Is no one else disappointed that "Persistent Alpha" AKA 24/7 Alpha 2 access isn't until May 2025?



  • WarthWarth Member
  • Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.
  • BlipBlip Member
    edited August 24
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

  • Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

    Something is clearly up with your experience, if your take is 100* worse than other people with experience and even worse than people without experience.

    What i find worse is not only you having a bad take but trying to almost do misinformation on top of it.
  • SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 24
    KingRajesh wrote: »
    I appreciate some good grey-area wordsmithing, but the definition of "Persistent Alpha" they gave today is not the same as they've given previously when a lot of people bought access.

    Kickstarter FAQ: "Alpha phase 2 is planned as a persistent testing phase of the game, this means access to the testing server will remain open and available till launch."

    From a 2018 Livestream:
    • Steven: "Persistent for us means that we're going to keep those servers up all day and night until launch."

    Feels like a bait and switch.

    I was aware then that they wouldn't be able to have a persistent Alpha up when I bought the key. The fact that there will even be a persistent Alpha still is a shock to me.

    Most alphas and betas are hardly ever persistent in my experience.
  • Solvryn wrote: »
    KingRajesh wrote: »
    I appreciate some good grey-area wordsmithing, but the definition of "Persistent Alpha" they gave today is not the same as they've given previously when a lot of people bought access.

    Kickstarter FAQ: "Alpha phase 2 is planned as a persistent testing phase of the game, this means access to the testing server will remain open and available till launch."

    From a 2018 Livestream:
    • Steven: "Persistent for us means that we're going to keep those servers up all day and night until launch."

    Feels like a bait and switch.

    I was aware then that they wouldn't be able to have a persistent Alpha up when I bought the key. The fact that there will even be a persistent Alpha still is a shock to me.

    Most alphas are betas are hardly ever persistent in my experience.

    That just means you don't participate in very many crowdfunded or "early access" games (this term has been taken so far out of context by Steven that a lot of people here don't understand what it actually means on Steam).
  • I'm new here - low expectations. The old buy in prices were discouraging but for $120 I figured I'd give it a go. I like testing games and starting out just a few days a week is fine with me. I like to check in every now and again and see if I can find any bugs in the latest code. As it gets closer to release I can spend more time.
  • BlipBlip Member
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

    Something is clearly up with your experience, if your take is 100* worse than other people with experience and even worse than people without experience.

    What i find worse is not only you having a bad take but trying to almost do misinformation on top of it.

    Missinformation what are you smoking?
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Solvryn wrote: »
    I was aware then that they wouldn't be able to have a persistent Alpha up when I bought the key. The fact that there will even be a persistent Alpha still is a shock to me.

    Most alphas and betas are hardly ever persistent in my experience.
    That was Steven, the Gamer, trying to be the Savior of MMORPG development.
    Steven, the somewhat experienced Creative Director, realizes that it's best to have 24/7 Alpha 2 later, rather than sooner.
  • Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

    Something is clearly up with your experience, if your take is 100* worse than other people with experience and even worse than people without experience.

    What i find worse is not only you having a bad take but trying to almost do misinformation on top of it.

    Missinformation what are you smoking?

    You trying to spam Alpha 2 isn't persistent lmao?
  • Nope, not disappointed. I fully expect this game to take approx 20 years to complete given its lofty goals. Since we have 12 years or so left, I think we are right on track. Then once its done we will have a game to dump 40+ years of time into.
  • Nope, not disappointed. I fully expect this game to take approx 20 years to complete given its lofty goals. Since we have 12 years or so left, I think we are right on track. Then once its done we will have a game to dump 40+ years of time into.
    just because you decided that you are content with a timeline that is totally ridiculous ...
    doesnt mean that everyone is ...
    Mag7spy wrote: »

    You trying to spam Alpha 2 isn't persistent lmao?

    why dont you attack the ones spreading the miss information that alpha 2 will be starting as a persistent world ? ... like steven your messiah ... who in an interview told everyone what persistent means and doubled down .... " 24/7 access ".... or that girl in the podcast streams ... who also said that alpha 2 will be the start of the persistent world ....

    you attack people for believing in those two ... thats toxic ...

