Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
In fact to go a step further, if you aggro some elite NPCs for example on accident, and while trying to drop aggro you come across another player and the NPCs end up killing the other person, and then eventually, you.
Does the initiator get some corruption when the second player dies? Then possibly lose it if they die themselves?
Corruption could be used as a huge detriment to prevent griefing in general.
I don't share the same worries as a lot of the opinions here, I feel like they've got a very good plan for this and are just looking to see what people think.
Please... Gamers has no honor.. noone fights or gives a shit for a fair 1v1, 5v5 or any of that nonsense. All is fair in war. Either use it before they do or secure the areas for it not to be used against you.
you can have long leash and still prevent aoe farming.
Give the NPC multiple skills. Some will stop and use range attacks, no longer being part of the pact. Others can close the gap on you. AOE spells are channel spells that can easily be interupt and eat away mana. So you need to know what can you pull safely to aoe farm and not get interrupted and have enough mana to kill the pack and the remaining 1-2 stragglers.. if not GG. your dead.
Let's pretend PVP isnt the issue. Griefing isnt the issue... how do you handle Leashing? cause Leashing is what makes training possible or not.
Do we opt for short leash that everyone can avoid and run to the boss?
Do we opt for leashing that turns the NPC 100% invulnerability and ignores all players in the dungeon as it walks back to its spawn, before being allow to get tagged?
How much immersion breaking do we allow?
Or do we keep the long leash and avoid training, so then a group of 8 will dedicate 1 kiter to get all the trash mobs out, while the other 7 kill the boss??
Training into players for pvp is a by product of leashing mechanics unfortunately.
I don't think long leash or aoe farm reduction mechanics are required. The same principles apply to short leashes. The ai/mobs need to be less static, more dynamic and an actual threat.
If you are gathering wood near a spawn of a mob that you know might kill you, it's up to you to be aware of your surroundings.
If you are afk somewhere outside of city walls, you have to be aware of that someone can PK/pull a mob onto you.
If you are farming mobs and someone feeds you to an elite, it also your fault, its not supposed to play like an old school metin or "mu" where you just stand in one place and put something heavy on your mouse's left button to farm afk.
Personally, I enjoy the creativity involved in this style of play. If someone is monopolizing resources and mobs in an area, sometimes training can be the only way to level the playing field.
In addition, it can also be a strategic move to redirect a mob's aggression towards someone else in an emergency situation. Such move can be also used for saving others.
To those who complain about this playstyle, I say that griefing only occurs when there are no counters available. Don't let others discourage you from finding creative ways to play the game.
"It is only griefing when there are no counters"
The devs should print this mantra and pin it on a board, don't let carebears and whinners kill creativity and joy.
Also Conga Line Train - When you got 30-40 NPC chasing you down.
was my go to spam shout when I hear a train or started one
I want to be able help running players and take monsters of their back.
But in face of griefing make it hard to steal aggro if your not in same party. For exampel a healer should not get any aggro for healing teammates by monster attacking a different player that is in proximity. Healing the player that has aggro yes. Also by givving the first player in sight of a mob extra aggro by a deafult more then one aoe attack it will be hard to suprise aggro another players mob. Also if the mob gets to keep hitting the first player it should be more likley to want to keep hitting him (tunnel vision), incase griefer keeps standing with mob in your aoes. But for instance that one party member starts focusing the griefers mob then aggro should switch, bad focusing on what is what.
In a gated dungeon if you pull every mob you will eventually have to deal with them yourself.
But that means all the people who want to avoid corruption and real pvp won't like trains any more lol.
I am hopeful that Intrepid Studios will introduce more innovative systems, such as the one I have proposed, to encourage more strategic and enjoyable gameplay.
I'd prefer if mobs stayed alert at the edge of their territory until the player exits a secondary leash distance from the mob so there's a buffer zone between the edge of a mob's leash and the moment that aggro drops - focing players to truly back off if they need to reset the mob.
Pvp over pve then?
What could be feasible for an MMO in this regard?
If a player aggroes a large number of mobs and fails to engage in combat, the mobs should retaliate and eliminate the player.
Edit: I love the fear concepts though and agree.
both?...assuming i understand your question
I consider engaging with such systems should be as strategic as playing chess. Understanding the environment and its inhabitants is like having soft power, and it's more fascinating than simply grinding mobs with no fear of consequences, plus for sure you can counter most of the situations.
You pull the mob through proximity or damage or pull skill, then the mob will wake up and run towards you in a straigh line.
This mob's pattern of engagement is from the 80s!!!
I don't even feel guilty when I kill people by using this technique, it is literally the dev's fault by not putting anything else on the table and people's fault for dying to this for decades.
Training is an heroic act that underdogs, solo warriors and free creative spirits use to deal with the swarms of bot aspirant players who mindlessly grind mobs.
It is pretty much a public service and not griefing at all, I would use other game mechanics if game devs were actually doing their jobs in providing new systems.