Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Here is how you make people like your Combat



  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »

    That makes no sense at all, every single company wants as many people interested in their product as possible
    No company wants the stigma of losing 95% of their playerbase in the first 3 months. The game will be known as a game that cant hold on to its players, and automatically loses any notion of word of mouth as an advertising tool.

    This loss of population as a percentage will literally kill a game.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Noaani wrote: »
    No company wants the stigma of losing 95% of their playerbase in the first 3 months. The game will be known as a game that cant hold on to its players, and automatically loses any notion of word of mouth as an advertising tool.

    This loss of population as a percentage will literally kill a game.

    I'm confused... do you seriously believe a company would refrain from doing marketing and appealing to a wider public due to fear of not having a good player retention...?

    even tho intrepid Already hired a whole marketing and social media team that precisely plan their reveals and recently put a great effort into their character creator/weather systems to showcase well to the public - and I'm only here talking about them doing the Same with combat; making it look good
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  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    One thing I quite enjoyed about War of the Roses & Age of Conan combat was the special moves that kicked in for certain kills!

  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »

    I'm confused... do you seriously believe a company would refrain from doing marketing and appealing to a wider public due to fear of not having a good player retention...?


    Still confused?
  • VoxtriumVoxtrium Member, Alpha Two
    @Liniker Any company will strive for profits your absolutely right. However you mistakenly think 2 months of profit from 5 million players is greater than 5 or 10 years of profit from 250-300 that @Noaani indicated. That is also assuming the player base never grows. Companies with profit models like AOC make the majority of their income from the top 5% of cosmetic spending players believe it or not.

    Now it is arguable because you have to jump to some conclusions however, assuming 5 million enter AOC at launch and 250k stay, that means the likelihood your player base ever grows is significantly decreased and you will create a headache of server issues both on launch and the following months as merges begin, each of these issues will be things players decide to leave for. Games have lived for a long time on their hardcore player base alone, but that is something a game like AOC will struggle to do more so than other games because the very nature of their game requires casuals to prop the systems for development and trade.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Noaani wrote: »


    Still confused?

    Nah, you just don't know what you are talking about but that's ok 😅 You can think whatever you want, they know what they are doing so they Will try to make the combat look as good as possible and use it as marketing, same as they did in the last livestream

    I just pointed out some easy ways to do what they already will for certain try to keep doing.
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  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    NishUK wrote: »
    Dygz and Noanni are HEAVILY biased toward PvE only so it makes sense ;/
    LMFAO. No.
    You do not accurately mirror back what my perspective is.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Otr wrote: »
    I am new here but just reading a bit on forum I had the feeling that the game was meant to be PvP only, from the very begining. There was a kickstarter too where this was clearly agreed with backers?
    It makes no sense to me somebody to join later and lobby for a change of direction.
    I also mention these cross-realm zones but because I am afraid what happens if this aspect is not considered or underestimated. But I respect the initial agreement and developer's vision.
    I played and enjoyed MMOs where cross-realm was not possible. Things can be fun if the game is designed properly.
    If you're talking about Ashes - Ashes has always been PvX.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »
    Nah, you just don't know what you are talking about but that's ok 😅 You can think whatever you want, they know what they are doing so they Will try to make the combat look as good as possible and use it as marketing, same as they did in the last livestream

    I just pointed out some easy ways to do what they already will for certain try to keep doing.
    You don't know what you are talking about.
    "As good as possible" is so broad as to be meaningless. So there is no way to evaluate what "as good as possible" means.
    All devs try to make their games as good as possible.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Dygz wrote: »
    You don't know what you are talking about.

    Aren't you the same person that said on my previous post, that intrepid's tweets showing the cosmetics don't have anything to do with marketing and are just fun interaction with the community? lol

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  • Sol RavenSol Raven Member, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »

    Aren't you the same person that said on my previous post, that intrepid's tweets showing the cosmetics don't have anything to do with marketing and are just fun interaction with the community? lol

    Dygz is also the person that said New World is not an MMORPG and agreed with someone that if a player has better gear than another player, they should auto-win every PvP engagement while disregarding player skill because a player with better gear = a better player, both unironic statements.

