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Rogue stealth/invisibility. How would you design it?



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    Xeeg wrote: »
    Texas wrote: »
    Yes, 1-shotting people from stealth makes for great pvp. So fun... :trollface:

    It really is super lame gameplay. Getting insta killed without any real way to see it coming or fight back is depressing as hell.

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    Full-invis can suck my knob. If it's in the game, it needs to have counterplay options... detect invis from a wizard or from a friendly rogue, caltrops trap from ranger, broken by AoE, etc. I'd be more lenient if there was shimmer or footprints or something to be able to see and react as a player before I can target them. They shouldn't be able to free-engage without risk.
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    TexasTexas Member
    Maintaining a buff/trap simply because full stealth exists is also dumb gameplay. I'm okay with stealth existing in some form. Just not true perma-stealth.

    Maybe like 6 secs on a 2 min CD or something like that. Enough time to engage or get away, but also give it a sound/visual cue so people know you just stealthed and can try to knock you out of it.
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