Voyage to a new land.



  • Granthor said:
    More coming this weekend, stay toned.
    Can't wait !

    meant tuned but you got the idea lol

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    The third day comes and it's morning, as Peter has said his long goodbyes to his family, that was early in the morning after breakfast. now it's a little later and he reflexes back while walking down to the docks. The salty air is brisk today, as he thinks how they all wished him good journeys on the trip, but one was missing, where did Anna rush off too? His mother told Peter have no worries over his sister, that she just couldn't bear to see him leave, and still wished him well while out in the world.

    Peter wearing his best brown and tan travel clothes, has equipped everything given to him on his birthday by his other brothers, and packed food given to him by his older sisters. He even got a few magical scrolls from his mother, she always knows best when it came to Peter, still keeping him safe in her own way.

    He walks with the hunting bow with the quiver of arrows slung over his left shoulder, his travel bag full of supplies and needed items crossing his body to the right, and not to be forgotten his father's gear.

    He was told these items now belong to him, his birthday gift from his father to him. The dragon shield covers Peter's back, it's eye drop shape almost hides him from view from the rear, it only leaves his head and legs exposed from the back. On his left hip rest the dragon sword his father used, and around his neck the dragon's head medallion. It gleams from the morning sun, and it's eyes sparkle in the light.  

    The docks are still very quiet today, like all the other days before it, going on two months now with no sea traffic. The wind blows softly, as the seabirds circle overhead, and they begin to dive down into the waters looking for their morning meal. Peter watches them for a short while, then walks down the length of one dock, passing ships of every size, as the sound of his footsteps echoed on the wood planks. Nothing but trade ships on this side, but he reads the names just to help past the time. He sees Ark Royal, The Jack Tar, The Lanton, Aimwell and Good Hope. But no one can be seen on this end of the docks, all is too quiet here, so he turns to walk down the other end of the pier. Again not a soul to be seen as he passes a few more trader ships, now he is getting concerned, was this a trick? Is someone having a game with him, using his brother as a pawn to playing up a joke?

    No, someone wouldn't be that cruel, so he continues to search for the owner of that note. He walks the pier slowly, reading off more names of the ships he passes. The names read as The Caprice, The Clover, The Wavy Gull, and the Goodwin. Peter stops in front of this one and looks at this might tall ship. The Goodwin? Is this a trade ship he wonders? Looks more like a warship, and that name, his father spoke of a ship called the Goodwin. It was the one that took his parents, with the other soldiers to face the leader of the dark armies. But could this be the very same ship?

    As Peter takes a closer look at the fine ship, a bottle comes sailing through the air from behind him, just missing him, and landing into a thousand pieces to his left. This, of course, gives him a bit of a scare, as his attention was more focused on the ship in front of him, and he turns to see an old sailor sitting in a rowboat on the docks.

    The old sailor seeing Peter now struggles to climb out of the boat. He wears an old style dress uniform, that looks to be a little bit worn out, and it rests loosely on his body in his drunken state. He wears a long green jacket that goes down just below his waist, and it has ten sets of golden buttons all undone. Under the jacket is a white stained shirt, that is halfway covered by a red vest, it's black buttons are all undone except for two. He stumbles to the deck with no trousers on, and just one black boot on his left foot.

    He lets out a big yarn, then a fart, along with a couple bumps, as he turns to reclaim a new bottle he had in the boat. He also takes up his trousers, and other boot then places an old officers hat on his head. It's black with a triangle shape and a big red feather sticking out the side.

    He turns to take a look at Peter now, as he stumbles a bit, and he rights himself again almost dropping his bottle. A giggle echoes from behind Peter now, and he quickly turns to see who it was, but no one can be seen. It sounded like Anna, but the only thing behind him is just more birds. He returns his attention to the old sailor, now standing within two feet of him. He looks at Peter closely with his dark brown eyes, with an unshaved face, and the smell of him curls the hairs in Peter's nose.

    " What are you looking for the boy? These docks are closed for a business of any kind. Can't you read the signs? ", he pops the top of his bottle and takes a huge drink.

    " I am looking for a friend is all. I didn't mean to disturb you. ", Peter says while holding his nose.

    " A friend you say? Aye, methinks you found a friendly young lad. Come have a drink with old Wallace, I will be your best of friends. ", he takes another drink.

    Before Peter can reply, a second louder laugh comes from behind him, but is cut off quick when he turns around. He frowns deeply now, as he carefully checks the area.

    " Anna! Is that you playing games? Go home, Anna! I know you are out there. ", says Peter with force, but no reply is returned.

    The sound of a few wagons in the distance get his attention now, as he sees a ton of sailors jumping out of them, and a few more running up from behind. In the lead of them is a tall man wearing a captain's hat, he has on a traders jacket with tan trousers, and he looks to have a huge muscle build. His navy blue jacket just looks to be fitting him, but everything else is fitting him just fine. He walks over to Peter with another sailor, while wearing long black boots, and looks him over for a moment. The other sailors now board the Goodwin, as he turns his attention to his officer.

    " Mr. Garvin, would you be so kind as to take first officer Wallace onto the ship, clean him up, and give him some very black coffee to sober him up. ", says the tall man as he takes the bottle from Wallace now. The sailor takes hold of Wallace's arm, as he protests, and he staggers away as another sailor takes hold of his other arm to help him on the ship.

    The man looks back to Peter once more, as another sailor rushes up to whisper into his ear. Then he smiles and extends a hand to Peter.

    " Well now, you're the son of Granthor Stormhand? His youngest son Peter? It's good to meet someone of your standing. I am Captain John Ridley, son of Waterford Ridley who was once captain of this ship. Now it's under my change. So what business do you have down here on the docks? ", he shakes Peter's hand while speaking.

    Peter feels his firm grip, as the grip gets tighter, and Peter answers it in kind. Captain Ridley smiles a little, as he feels Peter's grip is a sound one and releases his hand.

    " You have your father's strength I see, not that I am that surprised, the males of your family are well known to have that power. So what brings you to the docks? ", asks Captain Ridley watching Peter closely now.

    Peter takes out a note and hands it to the captain. He reads it over slightly, then takes out his own piece of parchment. He unrolls it to show Peter, and it starts with by order of the King, the ship the Goodwin is ordered to go out and find out the mystery of the missing ships. To report back any findings, by any means required, even at the loss of one's ship. So is ordering by the King, signed and sealed King Edward Cunningham the first.

    " This note of yours isn't of my writing, someone from my crew must have written it, they knew of my meeting with the king, and the plans we made. I don't know what happens to your brother Robert young Stormhand, but it's part of the reason why we are going out. You are welcome to join us of course. "

    " But who on your ship would pass me that note at my party? I don't remember seeing you there, or most of your crew. ", says Peter while thinking back to remember faces now.

    " Well, in any case, Peter, we will find out some answers together, so come aboard my ship, I will personally get your settled in. ", says the captain as they walk to the ship now.

    " But I have a question. What is to stop us from disappearing like the others, if we find what is taking the ships? ", asks Peter with concern.

    Captain Ridley smiles and points to a carriage that is now pulling up to the docks, and out comes a silver hair female elf in fine royal red and blue robe with gold trim. She wears her hair in a tight brad, that hangs over her left shoulder, and wears a jeweled gold tiara on top of her head. She is escorted by her own personal royal guard, and they make their way to the captain's ship, She has personal servants carrying trunks of her items following close behind.

    " Is that Ava Keyris? ", asks Peter with surprise.

    " Yes, that's Lady Ava Keyris, she is one of the riches elf women in the land and a very powerful spell caster. She is here to help us on our mission, and to make sure if nothing else, a report gets back to the king. ", says Captain Ridley as they stop by the ship's ramp.

    He sends orders to his men to get Lady Ava's personal items on the ship and show her to the best cabin. She moves without a sound to the boarding plank, then stops to look at the captain. He bows to her, and she returns a slight bow to him. She then looks over to Peter, then looks behind him and smiles, as she returns her attention to the captain. Then turns her attention forward and enters the ship.

    " I wonder what that was about? ", asks the captain.

    Peter wonders too, as he looks slightly over his shoulder and listens carefully, but again he sees nothing there. The captain puts an arm over Peters' shoulder now, getting his attention, as he walks him onto the ship.

    The last supplies are loaded, the sailors ready the ship to leave, and the mighty Goodwin now sets sail on a mission by the king.

    To be continued...........

  • Didn't miss it this time ;) good work as usual.
  • Didn't miss it this time ;) good work as usual.

    Thank you very much, I hope to post one more part tonight. Hard when you have kids running around. lol
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    From the crash of the waves on the front of the ship to the strong whip of sea air through his hair. Peter stands on the forward bow of the Goodwin, looking out over the empty waters, trying to enjoy the evening air of the open sea. He breathes in deep, while closing his eyes, and listen to the sound of the roar of the waves below. He takes hold of the dragon medallion hanging around his neck and looks at it closely now. It gleams in the sunlight, and it looks to be watching him. It's blue sapphire eyes shine, and almost seem to blink as he moves it around.

    Music now crosses his ears, and he turns to see the sailors playing and dancing on the main deck, the captain has given everyone a little time to relax, as the ship is locked into its course for the day. Peter looks up to the main sails, as they flap in the wild, a flutter of huge wings he thinks, as they grab hold of the winds to drive them forward. It's a sight he figured he would never see, and here he stands to see a great ship as this in action. It's a moment he will never forget, as he has always wanted to travel on one of the tall ships.

    Peter turns to look out over the waters once more, it's been two days since they left port, and there is nothing to be seen. A few whales pop up from time to time, along with a family of dolphins, they look to be racing the ship when they come. It's fun to watch them jump in and out of the water, it's like they are playing a game with the ship as their toy. Peter wishes he could swim with them, but it's not the time for something like that, they have a job to do. A job that doesn't look to be getting done anytime soon.

    " Excuse me young one. "

    Peter turns to see Lady Ava standing before him, she is dressed in a nice white dress, with deep V-neck showing off a little skin, and red rose patterns going along each side, down to the end make a circle around the edges of the dress. She also has a fur wrap to go over her shoulders, to help keep the chill of the air off, and hanging down from around her neck fine jewels and gold.

    He knows she has been keeping to herself these last two days. Why has she come out now?

    " Yes, Milady? How may I help you? ", Peter answer with a bow.

    " No need to be proper with me young Stormhand, I knew your father a long time ago, and we have stayed friends all these years. I have been there for each new birth of all of his children, and yours was a very special one indeed. You're little Peter if I am correct. ", she looks around the area while speaking.

    " I don't remember you at all Milady. But your correct, my name is Peter, the youngest of the Stormhand's children, and I do recall father speaking of you. ", he watches her closely now.

    She slowly takes a few steps toward Peter now and smiles at him slightly. He can see she still looks very young, but it is known elf women don't age like human females, outside of their hair, you wouldn't know their age. Ava's hair shows she is very old, it has all gone silver, a sign she is over 150 years of age. She walks away from Peter now, as she still speaks.

