[Poll] Freedom to Change Gender, Race and Primary Class & Should Joining a Guild be Account-bound?



  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited September 2019
    @branegames Actually no, they have never stated that there would be no benefit or penalty for marriage. Just that same sex marriage would be available. It was argued back and forth across the forums and Discord and many people weighed in, but an official quote either on Discord or other written media has not happened yet. Same with the mentor program. We know that these things will be in game, just not what form they will take. As you can see from the wiki link I will leave after this they have left it intentionally vague. May be this, might do that. I was in the camp that marriage should provide no benefit beyond cosmetic. But again, they have never said that would be the case, just that it would affect certain systems.

    As for the OP, take it all with a grain of salt. New account from yesterday, makes a poll about what they want, comments exclusively on it. I smell troll or a sense of entitlement so strong that no matter what you present you are going to be called various things.
  • AzathothAzathoth Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One

    I understood where you were coming from until you started saying things like:

    "This community is really pathetic. I hope Intrepid doesn't ruin its game by listening too much to your narrow-mindedness."

    "You don't care about people constantly calling each other with vulgar words like g*y or straight people begin considering themselves as such? That's toxic. They could change the word marriage to something else, like soulmate; "

    "Understood. I think the mutual agreement is what gathered you people here in the first place. The loyalty."

    Which, based on your OP I find very odd.
    The first comment means you discount and don't consider opinions opposed to yours. Which makes reading and then taking your post seriously harder by default. You not accepting alternate views is also narrow minded. Well done proving that.

    Your second comment makes you sound like you personally have an issue with same sex marriage. I would have guessed the opposite from your original post. So now I am confused as to your actual intend. Most people here, as stated above, don't care. Or at least they don't care enough to be against it in a Video Game.

    The third statement, like the first, indicates that people here who agree with Intrepid only do so because IS said so. You have mentioned this previously as well. Which makes taking you serious at all pointless. Because if I don't agree with you, and happen to agree with IS you will simply assume my opinion is wrong.

    Overall, this thread has assured me you will be an awesome member of the community.
    Welcome aboard!
    +1 Skull & Crown metal coin
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    No, no and no. If you want to go all in on a character, do it. But I want different alts in the same guild. There are many, many reasons for this.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    5. We are not against same gender marriages in the game, BECAUSE. WE. DO. NOT. CARE!

    You don't care about people constantly calling each other with vulgar words like g*y or straight people begin considering themselves as such? That's toxic. They could change the word marriage to something else, like soulmate; with(or not/just sharing idea) PvE-only shared skills limited to each other, like healing each other.

    More examples:
    From an MMO that probably nobody here even heard of, Asda Story

    Let me guess. You disagree about this too? but you said you don't care?
    It's hopeless :s
    You are the one "throwing real life agenda" here.
    People hearts change, they can get extremely bored of the limitation of their look or name.

    What will they do?
    Accept living with it? No. I don't think they can change their own feelings of disinterest/unenthusiasm.
    Either "impersonate" another character that's near identical to its previous, or give up and uninstall.
    ^ mostly the latter, because starting over is a lot of work for few cosmetics changes.

    What if two players become good friends and marry each other for the content it provides, but they don't want to look creepy because of their gender, so they end up avoiding this system at all?
    Marrying someone might cost a fortune, and they would then think it's not worth it.

    I'm not interested in discussing this further. I will put it in a spoiler.

    So.... You are going to cherry pick my argument? Okay, very original.... where have i seen that before?

    I watched some gameplay from ASDA story/Global.
    It looks like shit. It reminded me of metin 2, which was a bad game. It looks like a generic game with bad graphics and no innovation....

    Another point from that game:
    Holy shit those abilities are all op as hell.

    Summon of Soulmate: Lets TP where ever the other person is, shall we? Oh and the best part? 20min cd!

    Protection of Soul: Lets ignore the death penatly every 20min why not? The travel is an important part of the gamemechanics? FUCK THE MECHANICS!

