Storage/Bag UI in AoC

ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
edited October 2017 in Ashes of Creation Design
I don't know if this question has been asked yet or not, so I will ask here.

I am a longtime gamer and MMOer. I am also a crafting whore, so being able to find and carry materials are very important. So I wanted to know what type of bag or storage system this game will have? Will it be a generic 'One slot infinite number stacks for an item' like Divinity, an 'each item has its own place in storage like the bags and storage of Guild Wars 2', or will it be a 'limited stacks per slot depending on item' much like WoW?

I have to say I love the storage system of Guild Wars 2, because the storage system is broken down into types of item and what profession materials are commonly used for.  I just wish that GW2's system allowed for infinite stacks of an item. I love to see the bag/storage system of AoC implemented this way. 

Also, I would like to know from a dev. Will the bag system have a weight limit or some type of hindrance to limit how much a player can carry? Also, will we as players need to purchases multiple bags (i.e. WoW) in order to have the ability to carry more items?


  • I sent you a pm about this when I saw your livestream question.
    Yes, on the weight limit.
    No answer on whether it is a single increasing in size bag, or multiple bags.
    No answer on bag organization or sorting.
  • Crafting and gathering are going to be separate professions as I understand it, but I could be wrong...

  • We know that inventory space is restricted significantly to encourage mules and caravans as the primary source of transportation. 

    At the moment we don't know bag capacities or how many we can have.

    We also don't know how other storages will work or how they exist e.g like guild banks, freehold storage, node banks...

    @Megs gathering is one of the artisan branches so I believe it's a separate profession.

    As a keen gatherer I'm also looking forward to learning more ^^  I look forward to risky caravan trades to try and transport my many raw materials! I hope they are all successful aha!
  • Megs said:
    Crafting and gathering are going to be separate professions as I understand it, but I could be wrong...
    They really haven't given details yet, but yes, we do know that there will be a set cap of "points" that can be spent in artisan "trees". People will decide how to allocate between gathering, processing, and crafting trees. What we don't know is if those trees will apply to all crafts, or each individual craft will have its own points for those trees. Another question is if they are separate by profession, what will be the max number of professions a single character could have. All stuff to be fleshed out in the coming months.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    Diura said:

    We know that inventory space is restricted significantly to encourage mules and caravans as the primary source of transportation. 

    At the moment we don't know bag capacities or how many we can have.

    We also don't know how other storages will work or how they exist e.g like guild banks, freehold storage, node banks...

    @Megs gathering is one of the artisan branches so I believe it's a separate profession.

    As a keen gatherer I'm also looking forward to learning more ^^  I look forward to risky caravan trades to try and transport my many raw materials! I hope they are all successful aha!
    Best mod in the world xD

    I hope they make it right, cause i am a gatherer myself. So i want to gather for a long time. So hopefully its not 90% of the time walking between the town and the forest.
  • *happy dance*

    Always happy to find Im not insane. 

    I thought that might interest you @Kaeg in view of your comment

    The other point that hasn't been mentioned is there may potentially be other ways to transport goods from a gathering site, ie horse / mule etc, but once again, no details yet :smiley:
  • The numbers thrown out in a livestream were examples only. They don't even know what they are going to call their units of weight then. Currency will have no weight. The example was character 100 units, mule 1000 units, and caravan 10,000 units. With the caveat that those numbers would vary depending on your bag setup and other factors, and that they may change the ratios completely before launch. The idea is as a gatherer you would be able to put large bulk stuff that weighs like ore on a mule to haul it, but if you are say gathering high end items that weigh less and come in smaller numbers, you may just decide that backpack is enough and you don't need to use your mule.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited October 2017
    Kaeg said:
    I don't know if this question has been yet or not, so I will ask here.

    I am a longtime gamer and MMOer. I am also a crafting whore, so being able to find and carry materials are very important. So I wanted to know what type of bag or storage system this game will have? Will it be a generic 'One slot infinite number stacks for an item' like Divinity, an 'each item has its own place in storage like the bags and storage of Guild Wars 2', or will it be a 'limited stacks per slot depending on item' much like WoW?