    i know obviously he redefines now what alpha 2 means ... but if he would be consistent with naming and definitions that he introduced ... he would name this "Alpha 2 phase 1"
    alpha 1.5 ... and "alpha 2 Phase 2" would be called alpha 1.75 and Phase 3 is the og alpha 2 definition ....

    you accept everything intrepid is doing as if it was the right thing to do ... ITS WRONG to redefine things on the fly .... trying to sell keys again -.- ... noone would care if he didnt try to sell keys again ... BEFORE giving any testers access ...

    but if you put a price tag next to something you already sold on some promises and suddenly redefine what that thing that you sold is .... thats shady af
  • BlipBlip Member
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

    Something is clearly up with your experience, if your take is 100* worse than other people with experience and even worse than people without experience.

    What i find worse is not only you having a bad take but trying to almost do misinformation on top of it.

    Missinformation what are you smoking?

    You trying to spam Alpha 2 isn't persistent lmao?

    It is not tough, not yet anyway presisten always meant online 24/7 until they changed the defenition.

    That is a fact.

    What I don't understand is why are you taking it so personal. It is not like am attacking you as you are with me.

    Am stating a facts, anyways take your blue pill mentalaty somewhere else please.

    Am done discusing this with you.

    Have a Great day!
  • iccericcer Member
    edited August 27
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

  • If this takes 24 month for Alpha 2, that is $5 a month. I really don't get any complaints on the price. Those are very small minded people. $5 to support the type of game you have been asking for 20 years is nothing. Should be $10 a month.
  • patrick68794patrick68794 Member
    edited August 27
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.
  • Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Blip wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Did Steven ever say that every second of Alpha 2 was 24/7?
    The expectation for an Alpha is that it is not going to be up 24/7 until months or years into it.

    This, thing is some people don't care or pay attention like above guy just things is a early access game. There were already statements leading up to stream before them not being up the entire time. They never outlaid the full alpha 2 planning. Common sense kind of dictates to expect it not to be 24/7 at the start (as stated in past streams there would be down time loosely), unless you are someone expecting to be playing a game and not being apart of the alpha development you would have a early access expectation (which is clearly silly).

    When did they say that Alpha 2 wouldn't be available 24/7 before the AMA? Being down for short periods to apply updates and fixes doesn't count as "not being 24/7" as that happens in most live games as well. They've explicitly stated that Alpha 2 was originally planned to be up and available at all times (barring short downtimes for updates) from when it started until retail release. It's in the Kickstarter FAQ and Steven explicitly stated this in a livestream. Obviously plans change but that expectation 100% was set by Intrepid.

    You would need to pay attention to all detail on streams to figure that out. They have no reason to lay out their development plan to you. If you understanding is that its a downtime for a day again you do not have a scope of Alpha development to understand it.

    They didn't state it was 24/7 from all points of alpha 2, you won't find a quote on that. Their goal for alpha is pretty obvious being persistent, a goal doesn't appear out of the blue, it needs to be developed because surprise this is in Alpha.

    The only one creating wild expectations is you guys, regardless even when it is active and when it isn't. You jumping into a alpha thinking you are playing 24/7 whenever you want instantly, is so far from the mark of an alpha It is crazy. Effectively it is you complaining you can't play the game 24/7, when the whole point of alpha is to TEST the game. Which is pretty much work at that point (granted u have a large amount that don't understand alpha and just will play it, and not really do any work that helps besides some feedback here and there.)

    Ill happily comment on the Kickstarter comment though since your entire complain revolves around it (as much as its a bad take).

    Notice how they talk about is planned for it being persistent, and you can see their outline of alpha 2 when it will become fully persistent 24/7-ish based on their stream. There is no detailed explanation of their plane and how they are going to go about that in alpha 2. If you are going to be naïve and think there is 0 work involved and it just happens that is on you to not piece it together, or do some extra research to try to understand things better.

    Now that you are seeing the plan you are trying to pick at it and say they aren't going to be doing it. Trying to rely on the little information they talked about it which is rightfully so since it wouldn't be planned that far in advanced.

