Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

How to fix the EXTREME server drop off we are experiencing.



  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    eyawn wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    eyawn wrote: »
    everyone forgets, that there were people carried to max level. now these people aren't good enough to hang at max level so they gank low levels to make themselves feel better.

    simple fix, ya wanna fight low levels, your level should be equalized. meaning they go down to that person's level, and have to grind back up. this keeps the economy going too. eventually everyone will be max level, and the low level gear just sits on the market place, helping drive down prices.

    griefing shouldn't be a thing. for the longevity and health of the game.

    LOL, still salty after your mistake with the caravan, I see. I mean, if you honestly think that a Level 25 should be de-levelled to Level 3 simply for stopping a Level 3 from stealing the items from their corpse, then maybe you'd be better off with a game that doesn't include PvP. Candy Crush is still going, right?

    how is that pvp?

    the intrepid doesn't want you to kill low levels, that's why they put a corruption system in. to help mitigate it.

    the greifing from asmoundgold and intrepid banning people, means they don't want it.

    but you seem to think, that killing low levels is what the game wants. reality will be a huge wake up to you, when ya get out of your parents basements.

    The game is fine with low levels being defeated if they attempt to participate in content that is not appropriate for their level.

    Like... almost every other MMO, basically.

    I don't think I actually know any PvP games where the low levels of a guild are autoprotected in a Guild War, for example, simply because they are low level.

    I think maybe BDO does this, since it has that PvP protection for under-50, but the system for 'setting certain members as being protected from the Guild War' is separate and I don't think it even cares what level they are.

    Let's please not start viewing the flaws in the Caravan system or player incentives in Node relationships, as 'issues with PvP' or 'issues that require Level Scaling'. There are appropriate times to use that/bring up PvP issues, but the problem with Caravans is definitely the Caravans (for those who think there is a problem at all).
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Azherae wrote: »
    I don't think I actually know any PvP games where the low levels of a guild are autoprotected in a Guild War, for example, simply because they are low level.
    Funnily enough, the Academy system from L2 (that's the "guild mentorship system" I've been referencing) did exactly this.

    When in a clan war or a siege with Academy members:
    • Experience penalties apply even when killed by opposing members of a clan in a mutual war.
    • Academy members cannot see an enemy mark displayed on the enemy clan members’ character name.
    • Academy members have no relationship during a clan war or siege war.

    And as you can see above on that page, Academy would be a whole separate branch of the guild structure and would be purely for lowbie chars (pretty much equivalent to sub25 chars in Ashes).
  • daveywaveydaveywavey Member, Alpha Two
    eyawn wrote: »
    daveywavey wrote: »
    eyawn wrote: »
    everyone forgets, that there were people carried to max level. now these people aren't good enough to hang at max level so they gank low levels to make themselves feel better.

    simple fix, ya wanna fight low levels, your level should be equalized. meaning they go down to that person's level, and have to grind back up. this keeps the economy going too. eventually everyone will be max level, and the low level gear just sits on the market place, helping drive down prices.

    griefing shouldn't be a thing. for the longevity and health of the game.

    LOL, still salty after your mistake with the caravan, I see. I mean, if you honestly think that a Level 25 should be de-levelled to Level 3 simply for stopping a Level 3 from stealing the items from their corpse, then maybe you'd be better off with a game that doesn't include PvP. Candy Crush is still going, right?

    how is that pvp?

    the intrepid doesn't want you to kill low levels, that's why they put a corruption system in. to help mitigate it.

    the greifing from asmoundgold and intrepid banning people, means they don't want it.

    but you seem to think, that killing low levels is what the game wants. reality will be a huge wake up to you, when ya get out of your parents basements.

    The Corruption System is inactive in Caravan fights, and when you take someone's loot from their corpse, you're automatically flagged Purple for PvP.
    The game absolutely does want PvP in those instances. It's been specifically designed and coded that way.

    If you engage with a PvP function, you're open for PvP.
    This link may help you:

  • SmileGurneySmileGurney Member, Alpha Two
    1970merlin wrote: »
    Ashes has the problem that if you start late or can't' grind for the 1st 72 hours you feel like you are too far behind. That is not good for the grinders in the long run because people don't stay once they feel left behind.

    I think Intrepid will have to nerf progression the 1st week or two for every new server. What I mean by this is the following: Once someone is more than 5 levels ahead of the average player, they greatly increase the experience needed to advance. I understand there may be strong opposition among the sweaty, but this will ensure a stronger server and thus better growth for nodes in the long run, and more people staying on the server.

    Also, of course, exploiters need serious punishment.
    This issue will persist by design. If you think the levelling difference is a problem, just wait until you hit the gear grind wall. Then you will actually feel left behind as multiple "end-game" game systems like caravans, guild wars, node wars etc are really gear dependant atm.
    My lungs taste the air of Time,
    Blown past falling sands…
  • VolgarisVolgaris Member, Alpha Two
    1970merlin wrote: »
    Ashes has the problem that if you start late or can't' grind for the 1st 72 hours you feel like you are too far behind. That is not good for the grinders in the long run because people don't stay once they feel left behind.

    I think Intrepid will have to nerf progression the 1st week or two for every new server. What I mean by this is the following: Once someone is more than 5 levels ahead of the average player, they greatly increase the experience needed to advance. I understand there may be strong opposition among the sweaty, but this will ensure a stronger server and thus better growth for nodes in the long run, and more people staying on the server.

    Also, of course, exploiters need serious punishment.
    This issue will persist by design. If you think the levelling difference is a problem, just wait until you hit the gear grind wall. Then you will actually feel left behind as multiple "end-game" game systems like caravans, guild wars, node wars etc are really gear dependant atm.

    This will be the point when the mass of the player base will start to drop. The systems favor the zerg meta, which will act as a gatekeeper for many players. The zerg groups are propped up and the single guilds are punished creating a bigger gap between the haves and the have nots. A player in a small guild will have to work 10 times harder getting gear to compete against the zerg group which tilts the already off balance scale of power. I'm only focusing on the zerg meta here but there's other issues with material gathering and balance issues at play that still tend to favor the zerg groups. The odd thing is these groups don't need anything to favor them to compete. The message is clear... "Go big or go home." No single guild will ever be able to compete with a zerg group. Even if it's a single castle battle with controlled numbers on the battle field the zerg will still have a gear advantage. And the gear advantage weights heavy on those scales.
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