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    It is though :)
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    If you need the game to auto lock and aim for you then it's time for you to retire from video games and see a doctor about either eyesight issues or carpal tunnel. I'm fine with tab targetting but non of that auto lock for spells bs.
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    Don't see where the autolock was and tab target games are literally meant to send your spells towards the target that's "tabbed".

    What I saw is just him targeting the mob and then using spells that went towards his target. The usual tab target mechanic.
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    Nikr the arrows literally curved to the right towards the target when. His character wasn't even facing the same direction.
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    LordBlank wrote: »
    Nikr the arrows literally curved to the right towards the target when. His character wasn't even facing the same direction.
    Yeah, just like tab target games do with tab target abilities. The alternative to that is turning your character automatically and then shooting out the ability, but I'd assume that skill just works like that, considering that animation accounted for that situation.

    Again, I see nothing wrong with that video, considering it's a tab target ability.
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    SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    I can see some abilities doing that and others requiring aim.

    Although. . . .
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    NiKr wrote: »
    LordBlank wrote: »
    Nikr the arrows literally curved to the right towards the target when. His character wasn't even facing the same direction.
    Yeah, just like tab target games do with tab target abilities. The alternative to that is turning your character automatically and then shooting out the ability, but I'd assume that skill just works like that, considering that animation accounted for that situation.

    Again, I see nothing wrong with that video, considering it's a tab target ability.

    I wouldn't mind that so long as it doesn't turn/curve one the shot is taken. The idea of a shot curving while facing a different direction is weird.
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    I can see some abilities doing that and others requiring aim.

    Although. . . .

    I mean if that's the game we're playing then let's also make action combat trackable
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    LordBlank wrote: »
    I wouldn't mind that so long as it doesn't turn/curve one the shot is taken. The idea of a shot curving while facing a different direction is weird.
    You know what else is super weird and unrealistic? Fucking magic. And you know how those projectiles look to me? Fucking magical.
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    SapiverenusSapiverenus Member
    edited September 2022
    Being able to choose a high risk high reward version of most moves/ abilities would be good.

    Game doesn't need 64 classes for 1 niche audience lol. Bard should play Guitaroo Man or some Rhythm game, and Ranger should probably have more FPS/ over-the-shoulder elements to it.
    So I mostly agree with you, but Tab target has its place and suits a lot of people.
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    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that is fricking AWESOME! :o:o:o
    This link may help you:
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    cyanideinsanitycyanideinsanity Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter
    LordBlank wrote: »
    If you need the game to auto lock and aim for you then it's time for you to retire from video games and see a doctor about either eyesight issues or carpal tunnel. I'm fine with tab targetting but non of that auto lock for spells bs.

    This reminds me of the argument that turn based combat "doesn't make sense" because "characters are just standing around allowing the opponents to hit them". Regardless of opinions its simply a game design. Its like comparing CoD to halo in terms of ttk; neither is better than the other, just a different offering of experience.
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    LordBlank wrote: »

    agreed, it isn't competitive and can not be balanced for action combat because it removes any element of skill out while you can full sprint from dmg.
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    The ranger combat is going to be a big deal for some people, i feel feedback is going to be really important on direction. Basic attacks shouldn't go by tab target but by soft loft.
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    LordBlank wrote: »
    If you need the game to auto lock and aim for you then it's time for you to retire from video games and see a doctor about either eyesight issues or carpal tunnel. I'm fine with tab targetting but non of that auto lock for spells bs.

    This reminds me of the argument that turn based combat "doesn't make sense" because "characters are just standing around allowing the opponents to hit them". Regardless of opinions its simply a game design. Its like comparing CoD to halo in terms of ttk; neither is better than the other, just a different offering of experience.

    That's not really the same as ttk because if you can hit your shots you're good and if you can't then too bad. TTK doesn't auto-aim for you like tab target. A more accurate argument would b complaining about bullet magnetism. Kind of like what destiny 2 does.
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    Mag7spy wrote: »
    The ranger combat is going to be a big deal for some people, i feel feedback is going to be really important on direction. Basic attacks shouldn't go by tab target but by soft loft.

    I would be fine with the character turning instead of curving the shot. Which is what they should do naturally. Also once the shot is fired there is no curvature.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I hope all ranged combat is tab target and projectiles work like matrix bullets.
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    daveywavey wrote: »

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that is fricking AWESOME! :o:o:o

    I won't lie that is cool. If that was one of the archer's active skills instead of a passive ability due to tab targeting then I'm fine with that.
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    cyanideinsanitycyanideinsanity Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter
    edited September 2022
    LordBlank wrote: »
    That's not really the same as ttk because if you can hit your shots you're good and if you can't then too bad. TTK doesn't auto-aim for you like tab target. A more accurate argument would b complaining about bullet magnetism. Kind of like what destiny 2 does.