    Even though you were not told their plan, making assumptions no how they meant their plan to work, don't have a grasp of alpha in game and the development. You are trying to be that guy saying "Well actually you said its persistent so it needs to be 24/7 right away so i can play the game all day and week. Be playing is more important that the devs doing work on the game and you should pay all the people to make sure things are working fine while I play even if there isn't a whole lot to do." -pushes glasses up on face-

    Ah yes, only in the mind of a delusional moron does "servers up and available continuously from the start of alpha 2 until launch" mean "only up sometimes from the start of the alpha 2 until launch"

    The fact is, they explicitly stated that alpha 2 would be up and available continuously, meaning at all times barring short periods of downtime for updates, until launch.

    You're making a whole lot of dumb assumptions about me and what I think too lol not that that's surprising based on how dumb some of your comments in general are.

    Naaa my assumptions are spot on, you are whining about alpha development and not understanding how planning works and you able to see the process.

    You continue to show you really are not able to handle following alpha development. Which explains how stupid some of your recent comments have been around this. There is being ignorant and then double downing on that kind of mind set.

    Alpha 2 will be running persistently, it is no one else's fault but your own you don't understand there can be phases or milestones leading up to that, ontop of unforeseen issues.

    This is why you aren't going to find a single quote saying A2 will be running 24/7 at the very first day of it, and you are only going to find them saying their plan or A2 is to end up like that, without talking about their plan and process. And most likely missing small bits on stream where they slightly mention things and selective playtimes.

    That's a whole lot of stupid you just posted lol

    From someone that has 0 grasp on development, I don't blame things for being way over your head in understanding. Its ok, you got to start somewhere right ;)

    You're an idiot lol

    One lacking in intelligence is you buddy, not understanding how things work and crying.

    Yes, me saying I understand why they're doing this and am not upset or concerned about it sure is "crying" lol

    You're the one making dumbass assumptions about people you know nothing about because you clearly didn't understand what they were saying to begin with. Now feel free to reply again so you can feel like you "won" to appease your fragile ego. You very obviously have nothing of value to add though so I won't be wasting any more time replying to your drivel.

    You are reflecting bud on the winning I'm just responding to your terrible takes. I understanding perfectly well but you are out here trying to convince people they lied / changed plans and saying alpha 2 isn't persistent. Its extremely silly, laughable actually.

    They would have to fully remove alpha being persistent or atleast make it years down the line and only have it be like that at the end. For you to be standing on this kind of point.

    Ill just be blunt, you are being a joke right now and whining pretty much. Their time frame is pretty fair. But at the same time there is no point taking you this serious because you will also complain at delays and prob say they are lying again or something.

    You won't admit it but you are looking at this as a early access expectations and not alpha expectations (expectations is the key word). Its a dumb take.

    I see this comment on so many threads you are thinking about it as a early access bla bla bla.

    Alpha 2 was suposed to be online 24/7, but they delayd and dont want to admit it so they came up with Phases.

    Some are calling out there BS call a spade for a spade we delayd Alpha 2 until May 2025 but we will do some spot test before that.

    Then people like you come around and start attacking becuse you want to defend Intrepid even tough Steven said they dont want White Knights.

    Intrepid should be transparent and say. Hay we cant do 24/7 presistent Alpha just yet, but we will give you as much access as we can.

    Love when people that have no idea what they are talking start saying white knighting lmao. The fact you thought alpha 2 (with the numbers they have) was going to start without any build up shows you have no clue how development works.

    I guess my 15 years of development experience is just a dream.

    Ok good to know.

    I will have to notify my employer about that on monday.

    Something is clearly up with your experience, if your take is 100* worse than other people with experience and even worse than people without experience.

    What i find worse is not only you having a bad take but trying to almost do misinformation on top of it.

    Missinformation what are you smoking?

    You trying to spam Alpha 2 isn't persistent lmao?

    It is not tough, not yet anyway presisten always meant online 24/7 until they changed the defenition.

    That is a fact.

    What I don't understand is why are you taking it so personal. It is not like am attacking you as you are with me.

    Am stating a facts, anyways take your blue pill mentalaty somewhere else please.

    Am done discusing this with you.

    Have a Great day!

