Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Do I care more about certain biomes or strategic locations? Biomes make more sense.
Do I plan on changing the way I play, based on the node? No
Do I want the node I choose to determine how I play the game, or based on the way I play the game will I choose whatever node is best for me at the moment? I don't want the game to make choices for me. Rather I chose what missions/tasks to accept & the environment change around my choice. No matter if I chose to work on solo tasks or group/raid tasks.
I will probably adjust my gameplay a bit to the nodetype I end up in. I honestly don't know what type will be my preferred yet. I need to have been in A2 for a while before I can determine that I think.
I care about both but I care more about strategic location.
Yes I plan on having to adapt my play based on my node.
Some of both. I will tend to pick a node that suits whatever my playstyle is best. But I can envision scenarios where it might not be possible or desirable for me to be a member of my most preferred node. In that case I'll adapt my play to the node I'm currently in.
For my wife and I, biomes certainly tops strategic locations. We're more casual/norm-core players who enjoy the exploration, art and lore of the land and as such, rich and developing biomes of all types such be rich on story and flavor no matter their locations!
Dream node biome
Our dream node biome is that of the deep forrest. A place with winding streams, with houses spun out of trees, darkened meadows full of fireflies and exotic plants with mushroom houses and alot of mystique. A place with a rich and diverse forrest floor with different mushroom of all sizes and colors and beautiful flower beds and meadows painting the forrest like a rainbow! A place where animal life of all sorts are seeking refuge from the newly returned life on Verra. It would be most likely be an elven sanctuary, but it would be secluded and not placed nor loved for it's strategic value, but for the vastness and beauty of the nature within and throughout the node.
The development of such a node could be, that as it grows and changes, it becomes richer, wilder and even more diverse! The trees would grow larger and more dense, creating different zones of the node where some would darkened from the sun and more nightly mushrooms and flowers - even bogs - would form. Other places would be where the sun bursts through creating the most scenic meadows and flowerbeds of all colors. Houses would grow as the trees and mushroom would... Streams would grow deeper and more mysterious and new forrest lakes with pixies, frogs and all sort of underwater life would sprout from the earth - it would be a fairytale in a forrest just developing before your eyes (or under your fingers on the keyboard )
Do you care more about certain biomes or strategic locations?
Should be fairly obvious that biomes are much more important to us than strategic value
Do you plan on changing the way you play, based on your node?
To a certain degree yes. If the perfect node presents itself, I would do would I could to help it and develop it. I would still try to stick the core values of what I find most intresting about gaming, but sure, I would go out of my ways for the good of the node.
Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game, or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
I would think that a node could have benefits of all aspects of playstyles chosen throughout Verra. I'm sure that a node would have benefits of both dragon-slaying, dungeon-diving, gathering and crafting keeping off potential enemies from other nodes (PVP) so I would not think that I wouldn't have to choose based on my way of playing since it only seems logical for nodes to encase all playstyles...
I'd like to see NPCs roaming the node, their behavior adjusts based on season, weather, road condition, whatever.
Wear and tear on buildings based on the same things above.
Monster migration patterns around the node adjusting. Different classes of monsters might turn hostile against each other under the right conditions even as they compete for living space.
I want the world to live, not just what buildings in the city go go where, make the entire node region alive.
I was looking today on wiki, to estimate node density on the map.
From the center of a node to the center of its direct neighbor we can travel in 3.5 minutes.
The map feels really crowded.
I will search for the most isolated node on the map, probably on an island.
Draakathbohr and Peligora are good candidates. An even better one would be the island south of Draakathbohr, right between the two continents.
And if the game will end up having more servers, I will chose a medium populated one.
Necromancy is when you raise the dead. Necrophilia is when the dead raise you.
A volcanic node sounds awesome. I’d love to see a city built into a volcano or built out of volcanic rock. There could be glowing cracks on the walls of tunnels that take you around the city. There could also be weather patterns that coincide with a volcano releasing vog.
Coastal nodes sound like a lot of fun. Whether there’s beaches or docks I think how the node interacts with the ocean will be the most interesting and important part.
Some pie in the sky node ideas that would be way after the release of the game if at all:
A floating city/ a city with parts that float around it.
A submerged city. Maybe a city that existed before a flood and is now in an underwater bubble.
Follow up questions:
Do you care about certain biomes or strategic locations?
When it comes to biomes for ashes, I’m primarily focused on aesthetics. I’d love to see nodes that are clearly defendable from attackers due to various barriers of accessibility. We have yet to see naval content, so idk how defendable a cove or shoreline would be. But the natural defenses nodes have to offer either because of seasons or the terrain is something that I think will majorly set this game apart from others, and make Verra that much more meaningful.
Do you plan on changing the way you play based on your node?
I think so. I think the node location might determine what profession I do, as well as how I travel. Proximity and accessibility to other nodes would determine how l play as well. I might have an emphasis on caravans or gathering professions depending on the traversability of the node that has been selected.
Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
I think it would be cool if certain nodes offered buffs (and only buffs) that were themed around the node. Minor things like, faster herb picking if you live in a jungle, easier blacksmithing if you live near a volcano, easier enchanting if you live in an enchanted forest, etc. That sort of flavor would determine where I would want a node or where I’d want to live. If I’m looking for a new node to live in and if there’s a distinguishable benefit that improves gameplay somewhat specific to my character or the way I play, I want that.
Soundscape is a huge factor in beauty of a biome to me. If I'm in a rainstorm I would love to feel like the sound of thunder is getting too close for comfort. If I'm on a beach, I would love to hear the waves and seabirds in varying levels based on my position. In forests I would love to hear my feet crunching leaves and the sound of gusts of wind shaking the leaves in the trees.
Biome tops strategic position for me personally. When I get to my node, it is time to rest and recover, I want it to feel like a sanctuary against the adversities of the world.
Though I am absolutely certain that overall a strategically well placed Node (e.g. because it is not far from 3 or more different biomes) will be the most popular point for people to gather.
Do you plan on changing the way you play, based on your node?
More the other way around. I already have an idea in my mind on what I want to do in this game and so I will find a place that suits that play style.
But from what I imagine it this will only last me so long. As my node falls one day I'd probably become a refugee seeking asylum in the next best node available. I'll stay there for a bit, until I have reorganized my things and find a new goal, a new Node to truly call home and move on again until war eventually knocks on that new homes door.
Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game, or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
I'll choose my node based on what I want to do in the game. If the goals of a Node run counter to what I want to do in the game, I'll pack up and leave. I seek adventure, not servitude so to speak.
Maybe a port town made of crashed, beached, or unrepairable ships that the "law abiding sea traders" set up their shops/trade and come to my tavern for quests and ale
A. Tropical waterfront - Nikua.
I would love to have a waterfront Nikua style Tavern/Inn/Shop.
yes - I want both beauty AND strategic location. A beach-front node would serve both my "warmth" requirement AND access to seafaring fishing/fighting/shipbuilding.
Do you plan on changing the way you play, based on your node?
Probably - if I'm playing an elf, I obviously won't be at the beach, I'll be among the trees and forests and although I don't role play, I do get into a mindset ... this will affect whether I fish vs gather herbs, as well as what class I choose (an elf would likely be a ranger or bard, a human would likely be a fighter).
Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game, or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
Honestly the node I wind up in will be whichever my guild chooses. Now for an unguilded alt, I'd say based on the way I play the game will I choose the best node for my style. I don't PvP so I don't see myself in a military node. However, if I was a dwarf, I would probably choose a military node.
Snow sometimes, evergreens, river or lake near, coastal is a big bonus. Absolute optimal 'a river delta that is the result of a big river that came down from a cold mountain'.
JustVine can't live too far from the sea for too long. SongRune can't stand lack of forest.
GrilledCheeseMojito needs a mining option nearby, GrandSerpent prefers slopes to live on.
SunScript likes heavier tree cover, the other three won't be comfortable without variations in terrain.
Do you care more about certain biomes or strategic locations?
Depends on the game's community and our resultant level of investment. If the game is strong 'roleplay' and identity without constant disruption, strategic locations get a higher 'rating'. If it's mostly just 'a churn to give conflict-lovers a reason to fight', biome wins every time.
Do you plan on changing the way you play, based on your node?
Unlikely, the node would have to 'drive us out', which feels like it isn't the same. Biome wins here too. Most likely the eastern continent, optimally that bay with the 3-megabiome 'junction' on the TradeWind Sea. But it's a weird question because IF the node design was very unexpected relative to the location (for example, the main node in that area being Military despite the geopolitical implications of the geography) it might have to happen.
Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game, or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
See above, mostly. The Node community gets a lot of weight (a positive one does too, we're flexible when it comes to helping) but depending on the Node community types, we might fall back to 'choosing a node based on that'.
- I like when there are options for very secret/elusive/isolated nodes. Maybe even nodes that change their location or only appear or can be accessed at certain times, or are at least pretty difficult to find and to get to (like the main entrance being behind a waterfall or something).
- I love when nodes are designed to have limited environmental access (like one entrance/exit), like an island, underground tunnel system, underwater dome, side of mountain, top of plataeu, up high in trees, a node sitting on floating log rafts (kinda like Pacifidlog town from pokemon gen 3), etc., I really like the design ideas in the pictures linked by @MybroViajero
- I think its very important for nodes to have a lot of personality and uniqueness, not just in their colors/architecture but in their overall shape, layout, how they interact with the environment, and overall aesthetic.
- for the more populated nodes, I think its very important for them to feel alive and busy. Having narrow alleys packed with traders trying to sell you stuff while you walk by is a pretty cool design imo.
