a tail maybe?
I'm not too sure tho, I haven't really looked into the Tulnar too much. There was a whole thread about Tulnar creation desires tho.
Here's the thread:
Well, tulnar race is scheduled for Alpha 2 actually. The question is when it starts.
Um.... Best of wishes fawning over the customization options for your cloaca? Brown spectrum or Black.... Choices, choices....
That's the spirit.
Waiting for the: "Will there be trench coats and leather pants cosmetics for Tulnar?" thread.
As always,
The Tulnar must be destroyed.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Do what you want. I make my jokes, but if Tulnar have tentacles in any way I will be tempted.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
I know want to see handsome Squidward as a tulnar
I'm not saying everyone has to be forced into one such tulnar, but being able to make one would be great. Obviously things like tail toggle are important as well. Personally hate tails, they clip and get everywhere.
Actually, I'm surprised Tulnar don't have dragon look alike caste yet. One would assume some dragonblood would intermix
but i so easily see the crusades against them happening too, going to make for some interesting and hilarious game play.
It was said, that towns look can change with each stage depending on which race puted the most exp into it. If it's tulnar, then town receives their aesthetics
If it's Tulnar, then we burn it to the ground!
See you on siege then.
I agree burning their underground homes is pretty unrealistic. We should flood them out with the overflow from our city sewers.
Well, in that case,
RAT SQUAD! Take them down!
I say pour flaming oil into their warrens.
Who wants fried chicken?
No, no filthy tulnar should ever be allowed to walk on the surface of Verra! Banish them! Back into the Underworld!
(Meanwhile other races are just casually pouring in from the portals ...)
Racists jokes aside.
If I ever roll a tulnar, it'd be a cat tulnar. And it'd eat ppl.
Its just for fun. I enjoy the anti-furry memes and its pretty apparent that Tulnar are going to be AoCs furry community.
Haven't they said it's specifically not going to be furries?
I'm hoping to make something like a Drow.