    " No, your not the youngest, your sister Anna I recall is youngest by one hour. So ", Ava slowly looks around the area.

    Peter looking very confused replies to her.

    " I don't know where Anna ran off too, she didn't even say goodbye to me, before I left on this trip. "

    Ava turns to smile once again at Peter, then raises a hand to the air.

    " Silly boy, she has been here the whole time. Right, Anna? ", Ava drops her hand and breaks the spell.

    Anna pops from thin air, with a very crossed look on her face. She is wearing a brown mage's robe, her blonde hair tucked under a mages hat, and she holds her mother's old dragon staff.  She moves to stand in front of the old caster Ava and points a finger at her in anger.

    " Why...why....why you.., how dare you break my invisibility spell! Peter wasn't to know I was here! You have ruined everything now! How dare you......."

    Ava raises a hand to cut her off now.

    " Child, I knew you were here from the very moment I enter the docks. Your so young, and still new at the ways of casting. There isn't a spell you know, that I can't see through, and a simple invisibility spell like that is nothing. You stand out as if you never cast it, even with my old eyes, I could still see you standing next to Peter. ", Ava laughs a bit.

    Anna stomps her left foot and shakes a finger once more, but she knows there is nothing more to be said. Her mother might have taught her basic magic, but Ava was also her teacher too. She knows every spell, scroll, and charms she can make or cast. So she backs off from her and bows her head in shame. 

    " Now that we are not playing any more games little Anna, the captain would like to see you both at dinner tonight. So try not to be late. ", Ava nods to Peter slightly, then turns to walk away.

    Peter now turns his attention to his sister and is very crossed with her now. Anna, in turn, looks at Peter and gives him a little smile.

    " Blast it, Anna, why are you here? I didn't need your help to go look for Robert, so why don't you just go back home! "

    Anna's smile fades quickly and is replaced with a deep frown. She lifts her staff and taps it down hard on the deck, sending ripples through the hull of the ship. Everyone on stops what their doing, and look over at the pair, as Anna now glares at Peter.

    " You see here Peter! Robert is just as much my brother, as he is yours, and you or no one else will tell me, what I can or can now do! Is that clear! ", Anna now points to the head of the staff at Peter.

    " Anna I don't care! You can try to turn me into something strange, but don't forget I can cast magic too! ", Says Peter as he raises both hands to defend himself from his sister.

    Anna's frown now quickly fades, and a smile returns to her face, then she begins to laugh at Peter.

    " Oh your so crazy, you know your magic isn't too strong, besides I would never hurt you on purpose." , she says in a playful tone.

    She now taps his medallion with her staff, and they slowly walk to the back of the ship.

    " So father gave you his old gear? You are so lucky."

    " And mother gave you her old staff? So I am not the only lucky one. ", replies Peter in return.

    " That's not all mother gave me Peter. ", Anna says with a playful smile.

    Peter being very curious, tries to get out of her, what else their mother gave to Anna, but she just ignores his questions while laughing, as they head back to his table below.

    to be continued.................. 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    Dinner was over for the Stormhand twins, as far as Anna was concerned, once she sat at the captain's table. It was nothing she was used too, or would anything cross here lips from what she has seen across the table. Roasted mutton, boiled potato, cooked carrots with peas, and a few bottles of red wine. But there was also fresh fruit and vegetables, along with a few hard-boiled eggs, and a few sliced pickles. At least there was something on the table she could at least eat this night, and she was very hungry but hungry or not that mutton wasn't entering her body. Peter, on the other hand, being the more adventures one, was willing to taste what the ship's cook had prepared, and quickly took samples of everything on the table.

    The captain smiles at Peter's actions, along with a few other officers, then he turns to watch Anna turn her nose up to most of the food, as she takes a small apple off the small tray.

    " Is there anything the matter young lady? Do you not like the display of this evenings meal? ", the captain takes a sip of his wine after speaking.

    " No not at all, everything looks good, but it's a little rich for my taste. The fruit and vegetables will do fine for now. ", she takes a small bite from the apple.

    Peter almost gags on a piece of mutton he was eating, hearing his sister talk about the food being to rich, and lets out a small laugh aimed at her.

    " You must be kidding me, I seen you eat like a horse at times Anna and father always tells you to mind your...........", he is cut off with a quick elbow to the ribs from his sister.

    That gives the others a laugh, as Anna smiles wide to the captain now, and takes another bite of the apple she is holding. The captain continues to laugh at the twins, as he takes another sip of his wine, then he begins to have his meal.

    Peter looks around the cable, gives a short glance at the other men, they are wearing old navy blue uniforms, all of which are open and relaxed for the night. He returns his attention to the captain while eating his meal.

    " Where is Lady Ava?  I thought she would be having dinner with us. "

    The captain just fills his cup with more wine, as the other goes silent, then looks up at Peter for the shortest of moments.

    " She is having her dinner in her cable. She will not be joining us tonight. ", he says as if very annoyed by the question.

    Anna hearing this stands from the table and excuses herself. The captain just motions her away, and she quickly leaves to go find Ava. Peter tries to put on his best face, and the captain now looks down on him.

    " I suppose you want to be leaving too? ", he takes a deep drink of wine now.

    The door opens to the cabin once more, as first officer Wallace enters the room, and he excuses his lateness. The captain raises a cup to him, and Wallace takes the seat next to Peter.

    " Why if it isn't my new friend from the docks. How are you enjoying the meal tonight? ", he says while taking a flask from his jacket.

    "It's a fine meal sir, nothing like I had before, and it tastes very good.", says Peter with a smile now.

    Wallace takes an empty glass from the table and pours in the liquid from his flask. He hands it to Peter, as the captain now frowns deep at Wallace.

    " Here Peter, have a taste of that special brew, I made it myself. I want you to tell me what you think of it. ", he hands to cup to Peter now.

    " Here now Wallace, don't be giving your poison to that young lad! It's bad enough you drink that piss, but be pushing it on our guest! ", says the captain slamming his fist on the table.

    Wallace looks a bit hurt, as he puts his flask away.

    " Now the captain, I wouldn't hurt a hair of this young fellows head, you hurt me deep to think I would do such a thing. What I gave him is a simple apple cider I was brewing down below, nothing like I had before. After all, I gave you my word I wouldn't touch the stuff. least while on duty. ", says Wallace with a half smile now.

    The other officers laugh at the idea of Wallace not drinking, he did love his brews. Now they watch Peter holding the cup in hand, as he looks at everyone else. He slowly moves the cup to his lips and takes a small sip of the drink. It's like Wallace said, a simple apple cider, and it's very sweet to the taste. Relief crosses his face, as the other officers now laugh at Peter, they knew it wasn't a harder drink.

    "You are a good lad Peter, I am glad to call you friend. Are we still friends now? ", he gives him a big smile.

    Peter nods in agreement, what more could he say, with everyone sitting here watching his every move, he put on his best face for the moment. Now he looks toward the captain once more, as he looks very disappointed. He must behave wanted Ava to come to sit with them, but she made other plans for this night. He watches as the captain stands with his cup, and walks to the back window of his cable. He looks out over the open sea while resting his left hand on the rough wooden frame. His officers try to cheer him up, with words of encouragement, but he just stares out far across the sea.

    Peter gets up from the table and moves to the captain's side. He watches him closely, as the captain cracks a small smile.

    " You know Peter there was a time everyone wanted to have dinner with me, not counting my men of course. The people wanted to be around the son of the captain, who helped to save the lands. But nowadays, my fame is long gone, and I am just a simple merchant trader now. ", he takes another drink of wine.

    " It's getting late Peter, best you be getting back to your cabin. I have business to talk with my men, so you run along ok. ", he looks at Peter with sad eyes.

    " Well I did enjoy the meal captain, is it ok if I take this plate back with me? ", Peter extends his unfinished meal.

    The captain cracks a small smile on his stone face, then tells him a good night. He turns to look out the window once more, as Peter quietly leaves the room, and the others continue their meal with drinks.

    As Peter walks down to the lower decks, he passes a doorway that's a slightly ajar, and he hears a few of the sailors talking.

    " Aye, the plan is once the captain finds what they are looking for, we wait until they leave the ship. Then we take over and tie up anyone that isn't on our side. ", says one sailor.

    " And don't be forgetting, we don't move until we are getting the signal. ", says another sailor.

    Peter hearing this, turns to go tell the captain what he heard, but standing in his way is Wallace. He is smiling at Peter, then he looks at the slightly open doorway.

    " Mr. Wallace? I thought you were still with the captain? What are you doing down this way? ", says Peter with a slightly shaky voice.

    " I was going to get a new bottle for the others, we wanted something stronger than apple cider. But are you alright, you look a little pale? ", he says while watching him closely.

    " I am doing well, but I have to tell the captain something important. I overheard something, and it very concerning. ", He says while looking back at the now closed door.

    " Concerning you say? Hmmmmm, why not tell me what you heard, and I will see what I can do about it? After all, I am the first officer on the ship and very trusted by the captain. ", says Wallace with a big smile.

    Peter knows he needs to tell someone in the leadership, maybe Wallace, but something doesn't feel right. Wallace makes a move to cut Peter off from leaving, but he counters the move to keep away out of the hallway.

    " Never mind, it's nothing. What I have to say can wait until morning. ", he takes a step away from him.

    " Are you sure Peter? There is nothing you need to tell me? I am your friend, after all, you can tell me anything. ", Wallace moves a little closer to Peter now.

    As Wallace moves closer to him, the dragon's head medallion he wears feels like it's pushing Peter back away from him more. Like a small hand is now warning him away from this man, so Peter takes a couple more steps back. To cover his reason why he is moving away, he lets out a big yawn.

    " I am sorry it's getting late, I will talk with you in the morning, thank you for your concern. ", says Peter as he waves goodnight, and rushes off.

    Wallace watches him leave the area, then looks to the doorway. He opens it up slowly and enters to speak with whoever is inside. The door slowly closes behind him, and all is quiet inside.

    To be continued.....................  

  • Great work :3 glad to see more ;D
  • Great work :3 glad to see more ;D

    Oh I had a very bad week, but I am back on track. I will try to add a few more before Sunday. Thx again.
  • I'll be waiting :3
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    Peter is in a deep dream, he sees happier times with his whole family, best of all Robert is there too. But this is years ago, all the same, it was a nice dream, everyone was having fun, at least he felt so the images were hard to see. He didn't care, as he was happy in this dream.

    But now it switches modes, and Robert is at sea on a mighty ship. It's pulled into a storm, the crew of the ship fight to keep the ship from sinking, and Robert has rushed up to take control of the wheel. Peter watches as a whirlpool takes shape in the water, and above the clouds spins with the waters below. The ship is pulled into the vortex, Peter screams out for Robert, but he can't make a sound. He wants to to see more, but something pulls him away from this vision, and a huge dragons head with glowing red eyes looks down at him now.