    I have to say I love the storage system of Guild Wars 2, because the storage system is broken down into types of item and what profession materials are commonly used for.  I just wish that GW2's system allowed for infinite stacks of an item. I love to see the bag/storage system of AoC implemented this way. 

    Also, I would like to know from a dev. Will the bag system have a weight limit or some type of hindrance to limit how much a player can carry? Also, will we as players need to purchases multiple bags (i.e. WoW) in order to have the ability to carry more items?
    1. Gatherables will have its own bag/bagspace if I remember correctly.
    2. You will not have Infinite bagspace. That would ruin the concept of Mules and Caravans.
    3. I don't think so. I think we will have a Backpack and limit will be based on it's size and type. THey have mentioned Gatherer's Pack (more room for gatherables) and Adventurer's backpack, more room for consumables, as examples in previous streams.

    Extras for you since you are also a Crafting whore
    1. Artisan will be split into 3 major paths that you can walk down.
    Crafting, Processing, Gathering.
    2. Within each major path there are specializations.
    Like Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Alchemist
    3. A person who specializes heavily in, say weaponsmithing, will be better at weaponsmithing than a person who is both weaponsmith and armorsmith.
    4. You cannot learn everything, you can learn a lot, but you will be worse than people who specialized in the same fields if you did not. 

  • Kaeg said:
    I don't know if this question has been yet or not, so I will ask here.

    I am a longtime gamer and MMOer. I am also a crafting whore, so being able to find and carry materials are very important. So I wanted to know what type of bag or storage system this game will have? Will it be a generic 'One slot infinite number stacks for an item' like Divinity, an 'each item has its own place in storage like the bags and storage of Guild Wars 2', or will it be a 'limited stacks per slot depending on item' much like WoW?

    I have to say I love the storage system of Guild Wars 2, because the storage system is broken down into types of item and what profession materials are commonly used for.  I just wish that GW2's system allowed for infinite stacks of an item. I love to see the bag/storage system of AoC implemented this way. 

    Also, I would like to know from a dev. Will the bag system have a weight limit or some type of hindrance to limit how much a player can carry? Also, will we as players need to purchases multiple bags (i.e. WoW) in order to have the ability to carry more items?
    Since the others have provided a lot of info on the others, I got something to say about the 2nd one:
    GW2 did NOT have infinite stacks. I ran into the maximum on wood, multiple times even. While infinite stacks (or rather, very large stacks) could happen, which I find unlikely, there is still a weight associated with them, which would limit how much of it you would be able to carry. Keep in mind, Guild Wars 2 is a themepark MMORPG, while Ashes is leaning more towards the modern definition of a sandbox. While in Guild Wars, traveling is more of a nuisance than a feature, which is also why it has quick travel, in Ashes traveling will play a much bigger role. Exploring new or just changed locations are supposed to be great experiences, and you're at risk of getting attacked everywhere. The caravan system plays a large role in transporting high amounts of goods, and will be place for many open PvP experiences. 

    Comparing GW2 and Ashes don't make much sense from a larger perspective, while the combat can of course be compared.
  • As long as they don't cash shop extra bag space, I'll be happy with however they do it.
    As a packrat, I hope I have plenty of space though.

    I do like the limitations on personal bag space to encourage caravans though.  No reason....
  • Tayosis said:
    As long as they don't cash shop extra bag space, I'll be happy with however they do it.
    As a packrat, I hope I have plenty of space though.

    I do like the limitations on personal bag space to encourage caravans though.  No reason....

    Wouldn't cash shopped extra bag space be akin to P2W? and has been said there is not going to be any P2W in ashes.
  • Tayosis said:
    As long as they don't cash shop extra bag space.
    I think it's pretty safe to assume this will not happen.
  • I don't know that I would consider it pay to win...but it's an advantage I suppose.

    I don't know enough about the developers to assume anything, but I like to hear that Kratz.
  • Varkun said:
    Tayosis said:
    As long as they don't cash shop extra bag space, I'll be happy with however they do it.
    As a packrat, I hope I have plenty of space though.

    I do like the limitations on personal bag space to encourage caravans though.  No reason....

    Wouldn't cash shopped extra bag space be akin to P2W? and has been said there is not going to be any P2W in ashes.
    Indeed it is, hence why it won't happen :D
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