Feels Like a Cash Grab!



  • LaZzIsFree wrote: »
    a big long chunk of shite

    They absolutely did have prices attached to the cosmetics. Once you'd bought a Pack, you had access to buy the cosmetics individually, and so were shown the prices. And yes, the highest priced cosmetics were $25.

    You just need to let this one go. People asked for more Alpha-2 keys, and Intrepid provided. They can pick their own prices, and they have done. People are paying those prices. You are in a very small minority of people that seem to have got waaaay too butthurt about this.

    Maybe take a small break. Come back again in a few weeks. Get yourself some clarity and perspective.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    LaZzIsFree wrote: »
    a big long chunk of shite

    You just need to let this one go. People asked for more Alpha-2 keys, and Intrepid provided. They can pick their own prices, and they have done. People are paying those prices. You are in a very small minority of people that seem to have got waaaay too butthurt about this.

    Maybe take a small break. Come back again in a few weeks. Get yourself some clarity and perspective.

    I think this answer is invalid. The question we need to ask ourselves is: would the people who feel they are being treated unfavorably have bought Cosmetics Packs if the product had been presented in a different way?

    The exclusive character referred to a limited period of time is distorted and could constitute grounds for deception.

    If the OP seems to be reacting emotionally, we must not impose an emotional solution but a legal one.

    For the OP, I would advise you to:

    1. Gather a group of potential victims of the same or similar harm.

    2. Attempt to resolve the problem peacefully, by requesting compensation in a signed e-mail to Intrepid. This reparation may take the form of a refund, but Intrepid will certainly propose a solution that avoids impacting its cash flow.

    3. If nothing is done or you are not satisfied with the compensation, take legal action. This is a complicated process, particularly in view of the multiple elements of extraterritoriality. But complicated doesn't mean impossible and the company's HQ in California (to be verified) allows for a large number of appeals without necessarily spending a lot of money, as is often imagined.

    4. It is also possible to report Intrepid to the European authorities on the grounds of pentential violations of certain directives relating to consumer rights and corporate duty of diligence/transparency (regardless of the country in which they are based).
  • Myosotys wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    LaZzIsFree wrote: »
    a big long chunk of shite

    You just need to let this one go. People asked for more Alpha-2 keys, and Intrepid provided. They can pick their own prices, and they have done. People are paying those prices. You are in a very small minority of people that seem to have got waaaay too butthurt about this.

    Maybe take a small break. Come back again in a few weeks. Get yourself some clarity and perspective.

    I think this answer is invalid. The question we need to ask ourselves is: would the people who feel they are being treated unfavorably have bought Cosmetics Packs if the product had been presented in a different way?

    The exclusive character referred to a limited period of time is distorted and could constitute grounds for deception.

    If the OP seems to be reacting emotionally, we must not impose an emotional solution but a legal one.

    For the OP, I would advise you to:

    1. Gather a group of potential victims of the same or similar harm.

    2. Attempt to resolve the problem peacefully, by requesting compensation in a signed e-mail to Intrepid. This reparation may take the form of a refund, but Intrepid will certainly propose a solution that avoids impacting its cash flow.

    3. If nothing is done or you are not satisfied with the compensation, take legal action. This is a complicated process, particularly in view of the multiple elements of extraterritoriality. But complicated doesn't mean impossible and the company's HQ in California (to be verified) allows for a large number of appeals without necessarily spending a lot of money, as is often imagined.

    4. It is also possible to report Intrepid to the European authorities on the grounds of pentential violations of certain directives relating to consumer rights and corporate duty of diligence/transparency (regardless of the country in which they are based).

    We really going down this rabbit hole.

    Im to lazy to start doing law debates on this forum.
  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited August 24
    Mag7spy wrote: »

    We really going down this rabbit hole.

    Im to lazy to start doing law debates on this forum.

    I mean there are dozens of topics about the same thing. So let the guys make a group and take actions instead of flooding the forum. Sometimes there are some ways of protesting much more efficient than screaming in the street.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    All publicity is good publicity. The fact IS have reopened sales is a good thing. The fact inflation hasn't caused huge price spikes is also a good thing.
  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited August 24
    NiTr08 wrote: »
    Honestly, it feels like you guys are trying to cash in early on the hype AoC has generated over the years. If you wanted more players to test your game, there were plenty of ways to do that without charging $100+ just to playtest. I get that you're not a big-budget AAA studio, but these Alpha 2 keys feel pretty scummy, especially coming from a company that was started because MMORPGs were full of these exact kinds of scummy moves.