  • Sol RavenSol Raven Member, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    I think the thread in general has devolved into player preference vs what people think will last in the game itself. Obviously certain marketing tactics work and implementing things into the game will take a lot of decision-making from the devs to alienate the least amount of people. I don't 100% disagree with OP, but a lot of the people that would actually stay around probably wouldn't care for too much shiny useless things tacked onto their RPG experience.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Sol Raven wrote: »
    is also the person that said New World is not an MMORPG and agreed with someone that if a player has better gear than another player, they should auto-win every PvP engagement while disregarding player skill because a player with better gear = a better player, both unironic statements.
    New World is not an MMORPG.
    I did not agree that people should auto-win every PvP engagement.
    Some of y’all are just so biased it warps your comprehension skills.

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »
    Aren't you the same person that said on my previous post, that intrepid's tweets showing the cosmetics don't have anything to do with marketing and are just fun interaction with the community? lol
    No. That cherry-picking is a fairly poor paraphrase of what I actually said.

  • OP ideas definitely works for a lot of games and companies specially ones looking for short term bursts of cash and not caring about being misleading or about the logevity and image of their game
    (mainly ones with a box cost or/+ GigaPay2Win such as BDO used in the example),
    but sadly disregards some important points, such as Ashes being subscription based with no P2W making Player retention way more important than in other games and:

    How generic and overused this type of skill presentation can look like,
    How this style of presentation may not fit the game artistic style and combat flow of games other than BDO,
    How this overflashy + Freaky camera insanity style may be a huge turn off for alot of people,
    How hard the shock between the misleading presentation and the in-game representation can dramaticaly impact players expectations/experience in a very negative way,
    How such misleading marketing strategies can taint the image of a game/studio.

    In general Awesome skill effect and nice sound effects are always good aspects for any showcase of classes/skills if they are originally good(even if originally very flashy) and fits the game artistic style, there is no need for misleading overtuning, no need for freaky camera like BDO, take for example this FFXIV Classes/skill presentation, No freaky camera shakes/angles, just a fixed one to demonstrate their simple amazing skill VFX/SFX.

    If you would ask me what artistic style and combat currently fits in considering Alpha 1 skills, i would say way less flashy than both BDO or FFXIV, but without knowing the new combat rework Ashes will present, its simple impossible to know what artistic style its skills and combat will fit in.

    In the end no matter what approach they go for with their presentation, i simple don't think Intrepid should or will go for a possible misleading "easy way" one as OP suggests.
    Aren't we all sinners?
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    Looking back at it now, this does not, in fact, have as much screen shake as I remembered.

    I honestly would have expected and appreciated a tiny bit more, but this is more realistic as the stuff seen in this doesn't really require the screen shake nor does it 'sell' (not in the marketing way) the hit on most of the stuff.

    I unironically believe this would look better with a bit more FREQUENT application of it, but less shake on most things, particularly lightning ability hits.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »
    I'm confused... do you seriously believe a company would refrain from doing marketing and appealing to a wider public due to fear of not having a good player retention...?

    I don’t believe this, I know this to be true. Market segmentation is like bread and butter for a product organization to invest it’s advertising dollars effectively in an effort to maximize its return. If a product is early in its evolution, it may be marketed to a specific subset of the market (say some known demographic of early adopters and key influencers) to build advocacy within approximate markets to help stretch the budget via organic word of mouth. This happens literally everyday.
    even tho intrepid Already hired a whole marketing and social media team that precisely plan their reveals …

    Ok, but keep in mind that Intrepid is a very small company in a very big market. The TAM of gaming now surpasses movie entertainment. And the marketing and advertising departments in some scaled publishers dwarf Intrepid’s entire company staff by orders of magnitude, with proportionate budgets.

    So yeah, they are going to be strategic in their marketing, especially with a customer audience that is so quick to turn away from a product, never to look back again.

  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »

    Nah, you just don't know what you are talking about but that's ok 😅 You can think whatever you want, they know what they are doing so they Will try to make the combat look as good as possible and use it as marketing, same as they did in the last livestream

    I just pointed out some easy ways to do what they already will for certain try to keep doing.

    I assume you don't know much about MMORPG's - but that's ok.

    Word of mouth is king. If your game is treated like a meme in the MMO community, it is already dead.

    Look at Bless. The game was perfectly fine for a small subsection of the MMO community. However, they tried to market it to the entire community. As such, many players tried the game at launch, and very few stayed.

    The game was live for a total of 186 days, because even those for whom the game was enjoyable simply didn't want to be seen playing a meme game.

    Or you could look to a game like WoW. It was not even in the top 5 most popular MMO's for it's first 3 months. Then word of mouth kicked in, and look at how popular it has been between then and now.