    Whisper of Resurrection: IT DOES WHAT IT SAYS IT DOES IMMEDIATELY! Only a 10min cd btw.

    Power-Up (Passive): Straight up 10% more attackpower, as if you had a bard 24/7 with you as long as you stay together.

    HEALING OF SOUL: Recover 80% of your soulbonds physical power... Why not? Who needs a healer? The real kicker? It has a 15sec cd!

    COMBINATION OF SOUL: 60sec CD. Borrow 70% attack from your soulmate... It disregards level difference. So a level 1 character can use 70% of a max characters attackpower... I CANT SEE ANY PROBLEMS WITH THAT, CAN YOU?!?

    Tsukasa wrote: »
    "You don't care about people constantly calling each other with vulgar words like g*y or straight people begin considering themselves as such?

    I do care about people being rude and calling people slurs. Do I do something about it the chance i hear/see it happen? Yes.

    I belive that people all over the world should be AT LEAST respectfull to each other and that they should keep their opinion at home.

    I dont like it when men make out with each other in public, AS MUCH AS I DONT LIKE IT WHEN A MAN AND WOMAN MAKE OUT WITH EACH OTHER IN PUBLIC!

    Displays of affection should be in the privacy of home or kept short. No one wants to see two people shove their tongues down each others throat.
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    That's toxic. They could change the word marriage to something else, like soulmate; with(or not/just sharing idea) PvE-only shared skills limited to each other, like healing each other."

    Thats just replacing one word with another... Also: What will you call a divorce then? Soulmates.... shure. xD

    Any kind of buffs derived from an ingame marriage should be non existent or solely cosmetic in my opinion. Being married should not give you an advantage over other people...
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    You are the one "throwing real life agenda" here.
    People hearts change, they can get extremely bored of the limitation of their look or name.

    What will they do?
    Accept living with it? No. I don't think they can change their own feelings of disinterest/unenthusiasm.
    Either "impersonate" another character that's near identical to its previous, or give up and uninstall.
    ^ mostly the latter, because starting over is a lot of work for few cosmetics changes.

    What if two players become good friends and marry each other for the content it provides, but they don't want to look creepy because of their gender, so they end up avoiding this system at all?
    Marrying someone might cost a fortune, and they would then think it's not worth it.

    Bored of the limitations of their looks or name? Okay, let them get the possibility of a name change.
    The developers can implement a barber, like they did in WoW. Those are acceptable things.

    RACE CHANGE?!? What the F-word? So.... You would also be okay if a white woman decided to suddenly be of african origin and started to color her skin black yeah? Thats called CULTURAL/RACIAL APPROPRIATION, and is looked down upon by the people of that culture...

    It is sometimes so laughable, how the people on the internet are... I see the news in america about feminist rallies, where I clearly see how they cherry pick their rights and responsibilities and think "Why have I never seen such things in germany?" I know now. Something is really wrong with america... I have three firends who are all either gay, bi or trans (this is a good part of my friends because i am heavily introverted), and none have EVER complained how people call them He/she even though they identify with the other pronoun. BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE CANT KNOW THAT AND IT IS NOT THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO LOOK OUT FOR OTHER PEOPLES FEELINGS!

    God, I am so done with this thread....
  • WizardTimWizardTim Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Azathoth wrote: »

    I understood where you were coming from until you started saying things like:

    "This community is really pathetic. I hope Intrepid doesn't ruin its game by listening too much to your narrow-mindedness."

    "You don't care about people constantly calling each other with vulgar words like g*y or straight people begin considering themselves as such? That's toxic. They could change the word marriage to something else, like soulmate; "

    "Understood. I think the mutual agreement is what gathered you people here in the first place. The loyalty."

    Which, based on your OP I find very odd.
    The first comment means you discount and don't consider opinions opposed to yours. Which makes reading and then taking your post seriously harder by default. You not accepting alternate views is also narrow minded. Well done proving that.