    " It is time Peter, ready yourself. It is time. ", it speaks to him is a very deep rumbling voice.

    The ship jerks suddenly, and Peter falls out of his bunk awake now. The ship seems to be in trouble now, as he hears a lot of screaming going on above decks. He thinks maybe the ship is sinking, and he needs to gather all of his belonging. The medallion around his neck begins to grow hotter, he takes to sit out from under his shirt, but it now feels cool tot he touch. Its eyes are glowing bright red, then a quick flash of light and all of Peter's things are gone. The dragon's eyes go dark once more, and Peter looks around for his stuff, but it's nowhere to be seen. His sword, the shield, even his travel pack with all the things given to him. Everything is gone, but it was just there a second ago. Then it strikes him, the medallion, it must have done it. But where is it hiding it all?

    The ship jumps high off a wave, and hits down hard on the waters below, sending Peter flying off his feet. He fights to regain his footing, as he makes his way out of his cabin and the top side of the ship. Peter finds himself getting knocked around in the hallway, what type of storm did they enter he wonders, as he reaches the door leading out tot he main deck.

    Outside he sees the sailors fighting to keep control of the ship, as waves crash down hard on the deck. The sea waves are very tall, and the wind is whipping around hard. It looks to be a bad storm, but there isn't any thunder or lighting. Even the clouds look strange, as they look to be spinning around the ship, going into the sea, and coming up on the other side.

    Orders are being yelled out to the men from above, and Peter turns to see captain Ridley at the wheel. Next to him are Anna and Ava, they are both standing as if the storm isn't affecting them. Then it strikes him while watching his sister, of course, she has cast a barrier spell around them, while Ava is now casting a spell of her own.

    Anna now spins her staff in the air, then strikes it down hard on the deck, sending out a huge energy wave to surrounds the ship. All goes calmly on the deck, but the storm still rages wildly just outside of the ship.

    " I can't turn her, we still are being pulled into that vortex! ", yells captain Ridley.

    Peter turns to look past the front of the ship now and sees a huge spinning energy field just above the edge of the water. It is the source of this storm around them and is quickly pulling the ship towards it now. The ship jerks forward, sending almost everyone off their feet, Anna, in turn, keeps her footing bracing herself with the staff she holds, but her barrier flickers for a moment.

    " I don't know how long I can hold this spell in place, Ava whatever you are doing, you have to finish it now! ", Anna closes her eye to concentrate deeper now.

    Lady Ava with those words finishes her spell and cast a portal on the deck where she stands. The captain seeing this exit, orders everyone off the ship at once, as he reaches for hook ropes to keep the wheel from spinning. With that order sailors and passengers quickly rush up the steps, and into the portal to safety.

    Peter looks over the rush of bodies leaving and doesn't see first officer Wallace. So he figures he is still down below and rushes off to go find him.

    " Peter! Where are you going, get off the ship now! ", yells his sister after opening her eyes.

    Peter doesn't listen, but returns to the lower decks, yelling for Wallace as he opens doors along the way. He reaches a final door in the back and quickly opens it to a room full of men. In the middle of them, all is Wallace, and he turns to give Peter a big smile.

    " Why hello Peter, my good friend, what brings you down here? "

    " Why, the captain has order abandon ship is why I am here sir. I came looking for you, to make sure you got off safe with the others. ", says Peter with an urgent look on his face.

    Peter now is getting a sinking feeling in his gut, as the men in the room laugh at him, and everyone draws swords. Wallace draws his own sword now, and he motions for Peter to leave, He wants to protest this action, but Wallace waves him out with a few motions from his sword. Peter had no weapons does as he is told, as they all follow close behind him. They are only steps behind him now, and their number is about twenty-five from what he had seen.

    " Why are you doing this Wallace? The ship is in danger, and the captain....."

    Wallace cuts him off quickly with a blah. Then he replies to him in a sour voice.

    " The captain? Why he is a broken man, this captain of yours. Why I had a captain that was a great man I served under, and it's not that piss ant of a son that bears his name. That boy lets this ship be turned into something it was never supposed to be, and I aim to return her to what she was always. A fighting ship. ", says Wallace with men agreeing with him.

    The ship jerks a little, as they reach the door to the outside decks, and Peter goes out ahead of the sailors. Wallace motions for him to head up top, as the portal is still open, and everyone else but the captain an Anna is gone. The other sailors quickly rush up the steps the other way, as Peter slowly walks up the other set of stairs, with a sword in pointed in his back.

    The captain puts a hand on the hilt of his sword, but before he can take it from its place he is grabbed from behind. Wallace motions for Peter to stand next to the captain, and Anna turns her attention to Wallace now.

    Her hold over the ship is broken now, as the waves now have returned to strike down hard of the decks. The ship jerks up from a huge wave, sending the captain flying into the portal, then the portal flickers and dies. Peter watches as the other sailors quickly rush off, to keep the ship steady as best they can, as Wallace now takes control of the wheel by releasing the ropes holding it.

    " We are in trouble now Peter, the captain was the last to leave, it's why the portal closed on us. ", says Anna with concern.

    " Can you open a new one? ", says Peter while trying to stand.

    " I don't know if I can, the ship is rocking too much, it's hard to concentrate now. ", says Anna in a scared voice.

    " You have to try Anna, please! Look we are about to get pulled in! ", Peter points to the vortex, as it's just in front of the ship now.

    Peter turns to look at Wallace now, as he is laughing wildly, and the other sailors have tied themselves off to the ship in different areas now. He turns to look back at Anna, as she tries to cast a spell, then the ship takes one last violent jerk sending Peter over-board.

    Everything moves in slow motion for Peter now, as Anna screams his name, and all goes dark for a moment. He finds himself not striking the waters below, but why isn't he hitting the water, then a voice echoes in his head.

    " Peter...Peter, take my hand, quickly now."

    He sees the glowing face of his mother, with her hand outstretched now, and he reaches up to take hold. As he grips it, he is pulled from the darkness and is now being held tight by his sister Anna. She plants her face into his chest now, as he can see the Goodwin, as it's flying ahead of them in the middle of a long tunnel of spinning light. Anna looks up in time, to watch as the mighty ship zips off like an arrow from a bow, and it's gone from their sight.

    " What are we going to do Peter? ", Says Anna with concern.

    " I don't know Anna, but I think we are about to leave this place. ", Says Peter as they are pulled forward.

    They both are sent flying from the vortex, and they land on dry ground. All is foggy at first, as the twins find themselves looking up at a huge spinning stone and crystal gateway. Then a beautiful elf girl walks over to Peter with a big grin, and she extends her hand to help him up.

    " Welcome to Verra young Alea.  ", she says with a few giggles.

    Peter watches her closely now, she looks to be about their age, but she is an elf after all and can be a lot older. She is wearing a breastplate made from many vertical layers of leather with pointed edges and decoration pieces. It covers the entire front and back side, but the attachment straps leave the sides under the arms exposed. Her upper legs are covered by a skirt of vertical layers of leather, and her lower legs are protected by leather greaves which have an intricately crafted sigil embroidered on each outer side. Thick cloth pants are worn beneath this all. She has long greenish blue hair going down her back, with the sides tied in brads to keep it out of her dark green eyes. On her back is a quiver of arrows, with a dragon's bow, and she has two short swords on each of her sides.

    She helps up his sister now, and motions for the two of them to follow her. The twins looking more confused now, as she calls to them again, while they stand and look at the surrounding area.

    The elf girl returns to them and puts a hand out to Peter once more.

    " You can trust me, I will not hurt you two, or take you anywhere to be hurt. Come on you cute little Alea, so your sister can follow us too. ", she says with a smile.

    Peter takes her hand, and Anna quickly takes his other hand gripping it tightly. Anna is still looking a little shaken, he in turn still doesn't know what's going on, or how they got here. If there are answers to be had, it's with this elf girl, so he lets her lead the way, as they all go hand in hand down a path leading to a small campsite.

    To be continued.................

  • A quick note:

    Anything more that I write from this point forward about Verra, is only my version of it, and not what is being made into the game. Being that I was part of Alpha 0, I wanted to make this very clear, and I will not be writing about anything that I am not suppose to talk on. That being said, I will write on things covered in the trailer or that has been shown as a whole, that wasn't part of Alpha 0. Thank you for your time.

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    Her name is Ashera Laurel, she tells the Stormhand twins, while leading them down from the portal gate. She is a very pretty girl no matter what race she would have been, so Peter thinks to himself, but an elf is what she is. Confirmed by her long pointed ears, that just pop out through her blue and greenish hair, that sport small jeweled earrings, that sparkle in the light.

    Peter looks back, as he can still see the top of the gate over the trees, and they have been walking a fair bit. The gate must be enormous, to still be seen from where they are standing now, and the glow of it still lights up the area and the path south from it. He can't help me look at it with awe, never has he seen something so powerful in the magical world. Nothing back home at least, now he wonders, what else will he find in this new place?

    After a few twists and turns of the road, they find themselves overlooking a small camp off to the side of the road, it's very busy at the moment, as people come and go, all doing different jobs to be had. There are tents set up for sleeping areas, along with some for crafting, and also a large one that looks to house the eating area. A few people have set off to do the nights hunting, as more people now march in from the western road leading into the camp. They all have large packs of goods, and it looks as if they are here to help expand the site.

    Ashera walks the twins over to one of the tents by the road, it has a strange looking old man dressed in odd overalls, who sits by a merchants wagon wearing a thick pair of glasses on his head. His hair is a tatter grey mess, covered by an old wide brim hat. Next, to him the twins see a table with parchments piled high on one end, all of it held down by a large rock, next to it is a large leather book, with a quill and ink sitting close by.

    Seeing the newcomers he waves his hand over the large book, and the pages open up quickly to a blank spot. The quill then lifts from the table, dips into the inkwell, and moves to stand read over the book.

    " What are your names, please? ", asks the old man without looking at them.

    Peter steps forward to give an answer, but his sister quickly pulls him back to her side.

    " Don't you dare say one word to this strange man! How about he gives us his name first, then we will decide if you should know our names! ", says Anna with a flare in her eyes.

    The old man looks at her, then gets a very annoyed look on his face, and looks to Ashera now, as he takes out a smaller book from a side pocket. He then takes out a smaller quill from behind his left ear, dips it a few times in the inkwell on the table, and writes a few notes down.

    " Did you not explain to them, everyone exiting from the great gate, must be registered at this checkpoint? ", asks the old man now examining the twins.

    " It must have slipped my mind Gawen, but from the looks of them, I don't think they came through by choice. ", says Ashera now leaning back against the wagon toying with a small blade.

    Gawen looks over the two twins one last time and begins to rub his chin, after returning his small book to its side pocket. Then he turns with a wave of his right hand, and a new book flies from his wagon. It floats just in front of his face, with the pages turning quickly, then he looks up at them once more.

    " Well now young Aleas, I see a few ships have come through a few months ago, do you know the name of the one you were on? ", He asks looking up from the book now.