    Only people taking this personal is the people spamming its not persistent lmao. A2 is persistent and you now have a outline of their plan (which you should expect delays) on how they are testing their game and the phases for it like all development.

    You thought is pretty much equal to expecting everything in Alpha 2 at the start not and realizing everything is going to be tested in steps.

    The only reason anyone here is spamming for it to be 24/7 out of the gate, is the same people that don't care they need to work on their server issues, same people that will complain bout lack of content, complain about being unable to play from broken elements or ques, same people wanting them to be paying to keep severs up even if the state is bad or lacks content just so they can run around like they are playing a game.

    Welcome to development, now stop expecting a full game and realize this is a alpha not a early access release.
  • iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    This sounds so extremely privileged its unreal, you aren't an investor you have 0 reason to be upset.

    YOU paid money to support the development you didn't pay to put weird expectations.


    That is why you are funny you try to deny it, yall have no clue what an alpha is.
  • iccericcer Member
    edited August 27
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

  • iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.
  • iccericcer Member
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    I'm addressing the complaints, the whining and crying, and the overreaction in general. Not just your post, or any specific post in this thread for that matter. I've clearly stated "people are", not "you are". I'm simply explaining my point of view to you, and yeah, Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.
  • iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    Naa bud your whole point is akin to Early access + outrage.
  • patrick68794patrick68794 Member
    edited August 27
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    I'm addressing the complaints, the whining and crying, and the overreaction in general. Not just your post, or any specific post in this thread for that matter. I've clearly stated "people are", not "you are". I'm simply explaining my point of view to you, and yeah, Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    Then don't reply directly to someone with something that's a generalized statement while also saying "you" and then get upset when you get called out for your posts being stupid or you not understanding what you're reading. If you want to communicate learn to do it properly. See, I'm using "you" to reply directly to you, I'm not making some idiotic generalized statement about other people.
  • iccericcer Member
    edited August 27
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    I'm addressing the complaints, the whining and crying, and the overreaction in general. Not just your post, or any specific post in this thread for that matter. I've clearly stated "people are", not "you are". I'm simply explaining my point of view to you, and yeah, Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    Then don't reply directly to someone with something that's a generalized statement while also saying "you" and then get upset when you get called out for your posts being stupid or you not understanding what you're reading. If you want to communicate learn to do it properly. See, I'm using "you" to reply directly to you, I'm not making some idiotic generalized statement about other people.

    You've ignored 80% aka the rest of my reply anyways, and are focusing on my wording or the fact I directly quoted you while trying to further explain my point, after your replied to my post.

    Are you here to provide good arguments to support your point, or to just argue about bs, and semantics?
  • iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    I'm addressing the complaints, the whining and crying, and the overreaction in general. Not just your post, or any specific post in this thread for that matter. I've clearly stated "people are", not "you are". I'm simply explaining my point of view to you, and yeah, Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    Then don't reply directly to someone with something that's a generalized statement while also saying "you" and then get upset when you get called out for your posts being stupid or you not understanding what you're reading. If you want to communicate learn to do it properly. See, I'm using "you" to reply directly to you, I'm not making some idiotic generalized statement about other people.

    You've ignored 80% aka the rest of my reply anyways, and are focusing on my wording or the fact I directly quoted you while trying to further explain my point, after your replied to my post.

    Are you here to provide good arguments to support your point, or to just argue about bs, and semantics?

    I already provided good arguments. The people that paid have every right to be upset at the constant missed deadlines and changing plans and Intrepid is not above hearing negative feedback from those people. Saying "that's software development" and just dismissing the actual problem shows complete ignorance about how professional software development works just as much as people complaining the first time a deadline was missed. All you did was try and dismiss that with irrelevant drivel that had nothing to do with what I said. I never said anything about how they should have the alpha up 24/7. I never said anything about being upset that it won't be up 24/7 at the start either. I don't care what you think the reason other people bought the alpha/beta access for either because that's nothing but baseless conjecture on your part.
  • iccericcer Member
    edited August 28
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    It's beyond idiotic to think that just because they've said "this is an alpha" then that means they're beyond any criticism or negative feedback. If I told my paying clients that and continually missed deadlines you bet your ass I'd hear negative feedback about that, and I would 100% deserve it. If Steven has any sort of professionalism (and I do think he does) then I'd bet money that he'd agree with that.

