Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I like the antlers and the almost wood texture the skin has.
That being said, I do think customization is always key. I personally love being able to change all of character's features so they look exactly how I envision (within the confines of their race) and completely unique from everyone else. I would love to see multiple horn/antler designs of varying size and maybe even changing the positioning on or around their face. I'd also like to be able to adjust the skin texture to either present more or less of that bark look on their face and body. The jewelry style is awesome for all of the races so far, and I hope their are options for that as well.
I'm interested to see what the body model looks like, so that's what I'm waiting for next.
I love the horns, i think they are a great feature- just add customization for them.
I think the skin bark could be toned down a little bit- but not rid of completely, since I like the nature connection with these elves being embodied. But make it so it can be adjusted in creation to make it hard to notice if that is peoples preference.
Overall really like the unique direction with the sub races, such a creative and good way to create something that takes gaming fantasy towards the future, than being stuck in the past. Everyone is doing traditional (yawn) and we will probably get them with Empryean, I hope Empryean has some unique components whilst still fitting the traditional elf style you intend, just to make it fresh and exciting for players. Because how Py'rai can verge off the original elves to be so entwined in nature- i hope Empryean will have some sort of magical flair to them to really make them feel like a HIGH elf.
Oh the eyebrows on Py'rai, not my favourite thing
Essentially, the only thought I have about the (human) Kaelar, is that her skin and eye texture/facial structure makes the Py'rai female look like it belongs to a different game - even "cartoon'ish - in contrast.
It is not the reverse (that the Py'rai looks wrong) because; (in my opinion) cleaner lines, simpler features is a "less is more" approach and going to be healthier over-all situation for maintaining immersion and probably work better graphically, too. If I'm wrong in that, then I hope to at least see more consistent flesh textures on the Py'rai.
What I like about this display, is that I am getting Guillermo del Toro aesthetic classical "pan" or "satyr" vibes from the fem. Py'rai, and this is good, because it implies that OTHER Pyrean elves, the Empyrean elves, are going to be either:
1. More human Tolkien-esque elves. The standard; tall, beautiful humans with pointy ears*.
2. Even LESS human in appearance, with more elemental feature and ultimately a completely alien aesthetic. Perhaps like the Sylvari of Guild Wars (more tree'ish than even these Py'rai are).
*The former, I guess, is more likely, given some of the Empyrean concept art (of statues on the wiki page) that I've already seen - but nothing is yet set in stone.
I LOVE that this game can set its own tone against some conventions, so I don't think that either choice for the Empyreans (Models w. pointy ears or tree-people) is necessarily the wrong move. It is probably going to be safer, to have Py'rai accomplish all of the arboresque/dendroidal (tree-like) or bestial (beast like) essence, via extra customization and provide the audience with Pyreans as the contrasting standard fantasy elf type.
So, what I am left with, is the same question which struck me the moment the head was displayed; questions over the Py'rai body silhouette. Whichever of the elvish races is more alien, I would ask "What are the body shape, gait and unique animations are going to be?"
Are they going to have longer/shorter limbs/parts, giving them a definitive shape and way of moving?
If so, are they going to be more bestial or tree-like - and how is that going to be reflected?
Really excited to see what you guys come up with. Whatever it is, please just make sure it is visually consistent within your own universe.
Idea for Py’Rai Lore behind having ears/sensory organs incorporated with their horns.
Key points:
You want to have the Py'Rai racial bonuses? Play an Empyrean! You want to help to add Py'Rai experience to make a node's city Py'Rai-themed? Play an Empyrean! You want to RP a wood elf? Play an Empyrean!
......... Oh wait...
As you said, GTFO.
To me, its hard to give more feedback since i assume many aspects would be tweakable in the "on par to BDO" character creator that we were promised, so i would say i love them as they are, and so far they fit perfectly in their race description info. Nature side to their looks its amazing and would love to see those effects Steven mentioned during the stream.