    But yeah, I'm the one that doesn't know what I am talking about.

    Or perhaps you do. As an obvious PvP player (not PvP MMO, just PvP) you would probably be fine with Ashes only being live for 7 months. I wouldn't expect you to play the game longer than that anyway - the persistent world aspects of it would likely hit you too hard. Having a whole bunch of people that don't belong in the game and who make easy targets for you would potentially be to your benefit for those few months that you play.

    I, however, am an MMO player. Not just PvE either (I spent 4 years playing Archeage). As an MMO player, I want the game to be around for a decade at least. I know that advertising it to all gamers - attempting to attract players to the game that we all know won't stay - would be easily the worst way to market the game for long term survivability.
  • BurnzeyBurnzey Member
    edited June 2022
    In terms of Tab Target MMO combat, I think WoW does it the best. GCDs feel ok, cool downs are not too excessive and the movement flows well. You can use attacks immediately without delay in animation and it just flows. Being able to move and attack feels a lot better in this game.

    SWTOR has similar combat and movement, but the GCDs are too long. It feels slow and sluggish. I also don't like that they sheath their weapon straight after a fight.

    I think sound has a huge part in it. When your abilities hit, you want to feel it with your ears as well as your eyes. WoW's eviscerate in classic had a nice "boom" to it, and the backstab was satisfying.. Now it just doesn't have that same sound and doesn't feel satisfying. Likewise, hunter gun shots sounded cool before but now just sound like grinding peppers. Proper animation also plays a huge part. Some reason, stationary legs just irks me.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Burnzey wrote: »
    In terms of Tab Target MMO combat, I think WoW does it the best. GCDs feel ok, cool downs are not too excessive and the movement flows well. You can use attacks immediately without delay in animation and it just flows.

    Being able to move and attack feels a lot better in this game. SWTOR has similar combat and movement, but the GCDs are too long. It feels slow and sluggish. I also don't like that they sheath their weapon straight after a fight.

    I think sound has a huge part in it. When your abilities hit, you want to feel it with your ears as well as your eyes. WoW's eviscerate in classic had a nice "boom" to it, and the backstab was satisfying.. Now it just doesn't have that same sound and doesn't feel satisfying. Likewise, hunter gun shots sounded cool before but now just sound like grinding peppers. Proper animation also plays a huge part. Some reason, stationary legs just irks me.

    I would agree that WoW does animation and flow better than any other tab game I have played, but it's combat has always suffered from a lack of in viable in combat options. There is rarely a point during combat in WoW in which the best ability to use next is not blindingly obvious.

    One could argue that it is fairly easy to create good animations and maintain a fluid flow in a game when you are basically dictating to players what ability they will use next.

    This has been my second biggest issue with WoW for well over a decade now.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Noaani wrote: »
    I assume you don't know much about MMORPG's - but that's ok.

    LOL yea... not a fan of arguments from authority, but you telling a person that's been playing MMORPGs for almost 2 decades, normally putting 12h a day due to not having to work a normal job that he don't know much about mmos.. not the way to go

    I'm also not just PvP/PvE oriented, my focus always has been leading guilds to competitive content, growing a guild for years in an mmo is my main focus so I know the importance of player retention

    Still, has nothing to do with intrepid making their combat look good and use it for marketing, and they will do it no matter what... I'll ping you in a few months when they do the combat reveal and do the same they did with the character creation/weather systems: use if for marketing as any competent marketing team in a company should.

    You also used bless as an example... that says a lot about your arguments. Marketing didn't ruined bless, I played it, the game was trash...

    Making your game known to the large audience don't ruin good games, that's just stupid... bad games that are literal dogshit, ruin themselves.

    You basically saying Steven also knows nothing about MMOs and marketing cuz when Lazy Peon dropped that video back in 2020 he went out of his way to do interviews and market the shit out of his game to the masses that watched all those streamers.
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  • VissoxVissox Member, Alpha Two
    Black desert combat is horrible though. I'd rather the game feel good to play than have my screen littered with camera shakes.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Liniker wrote: »
    I'll ping you in a few months when they do the combat reveal and do the same they did with the character creation/weather systems: use if for marketing as any competent marketing team in a company should.

    Right, so, I never said they shouldn't use the combat system for marketing. I said they should not add camera shakes and bullshit like that to such videos, as that is not an accurate representation of the game, and so will give the wrong impression of the game.

    Don't you fucking dare attempt to put arguments on me that I did not make. I will call that shit out literally every single time.

    Are we clear on that point?

    Feel free to ping me when Intrepid release a video for Ashes that has camera work that is not representative of what will be in game, and start adding camera shakes. You don't really need to though, I'm sure I'll hear the complaints about it because most people hate that shit.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Noaani wrote: »
    Right, so, I never said they shouldn't use the combat system for marketing. I said they should not add camera shakes and bullshit like that to such videos, as that is not an accurate representation of the game, and so will give the wrong impression of the game.

    Don't you fucking dare attempt to put arguments on me that I did not make. I will call that shit out literally every single time.

    Are we clear on that point?

    LOL bro, first, take a chill pill, this is just an online discussion about some video game on a forum, it ain't that deep :D

    Second, just go look at your previous replies you literally said nothing about you disliking camera shakes and "bullshit like that" and giving the wrong impression of the game, you just came in here with your nonsense about player retention and marketing, pulling numbers out your ___ and saying Bless was going perfectly fine and marketing ruined it ahahah

    Everything you said up until now had nothing to do with my post so... you are just confused Noaani go take a nap or something.
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  • arsa92arsa92 Member
    This initial example is literally a tutorial on how to create a korean-like mmorpg xD
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »
    you just came in here with your nonsense about player retention and marketing, pulling numbers out your ___ and saying Bless was going perfectly fine and marketing ruined it ahahah

    Another argument I didnt make. Homest question - do you have issues with reading comprehension?

    I said Bless as a game would have suited a portion not the player base, but it marketed itself to a different segment. I never said it was going perfectly fine.

    As to how you could think that I wasnt talking about your OP in this thread is beyond me, honestly.

    You start talking about how Intrepid should make a video about the combat system.and add in camera shakes and such, and in say that they should instead promote the game as it is instead of adding in that bullshit. What else would I be talking about?
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited June 2022
    Noaani wrote: »

    Another argument I didnt make. Homest question - do you have issues with reading comprehension?
    Noaani wrote: »
    Look at Bless. The game was perfectly fine for a small subsection of the MMO community. However, they tried to market it to the entire community.

    This is why I pay my internet :D You literally said Bless was perfectly fine up until they started doing marketing. That's one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.

    Noaani wrote: »
    You start talking about how Intrepid should make a video about the combat system.and add in camera shakes and such, and in say that they should instead promote the game as it is instead of adding in that bullshit.

    I'm talking about adding Optional camera effects to the Game that will have literally 0 impact on combat and gameplay or how it works, as they are basically extra "cosmetic" effects that with a simple slider can be completely turned Off. The reason being it's an easy way to make it look good and showcase well to the majority of players that enjoy seeing flashy combat.

    And this is probably an Obvious thing they will do anyways. You are the one that came in saying my suggestion would ruin Ashes because of player retention.... LOL

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  • MerekMerek Member
    While I enjoyed the feel of BDO compared to other MMO's currently on the market, one thing people seem to miss is that BDO doesn't have proper visual skill progression. Every attack is seizure inducing, for no reason. A standard attack shouldn't have some crazy space-rending effect attached to it. But this is part of the games background, Eastern MMO's love their grandiose effects for no reason, I don't. Visual progression and feedback should have meaning, BDO's doesn't.
  • OkeydokeOkeydoke Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I have never so dramatically and forcefully with laser lighting effects killed a bunny rabbit as I did in BDO lol
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »

    This is why I pay my internet :D You literally said Bless was perfectly fine up until they started doing marketing. That's one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.

    I'm talking about adding Optional camera effects to the Game that will have literally 0 impact on combat and gameplay or how it works, as they are basically extra "cosmetic" effects that with a simple slider can be completely turned Off. The reason being it's an easy way to make it look good and showcase well to the majority of players that enjoy seeing flashy combat.

    And this is probably an Obvious thing they will do anyways. You are the one that came in saying my suggestion would ruin Ashes because of player retention.... LOL

    Notably, that is not at all what Noaani said.

    The entire concept was 'If you market to more people than are going to actually like your game, you are going to have a bad time'.

    Fun related fact: That slowdown before the big hit in the trailer is actually there in the game. Partially to make it reactable, and partially because it really oversells the hit, so the trailer IS in fact an almost faithful representation of that class' combat.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
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