    And yes, missing deadlines in development is expected and normal, to an extent. That isn't some blanket excuse that can be used constantly and eventually it's just an excuse for a deeper problem. I'm not saying Intrepid is at that point but that is eventually the reality of throwing that excuse around constantly. At some point your clients/investors/customers will stop believing it and are going to get angry.

    No. If you "paid money" you did it to support the game, not to get to play it before everyone else.

    If you view it differently, than that's on you.

    There's a huge difference between paying for or rather investing in a product, and paying to support the devs.
    There's a huge difference between paying for a finished product, and paying for the development of said product.

    I never said they are absolved of any negative feedback, hell, I'll be one of the first people to shit on them if necessary. Don't think I'm any sort of a white-knight for them, because far from it.
    However, in this case people are completely missing the point on what the alpha is supposed to be, on what they spent they money, etc. I'll absolutely point out the bs outrage about things that do not matter.

    My point is, people are completely missing the point on what Alpha 2 is supposed to be. They're completely missing the point on what they spent their money on. They view it as an early access, when it's just not that, or rather that is only a small part of it.

    What does it matter if the alpha is persistent or not immediately? How does that impact you?
    Btw, persistent as in there will be no wipes, you get to keep characters, etc. - it doesn't have to mean it's 24/7 online.

    I never said people were paying money to "play the game early" lol I don't know where you got that from. Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    I'm addressing the complaints, the whining and crying, and the overreaction in general. Not just your post, or any specific post in this thread for that matter. I've clearly stated "people are", not "you are". I'm simply explaining my point of view to you, and yeah, Don't reply again until you understand what's being said to you.

    Then don't reply directly to someone with something that's a generalized statement while also saying "you" and then get upset when you get called out for your posts being stupid or you not understanding what you're reading. If you want to communicate learn to do it properly. See, I'm using "you" to reply directly to you, I'm not making some idiotic generalized statement about other people.

    You've ignored 80% aka the rest of my reply anyways, and are focusing on my wording or the fact I directly quoted you while trying to further explain my point, after your replied to my post.

    Are you here to provide good arguments to support your point, or to just argue about bs, and semantics?

    I already provided good arguments. The people that paid have every right to be upset at the constant missed deadlines and changing plans and Intrepid is not above hearing negative feedback from those people. Saying "that's software development" and just dismissing the actual problem shows complete ignorance about how professional software development works just as much as people complaining the first time a deadline was missed. All you did was try and dismiss that with irrelevant drivel that had nothing to do with what I said. I never said anything about how they should have the alpha up 24/7. I never said anything about being upset that it won't be up 24/7 at the start either. I don't care what you think the reason other people bought the alpha/beta access for either because that's nothing but baseless conjecture on your part.

    If by constant missed deadlines and changing plans you mean the Alpha 1 stuff, I mean sure. Hell, they changed the entire "game" from then to now, but I can only believe it's for the better, as that version had none of the key systems that are going to be in the game. If anything, they should be happy they're willing to re-iterate and improve the game - up to a point of course, they cannot do it forever.

    Sure, people have a right to be upset. But the reason why they are upset might not be right. And I've explained why, which is the main point I've repeated, and that I'm going to repeat again.
    Maybe they should think more before they spend large amounts of money on something, or rather maybe they should manage expectations better.

    Calling it a scam, bait and switch, or whatever else, just because people are upset that they won't get to play the game "continuously" before May, is such a shit reason to be upset about.

    I'd understand it more if this was closer to release, but this game is years from release. It's very much in the middle of development.

    What are people actually upset about here then, if not because it's not "persistent alpha"? I mean just take a look at the OP and several replies on the first page, nothing I say is "baseless". The fact that you haven't said anything about 24/7 persistent alpha, means nothing in this conversation. Remember, you were the one who replied to me first. You cannot just say "All you did was try and dismiss that with irrelevant drivel", when I'm trying to reiterate my original point.