    " It was the Goodwin sir, that's the name of the ship we sailed on. But you say it was a few months ago? How can that be, we were off it only for a few minutes? ", says Peter as he gets a tug on the arm by his sister.

    He turns to see what she wants and gets a twisted frown from her. She lets him know with that face, not to give out more information. Peter, in turn, rolls his eyes back at her and returns his attention to the old man.

    " Ah yes here we are, the Goodwin, that ship was registered at the port docks of Garen's Well, a town to the far east of here. I believe a Captain Wallace signed that ship on the rolls, once he sailed into that town. But there wasn't any mention of passengers lost from that ship. As far as the timing goes, that I can't help you with that, the records clearly show it arrived about six months ago. ", says Gawen as more pages turn.

    " Yes sir, but how could that make time have passed, we got tossed over the board from the storm only for a short moment when the ship was pulled in, and we ended up here. ", says Peter

    " Again, that I don't know, but part of your mystery is figured out, now tell me what type of Aela Human are you? ", asks Gawen as the floating book closes and returns to the wagon.

    Peter gets a confused look on his face, he knows they are human, but why do they keep saying Aela with Human. Maybe it's some new class he was never told. But before he can question the old man, his sister steps forward to ask the very question he was about to ask.

    " What is all this nonsense about Aela Human? We are just human, plan and simple. So why do you keep calling us Aela? ", asks Anna in an annoyed tone.

    " Well young lady, no matter what you have been told, here your an Aela Human, that is just how it is. My question is simple, or maybe not, but what type of Aela Human are you? Are you a Kealar, or are you a Vaelune? ", asks Gawen as he takes a new book from a different pocket.

    He flips the pages with his hand slowly, looking over the information in the book, then looks at the pair once more.

    " Ah yes here it is, I see, well now that explains a lot. ", states Gawen as he puts the book away.

    Peter looking more confused than his sister, as he steps forward to get a few answers of his own.

    " I don't mean to be rude sir, but what are Kealar and Vaelune? I never heard of anyone of this nature. "

    Gawen lets of a small laugh at the very thought of what Peter just said, then sees in his face the poor boy is confused, and he explains it to him as best he can.

    " Well young one, the Kealar are good builders, love order, and they make large cities. It is said they have a huge empire in the old lands and have returned to do the same here. The Vaelune, on the other hand, are great merchants, follow the law to heart, and have been forged in the heat of the desert to be tough. They also follow the idea of kill or be killed, it comes from their life in the desert areas. "

    Gawen takes a closer look at both Peter and Anna, then turns to wave his hand over the leather book. The quill starts to write a few things onto the page and stops to wait for something to be added.

    " You two don't look like Vaelune, so I have entered you as Kealar. Now to get your packs, I need your names to finish the registration. ", says Gawen waiting expectantly.

    Peter looks at his sister, as she returns a look in agreement, and they both tell their full names to Gawen. They watch as the quill continues to write out their names in full. When they say their given name Stormhand, Gawen frowns a bit, then he calls for a new book that now flies from his wagon.

    Ashera hearing the Stormhand name quickly rushes up to Gawen, and whispers into his ear, and she pushes a small sack into his hand. Then she takes up the two packs meant for the twins and quickly leads them away from the area. Peter now concerned, looks to his new friend with a question.

    " What is going on Ashera? Why are you rushing us off? "

    " We will talk later Peter, just for now please trust me. We need to leave this area now, we will talk once I get us all to an Inn. ' , says Ashera quickly moving to twins down the road and to a waiting wagon.

    Garen watches them get into the wagon, and they disappear down the road out of sight, then he looks once more to his new book. There it is, he sees the name he remembered, and it strikes him now. These are the siblings of Robert Stormhand, a man that has done a lot of bad in the lands, and a man that strikes fear in the hearts of everyone that sees him. He looks at the gold pouch in his hand, then looks over the book. He knows what Ashera told him to do, as he looks at the names, it goes against everything he believes. But maybe she is right, and the waves have handed over the leather book.

    As he turns to put away his books away, and a small group of men moves over to him, one of them, a large bald muscular type, slams his hand down on the leather book, and opens the pages back to the last entry.

    " Old man, who were those two newcomers? "

    " Now see here, you can't just come over here and interfere with my records. I will get the law on you! ", says Gawen with a loud protest.

    The bald warrior looks Gawen in the eyes and smiles, then he points to the coat of arms on his chest.

    " We are the law old man.", he says pushing him away now.

    The bald man looks at the names, then looks back at the old man. He turns to moving back to the others, and they leave the area without another word. Gawen now holding his gold close to his heart, looks down at the page in the leather book. The names read as Peter and Anna Smith, it's what Ashera told him to do, but was it the right thing to do?

    To be continued........................

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    A delightful looking Inn called The White Wolf, sits next to a country road between two local towns, with a small river just in the back. It's stacked with boulders and hardwood beams, that make up most of the building's outer structure. It's tough to see through the large, stained glass windows, but the clapping and cheering from within can be felt outside.

    Inside the tavern, past an old hardwood door, there is cheerful singing and a pleasant atmosphere. The bartender is working hard but still manages to welcome newcomers with a short wave.

    It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Rounded, wooden beams support the upper floor and the sconces attached to them. The walls are decorated with mounted animal heads, hides, and small animals. It's clear the owner is an avid hunter and the smells coming from the kitchen indicate the animals don't go to waste.

    The tavern itself is packed, travelers seem to be the primary clientele here, as they take a break from moving between towns. Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who seem to be close with the owner, though they happily welcome others among their midst. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company. The place is full of warmth and joy radiating thought out, as it's probably the atmosphere that makes this tavern famous with all travelers.  

    In the back away from the crowds, sits Ashera with Peter and Anna, as they have a nice meal in the evening. It's mainly a few fruits with vegetables, a few slices of sharp cheese with hardened bread, and a nice piece of salmon fish, fresh from the river out back of the Inn. Anna finds the spread very nice and eats her fill of it all. Peter too, takes his fair share, as Ashera watches him closely now and smiles. 

    " You look a lot like your brother you know, but far younger, and a little cuter. ", says Ashera as she takes a bite of fruit.

    Peter now turning his attention towards her, begins to open his mouth to question her, but before he can Ashera takes out an old wanted poster. She unrolls it in front of Peter, and it shows a picture of his brother with a bounty of ten thousand gold pieces.

    " This was posted over five years ago, and word is he was around two years before that. He has been a busy man in this land, making a name for himself, and causing all types of trouble. Nowadays he is very untouchable, he is a leader of a guild called the Shadows of the Skull, and they run the western lands with an iron grip.", says Ashera as Peter now takes to a poster.

    Anna almost chokes on the bit of food she is eating, hear the time Robert was in this land and speaks up with a few questions.

    " What do you mean he's been here over seven years? Why he was only missing for about eight months back home. And what is all this nonsense about him being wanted? ", she takes the poster from Peter to get a better look.

    " I would like to know the answer to that question too? Plus Robert is a good man, and a good brother, he wouldn't do anything bad. ", says Peter while continuing to look at the poster in disbelief.

    " It's true you two, he might have been gone for a few months back in your land, but once he was here it's been over seven years. From what I understand from others talking about your land, the time here and there moves at a different pace. So a few months there is a few years here. ", she takes the poster away from the twins, as she continues to speak.

    " As far of Robert being a criminal, he as done a lot of damage here, it all started two years after he came to these lands. No one knows why he did the things he did, but at the end of it all, he grew a power guild, and they control the west. Don't go looking for him you two, you might not like what you find. ", she rolls up the poster and returns it to the pack.

    Peter looks at Anna now, and they both return their attention at Ashera. Peter now slams his fist on the table, feeling a little anger over what was said, and they draw attention towards them for a short time from the others in the room, but they quickly return to the dance that has started up a few moments ago.

    Ashera now sees Peter's medallion eyes glow red for a very short second, and she takes out her bow and places it on the table. It has carvings of a dragon along the edges of it, and she touches the nose of the dragon, and the bow turns into a black dragon head medallion, that now hangs around her neck, and gone too is the armor she was just wearing. In its place are simple blue-green elfish garments, hugging her closely in some places, and slight openings in others to show off her skin underneath.

    Ashera points to the medallion around her neck, then speaks to the twins.

    " This was given to me by my mother a long time ago, she told me she found it in her homeland, and that there were others like it from where she found it. You look to have one of these dragon items too Peter, along with your sister Anna. My mother said good friends of hers took up these items to help win a war, but you don't look like someone that was in a war. ", she says with a laugh.

    " This medallion was my fathers, and Anna has the dragon staff from my mother. They gave it to us to help on our quest and told us it will protect us when needed. ', says Peter now holding the dragon's head out for a closer look.  

    " Anna, you do know you can switch your staff to look like your brothers right, so your not walking around with a huge staff all the time? Just tap the nose of the dragon, and it will switch. ", Ashera says with a smile.

    " I knew that I am not stupid you know. I just like the look of it, but to make you all happy, I will show you it's not big deal. ", says Anna as she taps the nose of her staff.

    It quickly changes into the head of a white dragon and hangs around her neck, but Anna feeling more than just the staff vanishing, hugs the brown robe she wears tightly now. Her face goes blush red, as she stands from the table excusing herself, and she moves to leave the area quickly headed to her room.

    Peter of course not understanding the problem, calls to his sister, who in return gives him an embarrassed look back, as she turns to rushes upstairs out of sight.

    " Poor girl, she must have only been wearing that mage armor under that robe, and nothing else. ", Ashera says while laughing.

    Ashera returns her attention to Peter now, and she gives him a very big smile. The candlelight sparkles off her green eyes, and she lets out a small sigh while looking over Peters' face. She can see he is nothing like his brother, no this Stormhand is much different, and she is finding that she likes him more.

    Taking a single finger of her right hand, she slowly moves it along her face, down to her rounded chin, then slows down her neck. Peter finds himself watching her carefully, as she now teases him a bit more, he begins to turn a bright red in the face, as his eyes follow her fingers down her chest, and he stands quickly to excuse himself from the table.

    Ashera giggles at him now, as she stands along with him., now giving him a warm smile. 

    " Oh Peter, you are a shy one. I will need to work on that, you can't stay shy forever around me. ", she says with a wink.

    Peter has a lot more questions, but now he can't find the words to ask them, so he bids Ashera a good night, and retires to his room upstairs as fast as he can. She watches him leave, as a new group of five travelers enters the Inn, lead by a muscle bald man.

    Ashera knows them all too well, they are Robert's men, as they bare his coat of arms. They are good fighters from what she heard, but Ashera knows she could beat them all, but not here, not now. No, this day if she played her cards right, they will walk to the Innkeeper, and ask about Peter and Anna. But he will tell them, they left hours ago. Now was the gold enough to turn them away? She watches as the game plays out, and just like she planned it, they take the bait. The bald fighter looks over the room one last time and leaves with his men.