For the purist, just go and make an Empyrean, the direction that the studio shows so far is more "traditional" style for half the races and more personal approach for the other half and i do love that, choice is a nice thing to have!
Keep up the good work!
When the weak waver on their path, my spirit shall be their guide
When the strong fall to darkness, my heart shall be their beacon
I'd definitely want to be able to change the look of the antlers and tone the ears way back. I agree with others who said they look like g(remlin)oblin ears, not a fan.
I feel there be alot more subtle option for horns and so on keep in mind, they would of used a more featured/exaduratred looking one for livesteam to show off and so on
This is exactly why im asking for them to make it optional to have horns/antlers and the barkskin. I was really sold on the original concepts and the look of the py'rai buildings/nodes and theme of the race. Just wasn't expecting them to go in this direction. everyone wins when its optional
I do not think architecture should be connected to race, so I consider that one complaint of Davey's valid. The rest of the complaints make no sense to me.
I really would like to know what traits people want from Py'rai that they can't get from Empyrean in terms of physical features? What is Empyrean missing right now that Py'rai delivers on that you feel you are missing out on? That would be much more useful data for the devs at this stage.
As for others saying to just play the other elf race if I want more traditional, well, I like the nature culture of wood elves. I envision them as being tribal (kind of like Native American mixed with Druidic), tattooed, and in tune with nature, which is why I would want to play one in any MMO, so the traditional elves will not give me the culture I want. I just want options to tone down some of these concepts and make my wood elf look less like a cross between an Elder Scrolls Bosmer and a Guild Wars 2 Sylvenar. A little more traditional is not a bad thing, and variety will please more people than less variety.
What traits do you want to distinguish empyrean from py'rai?
I said I wanted options to tone down some these things, I never said to get rid of them. For me though I could see wood elves having tribal tattoos and maybe putting feathers in their hair like natives and being more shamanistic. I think the antlers/branches and big ears and feral look should be there for those that love those types of characteristics, but also have options for those who want a more subdued traditional wood elf look. You know, some of us could RP them as being half wood elf, half traditional elf, or RP them as having a little more of the old elven blood than the more feral and plant like ones. All I want are options which I think benefits everyone. Allowing good character customization only benefits the game and all who play it. It helps players to feel more invested in their characters.
Right and I personally will not argue with 'wanting more options'. That's actually why I am asking.
It sounds like you'd be ok with 'toned down/subdued' but it also sounds like this wouldn't be totally satisfying to you. So I'm really interested in what other options you want to have to make these races physically distinguishable.
So far most of the traits you seem to want to tone down or toggle off are the only real things I see as distinguishing between the two physically. So if you ideally could toggle off these things off, I assume there are other things that make you choose this over empyrian other than just flavor text. What kind of proportions on the body or face would make you feel 'wood elf' as opposed to Empyrian?
'Tribal tattoos' and the like are probably a good start, but they aren't very visually distinguishing once you have armor on. Are there any extra details you'd like to see added that might stick out more when you have armor on?
In nearly all MMOs and RPGs I love to play some kind of Ranger/Archer as Human or more often as an Elf/Woodelf. (And yes, I like Legolas ;-) ) Therefore it was important to me to see how the Py´Rai will look like.
Honestly - and it seems I'm not alone with this opinion - I hoped they look more like common Elves. Especially the first version of the Female with the Bark Skin and Antlers was disappointing for me. Now, the Male version looks a little bit better because of the Skin. But I would love to have Bark Skin and Antlers more as an Option.
I also hope that they won't be to short in size compared with Humans. But I'm fine with the option to have Beards.
......... Oh wait...
Glad someone said what I was thinking here. I really had a back story ready for my Wood elf, up until I saw they were being morphed into Dryads. . . And my next idea was Empyrean raised by the Dryad. But that would be counter productive to node leveling, unless they allow us to denounce our racial heritage and contribute to another of our choosing. Which would be ok then.
Edit: spelling mistakes