    The point was its A way of doing things, and that neither of them should never be used in any game whatsoever like you appear to imply. What tab targeted skills and skillshots offer are different things.
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    LordBlank wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    The ranger combat is going to be a big deal for some people, i feel feedback is going to be really important on direction. Basic attacks shouldn't go by tab target but by soft loft.

    I would be fine with the character turning instead of curving the shot. Which is what they should do naturally. Also once the shot is fired there is no curvature.

    There is usually curvature in action games that is just how it is and that is fine. With soft lock as long as you are aiming at the person and shoot the arrow will go towards them. Which is good and fine for basic attacks.

    Tab skills with lock of course but that won't be spammable, and of course there will be range moves that you have to aim and have higher skill for and perhaps some soft lock action skills as well. But this is my guess based on the action side of things for skills.

    For mmorpgs you have to dumb down the skill enough for people that have no desire to improve or have skill n a game to ensure you are still getting a good player base. So allow them to play the class, but people that will be able to play the class on a higher skill level of course will do better. Also have to account for other things in the game as well.
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    Pretty much this but a bit less obnoxious on the ui side and a bit more leaning towards the skill side with a less bigger circle maybe 3/4 the side instead of the full. Will simply make it so you have to have some effort into it then just mashing keyboards buttons and full sprint kiting.
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    LordBlank wrote: »
    That's not really the same as ttk because if you can hit your shots you're good and if you can't then too bad. TTK doesn't auto-aim for you like tab target. A more accurate argument would b complaining about bullet magnetism. Kind of like what destiny 2 does.

    The point was its A way of doing things, and that neither of them should never be used in any game whatsoever like you appear to imply. What tab targeted skills and skillshots offer are different things.

    Yeah, I get that. That doesn't mean I have to be a fan of it. There's also a reason behind cash shot and pay to win, yet Steven hates those. You can understand the reason behind a system, but that doesn't mean you have to like it.
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    Game lag will make hitting something with a physics projectile pretty hard more so in PvP. They'd have to rely on hit scan.

    It's a video game, we're playing a character that has powers beyond what we can do ourselves. So if my archer is a badass archer, but I suck at FPS style games, then why should his accuracy be held up by my abilities? Character Skill > Player Skill in an MMORPG. Maybe this is just my DnD roots showing, if my roll and bonus beat the AC I should hit. This blurs the line between table top and mmorpgs which I think relate more than mmoropgs and fps.
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    Mag7spy wrote: »
    LordBlank wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    The ranger combat is going to be a big deal for some people, i feel feedback is going to be really important on direction. Basic attacks shouldn't go by tab target but by soft loft.

    I would be fine with the character turning instead of curving the shot. Which is what they should do naturally. Also once the shot is fired there is no curvature.

    There is usually curvature in action games that is just how it is and that is fine. With soft lock as long as you are aiming at the person and shoot the arrow will go towards them. Which is good and fine for basic attacks.

    Tab skills with lock of course but that won't be spammable, and of course there will be range moves that you have to aim and have higher skill for and perhaps some soft lock action skills as well. But this is my guess based on the action side of things for skills.

    For mmorpgs you have to dumb down the skill enough for people that have no desire to improve or have skill n a game to ensure you are still getting a good player base. So allow them to play the class, but people that will be able to play the class on a higher skill level of course will do better. Also have to account for other things in the game as well.

    So even though I've played other MMOs, the one that I really liked was Tera. Which didn't really curve your shot. Although there was a fairly generous hitbox where if you were somewhere over that target it was a hit.
    BTW I just saw what you meant by curvature in action combat. I also think this is wild. I wouldn't want the shot to be curved towards my target if I didn't aim. I don't think this should happen in UE5 when Tera had this solved a decade ago. How is PVP suppose to mean something when you don't have to aim at your target?
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    I love the arguments of peoples saying im not good a games so i want there to not be any level of skill involved.
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    Then you have some of the same people saying they need gameplay around trackers to make the game more difficult for raids or the game will be to easy.
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    AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited September 2022
    I can see some abilities doing that and others requiring aim.

    Although. . . .

    Alright well, this post wins all such threads and there are no longer any arguments against Rangers using Tab Target with a range limit.

    We now have the post to counter any and all arguments on the topic. This is what online forums are all about! Woo!
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
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    TryolTryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Let's just have the entire ranged combat be fully aimed aiming without any kind of assist or targeting, wind/arrow physics, pierceable walls and headshot multipliers for the ultimate FPS experience.

    If I see ANY of my arrows doing something even remotely unnatural, I am going back to New World. That game did everything about combat perfectly. /s
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    Tryol wrote: »
    If I see ANY of my arrows doing something even remotely unnatural, I am going back to New World. That game did everything about combat perfectly. /s

    That means you will go back to New World in 2026.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
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