Lawless Areas

If you didn't catch in on stream, they announced that there will be lawless areas that will not be affected by Corruption. They will be higher level areas and they will have caravan drop off point that will pay more.

Just wondering what people thoughts about this.



  • Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...
  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Just the usual concern about the potential for big guilds to monopolize them, especially when there's a reward like the caravan thing.

    Generally I am in favor of them, though, so long as there isn't strong incentive to form a zerg.
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I don't think the information given was enough to assume that this is for anything other than testing.

    Now, there could be some concerns over 'thinking this needs to be tested at all', but as Steven says, they are aiming for a very specific segment of the market.

    As long as that market segment enjoys the resultant gameplay, I think it's good to have them, but some eventual clarification on the purpose of adding them to the tests would be good.

    I'm not looking forward to the number of people who will just assume this means the game has gone full ArcheAge (or 'worse'), knowing that we still have another year of this to go before we can even clear up basic design goals.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • edited August 17
    the lawless areas are the tropics and desert biomes lol , they probably have it to get data on the pvp and how it is , riverland wll be your normal game with the corruption system and i think only for phase 1
  • Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    I love that they do it's. It's basically a pvp area like in warhammer online. Every pvp game needs that.
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    It's totally fine. It's only certain areas. And if there are "badlands" style areas between major players hubs it will develop stronger local communities and economies.

    If I could just freely walk the earth any where I like, or sail across the ocean at any time, and with no risk, why would I ever care what is happening locally? Why would I ever deal with local crafters when I can just freely go to the cheapest market hub?
  • Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    i would agree and correct me if im wrong but it doesnt look like they are planning for war between guilds/nodes to have long term engagement between players. What I mean is they sound like prime time events and then outside of those events its basic corruption system instead of being flagged purple to each other at all times.

    I would prefer them being flagged purple the whole time, but i dont think that will happen. But yeah, if this indeed how it will work then i would be fine without lawless zones.
    Commissioned at
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    I love it. I think the lawless land areas are just a supplement until open seas are available
  • Hutchy1989 wrote: »
    If you didn't catch in on stream, they announced that there will be lawless areas that will not be affected by Corruption. They will be higher level areas and they will have caravan drop off point that will pay more.

    Just wondering what people thoughts about this.

    Playerkillers, Gankers - and normal PvP'ers only be like : " It's fr~eeee real Estaaate ... ... " ... >:)>:)>:)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • I was a little confused from the stream. Steven said they were lawless because they don’t have nodes. Did he ever clarify if they were a permanent feature or if they would go away after nodes are included in there?

  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Iffithy wrote: »
    I was a little confused from the stream. Steven said they were lawless because they don’t have nodes. Did he ever clarify if they were a permanent feature or if they would go away after nodes are included in there?

    this is just a guess on my part but I think the lawless zones are supplements for what open ocean will be and once the game launches the zones wont be where nodes are capable of spawning and only out at open sea
  • ChunkaChunka Member
    Iirc they didnt say its corruption free, just that its auto-flag and i absolutely love it. It did sound as if its just part of testing tho, I hope they will have some of those on full launch as well. Maybe even some random pvp events which auto flag u as well.
  • SmaashleySmaashley Member
    edited August 16
    I don't know how to feel about it. It doesn't feel very attractive to go in there unless you are a zerg lol and if it is the case, it must not content lock players.
  • I'll have to bring law back to the land so people don't jump dgyz XD
  • It'll be good to see what the payout is for caravan runs and what is too much or too little for running in a lawless area.
  • Dolyem wrote: »
    Iffithy wrote: »
    I was a little confused from the stream. Steven said they were lawless because they don’t have nodes. Did he ever clarify if they were a permanent feature or if they would go away after nodes are included in there?

    this is just a guess on my part but I think the lawless zones are supplements for what open ocean will be and once the game launches the zones wont be where nodes are capable of spawning and only out at open sea

    As a testing feature I think it sounds like it could be both fun and rewarding. I would not be as thrilled for another permanent pvp free for all zones.

    But then again I am against the oceans being auto flag also so what do I know
  • 1mzmvj5gn6yx.png

    lawless zones are only existing for new biomes basicly until nodes can develop in them and im guessing it many to test pvp along with how ocean works since thats basicly a lawless zone
  • rolloxrollox Member
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    I'll have to bring law back to the land so people don't jump dgyz XD

    Lol I can already see the Dygz Exploratory Group Zerg (DEGZ) clearing they way for Dygz to continue his work
  • SpifSpif Member
    There won't be much content in these lawless zones (no POIs, quest, etc), so opening up PvP in them is a way to add content and get more traffic. It may also be designed to spread people out a bit more so L25s aren't overrunning lower level zones and killing low level bosses because there's nothing else to do.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    Spif wrote: »
    There won't be much content in these lawless zones (no POIs, quest, etc), so opening up PvP in them is a way to add content and get more traffic. It may also be designed to spread people out a bit more so L25s aren't overrunning lower level zones and killing low level bosses because there's nothing else to do.

