Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Why does no MMORPG ever implement the shield and spear weapon combination?

Seriously guys!
The only class to use a "spear" (more like a lance) and shield in an MMORPG, at least as far as i know, is the lancer from Tera...
It would be really cool, if tanks had the ability to specc into holding a spear in one hand and a shield in another, like a spartan hoplite.
They could give the spear slower attackspeed or something in return, but i really like the idea of forcing the enemy to keep his distance.
The only class to use a "spear" (more like a lance) and shield in an MMORPG, at least as far as i know, is the lancer from Tera...
It would be really cool, if tanks had the ability to specc into holding a spear in one hand and a shield in another, like a spartan hoplite.
They could give the spear slower attackspeed or something in return, but i really like the idea of forcing the enemy to keep his distance.
(That's the realistic point of view of course)
From an realistic point of view? Okay lets analyze the pro and cons of a spear vs sword in a sword vs spear debate
First of all: i have to agree that the spear and shield combo is strongest in a formation.
But here comes my problem with sword and board tanking of giant monsters.
A spear would give you the actual reach to fight against monstrous (dragons, trolls, gints etc) creatures.
Swords would require you to stand beneath monsters and try to keep their aggro, while a spear would allow you to stab your enemies from a distance (example monster hunter in this instance).
Okay, lets leave tanking in PvE scenarios, and focus on a PvP standpoint. The sword has the pro of a higher attackfrequency, but it also forces you to engage the enemy in extreme close combat.
I saw in Apocalypse that weapons like the spear and helbard are at an advantage, even if we exclude the abilities.
Players with swords had to overcome the natural extra distance that these weapons provided. I could get at least one extra attack in, before the sword user could even think about reaching me.
Im just saying that it would be a nice addition to the current tank weapons, purely an addition no mainstay weapon
Unless the spear is like 4 meters long which starts to go into oversized weapon territory to really distinguish itself for monster play I don't get the logic behind it(especially since it starts to create other problems). The thing tho is, it's a game, it doesn't need logic. Either way it would be a nice idea if their was a weapon combination like that even if it's just visually if not gameplay wise.
I can be a life devouring nightmare. - Grisu#1819
Sword vs plate and chainmail?
Small tip hitting armor creates greater pressurepoint, so do spears penetrate armor better?
Like a full plate 2h spear versus a sword+shield in plates?
Are the plates rounded enough to deflect spears?
You're bleeding for salvation, but you can't see that you are the damnation itself." -Norther
Would you rather have a pointy stick that is around 2m+ long or a sharp and pointy stick that is 1m long? 1m is sometimes all that is between you and death
Not actually scientific in the least, but spears usually win against swords 1v1. Sword and shield has an advantage, but is usually about even against spear 1v1. Sword and shield wins against spear and shield 1v1. Finally in the case of groups: spear wins against sword, spear and shield wins against sword and shield when faced head on, but given more angles of attack sword/sword and shield wins. Essentially, unless both sides line up in phalanx groups, spear and shield is a terrible weapon combination because it sacrifices the mobility and speed of a spear and cannot fully utilize its reach via weaker thrusting force with one hand. Lining up in formation happens A LOT in actual war but almost NEVER in video game combat, so its not a great choice.
Which would make sense for a tank though
LotRO also has a class closely identified with the spear and shield combo, the Warden. But a Champion and Captain can use that combo fine too.
My guess: when designing fantasy people think Western medieval, and spears are way down the list of weapons that most people think of from that era. Maybe some Eastern MMOs include spears because they feature a bit more prominently in their military history (just a guess).
Yeah but those are featured in fiction based off the era (tales of wizards etc). For some reason people who wrote old myths and modern fantasy focus on wands and swords and shields etc and focus less on spears. Maybe some weapons are just naturally more popular *shrug*
Formerly T-Elf
The thing is that Ashes already has spears implemented into the game. But they are currently only twohanded weapons
Just twist the pitchfork or use the spear like a club in a sweeping manner?
In reality the spear is the most critical hand to hand melee weapon in the history of warfare, whether you’re taking eastern or western history. But blame the Fellowship of the Ring for all that followed, and nobody at Rivendell stepping up to say, “You have my spear.”
Now that you mention it.... the only time you really see spears in any middle earth movie are:
1. Riders of rohan when they meet Aragorn and friends
2. Siege of Helms Deep wielded by Uruk-Hai, even though those are pikes and not really spears
3. Wielded by orks in the battle for minas tirith and they look really weak, because they meet a charge of 10.000 riders headon
4. Gondorian soldiers that get instantly killed by orks and other foul beasts
5. Wielded by dwarvs in the battle of 5 armies, and they somehow loose them early on and fight with swords and axes......
I wonder if that would work? "DAVE! get a mortal and make him smack Timothy for a few hours with a spear and then report"
Spears vs Swords
Spears have the advantage in reach
Spears have the advantage in skill floor
Swords have the advantage in skill ceiling
Spears have the advantage against armor, spears can puncture mail and chain fair more easily
Spears have the advantage on horse back
Spears have the advantage in cost
And if you honestly doubt me on any of this, look up a SCA heavy list fighting and take a look at the guys still standing after a skirmish. More often than not it's the guys with polearms.
im working on fixing that by rapping cloth on their ribs