Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I shot a grem that was next to a goblin shaman, the grem started attacking the goblin!
I guess it's based on proximity, not DMG dealt or initial aggro.
I'm assuming through the bug report screen but I'm not sure.
Flag up and puppeteer the trainer, then 'misdirection' to drop your aggro. (If you are a bard of course)
The trainer will be quickly swarmed by the enemies.
This is exactly the kind of thing the open world pvp solves. You have no recourse at all without it.
If that griefer is in a guild then get your allies together for a war declaration. These types of players crumple to a war dec every time I've seen it done.
They do this to avoid pvp and avoid corruption.
Is this intended? Does anyone have a link to comments on this from the Devs?
If this is intended, there's no point to flag up. You can just train mobs onto other people and get the same effect without risk of corruption.
This is the kind of thing you could do nothing at all about if open world pvp didn't exist.
Personally, I like to flag up and puppeteer the trainer and then use 'misdirection' to prevent the mobs from agroing me.
OWPVP doesn't work when they are 15 lvls over you.
- mobs have an aggro table
- whoever initiates aggro by pulling, even if by proximity, has a moderate amount
- the group of this player with initial aggro also has a certain amount of threat, if in range
- while the puller is still in range, any surrounding players engaging in combat with the mob gain threat accordingly
- if whoever had initial aggro vanishes, if nobody else is on the aggro table, the mob immediately leashes and resets
The problem with a PVP solution is that the other side can send a nude lowbie puller for you to flag on, which then enables them to wipe you.
Underestimate how scummy players can be
Also decrease the amount of aggro which can be accrued from simply being in proximity to less than what is accrued by pulling.
Make it so someone else has to attack them before they will de-aggro the initial puller.
Heiler (and his companions) are actually the ones I talked about before in a more general manner.
YES, the AI needs to be better than it is currently as well - but the general problem is that these griefers do not understand the difference between using intended mechanics to create conflict and clear abuse.
They really don't - you can check the chat-logs in Shol's general chat for this (some is in german though as a large amount of the population including heiler are german).
They don't try to hide what they are doing and they are getting more (in the beginning it was just Heiler - now it is a few ppl doing these).
At the very least there needs to be an announcement and you need to go back in the logs for bans.
Why is it the only solution?
Well - I am a software engineer by trade and can tell you from experience that it is impossible to create a system beyond basic complexity (which any game with more than one system is) that cannot be exploited.
I am aware, that you (Intrepid) probably don't have the resources to deal with all the griefers in an efficient and effective manner.
That is why it is even more important to make examples out of them and regularly spotlight ways of griefing that will cause accounts to be banned.
I am (I know you - Steven - were joking - nonetheless) also in full support of pillories for suspensions and gallows for bans.
People who get suspensions tend to tell ppl they had "personal issues", ppl who get banned tend to tell ppl that they lost their passwords and such.
Make it public, shame them. Shame is very effective - as they can't hide it from the ppl that know them bc they are in Discord with them.
It should be clear that I am talking about the player characters here - no one should be doxed!!!
And PLEASE: Show your faces on EU Servers some time. I think part of why this seems to be more prevelant on the EU side is because there is a feeling that essentially no one cares what happens outside the NA realms.
(The fact that you seemingly removed all and not just the duped legendaries didn't help with that... - I for example had some legendary materials disappear - didn't matter as I didn't really have use for them but still not a good look )
Call your friends.
Agreed. This is the solution that WoW finally landed on long-term. Any attack from a player on a mob in a ‘leashed’ state results in an evade until the mob resets to its original out of combat state.
There have been good changes to the system, but I have found that loot farmers in Highwaymen train mobs into lower-level groups to get them killed, then loot their bodies with zero repercussions. I watched more times than I can count where an LV20-25 would train mobs into groups of 2-8 players, levels 8 -14, and then loot all their bodies for hours. Once, my entire group, lv9-14, with two healers and two bards, fought back against an LV22 mage that kept whipping us by training mobs into our group and then looting all our bodies. He could quickly whip the entire group with but a few higher-level spells due to his high-level gear and level. He looted us again several times before the group disbanded with over 10% exp debt. This was not fun, and it ruined groups after we had 8-10% experience debt. Nobody could do anything about it because he was over x2+ our level.
Also, when people loot others' bodies by stealing, they need to stay purple for much longer. Once, my group cornered an LV19 mage in the basement at Highwaymen, and he logged off to save his life because we were levels 12-16, so we could not down him. Log escaping needs to be fixed.
Having zero repercussions for someone gaming the system like this to gold farm lower levels does nothing to promote the game's community.
I don’t mind the occasional mob training to kill players, but using that as a tool to farm people consistently is terrible.
Yup this works well.
you actualy can theyll have like a 30% chance to resist it/avoid it but u definetly can hit them fairly regularly
I have video about it
Might i suggest if the level of the player is 10 levels or so above the person he is looting ,that maybe corruption be added perhaps, some type of system needs to be implemented to prevent this type of griefing . In general the act of pulling entire groups of mobs to cause groups to wipe has been becoming an issue..... I witnessed my entire group log off because of frustrations. and eventually nearly the entire POI become vacant.....
Overall my experience with the game has been fantastic , and the passion for delivering an amazing game from the Intrepid team has been nothing short of amazing and refreshing very proud to be a part of the journey!
Not isolated issue.