    I couldve swore I heard him say there is higher content in the lawless zones
  • Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    Bro, its to test the idea of the lawless oceans beofre we get oceans. They aren't going to be the norm when the game launches.
  • Dolyem wrote: »
    Spif wrote: »
    There won't be much content in these lawless zones (no POIs, quest, etc), so opening up PvP in them is a way to add content and get more traffic. It may also be designed to spread people out a bit more so L25s aren't overrunning lower level zones and killing low level bosses because there's nothing else to do.

    I couldve swore I heard him say there is higher content in the lawless zones

    Yes he did.
    Commissioned at
  • rollox wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    I'll have to bring law back to the land so people don't jump dgyz XD

    Lol I can already see the Dygz Exploratory Group Zerg (DEGZ) clearing they way for Dygz to continue his work

    Low key I just want to be there since i know hes def going to get jumped so it should be entertaining to kill some people.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    rollox wrote: »
    Lol I can already see the Dygz Exploratory Group Zerg (DEGZ) clearing they way for Dygz to continue his work
    Alpha 2 is for testing; not playing, so…
    Whatever PvP isn’t an issue during testing.
  • VeeshanVeeshan Member
    edited August 17
    Dolyem wrote: »
    Spif wrote: »
    There won't be much content in these lawless zones (no POIs, quest, etc), so opening up PvP in them is a way to add content and get more traffic. It may also be designed to spread people out a bit more so L25s aren't overrunning lower level zones and killing low level bosses because there's nothing else to do.

    I couldve swore I heard him say there is higher content in the lawless zones

    you are correct the stuff for end game equipment (end game for lvl 25) is in the lawless zones but thats the risk and reward aspect

    It also there to test pvp so they want to funnel people to those area aswell in some way or form it also acta like open ocean region so they can test that earlier aswell

    its only realy there for 24 days when you get down to it 8 weeks 3 days a week :p will all new biomes later on be lawless at start till the nodes are ready we dont know guess it depends how community feels about these ones
  • DiamahtDiamaht Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One
    Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    Bro, its to test the idea of the lawless oceans beofre we get oceans. They aren't going to be the norm when the game launches.

    I'm pretty sure that is not accurate. They are not having corruption free zones "to test pvp", they are having corruption free zones because they are planning on having corruption free zones.
  • DolyemDolyem Member
    edited August 17
    Diamaht wrote: »
    Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    Bro, its to test the idea of the lawless oceans beofre we get oceans. They aren't going to be the norm when the game launches.

    I'm pretty sure that is not accurate. They are not having corruption free zones "to test pvp", they are having corruption free zones because they are planning on having corruption free zones.

    Refer to this post. Its just open sea supplement content. Though he doesss say "most likely"
    Veeshan wrote: »

    lawless zones are only existing for new biomes basicly until nodes can develop in them and im guessing it many to test pvp along with how ocean works since thats basicly a lawless zone

  • Dolyem wrote: »
    Diamaht wrote: »
    Hate it. I hated the seas as well. This will push away even more people, while completely ruining the whole fucking point of wars between guilds and nodes.

    And don't even start me on corruption and BHs...

    Bro, its to test the idea of the lawless oceans beofre we get oceans. They aren't going to be the norm when the game launches.

    I'm pretty sure that is not accurate. They are not having corruption free zones "to test pvp", they are having corruption free zones because they are planning on having corruption free zones.

    Refer to this post. Its just open sea supplement content. Though he doesss say "most likely"
    Veeshan wrote: »

    lawless zones are only existing for new biomes basicly until nodes can develop in them and im guessing it many to test pvp along with how ocean works since thats basicly a lawless zone

    i do hope he keeps the lawless zones for that northern big island makes sense that it lawless seeing how far away from main continents it is and allows for the pirate option to use that island as their node :P
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 17
    The whole thing makes no real sense to me.

    If the idea is to test the PvP system working differently in different areas, why use caravans and high level content as a carrot on a stick to get people in? Just create the area, and then one say just say "we want to test this out, can you guys all go to that area and fight?".

    I mean, Intrepid adding high level content to this area and increased caravan rewards for it suggests that they (that Steven, specifically) think people will be playing the alpha like they would a live game, where they are wanting to progress and earn and such.

    This in itself is anti-productive to a testing environment, as if people know that (for example) farming a given area for coin works as it should, it is of no further use for people to spend time there during alpha. Intrepid should want those players to move on to something else that needs testing, which means players can't have the mindset of progression for alpha, which means Intrepid shouldn't be adding things specific to alpha that are designed around the notion of players wanting to progress.

    It just makes no sense.

    The funny thing is, if it is a high level area and they want to properly test it, they are going to have to provide players with an automated means of leveling up to that level anyway in order to test it.
  • Mag7spy wrote: »
    I'll have to bring law back to the land so people don't jump dgyz XD

    I think People will jump Dygz only because they know him from the Forum and want to trigger him. (lol)

    He can avoid it by intentionally making a very different Character Name from his Forum Name. :mrgreen:
    Then all the Dygz-Haters have to sigh in defeat and move on. >:)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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