    For those who want to defend this $100+ alpha access, go ahead—give me a solid reason. Right now, it feels like, "Hey, let's make some quick cash off of these desperate MMO players. Hahaha!" (cue Steven laughing maniacally).

    And to the inevitable "yOu dOnT hAvE to support this, plenty of good games out there" crowd, let me just say: I've watched every single livestream since the Unreal 5 reveal, spent way too much time on the wiki, and haunted the Discord like a ghost. Also, let's be real most games out there suck.

    Finally, I think only Phase 3 keys should've been sold, and they should've been cheaper, or at least bundled with something that gives access to the betas too.

    This, I've said it before, these guys are milking players, think they know there is tons of money to be made by pushing back the release as well, they can get another 100 sets out, bought by god knows how many people.

    Thing is MMO players are so desperate for a game, they willing to forgive, or turn a blind eye to anything, and you will always get the unscrupulous jumping in to take advantage, yes looking at you AoC

    I have zero trust in these guys what so ever.
    The Immortals
    • We Lived a Thousand Lives, United we Stand.
    • Recruitment
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    Myosotys wrote: »
    Mag7spy wrote: »

    We really going down this rabbit hole.

    Im to lazy to start doing law debates on this forum.

    I mean there are dozens of topics about the same thing. So let the guys make a group and take actions instead of flooding the forum. Sometimes there are some ways of protesting much more efficient than screaming in the street.

    That’s certainly a very extreme measure to take in response to an unsurprisingly delay in a large scale development process.

    Additionally, new purchasers are buying access for more than the bundle purchasers did. There’s clear and easily tracked pricing influences for cosmetics in the packs, so old alpha2 access was much cheaper than the new access (which is fine imo, early bird gets the worm and all)

    Rebalancing the beta upgrade pricing was as good move, though it’d be nice to see a proper article posted regarding all the adjustments and prices if they’ve been finalized now.
  • arkileo wrote: »
    NiTr08 wrote: »
    Honestly, it feels like you guys are trying to cash in early on the hype AoC has generated over the years. If you wanted more players to test your game, there were plenty of ways to do that without charging $100+ just to playtest. I get that you're not a big-budget AAA studio, but these Alpha 2 keys feel pretty scummy, especially coming from a company that was started because MMORPGs were full of these exact kinds of scummy moves.

    For those who want to defend this $100+ alpha access, go ahead—give me a solid reason. Right now, it feels like, "Hey, let's make some quick cash off of these desperate MMO players. Hahaha!" (cue Steven laughing maniacally).

    And to the inevitable "yOu dOnT hAvE to support this, plenty of good games out there" crowd, let me just say: I've watched every single livestream since the Unreal 5 reveal, spent way too much time on the wiki, and haunted the Discord like a ghost. Also, let's be real most games out there suck.

    Finally, I think only Phase 3 keys should've been sold, and they should've been cheaper, or at least bundled with something that gives access to the betas too.

    The keys do give access to beta, Steven clarified that yesterday. Seems like there was some confusion on their end. https://www.reddit.com/r/AshesofCreation/comments/1euy7q1/clarifying_a2_keys_announcement/
    When Beta starts, the Alpha 2 servers will live concurrently alongside the Beta servers. Players who own Alpha 2 keys (including the new phase keys) will also have access to the Beta servers.

    You could defend it by pointing out the length of the alpha (More than 1 year), and that servers aren't free. This is a ChatGPT answer so take it with a grain of salt, but it estimates a cost of $25-$70 per player per year in costs like server hosting, bandwidth, maintenance, security, and customer service.

    By buying a key you're supporting the development of the game. Keep in mind that they don't have a constant revenue stream yet, money from previous packages is likely long gone, so cash to keep the lights on is coming out of Steven and John's pockets.

    From what I recall was said. They said clearly it wouldn't give access to beta. They probaly decided to backtrack on that, due to the backlash they got
  • NiTr08 wrote: »
    Honestly, it feels like you guys are trying to cash in early on the hype AoC has generated over the years. If you wanted more players to test your game, there were plenty of ways to do that without charging $100+ just to playtest. I get that you're not a big-budget AAA studio, but these Alpha 2 keys feel pretty scummy, especially coming from a company that was started because MMORPGs were full of these exact kinds of scummy moves.

    For those who want to defend this $100+ alpha access, go ahead—give me a solid reason. Right now, it feels like, "Hey, let's make some quick cash off of these desperate MMO players. Hahaha!" (cue Steven laughing maniacally).

    And to the inevitable "yOu dOnT hAvE to support this, plenty of good games out there" crowd, let me just say: I've watched every single livestream since the Unreal 5 reveal, spent way too much time on the wiki, and haunted the Discord like a ghost. Also, let's be real most games out there suck.