    They're still getting Alpha 2 this year. If it not being persistent means so much to everyone, then I'd say people need to fix their priorities, and maybe focus on other actual issues with the game, its development, etc. rather than something so meaningless.

    The fact is, players are upset about them not getting to play the game like they expected to, when they expected to, and my point was, they are there to test it, and provide feedback not to just play it for their own enjoyment. That is the purpose of alpha 2, and that should've been one of the reasons they bought the pack, on top of wanting to support the devs. Whether they get to do it 24/7 for weeks, continuously, or during a weekend, is totally not up to them.

    Feel free to ignore this part, as this is only my assumption that might or might not be true:
    So what we have now is people who bought access with maybe a lack of information, who misunderstood the purpose of Alpha 2, that are now upset. Most of them wouldn't be upset, if they only did some research.
    At the same time Intrepid's FOMO tactics with packs, and now with selling Alpha 2 keys didn't help at all, so yeah, you can be upset about this, as it is a far better reason to being upset about.

  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    Investors pushing game devs to crunch to fit in their unrealistic timeline expectations?

    Now where have I seen this before, and what have gamers always said about those people pushing dev teams to crunch out games despite it harming the overall product?

    Nothing that can be said here, that’s for sure.
  • patrick68794patrick68794 Member
    edited August 28
    Caeryl wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    Investors pushing game devs to crunch to fit in their unrealistic timeline expectations?

    Now where have I seen this before, and what have gamers always said about those people pushing dev teams to crunch out games despite it harming the overall product?

    Nothing that can be said here, that’s for sure.

    That isn't what I'm saying. Don't put words in other people's mouths. Also don't reply to something you don't actually understand.
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    Caeryl wrote: »
    iccer wrote: »
    One thing I simply do not get is people who are upset about this.

    You are complaining about an ALPHA. You are not meant to play the game, you are meant to TEST it and provide feedback. Having Alpha be persistent immediately, or next year in May, should make absolutely 0 difference to you, AS A TESTER. It does however make a huge difference to devs, you know, because at this stage of the game, they matter a lot more than you.
    If they cannot provide you with something that was promised during this stage, then it's totally normal, for anyone who has a slight clue about development process. Expecting them to meet deadlines, while they're still very much in the middle of developing the game and it's systems, is beyond baffling to me.
    If I were Steven, I would never, ever again put a deadline on anything, ever, just because of crybabies online who complain when they cannot meet said deadlines. And for a long time, he didn't want to say when Alpha 2 will happen, because he wanted to avoid situations like these.

    Be happy that you get an Alpha 2 this year, because they could've easily pushed it back to May, and maybe then you would've got persistent alpha, except then you would cry about the delay.

    I'd be totally supporting the argument if we were talking about a launch, but this is an Alpha. Things change, some deadlines cannot be met due to various reasons.

    No, nobody lied to you. Yes, there is a reason they had to push it back.

    People that have paid money are absolutely allowed to be upset here. It doesn't matter that we've paid to "test" instead of "play" either. We've invested money into the project and if deadlines are missed then feedback should be provided.

    Investors pushing game devs to crunch to fit in their unrealistic timeline expectations?

    Now where have I seen this before, and what have gamers always said about those people pushing dev teams to crunch out games despite it harming the overall product?

    Nothing that can be said here, that’s for sure.

    That isn't what I'm saying. Don't put words in other people's mouths. Also don't reply to something you don't actually understand.

    I took the words straight from your post. If you don’t see your own entitlement in it, that’s a You problem
  • RedLeaderRedLeader Member
    edited August 28
    I think a lot of people are struggling to get the message that testing in AoC is not:

    1. Going to be much use for getting a head start on the game when it goes live.
    2. Intended to be anything other than part of the design and development process.
    3. The same as testing in any MMO before.

    The Alpha2 test is part of the design process. You are paying to have a say in the final design of the game. Given the number of people that seem to have paid just to have fun, I suspect that anyone who does test and provides intelligent feedback might have quite an impact on the end product, as they seem to be in short supply!

    Hopefully we can get enough people with the time and experience to do a good job, and we can get through this ASAP, and maybe move things a little faster than Intrepid expect, but the more I see threads like this, the less optimistic I get.
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