    The Innkeeper gives a wave to Ashera, and she gives him a big smile in return. Now she has time to plan the next moves, remember what her mother told her, think about her training. To beat Robert, she must use his own kin against him, but at what cost? She finds herself thinking of Peter, his eyes, his cute face, and how innocent he is. No stay on course, no matter the odds, she was told the Stormhands would come, so the bigger game begins, and the pawns are now in place. It's just a matter of knowing what moves to make next.

    But that's for a new day, for tonight she wants to know Peter a little better, and answer a few more question just for him, as she has a few of her own. So she heads to his room, hoping he hasn't gone to sleep just yet.

    To be continued......

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited July 2018

    Peter finds himself in a trace like dream, after returning to his room. In it he sees an old castle set into a mountainside, it's black, with few signs of life outside it's walls. Ten massive, square towers form an almost perfectly squared barrier around this marvelous castle and are connected by fairly low, thick walls made of black stone. Ornate windows are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with holes of various sizes for defense.

    A regular gate with wide wooden doors, a regular bridge, and strong defenses protect those in need of aid in this rough mountain pass and it's the only way in, at least to those unfamiliar with the castle and its surroundings.

    Huge dragon bones litter the fields outside the castle, half overgrown, but still a painful reminder of the past. This castle shows signs of decay after being around for ages, but its inhabitants are determined to repair any weaknesses to make sure this castle will be around for ages to come.

    Now he is pulled quickly into this darkened halls, to the main throne room of this castle, and he sees a mighty king sitting on his throne, holding a large golden staff with seven medallion dragon heads set into it in different parts. The king is hidden in a fog, so Peter can't see who it is, but the staff he can see very clearly, as he sees the golden dragon head he is wearing. Its eyes glow red, as all the other eyes of the dragons begin to glow with it. Peter tries to get a closer look but is pulled away by a hidden force. Then a voice calls out to him,

    " Beware of the fallen king...........Peter............Peter.............PETER!"

    A knock on the door of his simple room snaps him from the dream, and he hears his name being called, as the knocking continues.

    He stands from his bed, to answer the door, and there stands Ashera with a concerned look on her face.

    " Are you alright Peter? I was worried when you didn't answer right away. ", she asks, while looking him over for signs of trouble.

    Ashera continues to stand in the doorway very concerned, she rubs her long hair now in a tight ponytail, as it hangs over her left shoulder, showing off around the friendly face and pointed curved ears. Her shuttered green eyes, set delicately within their sockets, watches Peter more closely, now sees small balls of swearing on his brow now. She senses something has upset him, and she gives him a big smile.

    Peter, on the other hand, wasn't looking for company tonight, but there's something appealing about her, perhaps it's simply her tenderness. But as far as he can tell, people tend to hit it off with her, he needs to learn as much about her as possible, so he invites her into his room.

    She pulls over a chair next to the end of Peter's bed, and he sits on the edge as he explains to her what he has seen. Ashera listens carefully to what he has to say. listen

    " I had a strange vision just now, there was this old castle in the mountains, and there was this king sitting on his throne. In his hand right hand, he held a mighty staff, it had seven dragon heads adorned all around it. and three of the heads looked like our medallions. But I don't know what is all means. ", says Peter, now giving Ashera a very concerned look.

    Without a word, she turns to look out the window, as if she is thinking over what was said. The moon shines in lighting up the room a bit more, showing off some of the common furniture in the room. Then she remembers something for her past, then returns her attention to Peter.

    " I heard tales of a dark king in the north, how his kingdom was vast, and he ruled with an iron fist. He held a staff of great power, that helped him to keep control of the realm, but that was just a story told by campfires, so I was told. It is also said, one day he tried to invade a new land, someplace very distant from here, but the power of the staff abandoned him. It rejected him from its control, leaving him and his kingdom in ruin. The staff then shatter into seven pieces and was scattered to the far winds of this world. I hold one of the seven dragon heads of power, you and your sister hold two more. Where the other four are, I have no idea, but adventures have been looking for them, after learning of their existence. ", she says, now taking his hands in hers.  

    "So what happened to the dark king? After he lost his power. ", he asks, now looking into her eyes.

    " You have to remember Peter, that was a very long time ago, before the great exodus of the land, when almost all the people fled through the great gates. No one knows the fate of the king or his people of his kingdom, and really no one cares. Just that he got what he deserved in the end. ", she says, now giving him a big smile.

    " So, it sounds like some of the people found our medallions, and took them into my world, and there they ended up in the dragons tome at some point in the past. ", he says while pondering his thoughts.

    " Well there is nothing more we can figure on that topic, so let us talk on something more. for you like girls? ', she says, now giggling at Peter.

    Peter now feeling red in the face, tries to slowly pull back, but Ashera holds his hands a little tighter now.

    " Wait, what does that have to do with the dragon heads of power? ", he asks, now blushing more while looking away.

    " Oh come on Peter, you can't tell me you don't find me attractive, I have seen how you looked at me at dinner, you play the role of being shy so well, but I know you like me more than your showing. ", she asks, now pulling him closer.

    Peter tries to stand to leave her side, not wanting to give her the wrong ideas, but he trips and falls head first on her chest. Ashera takes the opportunity to hug him tightly, as she presses his head tighter to her, then laughs at him and will not let him go.

    At that moment the door to him room flies open, and in steps Anna, with a very big frown on her face. She looks at the two of them, with Peter's head still on Ashera chest, and her hugging him close.

    " What the hell is going on in here?!? Get your hands off my brother! He's not that type of guy! ", Anna yells, as she walks over to the couple.

    " Well, how can I find out what type of guy he was, with you come barging into his room! He is his own man, he doesn't need you babying him like that! ", says Ashera, now yelling back at her.

    Peter finds that he can slip away, now that Ashera has turned her attention onto his sister, and he quietly leaves the room and closes the room behind him. The two women continue to argue about him, as he can still hear them yelling through the closed door, but he doesn't want to think on.

    He returns downstairs, where he can still hear music being played, and songs being sung. Better to let them work it out, his father always told him, when women fight, better to just leave as fast as you can. Never get in the middle of it, and that's just what he is doing, staying out of the way. But he smiles a little as he reaches the bottom step, he did like that hug from Ashera, she has very soft skin. He also liked how she smelled, like fresh flowers in the middle of a meadow. But his sister was right this time, that wasn't the place for that, not really knowing her that well.

    He is called over to sing with a small group of travelers, and he walks over to join the party. Where he is welcomed like a long lost friend, and they all have a great time in the night.

    To be continued....................

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited March 2018

    The next morning started with a good breakfast of bacon an eggs, with a touch of hot coffee, and hardened bead as a filler with cheese on the side. Peter quickly finished eating his fill, as he was wondering where his sister ran off too. Not only was she missing, but their new friend in Ashera was gone as well. At least he hopes she is a friend, but he doesn't feel she would bring them harm. But there was still that fight in his room, it lasted into the night a few hours. Peter didn't return to his room until later in the night, and he found things were a little out of place once he did.

    Now standing to leave, as he drops a few coins for the server, and he get a friendly good bye from the Inn keeper. But he still wonders were had Ashera and has sister run off too? The Inn is empty, now that the nights travelers have all gone, and only the staff are left behind to clean up the place. He walks from the building searching the area with his eyes, making his way to the side of the road, now thinking he has forgot something.

    Then it hits him, his travel pack is gone, but he remembers it vanished before coming to this land, then he looks again as it's on his side. Odd it wasn't there a moment ago, as he now checks the bag, and he finds every thing is in place like he left it. Peter thinks how his bag is in his way now, it was much easier to walk without it there, then in the blink of an eye it vanishes from his side once more.

    He thinks over what just happened, has he rubs the dragon medallion slightly hanging around his neck, then he looks around the forest area thinking it would make for great hunting. With that thought, his bow and a quiver of arrows appear in his hands, now he begins to understand what is happening, as he puts the two over his left shoulder. He concentrates now, thinking he doesn't need his hunting gear, and it vanishes into thin air from his side. The dragon must have magic that stores away items, he thinks to himself, a very useful ability to have at his disposal, one that he will test later.

    At that moment near by in the forest, he hears a ground shaking explosion, it gets the attention of travelers leaving the Inn, then a second one of lesser power goes off. Peter quickly rushes over with a few other men to see what's going on, they all rush down a short forest path next to the Inn, and it leads to a huge cleaning by a small stream.

    They see the answer to the loud noise, standing next to a large crater, are Peter's sister Anna with Ashera having a duel in the middle of the open field.  Peter takes a few steps forward to stop the fighting, but a larger man stops him with a hand on his shoulder.

    " I wouldn't get in the middle of that son, it's a far fight, let it play out. ", says the stranger, as he removes his hand.

    Peter can only watch now, as Anna unloads a huge lighting attack from the sky, calling down large thunder bolts of lighting. They strike the ground where Ashera was standing, as she back flips away quickly, now returning a few arrows in response back toward Anna.

    The arrows scream though the air to find their target, each one locked on to a single focused spot, but they only stop just short as they hit the ground harmlessly.

    " Is that all you got! You need to do better, if your going to beat me! ", yells out Anna, as she laughs at the failed attack.

    Ashera just smiles and fires a few more arrows her way, then plants her right foot firmly, and with a quick move to her left rushes in with short swords drawn. The speed at with she is moving now, is almost blinding, and Peter see Anna is taken off guard with this new attack. He can see she has block the arrows, but isn't ready to stop a direct attack. He must stop this fighting now, and he takes a step to get between the two women. The same strange puts a hand out to stop him, but Peter vanishes from sight.

    Ashera in turn jumps high in the air, swing both her swords down towards Anna, as she lifts her staff to block the attack. But Ashera swords don't find their mark with Anna, as Peter in full armor and shield block her attack from his sister.

    Ashera after striking his shield in surprise, flips back away from the him, and quickly puts her weapons away. She can't believe he entered the field of battle so fast, even to get past her field of vision. But there he stands in front of his sister, protecting her from any new attacks, and all she can do is smile at them both.

    " Well now Peter, your full of surprises, I knew there was a reason why I like you so much. ", says Ashera, as she giggles at him.

    Peter not liking the humor of the situation, now draws his sword to point at her, but his sister taps him on the head with her staff.

    " Ummm hello, Peter......, get out of the way! Don't you see we are having a duel here? One I was about to win! ", says Anna, now glaring at Peter with cold eyes.

    "Well it didn't look like you were winning to me! That's why I stepped in the save your life! At least you could say thank you! Talk about an ungrateful  sister! ", shouts Peter back at his sister.

    With those words, he can see over his shoulder he touched a nerve, she now faces him with her staff pointed his way. He turns just in time to block a masses attack from his own sister, but even with his feet firm to the ground, he is pushed backwards, as he plows up the earth under foot. Peter finds himself next to the group of men once again, and they laugh wild at him. Then same stranger from before steps forward, and looks him in the eyes.