    Finally, I think only Phase 3 keys should've been sold, and they should've been cheaper, or at least bundled with something that gives access to the betas too.

    but maybe they don't want that many people to play in alpha. have you considered that? have you considered they already have more than enough and that's why the steep price of the new keys?
  • @NiTr08 any comments on what has been said during the last livestream? Did that change anything for you? Did it maybe confirm your worries/suspicions?
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    edited September 1
    Nemeses wrote: »
    This, I've said it before, these guys are milking players, think they know there is tons of money to be made by pushing back the release as well, they can get another 100 sets out, bought by god knows how many people.

    Thing is MMO players are so desperate for a game, they willing to forgive, or turn a blind eye to anything, and you will always get the unscrupulous jumping in to take advantage, yes looking at you AoC

    I have zero trust in these guys what so ever.

    I can understand the whole Comment. However ... ...

    What harmed my Ability to trust a little bit - is this cold, calculated " When do i shit into People's Expectations WHEN for the best Moment to do so ? " - from dear Sir Steven himself.

    We were told for over half a Year that the Alpha Two would come in Quarter Three of 2024. And in September 2023 it was announced that it will come in 2024.

    Now i am kinda aware of what is going on. People started to get more and more butthurt when the Game didn't release in the likes of November 2021.

    What i don't know is - > did Sir Steven and his mighty Crew ever told People before :
    " Ey Yo, dear Fans. We are developing an Engine that will EEEAAASILY TAKE until the Month of May 2024 or the likes to become functioning/stable enough - so that we can put "MASSIVE" in MMO back ?!? "

    Probably not, right ? ;)

    So the cold Calculations began in Sir Steven's Head and the Heads of his mighty Crew ... ... ... ... "WHEN" to announce an Alpha Two ? Before People let the Game ULTIMATELY die - in their minds and hearts ?

    Yikes !! September 2023. We pushed it now for a while already since late 2021 - hopefully this is not to late to make People come back - despite them probably being pissed off as hell now.

    Then the "Quarter Three" Announcement in around December(?) 19th(ish?) ... ... ... ... ... gotta keep counting on People's desperate Hope and Copium. And the ones who developed a rightful Hatred for the likes of Activision Lizzard and other, incompetent or arrogant Companies. (lol)

    Oh sheesh. June is here. And the Codings take their sweet time as always.
    Oh, sh~eeesh. July is here. And the Codings take their sweet time as always.

    Oh, DAMN. August is here - aaannnd ... ... ... ... ... okay it is still taking forever. Better say now that we need to delay it once again, before People get anymore pissed off in the coming Weeks where they have waited even longer when hearing the next Delay.

    And - HEEREE - WEE - AAARE. :mrgreen: (lol) :D

    I see the "fine, barely existing Test-Weekends" as a tiny Delay as well. Hell i as someone who wants to play a Summoner one Day in the future in case i will still be alive when Ashes launches,

    have to wait for May 1th in 2025 or more until i can finally even just "test" my already favourite Archetype then.

    Sir Steven and his mighty Crew are carefully balancing the Weights. Butthurt versus Hope. Hope versus Butthurt.

    When to announce what or anything at all ?!? - and when to kick People into the nuts with admitting that there need to be Delays still ?

    There is a Reason i can forgive anything, despite feeling so betrayed and thrown under the Bus at times.

    " GOOD - things - TAKE - time. "

    And since i just know Ashes of Creation aspires to be a VEERY good MMO Game - and i hear from time to time again that not th~aaaat many People work on it at dear Intrepid,

    i just have no Choice but to accept the facts that everything is - as it is.

    And all the "SCAM !! SCAM!!"-Cry'ers will never shut up anyways. It is their Life-work, hell - there REASON FOR EXISTENCE to behave like annoying Adult-Children throwing a Temper-Tantrum in the (virtual) Streets of the Internet - screeching and trashing around everytime something is not going according to their will.

    I bet most of these People have no Idea how tough coding and programming an MMO can be. :sweat_smile:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • Nemeses wrote: »
    NiTr08 wrote: »
    Honestly, it feels like you guys are trying to cash in early on the hype AoC has generated over the years. If you wanted more players to test your game, there were plenty of ways to do that without charging $100+ just to playtest. I get that you're not a big-budget AAA studio, but these Alpha 2 keys feel pretty scummy, especially coming from a company that was started because MMORPGs were full of these exact kinds of scummy moves.

