Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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🌼👋 Dev Discussion: Gatherable Spawning System



  • EPMANEPMAN Member, Alpha Two
    First of all, the core features of the system is good. We need some changes to make it risk vs reward, and we need some quality of life improvements.

    Risk vs reward

    1. no more static spawns, "game time" is the risk now, so we can´t have spawn camping, its anti risk vs reward.

    2. Lawless zones - only area to get Heoric+ spawns = risk vs reward

    3. Hunting - kill the animal, and have x % chance to get carcass, single items(like bone), or you get a Pup to raise as a mount(should be rare or very rare drop, to get a Pup), or nothing. If nothing, = glint drop. The hunting is laughable atm, as some said, "pet the animal to death".

    4. Tools need to break if player is killed, so you need to repair. Low quality should be low cost, high quality tools should be high cost. High quility tools should significantly raise the number of mats you get. Lowest qulity 1-2, highest 5-7, or something like that, need to be balanced ofc. Animals higher chance to get something good. Fishing could from fishing rod, to small net and bigger net.

    5. Better escape possibilities, atm you just get 2 shot, they stun you and its GG. Risk vs reward gathering system is highly dependen on the pvp balance, otherwise just forget to make it risk vs reward. When i tested Albion online, they came up with a good system after feedback from the alpha testing phase, it can be done.

    6. lower mob aggro range and follow range, its a pain, its to long, and it destroy the possibility to make a good pvp/escape system.

    Quality of life

    1. We need classic DND, "Bag of holding", The bag system atm is not good, its probably one of the worst i have seen.

    2. Storage its not a good system, its a pain. Again i can say that Albion online made a simple but great system. Both for shared storage and personal storage.

    3. Auction house, we need it to sell what we gather and for all other trading. Make the system from 1 hour auction time to 24 hour auction time, pick it up or get it send to your storage for x% ekstra tax. Perfect quality of life system.(Its needed, most players are getting tired)

    4. Animal carry capacity, use the animal to carry, depending on what animal you have the more it can carry. Like hippo or Timelss(dino) = high carry, or wolf and lizard = low carry(but faster).

    5. The ticket system, and sell to vendor is already good, keep those system, maybe make standard/special buy orders from npc merchants to feed the caravan system. Will make gathers relevant in that economy as well.

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