    " I told you pup, let them play it out. It might look bad, but Ashera wouldn't agree with a duel to the death. Just let them be for now. ", says the stranger, as he returns to watch the action.

    Peter returns his weapon to it's holder, as his shield and sword now fade away, and his armor rolling back up into the medallion around his neck. He watches with the others, as his sister and Ashera continue to duel it out in the middle of the field. He knows how powerful his sister is, but he finds himself impressed with Ashera even more. She matches his sisters attacks, and forces her to go on defense more than attacks.

    The group of men cheer on the fight, and it looks to get both women more excited to fight harder. It's going to be a long morning he thinks, he just hopes Anna knows what she is doing.

    To be continued....................

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    High atop a hill overlooking the road leading from the Inn, sits a dark rider on a black horse with red eyes. Cloaked in a shadowy aura over they face, they are hidden from view, as they watch the people from afar. A pair or armored blacked hands can be seen from under the black cloak it wears, one holds the reins of the horse, and the other rubs part of the white mane. A silver handled longsword can be seen on the horses left the side and a travel pack on his right. Next to them is a pair of black dire wolves with blue eyes, who look to be very loyal to this rider, as they keep a watchful eye for anything that might dare to get to close.

    The rider now watches a duel between two women, and his wolves growl with greedy mouths, looking for the mornings kill to sink their teeth into. But the rider quiets them with a couple pieces of meat, tossed from a small pack they hold for them. The wolves rip into the fresh cuts of meat, as the rider returns their attention to the fight, and two loud explosions echo through the air. The rider's horse gets unnerved a bit, as they calm him with a few rubs and pats on the neck. Then rider watches as the action has stopped for a moment, as a newcomer in golden armor with sword and shield stops the fight, but the person was quickly dismissed as the action continued.

    Another loud explosion rips through the air, and clouds of dust hide a now quite view. Then a loud cheer goes up, as a crowd moves to surround the two women, but the rider couldn't see who won. No matter they think, enough of what was happening this morning has been seen. The rider turns to slowly travel down a crooked road from the hill when they are met by a group of fighters blocking the way. The Dire wolves quickly move in front of the rider, with baring teeth and a strong growling, but are ordered back by their master. The leader of the group walks forward, a bald fighter with huge muscles, his armor is very worn out, as he has seen a lot of action over the last few days.

    The bald fighter smiles at the rider while holding his battle-ax at the ready.

    "You're late. ", says the rider in a very low deep voice.

     " My lord, we have searched the different campsites, we met with a little resistance from a few, but we have not found what you are looking for. ", says the bald fighter, as he looks nervously at the wolves.  

    The rider points to the people by the Inn, and in a loud deep rubbing voice, speaks to the group.

    " Bring me those two, the boy and the girl. They are of interest to me, and I want to question them in person. I will be waiting at the usual place, the old farm just outside of town. "

    Then he moves closer to look at the bald fighter, and red eyes flash for a moment from the darkened hazy.

    " Don't keep me waiting this time Krull, my pets are getting hungry, one of you will fill their bellies if you fail me again. ", they say in a low rumbling voice.

    As the rider finishes those words, they quickly ride off, with his pets close behind them and disappear from the site.

    Krull stands with his men, and he looks at the group of people walking away from the Inn, and he sees those twins from before. He knew they must have been special, and this little display has gotten the attention of his master. Now how to catch them, after all, they don't look like they will come quietly.

    To be continued.................

  • I knew I forgot something.... great work :3
  • I knew I forgot something.... great work :3

    Thank You very much.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    The cool of the morning slowly fades away, as the heat of the afternoon sun takes hold on the land. There are no clouds to be seen, as birds fly overhead. Peter is wearing his basic travel clothes while being glad his armor isn't on display in the growing heat and takes out a small water skin to cool his thrust. His sister too wears basic travel wear for females, and gone is the pure white mage cloths, made of dragon skin, that she wore in her duel with Ashera. Both Stormhand twins ride just behind Ashera, who keeps watching on the road ahead of them while keeping an ear to what comes from behind. She is skilled in the art if perception and is unmatched by any in the realm.

    She looks back over her shoulder at Peter, noticing he is watching her in return, and she smiles a little as they ride along the road. She was never the one to look for the company of others like this, but Peter she can see there is something special about him. Something she wants to get to know a little better. But to be with a human, it's not something her elf clan would accept. Although she does have a human in her blood, thanks to her mother who was a half-elf, maybe that's why she is drawn to Peter like she is.

    " So why do you call us Kaelar Human of the Alea? ", asks Peter with a confused look.

    " Cause that's what you are silly. You don't look like a Vaelune, so that only leaves a Kaelar. ", says Ashera with a slight laugh.

    " So what type of elf are you? If there is such a thing as elf classes. ", asks Anna with a little attitude.

    " Why I am a Py'rai elf of the Pyrain, we follow a balance of nature. But don't take us lightly, or you face our fury. Right, Anna? ", She says, referencing the duel from earlier. 

    " Well, I would have won if Peter didn't get in my way! I want a do-over, you know I had you dead to rights Ashera. ", say Anna while staring at Peter now.

    Ashera laughs at the thought, then something gets her attention from behind, and she motions for the twins to quickly follower her, as they ride their horses into the heavy brush on the side of the road. They quickly dismount, and Ashera casts a small spell called conceal. A heavy covering hides the trio, and at the same time runs new horse's tracks far up the road, while concealing where they entered the bush. 

    Anna questions her about the use of magic, but Ashera tells her to be quiet. Then the sounds of many horses changing up the road can be heard, and in the lead of these travels is a bald fighter, with a very nasty look on his face. He pauses on the road right next to where they left the road and has a quick look around, and he sees the tracks leading off away from the area. He leads his men to continue the chase, and they quickly disappear from sight.

    " Blast it all, I wasn't expecting them to get on our trail so quickly. Now it's going to take us long to get into town, we can't take the main road anymore. ", says Ashera, as she takes the travel packs off the horses

    She smacks her horse on the butt, and they ride back to the stables. Then she hands the twins each a pack and turns to lead them deeper into the woods.

    The forest was far-reaching, crowded, and lush. Its canopy was dominated by maple, oak, and elm, as an abundant dancing light bounce through their crowns. Giving light to a number of samplings, in the fertile and moist ground below. Ashera pauses in the moment, as she stops walking with the others, taking in a few deep breaths, while passing an array of flowers, and a few swooping tree limbs dangling from occasional trees.

    In the distance a mixture of sounds, belonging mostly to small animals, adding life to the forest, staying synchronized with the swaying of the treetops in the wind. Peter turns to Ashera, seeing the light of the noon sun dance on her face, as she has her eyes closed feeling the moment.

    " How can you know magic Ashera? I figured you more the ranger type, how do you know magic? ", Asks Peter, as she opens her eyes with a smile.

    " My father was a powerful mage, and mother told me it why I have the skill in magic, so I learned to use parts of it with my skills with being a ranger. People have called me a Scion, whatever that is, but I find it has its uses like back on the road. ", replies Ashera, now moving closer to Peter.

    " But I would love to know how you moved so fast back there when I was dueling your sister. How did you block my attack? The dragon you hold doesn't grant that type of power, it's like mine and your sisters, a tool for the weapons we use. So how can you do what you did? ", asks Ashera now looking into his eyes for answers.

    Before he can answer the question, Anna pushes in between the two and walks ahead of them. Turning back to call to them both, while complaining about having to walk on foot now. Ashera looks at his sister, then laughs a bit, then takes hold of Peter's arm and walks behind Anna.

    " You know Peter, I think we will get along very well, the two of us will make a great team. Your sister, on the other hand, I am not sure about her. She is, after all, a little bit of an oddball. ", says Ashera, while walking with her arm interlocked with Peter's.

    He doesn't mind her being so close to him, as he has quickly found out, this woman will go after what she wants, and get it any way she can. But what does she want with him, then she giggles a bit, as she releases him to rush off into the lead. She calls to the twins to hurry up, they have a long way to go. The three adventures make their way deeper into the forest, as the afternoon's light slowly turns to even.

    To be continued........................ 

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    Based on the dark side of a grotto, the township of Elmwood is home to humans and elves alike. This township wasn't built by a grotto by accident, as it has strong metal ores, which is of great importance to the people of the town and its success.

    The township itself looks grandiose. With its spruce wood rooftops, maple wood walls and staircase of waterfalls, Elmwood has a delightful atmosphere.
    The main attraction is the armory, which was built some years ago and designed by the elves.

    Elmwood has a growing economy, which is mainly supported by weaponsmithing, beer brewing, and herbalism. But their biggest strengths are strong lumberjacking and refined carpentry. However, it's odd that Elmwood lacks people skilled in fishing by the local river.

    Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Elmwood is most likely headed towards a comfortable future under the local leadership. But this remains to be seen, as some newcomers have voiced with each new election.

    The main gate is protected by the town's guards, and they keep watch from small towers, while other walk the raised decks on the heavy oak wall. It's getting late in the day, and the signal is given to begin closing the gates for the night.

    A heavy iron gate slowly lowers into place, with a large hinge door in its middle, the guard who stood outside now retreat to the safety of the walls, as the gate makes a small thud to rest in the soft ground below.

    Up the road from town, a group of travels ride hard to beat the gate closing but find they are to late to enter the town. The leader of the group, a bald muscular fighter named Krull, jumps down to protest the early closing of the gates.

    " Hey! What is the meaning of this, why are the gates close so soon, we still have ten minutes before night watch?! ", he yells to the guards on the walls.

    A snickering goes up from the group, and a reply is sent in return from one guard.

    " Can't be helped a friend, it's time for the change of the guards, you will have to wait on the night watch now. We are off duty."

    Krull can only watch as the guards now leave the walls, and a new set of guards replace them. He knows the night watch will not open the gates for anyone, now he has to deal with the gatekeeper of the night, someone that doesn't like him one bit.

    His men watch him carefully now, they know what is coming next, as Krull walks over to bang on the huge iron door of the gate.

    " Who goes there! Friend or Foe? "

    " It's I, Krull Norwood, I have come to stay the night in town. Open the gates for me and my men! at once! "

    A small hatch opens at the top of the door, and a very old man face looks out at Krull with a laugh.

    " Well now, if it isn't Mr. Norwood and company at my door again, and after hours as again. You know the rules, no one enters until they pay a fee, one gold piece per standing person, and two for every animal that accompanies them. And from the looks of your group, you owe me fifteen gold piece, payable at once. " says the old man, as a wrinkled old hand extends from the peeping hole.

    " Why you old fool, I will not pay you a penny of my good money! Just open the gate right now or I will........"

    " Or you will what? Your forgetting I have the only key, and you not getting in without it. " says the old man, now flashing the key in the peephole.

    Krull seeing the key, grabs it away from him in a flash and laughs loudly at the old man while rocking the key from its string in his hand.

    " Ha! Now I have your key old one, so what are you going to do now? ", says Krull, looking back at the unmoving old man.

    He doesn't get the reaction that he was looking for from him, then he looks for the keyhole to unlock the iron door, but none can be found. Then the sound of an old laugh echo in the air, and the old man's hand is extended out the peephole once more.

    " I told you, Mr. Norwood, no one enters without paying a fee, the key will do you no good on that side. That will be thirty gold pieces now since you took my key. "

    Krull turns red in the face with anger, but if he doesn't want to spend another night in the woods, he needs to do as the old watchman says. He pushes the key back in his hand, and it quickly returns to the other side. The peephole closes, then a slot opens on the door at waist level, as the old man waits for Krull's next move.

    Krull turns to look at one of his men, as he signals for a bag of coins, and one is sent flying through the air to his hand. He turns to drop the bag into the slot, then waits for the old man to open the door. The sound of locks opening and the door swings slowly open.

    " Welcome to Elmwood, please obey the town rules while you are here, have a nice night. "

    Krull's men dismount, as they walk their horses through the open door, and Krull just gives the old man a quick sneer, as he walks by with his own horse.

    "Let's go to the gaming house boys, we need to make up some of the money we lost. ", he says, as the sound of the iron door being locked up echoes from behind.

    His men laugh a little at the thought of the old man getting the best of their leader again, but those two are always going at it. After all, it's his father, and he knows how to get under his son's skin.   

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    Krull and his men find one of the local Inns to stay for the night, the Golden Eagle, it's near impossible to see through the closed windows, but the excited voices from within can be felt outside. As they enter the tavern part of the Inn, they are welcomed by laughing voices and a feeling of comfort.
    Krull's men quickly find their places in the room, as the bartender is working hard filling orders, but still manages to welcome each man with a shortwave.

    Rounded wooden beams support the upper floor, with ambient lights attached to them. The walls are swarmed with banners of all sorts and sizes. Along with mounted heads of different game animals. The tavern itself is packed. Workers seem to be the primary clientele here, which often leads to exciting evenings. Several long tables are occupied by happy, excited groups of people, some are dancing on the table, while others cheer them on with clapping and yelling. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are clearly having a good time. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

    Krull turns to see what he came for, a few games are going on at the back of the place, and he quickly makes his way to one of the tables. All eyes look up from this table for a moment, as he slams down a bag of coins, then smiles cross the faces of the players, as they welcome him to the game. The one running the game pushes a cup with dice to him, and tells Krull he is next to place a bet. With a smile on his face, Krull starts the new game. He tosses out two coin pieces, and shakes the cup wildly in one hand, then slams it down hard. He watches all eyes, as he slowly lifts the cup, and it shows he has a count of the dice at twenty-one.

    " We have a winner! "

    Moans and laughter go up from the table, and Krull smile gets wider at his winnings, then he makes a larger bet. 

    He did hear rumors about this tavern, as the game goes on into the night, supposedly it's famous for something, but he can't remember what for. Though judging by the music and how many people are dancing, it must be the live band who just started playing. He wins a few more roles of the dice and settles in for what will undoubtedly be a great evening.

    In a dimly lit corner of the tavern sits a cloaked figure, they are watching the action at the gaming tables, as Krull's winning has drawn the attention of a few other onlookers. With a pipe in hand, the figure lights a match and draws up a few puffs of the fine weeds. This person doesn't take their eyes off Krull, as the glow of the lit weed grows with every puff, then fades showing off an icy stare from a hardened face of a man.

    Krull feels the eyes of this man watching him, it sets him on edge for a moment, as he glances over to try to see who this person is. He turns to grab the arm of a barmaid, and she turns to give him a smile.

    " Yes love, what would you be having tonight? "

    " Who is that man in the corner over there? ", ask Krull, now pointing slightly to his left.

    " What man love? There is no one there. Would you be ordering anything from the bar? "

    He turns to see an empty chair, where the hooded figure once sat. He looks around for the person, but they are nowhere to be found. This sets him even more on edge now, as he now loses a roll of the dice. He hands over the cup to the next man and orders a pint of fine ale. He has won a lot so far, but who was that person watching him. They will not move on him in public if that be their game, but he will be keeping an eye out, as he moves to find a new game to play.

    To be continued.......

  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    One.......two........three, Peter remembering his training back home, with trees a blur around him, take three steps when avoiding an attacker, and on the fourth movement turn and strike! That's just what he does, as he turns to swing his blade true, and cuts an Imp in half with one blow. No time to enjoy the small victory, as four more Imps swam his way. They cry out for their fallen friend, baring their teeth wide, and sharp claws ready to strike.

    Peter with his shield in hand, calls forward a magical wall, and it stops the forward quick advance of the Imps, but it only lasts for a moment, as they push through the magical effect to get to Peter.

    Blocking the first attack, he swings down hard to drop it where it stands, then he swings back to take the head of another off its body. Blood sprays up into the air, as he takes a few steps back away for the other two. They give him little time to regain his footing, as he blocks their attacks with his dragon shield.

    A word enters his mind, as he blocks more of their attacks.

    " Shadow step! "

    As he thinks it, so his body does it, and he finds himself behind the attackers now, who was just in front of him. Not giving them a chance to react, he strikes down the last two Imps by him, leaving their bodies in a broken mess on the ground. Peter takes in a few deep breaths, as he looks up to see his sister being surrounded, and he moves to rush to her side.

    With his first step he vanishes from sight, the next thing he knows, he is behind his sister, and he stops a few huge rocks from hitting her backside.

    " Where did you come from, I just have seen you fighting over there? "

    " I am not sure how I did it, but I am here now, let's take these guys down! ", he says, while fighting off a few attackers.

    Without another word, Anna lifts her staff high in the air, mumbles a few words, and strikes it down hard into the ground. A huge wave of energy lifts up around the twins, knocking back all Imps to the ground. Then with another lift of the staff, Anna calls out a powerful spell.

    " Lighting Strike! "

    Bolts of energy come crashing down from the sky, hitting all the Imps on the ground, and they burst into flames from the attack. The ones that didn't die from the strike, run off on fire into the woods, only to drop lifeless on the ground soon after.

    A huge roar goes up in the air, and the twins turn to face a new enemy. Two fiery red eyes stare at them with a burning rage, as another roar thunders from this creatures jagged mouth in a fit of rage. A lush head of hair adorns its pudgy head, which itself is glowing with incredible intensity. Its pudgy head sits atop a massive, robust body.

    The creature strides toward them, its two legs stumblingly carry its shadowy body with a hurried energy, as a jagged tail squirms behind it. The creature comes closer and closer, its eyes never leaving them. Peter moves to get in front of his sister, with shield up in the protective stance, and his sword at the ready. He knows she needs more time to get ready, that the last attack took a lot out of her, and she needs time to prepare a new spell.

    The creature roars loudly one last time, as it reaches Peter, then he braces himself for the attack that is about to come. The creature lifts it's hand to strike down on Peter, as the sound of something whistling through to air gets his attention for a second. Peter looks closely at the creature now, as it freezes in place, and its eyes go dark.

    Peter hears more whistling sounds, and this time the sounds of something striking the back side of the creature, then it drops to its knees and falls over dead with over ten arrows in it's back. The twins look up to see Ashera holding her dragon bow in hand, with an arrow at the ready. She calls for the twins to come quickly, as they rush off to follow her to what they hope is safety.

    Peter would like to know where she had run off too, they were to stick together after all. But she rushed off ahead to check something she said, but why leave them in the middle of nowhere. They rush quickly long a forest path, the trees are just a blur now. The night sounds of the forest echoes all around them, as they quickly make their way to a large tree in the middle of a grove.

     Ashera quickly takes hold of a hidden lever on the side, and a vine ladder drops from above. She takes hold of it and looks to Anna with concern.

    " Ok up you go, there is no time to waste! ", says Ashera with a serious look.

    " I will not go climbing into some disgusting tree, I will take my chances with the things down here thank you very much! ", says Anna now crossing her arms in protest.

    A large shrill sound now fills the air, and Anna slowly looks behind her. Another shrill goes up from a different direction, and she quickly takes hold of the ladder.

    " You know this tree doesn't look so bad after all. ", says Anna, now climbing as fast as she can up the ladder.

    Ashera Now climbs up, and she looks back to Peter.

    " Come on, we better get up to safety, there are worst things coming along shortly. ", says Ashera as she now climbs up.

    Peter thinks to remove his armor, as it now returns into the dragons medallion, it would be easier to climb without the added weight holding him back. But he keeps his sword and shields out just in case, as he mounts them both over his back. He quickly makes his way up the ladder, it's a long climb to the top, as he can't see his sister or Ashera now. The tree's heavy branches with thick leaves have already hidden Ashera and his sister from his sight. With a few more pulls up into the tree, he reaches a hidden area in the high thick branches. There is a small house in the top parts of the tree, and he watches as Ashera retracts the vine ladder back up into it's hiding spot, then opens the door to the small house.

    A low rubble with a thud can be heard walking below on the ground passing the tree, but whatever is walking down there, can't see the three adventures up in the high parts of the tree. She rushes them quietly in and closes the door softly behind them. The creature slowly trails off into the distance, as Ashera now takes out a few candles to light.

    Peter can see this little space, isn't that little after all. A house in the trees, who would have figured you could do that. There is a place to cook a meal, a table with chairs to entertain guesses and a sleeping area with a bed big enough for two. Also, there are three windows, set into three of the four walls, and a small door leading out the way they came in.

    " Well looks like we will behold up here until morning, so we might as well get some sleep. I will make you drink to calm you down a bit, I can see your still a little shaken," says Ashera, while taking out a few extra bedrolls.

    " What just past this tree below us? ", asks Anna with a nervous question.

    Ashera moves to her kitchen, and mixes up a quick brew, then gives it to her with a small smile. Anna takes a few sips and hands it back to Ashera.

    " Better you didn't know, some things are better left alone. ", says Ashera placing the cup on a small table nearby.

    Anna gives her brother a quick look, but he just looks just as puzzled. Then she lets out a big yarn, stretches her arms into the air, and wishes them all a good night. Anna opens the bedroll, and takes out the covers, then rolls over on her bed covered up, as she blows out a candle near her.

    Ashera looks over to Peter, looks closely at Anna for a second, then moves over to his side. She looks him in the eyes and smiles wide. As her armor fades from her body, leaving behind only the simple travel clothes she had on earlier.

    " Your sister will be out for hours, what will we do now, my dear sweat Peter? ", say Ashera now in a playful mood.

    Peter finds that his shield and sword have now returned to the dragons head, as this is a safe place, and no need for the extra protection. But now he sees Ashera is giving him a look of more than lets maybe friends. The candlelight dances off her greenish eyes, as she lets her blue-green hair down over her shoulders.

    " You do think I am pretty right Peter? ", asks Ashera as she moves her hand from her hair, down her neck to her chest.

    She watches him closely, seeing he is going red in the face, as he now turns away from her showing his shyness.  

    " Yes, your very pretty Ashera, but we can't...."

    She blows out the second candle, as she takes the last one, then moves even closer to Peter's side now, and whispers in his ear.

    " Can't what? "

    He turns to answer, as the light from the last candle goes out, and in this darkness, he feels arms wrap around him. Then he feels the press of soft lips against his, as Ashera gives him a warm kiss, and Peter returns it in kind, as he feels the warmth of her body pressed against him now, and she feels so soft as he slowly moves to hold her back. Why fight it he thinks, after all, he does like her a lot more then he leads on.

    To be continued.........................

  • I love this so much please keep up the fantastic work 
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited April 2018
    I am trying lol. I had RL issues a few weeks back, and then got sick, but much better now. I will try to add more over the next few days to catch up. There is an end game to this story.
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    Peter awakens to the smell of breakfast, there is a plate in the middle of a table, it has a few pieces of fresh fruit, a couple hard boil eggs, and a piece of hard toast. Alongside it is a flask with some type of drink. Peter sees he is waking up in the bed, in the treetop house, but doesn't see his sister or Ashera anywhere. Another thing he notices right away, he is wearing night clothes, that quickly morphs into travelers clothes, once he gets out of bed. Another gift of the dragon medallion he thinks, as he moves to sit down at the table to eat.

    The meal hits the spot, as he eats it up quickly, then he takes the flask in hand to wash it all down. The taste of the brew is a simple apple cider, but there is a small hint of cinnamon mixed in with it. He tips it back to take in every drop, then sees a note on the table where the flask was sitting.

    He picks up the note and it reads:

    " If your done stuffing your face, hurry up and get down to ground level, we are waiting on you. Your sister Anna. "

    How long has he been out anyway, the last thing he remembers was that kiss from Ashera. Her kiss? He was kissing her, but his memory of the event is all a fog after that. Did she drug him too, like she did with Anna and that brew? Too many questions about that elf woman, but Peter will take it a little slower with her. He finds that he likes a lot, but still who is this woman?

    He makes his way out of the house, and quickly down the vine ladder. As he reaches the ground level and voice booms from behind him.

    " It's about time you knucklehead, we have been waiting on all morning, now it's almost noon! ", says Anna with a slight tone of anger.

    He turns to see her with arms crossed, wearing that pure white mage dragon armor, and Ashera is checking the grounds around the tree. Not giving it a second thought, he brings up part of his golden armor, and it quickly forms around his body, leaving only his head exposed. His sword and shield also can be seen on his back, as he walks over with Anna to see what Ashera is up too.

    They can see Ashera is wearing her forest green leather armor, and with a bow, in hand, she is looking over a set of very large footprints buy the tree they just left. A frown crosses her pointed face, as she sees it's headed for the closest town, and she looks to the twins with concern.

    " We need to hurry you two, there is trouble ahead. ", says Ashera, as she rushes off in a quick dash away from them.

    " What's wrong! Why the rush!", yells Peter after Ashera.

    But his words fall on deaths ear, as she quickly sprints out of sight. He looks at his sister, as she takes his hand, and starts to cast a spell.

    " Come on Peter, we better keep up, or we will get lost in these woods. ", and with those words, they blight out of sight.

    Elsewhere, in the town of Elmwood, the city mayor celebrates with some of the townspeople, in the center of the town. Today marks when a simple village now becomes an economic powerhouse town, as the steady growth of people and goods have made this area expand into something greater.

    Cheers go up into the air, as the mayor speaks of all the new attractions, like new apartments, more land for freeholds, and bigger market areas for selling and buying goods. Even the town defenses have grown with the new look, as the walls around the town have turned to stone. Not forgetting the better-equipped guards, who will keep everyone safe within the walls.

    As the mayor continues to speak, the sound of a warning horn sounds from the eastern gates. A long drawn out sound that drags through the air, sending chills to everyone in the square, as the mayor turns to see what is going on. Then yells from the walls ring out, warning to the town of a coming attack.

    The people who can't fight run off in fear, as the town's fighters rush from every area to help on the walls and the main gate. What attackers are coming to this peaceful town, who would dare bring their army to these gates? The guards stand at the ready, as the fighters flood from every side to join them.

    With the clang of armor, the thunder of feet, more the defenders rush up to the top of the walls with bows in hand, they stand at the ready to repel whatever attack comes.

    As they stand ready on the walls, a low rumble of something large walking in the woods echoes off the walls, and the very ground begins to shake with every step. Trees crack and shake as this beast gets closer and closer, the defenders now gripped with fear, pull back on their bows, taking aim in the direction of the loud thundering walk coming from the forest. Swear pours from a few brows, eyes wander to each face on the walls, as the very brave stand tall to keep the others calm.

    " Make at the ready! Here it comes! ", goes up the call.

    Then they see it, a huge hulking reptilian type beast pushes through the tree line, as it looks taller than the biggest trees. Two heavy eyes survey their surroundings from their scaly sockets. A long mouth dips green slim, as its forked tongue taste the air around it. Tiny squared ears sit on each side of its huge, angular head, which itself is covered in scar-like carvings and has two thin horns protruding from the top.

    It begins to stand straight, reviling large slug-like parasites on its underside. Two muscle arms rest at its sides and end in stone-like claw hands with thick fingers, of which it has eight in total. Its legs are thick and stand straight, each ending in wide feet. Its body is covered in moss over its scaly skin and its shoulders are broader than its pelvis, from which a whip-like tail grows.

    The monster lets out a mighty roar, as it sees the town sitting before it. With a powerful motion, it charges toward the town, and all bows take aim. The ground shakes with every step of the beast, vibrating the very walls where the defends stand.  As it gets closer to the wall, it quickly springs into the air. Then word goes up to fire all bows, and as beast and arrows fly toward each other, all goes silent as the two sides meet in the air.

    To be continued.................

  • Can't wait for the next part 
  • Good work as usual, keep it up :3
  • Good work as usual, keep it up :3

    Thank you, I will try to get the next part in tonight. thx again.
  • Oh nice ^^
  • ArchivedUserArchivedUser Guest
    edited August 2018

    Screams of terror sing out, as the townspeople rush in every direction, trying to escape the creator that breached the walls. The arrows did little to stop it's advance, as they only enraged it even more. The beast quickly climbs over the walls to enter the town and kills many defenders on the walls that stand in its way.

    As blood still dripping from its claws, it eyes the remaining guards close by, then takes a deep breath, and expels a deadly cloud of deadly poison mist. Those who didn't escape it's touch, fall to the ground choking, then the mist begins to melt the flesh from their bodies.

    The town mages now rush forward to help dispel the toxic gas, but the creature seeing them scrapes a huge amount of parasites from its body, then sends it all flying toward them. With little time to react, most are overcome from the slug type creatures, and as they latch onto their victims, they drain them of all their magical energy, along with some of their blood. The mages that were unlucky, struggle to escape, but the beast walks over, and stomps them into the ground, as its parasites return to its body.

    Now the beast begins to glow a deep purple, as its eyes glow red. It has the power of the few mages within its body now, thanks to the slugs, and with that power it focuses it on a few buildings with one big breath, knocking them down with an energy blast. Then a swing of it's fist to the left, and another building is taken down. Arrows arc through the air, but not all of them find their mark, and the creature walks deeper into town, destroying all it can see in its way.

    The townspeople flood past the remaining defenders, while the town's captain of the guard rallies what's left of the town defenders, as he watches the beast lay waste to the town from afar. He turns and sees a few summoners working together to cast a spell, from the looks of it they are bringing something big out, but need the time to finish the spell.

    " Shields to the front? Spears get in behind them close, and bowmen to the rear! Stand fast men! We must hold the monster a little longer! ", yells the Captain to all his men.

    They all move quickly into position as he said and wait as the creature slow makes its way towards them. No one men waver, even as the fear grips their bodies, knowing this might be the last of their days. They stand as one ready to give their lives to protect what's left of this town. Fires rage behind the monster as it walks with a thud slow their way. Each step shakes the ground, rattling the buildings in the area, and the last defenders brace themselves as the creature gets closer.

    It lets out a bone-chilling roar, that echoes to the very end of the town. The Captain of the guard raises a hand to give the order to attack but pauses as a lone fighter rushes forward past the group.

    A lone fighter dressed in golden armor, holding a shield and single-handed sword, dashes forward to attack the beast. The captain can see it's just a boy and calls out to him to get back, but he looks over his shoulder with a smile, as he moves with blinding speed.

    The captain watches as the helm of the young lad morphs into the head of a dragon, and his armor now takes on the shape of small dragons body. He leaps up with his sword hand high, the monsters swing down to meet this new attacker head on, and the two clash hard sending the young fighter flying off into a building.

    The creature lets out a huge scream of pain, as the hand, it attacked the golden fighter now falls away from its body, and it grips the open area with the one that's left. As the blood now pours from its open womb, it turns to find the fighter, but now a new attacker in white moves into view. It's a young woman with golden hair, and she holds the staff of a dragon. She motions it high in the sky, then points it at the monster, as huge bolts of lightning strike down hard. The creature scream in more pain now, then turns it's attention to the young woman and returns its own attack of poison gas and flaming energy.

    She quickly spins her staff to deflect the attack coming her way and dispels it before it can do any more harm. The captain seeing his chance to strike, orders his men to attack, and then send every arrow they can into the belly of the beast. Then they all charge forward as the monster falls to one knee, and the spearmen toss their weapons, but the beast uses his tail to whip them from the air.

    Swords are drawn, shields held high, and every man that can fight has now swarmed on the monster. It knocks away attackers as fast as they come, but not one defender gives way, as one falls another takes their place. The monster now feeling its energy fading, turns to flee the town. But it's met by a woman in green leather, as she sends a huge rain of arrows from above. They find their mark, as she now takes out two short swords, and is joined by the boy in golden armor, and they rush for the final attack.

    The monster swings down hard to kill the new attackers but misses as they quickly avoid its strike, and they attack hard with their blades. The monster now feels pain enter it's body, as it gets a deep cut to its legs and arms, drops down to the ground. It rounds over to get back to its feet but is hit with another lightning strike from above. It feels the life force about to leave its body, when a huge dragon forms in the air, and it swoops down from the sky, and takes up the monster high in the sky with its craws. All eyes watch as the dragon now fades from this world, and the monster drops down to its death outside of the town walls.

    Cheers go up, as the defends of the town circle the three newcomers to the battle, and they all celebrate the victory. The Captain of the guard doesn't join them but heads out to view the dead monster with a few of his men.

    In the shadows of the town, a group of fighters that didn't help, watch the three adventurers, and a bald-headed leader of the men takes a closer look.

    " Is it them? ", asks a fighter.

    " Yeah it's them, but we can't move on them now, we will wait them out. ", says the leader.

    He motions for them to head back to the Inn, as they are watched by a shadowy figure from the side of a building. The hooded stranger slowly follows the group back to their Inn, making sure to keep just out of their sight.

    To be continued.........

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