Something similar to the scene at 0:31 in this video
- lots of parkour/jumping/logic puzzles to find treasures in the nodes (like stuff hidden on rooftops, on floating/isolated pieces of terrain, inside isolated houses, inside "enclosed" areas like a jail cell with seemingly no entry points, on tree limbs, etc., (basically your typical rpg item hiding, but done really well with fun secrets, puzzles, and parkour)
- I always love when there are "dojos", where you have to fight through a gauntlet of challenges for some kind of hidden piece of wisdom/skill unlock/or other awesome reward, or if the dojo genuinely can be used for training to improve your skilll as a player through fun and interesting challenges. (Like who didn't enjoy the classic Saffron city dojo in pokemon gen 1, where you got to pick from hitmonlee/hitmonchan?). This also doesn't just have to be for combat as well, i've seen games have dojos that focused on testing/teaching other types of skills too, like an agility based dojo where you have to perform tough parkour challenges within a time limit. This is overall just a fun option to have and would fit well within nodes.
- local competitions would be very interesting. I think a big draw of this kind of game is the mysterious nature of the other players around you, and getting to know them and deciding whether you want to pursue a relationship of some kind with them. A big part of this would be not knowing what kind of local talent is hanging around a node, but having opportunities to find out through things like local competitions within the node, which could serve as a way to recruit players to your group or begin rivalries with them. I think it would be fun to have areas dedicated to this within a node on a regular basis.
- I like when nodes have npcs/businesses/organizations/lore that connects them to each other. Things like a brotherhood of npcs that each have a hiding spot within a node and you have to find each brother in each node to unlock something. Or a wondering npc merchant that could show up at any node, and working with other players to locate him and predict his next stop. Or a secret organization that has a network of operations between all the nodes, and you have to investigate and uncover what is going on between the different nodes. Things like this make all the nodes more connected, immersive, and emergent, and makes for interesting stories and experiences when going between nodes and interacting with these different options.
- I think its very important for npc routines to be relevant knowledge for the player to learn, which would include npc behaviors within a node. The player should be rewarded for following an npc and learning how they behave and how they interact with others and with the world around them. This allows for very immersive and emergent gameplay opportunities and experiences.
2. What type of environment would you like to spend most of your time in?
- I love bioluminescensce, and royalty themes with lots of cool drapes and other ornate/colorful/vibrant types of designs that are aesthetically pleasing.
- I think it depends on my mood. Sometimes I would like to be isolated and feel safe and like I have time to focus on what I would like to do without being interrupted. This may mean being in a heavily fortified area if I have something I am trying to protect, or being on an isolated island if I have something I am trying to grind/accomplish. However, sometimes I would like to feel connected with others, and for the world to feel busy and alive when I am ready to socialize and interact with others, like being in a populated city with different events/markets that are active.
3. Do you care more about certain biomes or strategic locations?
I care more about strategic locations, so its nice when there are options for strategic approaches that allow me to be in my desired biome/location, or that encourage me to dynamically shift between biomes and mix things up as a result of whatever the strategy dictates.
4. Do you plan on changing the way you play, based on your node?
Yes, the whole point of a dynamic system is for the world to be changing the kind of challeneges it presents to you and the situations it puts you in, to encourage you to try adapt using different strategies and tactics.
5. Do you want the node you choose to determine how you play the game, or based on the way you play the game will you choose whatever node is best for you at the moment?
Both, You should be able to pursue a certain kind of experience (such as a specific game loop) and choose a node based on that, but within that the state of the node should create variation in that type of experience. There is also nothing wrong with the node forcing you out of your comfort zone into a completely different type of experience (such as a completely different game loop), as long as you can are rewarded for doing so and it can be used to benefit your preferred style of gameplay, which could involve the node influencing how you have to play and requiring you to adapt to that.
I would like flying island type biomes, like avatar or heven from one peace, where it can only be accessed through a mission that gives you a temporary flying mount or only accessible to players who carry a flying mount and can only be accessed there to the 1v1 pvp olympics
Yes, the biome will be very important to my choice of node. However, regardless of biome, if the node is full of jerks then I will find another place to live.
I doubt that the node will change how I play the game very much, I'm too set in my ways at this age.
Kash | Content Creator/Podcaster | Twitter X @KashQuests | |
I am much more likely to spend time in a particular node based on strategic and multiplayer considerations. Biomes are like favourite colors to me. If i am forced to pick one, I will, but otherwise I actually like them all.
My current plan is to pick a race and class I like, and figure the rest out by exploring what the game has to offer. However, as I am not a guild focused player (even though I will likely end up in one), I would rather node politics and in game incentives drive my character to action.
Probably a bit of both. I would like the node systems to provide rationale for my character to travel, trade, interact with players, pvp etc. Personally, I would prefer if my node citizenship and node politics matter more to my actual in game playing experience than guild involvement.
I absolutely loved all the scenes within the Twilight Movies that existed in and around the PNW area.
-Wet. damp and cool temperatures.
-Foggy overcast weather.
-Moss completely enveloping thick old trees.
I would like to see as much variety as the real world has to offer and more with varying layouts and added fantasy elements, geographical advantages and disadvantages. Every node should have unique characteristics that make them better in some aspect like transportation, defense, resources, water access, centralized location, etc.
Here are some examples of the type of nodes I would like to see:
* breathes in Dovahkiin *
Yes, Please. I too would like to have an awesome, HUGE Place where People can settle in a snowy Forest on a huge Mountain Side. Mabe even on several Sides, but that would be several Nodes already - now wouldn't it ?
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon