Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Death Animation Feedback : Different States of Death



  • Mag7spyMag7spy Member, Alpha Two
    I feel like this is the biggest representation of the soloability of modern mmos. You think that everyone's playing alone so if you died - you lost, because you were the one who died.

    I think in party-units, so until my party completely wipes - I can use all the tools the game provides me with to win the fight, rezes included.

    You are making assumptions on people playing "alone" this has nothing to do with any point of mine. Just because you have a teammate alive doesn't mean your whole group just gets to respawn on you and fight again. Your "TEAM" has effectively lost the fight, ratting to revive in combat forcing a second fight after you just lost and repeating until you win is not a fight. You are using a broken ability as a crutch for your inability to win.
    And to me it simply shows that my opponent wasn't strong enough to properly wipe my party.

    That does not show opponents aren't stop enough, it shows how broken ability mass res is, ontop of annoying.
    I've already said that it simply makes pvp more fun imo. Especially big party-based pvp, and not the "solo players in a random pug" situation. You disagree because you're used to those exact solo mmos.

    If Intrepid designers didn't want to have mass rez, Steven would've said so when he was asked about rezes in general, yet he explicitly stated that mass rez(es) was planned. And default design for rezes in A1 was "available in combat", which tells me that mass rezes will be too.

    Again, you seem to hope that the game will get changed to your preferences. I simply think that it will stay with Steven's preferences, which seem to be quite apparent so far.

    If you so strongly believe that absolute majority of people will dislike mass rez, you're more than free to ping Vaknar and ask him to relay a suggestion for the team to make a dev thread about that. And then it'll be up to Intrepid and Steven to decide if they consider their design in line with mass rez or with the, presumed, dislike of it by the community.

    I don't know why you are making assumptions of solo mmorpgs when I'm talking about PvP group fights ????

    Hearing mas rez is planned in varying forms does not mean mass rez in the middle of combat. You are taking words out of context for what you want, while they are still in the middle of designing those elements around their current combat / design.

    Game to be changed??? I'm going off based on the modern combat they are currently showcasing in their livestreams while having logical reasoning and backing it up and not just saying "for fun mass rez" On top of asking what design reason would they do it towards you.

    The thing is most people and almost everyone else could be convinced mass res in the middle of combat would not be good and a broken level ability. Does that mean they would realize right away no certain types would realize some wouldn't care until they experienced it in game and felt killing people is impossible with some of these guilds that will be around.

    A lot of things get said, a lot of things get changed, and things that get said again does not mean you know the function of how it will work. You have no quote saying Mass rez will work same as L2 and you can rez everyone in combat constantly on a mass scale. That is literally you assuming because of nostalgia while nothing shown in game leading to mass combat rez for any of the skills. If it was truly just like healing they would have shown you can do mass combat rez's already. Clearly there is more thought going into the element of rezing a player design wise around their type of combat.
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2024
    Depraved wrote: »
    well, to be fair single target reses can be quite annoying and broken. if the enemy party is dual boxing another elder or a pp for example, they can still res after you kill their 2 healers. they can basically win the fight by paying an extra sub and having an extra pc. so p2w res?xD
    Yeah, that can be said about almost every other class in the game, some with bigger benefit some with smaller. But as you said,
    Depraved wrote: »
    on the other hand. resurrecting in l2 during combat isnt as powerful as resurrecting in combat in a "solo" mmorpg until noble.
    Usually those pocket alts were just a +pvp, especially considering that they'd usually be off-clan and most of the time in shitty gear.
  • CroakerRPGCroakerRPG Member, Alpha Two
    Glad to see you guys worked all that out of your systems!
    I want to play a fun game
  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    NiKr wrote: »
    Yeah, that can be said about almost every other class in the game, so with bigger benefit some with smaller. But as you said, Usually those pocket alts were just a +pvp, especially considering that they'd usually be off-clan and most of the time in shitty gear.

    true except in korea where alts got +16 weapons lmao T_T

    anyways, the best thing is to kill the dude who resed lmao, then the purple buffer haha. smart ppl would wait until their names turned white to res lol, had to pk the buffer sometimes. it was annoying if ur buffr n u died deep in a dungeon hahaha.

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