    For those who want to defend this $100+ alpha access, go ahead—give me a solid reason. Right now, it feels like, "Hey, let's make some quick cash off of these desperate MMO players. Hahaha!" (cue Steven laughing maniacally).

    And to the inevitable "yOu dOnT hAvE to support this, plenty of good games out there" crowd, let me just say: I've watched every single livestream since the Unreal 5 reveal, spent way too much time on the wiki, and haunted the Discord like a ghost. Also, let's be real most games out there suck.

    Finally, I think only Phase 3 keys should've been sold, and they should've been cheaper, or at least bundled with something that gives access to the betas too.

    This, I've said it before, these guys are milking players, think they know there is tons of money to be made by pushing back the release as well, they can get another 100 sets out, bought by god knows how many people.

    Thing is MMO players are so desperate for a game, they willing to forgive, or turn a blind eye to anything, and you will always get the unscrupulous jumping in to take advantage, yes looking at you AoC

    I have zero trust in these guys what so ever.

    then why are you posting a recruitment thread?
    why are you here?
    if you are mad about this and have zero trust, then I hope you are also mad at every fast food place in the world for using the color red on their logo, or at anyone who offers discounts or coupon codes, or any way to sell at all.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    If you stop replying to them, they will stop posting.
  • Caeryl wrote: »

    That’s certainly a very extreme measure to take in response to an unsurprisingly delay in a large scale development process.

    No, it's not extreme at all, it's normal to take legal action if you feel you've been wronged. It's nothing personal. And the potential damage may not be just a delay in delivery.

    I bet that those who make the effort to take legal action will be discreetly compensated by Intrepid and the matter will be settled out of court.

    It's no big deal for Intrepid to give a few cosmetics and two or three months' free subscription to a dozen unhappy people. In any case, it's much better than incurring a reputational risk.
  • NiTr08 wrote: »
    Honestly, it feels like you guys are trying to cash in early on the hype AoC has generated over the years. If you wanted more players to test your game, there were plenty of ways to do that without charging $100+ just to playtest. I get that you're not a big-budget AAA studio, but these Alpha 2 keys feel pretty scummy, especially coming from a company that was started because MMORPGs were full of these exact kinds of scummy moves.

    For those who want to defend this $100+ alpha access, go ahead—give me a solid reason. Right now, it feels like, "Hey, let's make some quick cash off of these desperate MMO players. Hahaha!" (cue Steven laughing maniacally).

    And to the inevitable "yOu dOnT hAvE to support this, plenty of good games out there" crowd, let me just say: I've watched every single livestream since the Unreal 5 reveal, spent way too much time on the wiki, and haunted the Discord like a ghost. Also, let's be real most games out there suck.

    Finally, I think only Phase 3 keys should've been sold, and they should've been cheaper, or at least bundled with something that gives access to the betas too.

    Of course part of it is wanting cash games cost a lot to make! I am sure they have had wishful thinking or suddenly they want to add more stuff that goes off budget. Look at sony spending 200 million on that dumpster fire concord or GTA 6 from what i have read is at somewhere between 1.3 to 2 Billion to make so far. Also UE5 takes a cut of games made with it so who knows what Intrepid has to pay especially if they have 100k people running around on persistant servers even if they are alpha 2.

    More to the point of a 100 dollars it is a filter to screen out those who are serious and those who are not plain and simple! I am not saying that people who can't afford the 100+ are not serious but money is the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to filter.
  • Myosotys wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »

    That’s certainly a very extreme measure to take in response to an unsurprisingly delay in a large scale development process.

    No, it's not extreme at all, it's normal to take legal action if you feel you've been wronged. It's nothing personal. And the potential damage may not be just a delay in delivery.

    I bet that those who make the effort to take legal action will be discreetly compensated by Intrepid and the matter will be settled out of court.

    It's no big deal for Intrepid to give a few cosmetics and two or three months' free subscription to a dozen unhappy people. In any case, it's much better than incurring a reputational risk.

    It's really not normal. The normal thing to do is to sort it out with the other person and come to an agreement.

    And, given that Intrepid haven't done anything wrong, there's next to zero chance that you'd win in court, and would possibly even have to pay their legal costs for being such a douche. They sure as hell aren't going to throw free things at you.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited September 4
    daveywavey wrote: »

    It's really not normal. The normal thing to do is to sort it out with the other person and come to an agreement.

    It's exactly what I answerd already :
    daveywavey wrote: »
    And, given that Intrepid haven't done anything wrong, there's next to zero chance that you'd win in court, and would possibly even have to pay their legal costs for being such a douche. They sure as hell aren't going to throw free things at you.

    If you consider that Intrepid did not do anything wrong so there is no reason to complain :D

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