Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I agree, everyone should be together to experience how it is rather then splitting up the player base. Sure some people might leave, but atleast the maximum amount of people are introduced to it and im sure plenty will stay so long as it is a good game.
I would play most likely on a PvX server anyway because I want some owPvP action, however, full loot can be sometimes a little bit too stressful.
As others have said. AoC aims to be a PvX game and spending precious time and resources on segmenting the base probably isn't the best approach.
Real PvPer won't care that corruption exist, (by "real" i mean those who focus on PvP and only it)
There are way to limit the impact of corruption like a lesser cost stuff simply.
I never understood why people said that such system reduce PvP...
This idea is to solve a problem that doesn't exist in fact. PvPer complaining about corruption should ask themselve why corruption is a problem for their favourite activity in MMORPG
aaaand... i don't think it would be a good idea to have 2 kind of servers.
Also remember why corruption is defended by so much (and not only there)
Without risk for a totally free PvP, some dude can become the pinnacle of toxicity, going in killing frenzy because "lol it is fun, and this is real PvP lol" and just avoiding new players to simply ... play the game.
Sure "if only some servers not a problem for the game" but i feel that soon enough, due to this kind of behaviour, those server could be quite empty... And ashes needs decent populations for each server to have it work decently.
"they could gather to push some nodes" no, a full pvP will make people more spread to have some time to rest, gather, and travel to attack others...
Full loot games be, worst 10% of players quit cause there constantly farming to requip only to die again then they quit the the next worst 10% quit for same reason and so till no one is left.
Solid thumbs down from me, sorry.
Part of the world with consequences concept is that other players can kill if your behaving badly.
Also, there is no full loot from PvP. Dying only drops a percentage of gatherables and processed goods. Not finished good unless corrupted; and, even corrupted only have a percentage chance to drop a percentage of finished goods.
PvP gameplay needs to do everything it can to facilitate that - gameplay. People play the odds when you introduce risk/reward frameworks, like full-loot, and this deviates the experience away from engaging in PvP gameplay.
This can be seen in many games with loot-drop PvP; people either:
I really liked the idea of full-loot PvP games, but having played most of the ones that come to market, the above issues usually result in a slow negative spiral. It's very much one of those things that seems great on paper but sadly, in practice, isn't.
If someone else wants to play on it, go for it... I'm not interested though so it doesn't make any difference to me.
But if they do make other servers the should make both... I guess an RP server too...
Actually I might enjoy the PvX servers more if the people that want the full PvP servers left.
Though that could be partly of my own desire for more pvp and some people just have fun doing pve, but maybe that is more because of the social experience than running circles doing the same end game content over and over again. Having the PvE and a world with other players running around and the conflicts that can show up adds a lot more life into the game. As bad as BDO pVE was that is why i played the game for yeas. Theme park tracks with instanced dungeons honestly is content that is going to be dying over the years in its current form atleast.
I love WPvP but i think full loot is too much. Respawning far away in a game without fast travel is already a big punishment.
Hide yo kids hide yo wife’s!
The purge exist already when you destroy a city haha
Full loot drop can be rough but it can really help drive the crafting economy (e.g. Eve Online) and strengthen PvE roles. To make it work, the gearing system/variety has to be well designed and there needs a security zoning system with npc cops.
Eve Online had high (1.0 to 0.5 rating), low (0.5 to 0.1), and null security (0.0 rating) solar systems. The rating would affect how fast the npc cops would respond. In low security, there were only static turrets at the travel points and no roaming cops. In high security, you still had the chance to assassinate somebody if you had high enough alpha damage (first shot).
I never understood the desire for full loot in an MMORPG. I myself am a hardcore DayZ PvPer but there's just something not right about grinding an item (or currency to buy it) for maybe weeks in an MMORPG, only to lose it because you lost in PvP (regardless if you got outplayed, outnumbered or simply lagged/DC'd). I know people want rewards, but full loot is just not the way. Portion of resources? Sure. But not gear. The possibility of losing precious items is not gonna make PvP more popular - the only thing lost should be time and maybe PvP "rank". Leave full loot to games that are designed around it, such as easy access to high tier items (Albion). I doubt Intrepid would bother creating and configuring a different kind of server for such purpose.
As for no corruption? You don't want griefing, but I do think the punishment should be toned down. I don't think it's fair that going on a rampage randomly causes you to be less effective (even if not against everyone, but that's even weirder). I understand that you're just calling for trouble, but getting a debuff because you killed some guys that were harassing you shouldn't punish you like that.
I will play AoC even with full loot (i don't mind and love PvP) but i know for sure that it'll make most of the players run away from the game.
Find an other way to keep death punishing but full loot is too much for the modern playerbase.