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What is the appropriate amount of Green ganking?



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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited June 28
    ExiledByrd wrote: »
    What is the appropriate amount of Green ganking ?

    ... ... ... ... ... Bots. >:) . >:) . >:)

    Gank - them - AAALL. !! (lol)

    Gank them until the End of all time.
    Gank them until the Ancients themselves are impressed by your Corruption.

    Gank them until the People who created them are convinced they are wasting their Money and Ressources by keeping the very Computers running the Bots are "playing" Ashes of Creation with.

    Muahahahahahahahah !!


    Or maybe just tell/ask your Mayor to declare "War" on the Node they are part of -> main Importance they are not part of your own Node - so that Players/Citizens of your Node can kill them repeatedly and ENDLESSLY without ever even getting corrupted for it. :mrgreen:

    * maniacal Villain Laugh once more *
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    SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ganking is fine.. corpse camping someone - is not fine and should exponentially increase corruption.

    The game is still relatively tame compared to full loot systems, mostly because it has to be in order for gear to have any real meaning unless they added in Asherons Call drop system which is based off of value.

    Also, people with pvp rank should be incredibly low when accruing corruption, assassinations are a valid tactic and are always apart of a greater stratagem.

    NCPs have to learn that they will be ganked from time to time and let it roll off their shoulders.

    Just like PvErs and PvPers need to learn to work in unison, not constantly be against each other, it's not the way to be successful in this sort of environment.
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    FutuereFutuere Member
    ExiledByrd wrote: »
    What does everyone else think? How many people need to be corrupted for the game to make sense? Or more importantly, how often? Is it okay if Bounty Hunting is a rare activity?

    This won't be something anyone could answer until launch or even several months after to see if the server population is stable enough to keep PvPers. From my experience in Archage, it had a healthy community of PvP with hundreds of active pirates and non pirate gankers along with an enemy faction. It all depends on where you want to farm or location of the node/resources and the risk the ganker wants to take.

    If Bounty Hunting is rare it will be because it is boring or the risk to gank is too high. If the reward is high and respawn for the ganker is close by with minimal loss then it will happen all day every day, I suspect this will be high value end game zones and near major shipping lane/crossroad or harbors.
    If it is a zone or two away or has minimal value in resources and takes 15-20 minutes to run back then ganking will only happen occasionally (a few times a day). Then you have the wandering gankers, they could stick to 1 zone all day or travel around several, ganking in one spot moving to the next like you would mining nodes and only see them every hour or two.

    Infamous PvPers 99% of the server knows and hates will also be a thing keeping it alive.

    Pretty much it's going to depend on the zone and it will happen enough as long as the player population stays high enough to support it.
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    Chuck ZittoChuck Zitto Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I enjoy how it was set up in Arch Age. Moving caravans or ships full of goods through non pvp zones and turning it in didn't get much money but was completely safe. If you went through a pvp zone or turned in way out in the middle of the ocean you got alot better rewards. That way there was always people for me to come steal there goods or big fish they fished up without getting penalties.
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    I enjoy how it was set up in Arch Age. Moving caravans or ships full of goods through non pvp zones and turning it in didn't get much money but was completely safe. If you went through a pvp zone or turned in way out in the middle of the ocean you got alot better rewards. That way there was always people for me to come steal there goods or big fish they fished up without getting penalties.

    Caravans have next to nothing to do with the frequency of people going corrupt.
    Has anyone else noticed the tendency for users with animal icons to swoop in and comment on the OP without acknowledging any of the discussion that has been going on so far?
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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Following on from earlier comment.

    Might not the "appropriate amount of green ganking" be the community's response to self-regulating to maintain appropriate levels of behavior?

    And everything else dependant on one's self or guilds' actions/diplomatic approach and positioning in the world!

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    akabear wrote: »
    Following on from earlier comment.

    Might not the "appropriate amount of green ganking" be the community's response to self-regulating to maintain appropriate levels of behavior?

    And everything else dependant on one's self or guilds' actions/diplomatic approach and positioning in the world!

    That depends on the corruption system. If the penalties are severe enough to make enforcement a deterrent, then the community can decide how much they are going to enforce. If the penalties are lax then there is a lot less than the community can do.
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    HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    All pvp is good pvp tbh.

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    akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    ExiledByrd wrote: »
    akabear wrote: »
    Following on from earlier comment.

    Might not the "appropriate amount of green ganking" be the community's response to self-regulating to maintain appropriate levels of behavior?

    And everything else dependant on one's self or guilds' actions/diplomatic approach and positioning in the world!

    That depends on the corruption system. If the penalties are severe enough to make enforcement a deterrent, then the community can decide how much they are going to enforce. If the penalties are lax then there is a lot less than the community can do.

    That`s the point, if the killing a green is not too severe, then instead of having game systems regulate server-acceptable ranges of player behavior the player community can.

    I, for one, would much rather have reasonable capacity and accept reasonable consequence to kill that annoying bot that is always in my favorite spot than wait several days or weeks for the player initiated report to be actioned on.

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    DolyemDolyem Member
    I'll be testing corruption a lot for alpha 2. But the tldr answer is enough to supply relevancy to the bounty system, to causing conflicts between players, guilds, nodes etc , and to OWPvP in general. Corruption is meant as a deterrent griefing, not a prevention of ganking.
    That being said, corruption also has to be enough of a deterrent to hinder players from excessive ganking/camping.

    Off the top of my head I would make every 3 corrupted kills increase your difficulty to perform in the game exponentially. So initially you wouldn't be drowning from the effects, but as you continue, each tier would be significantly more noticeable than the last. Maybe having the 3rd tier being an outright necessity to reduce corruption in order to be functional. So 3, youd be feelin a slight effect, 6 would be a very noticeable stat decrease, and 9+ corruption kills youd be sweating to take on a fight.

    All of this doesnt factor in level differences contributing more corruption and what not which would obviously be a factor as well.
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    AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited June 29
    Hinotori wrote: »
    All pvp is good pvp tbh.

    THAT's the Spirit !!! >;-)
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