Female Armor Design - Spice it up! Don't be afraid.



  • ZahieZahie Member
    Why does a lot of people in the gaming community always think that "feminine" is a synonym to "sexy", "skimpy", "bikini armor", "boob armor", "high heels" etc? Well, I got news for you, it is not a synonym to those words.
    As I said in another thread:
    Zahie wrote: »
    A feminine appearance can differ alot depending on the aesthetic and culture. It's about shapes and lines that create details that are associated with femininity. It's actually not so much about showing bare skin or exaggerate sexualised parts of the female body.

    Also, if someone want their character to "look good" doesn't mean it has to look "sexy" and vice versa. What people think is good looking or sexy is very individual.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member

    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • PaquPaqu Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Love this video:

    I had this thought for sometime but Kaos and Lace have given me the energy to post about it. Hoping to make this a fun post but also generate conversation.

    AoC female design (thus far) is very puritan. I don't know if they are trying not to offend people who outrage when females wear sexy/attractive sets in games. I will now attempt to reverse engineer AoC female armor design pillars:

    1) Cover as much skin as possible.
    a) If skin must be shown ensure its just the belly.
    2) Make it as functional as possible despite this being a fantasy game.
    3) When you finish your design, ask yourself, can I cover more skin?
    4) Make the design resemble the male version as much as possible.
    a) Copy paste the male armor and just add a boob armor plate to save time.

    Here is a small excerpt of past designs:


    Here are some future design ideas that fit this potential design philosophy v5uv7t59eg21.png

    Jokes aside, I think there should be more variety that doesn't fit the androgynous design category. Seems there is a conscious choice to avoid anything deemed too "sexy". No this is not a coomer post. I think most female gamers prefer to have their characters look good, and the video above echo's that. I get the realism angle (in a fantasy game) in the designs but its incredibly boring.

    I 100% agree with this post and video and fully endorse it and all its contents :) I just want male spicy armor to like big bulky armor heavy shoulder pads more fantasy. The UE5 standard art just doesnt spice it up enough but the game looks to good... conflicted...
  • I just joined this forum and I can't believe what I' m seeing here. Is making fun of religions allowed in this community?
  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited July 22
    Command3r wrote: »
    I just joined this forum and I can't believe what I' m seeing here. Is making fun of religions allowed in this community?

    No, controversial content such as religion is against the rules (See https://forums.ashesofcreation.com/discussion/41679/forum-rules-code-of-conduct#latest)

    That said, using the niqab as an example of a very modest garment isn't exactly controversial, modesty is its whole purpose. I don't think the joke was a jab at any particular religion, only at Intrepid's designs.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited July 24
    Command3r wrote: »
    I just joined this forum and I can't believe what I' m seeing here. Is making fun of religions allowed in this community ?

    Hello and welcome. :sunglasses:

    I think this Picture is more like confusing. To demand that female Characters wears "actual" Armor, as in "decent Armor", is not the same as simply clothing or veiling that Character.

    It is just making someone "less" vulnerable who would be kinda a One- or Two-hit Kill otherwise.

    In Medieval Times, every simple Peasant, Militia, Squire, etc. - wore something like Leather-Armor or Chainmail in the Case of War. Even if not everyone had Plate-Armor like a Knight.

    You would have never found a Madman anywhere who would charge into Battle without Armor -> aside from the tragic Case that this Person had no other Choice in the first Place.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • I have actually never met a fellow female gamer who minds "sexy" armor (and I have met *a lot* of them), as long as it is optional.

    In fact, the most revealing, sexualized characters I've played with have been the toons of irl females.

    I also play DnD with s female friends and guess what - (at least slight) sex appeal is more often than not part of their power fantasy.

    I do agree men should get some more revealing/tight fitting options too tho. Plenty of options for everyone!
  • Balrog21Balrog21 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yes, please don't ever go the BDO fashion show route...or the FF14 route. Nothing more immersion breaking than seeing some petite little thing dressed up in a shorts outfit out in the world all in white meleeing a dragon.....uhhhf.
  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    I also play DnD with s female friends and guess what - (at least slight) sex appeal is more often than not part of their power fantasy.

    This comment just triggered a big *click* moment for me. I was struggling to understand why some women so vehemently advocate for "sexy" armor, but this makes total sense.

    Men and women have different power fantasies. The stereotypical male fantasy is to be the big knight decked out head to toe in plate armor, a total badass, or the big shirtless barbarian guy with rippling muscles, a total badass. Those are not the stereotypical female power fantasies.
  • VegaronVegaron Member
    edited July 28
    In the Korean mmo i played, most of the Characters were in full nude and theyre almost all guys..The Female Players had revealing stuff too but more tasteful, not straight up naked.
    I deactivated other players Outfits so they were all shown in generic non-revealing fullbody Robes and deactivated Character sounds, boring but better than feeling like being in a p*rn scene...

    No Problem having Outfits which show more skin than a nun-robe, but adding Tangas,Bikinis,high heels or modern cloth (yeans shorts etc) as Transmog, just No
    In GW2 for example from what ive seen, there is more revealing stuff but still without completely breaking the immersion.

    Just dont go the Korea MMO Route..
  • VegaronVegaron Member
    Balrog21 wrote: »
    Yes, please don't ever go the BDO fashion show route...or the FF14 route. Nothing more immersion breaking than seeing some petite little thing dressed up in a shorts outfit out in the world all in white meleeing a dragon.....uhhhf.

    Yeah, exactly

  • MorashtakMorashtak Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 29
    from an early Dragon magazine
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