    Your second comment makes you sound like you personally have an issue with same sex marriage. I would have guessed the opposite from your original post. So now I am confused as to your actual intend. Most people here, as stated above, don't care. Or at least they don't care enough to be against it in a Video Game.

    The third statement, like the first, indicates that people here who agree with Intrepid only do so because IS said so. You have mentioned this previously as well. Which makes taking you serious at all pointless. Because if I don't agree with you, and happen to agree with IS you will simply assume my opinion is wrong.

    Overall, this thread has assured me you will be an awesome member of the community.
    Welcome aboard!
    I hope the welcoming part is genuine and not sarcastic. Thanks.

    Whether I agree or disagree depends on reasons and examples. Not "Intrepid said it will be This".
    If Intrepid deliberately want spying on guilds to be part of the game, then I can't argue back. I've already accepted it, thus I'm not talking about it anymore. Does that make me narrow minded?

    No, not interested in the marriage system either. Only brought it up to make my argument reasonable. I'm more worried about how this system will influence the community, actually.

    I agree that choices should matter, too. However, with very strict limitation.
    FOR EXAMPLE: Only possible to change twice a year or start over(by praying to religion or self-sacrifice), at lvl 1 in another race with memory loss, regainable as you progress. It works lore-wise. ANY consequence is fine!

    People will quit because everything is "permanent", and can't enjoy the game while holding regret forever.

    All of these changeable things (race, class, gender, even appearance) are new to the MMO community. No one quit EQ because they couldn't change even their hair style after character creation. I leveled a human Wizard to 20 before realizing elf Wizards were better, and just rerolled (made a new wizard, gave all my stuff from my old to my new, deleted the old) and started over.

    It's actually a very minor thing, and not worth designing a complicated code into the game for without a very serious reason for it (like selling "potions" on a market for real money reasons). Would also require a close look at balance and gameplay related issues, squash bugs, and it'd just be a very expensive process. It worked in FF14 because the gameplay model basically centered AROUND it, making progression in the main story tedious, and selling potions for money so players could step around having to do that entire process again and again.

    In the end, gameplay decisions are largely made based on level of effort required vs what it actually adds to or contributes to the gameplay itself. Most of us are going to be fine with simply making an alt to "change it up". It won't be as horrible in AoC as it might be in, say, FF14 which has that really stupid main quest set up where you pretty much repeat the entire game with every character you make, and have to do dungeons as part of the main quest line, and so on and so fourth.
  • AzathothAzathoth Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    @Tsukasa my welcoming was 100% genuine. If it wasn't for threads like these I would barely post. I am sure we will engage and not agree a lot and i look forward to each and every time :smile:

    If players quit because of the "permanent" nature of one character, out of all the alts allowed, they will likely quit other games all the time. I don't see those types of players playing in sub-based game for more than a few months.

    As for the narrow minded aspects at play here, no, your acceptance of spying being part of the game is not narrow minded.

    Calling the community narrow minded because they don't agree, that's narrow minded and clearly what I referenced when I said so the first time.

    What about the marriage system, as planned, are you worried about within the community? We already know your stance on the marriage/gender issue (which is also narrow minded), is that your only concern?
    +1 Skull & Crown metal coin
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Tsukasa wrote: »

    This game has a same gender marriage AND racial skins, why aren't you against it? Why does it matter now?
    I'm actually offended that you would think that this is in any way a consideration in my opinion here.

    Ashes is a game. I honestly don't care if you want to marry a goat in game, let alone marry a fictional character of the same fictional gender as your fictional character.

    Honestly, go marry that goat in game. More power to you.

    However, character name, race, gender and primary class are the core foundation of character identity.

    Ashes is a game where identity matters and has actual in game value. If identity matters and has value, then being able to change any aspect of that identity (even if only one quarter of that identity) has value. You don't want people being able to change their in game identity in Ashes, even if you don't yet realize that you don't want that.

    Now, Ashes will almost certainly have ways for you to change your characters appearance. This is cool (within reason), as changing your appearance does not change your identity.
  • MuseaciaMuseacia Member, Pioneer, Kickstarter
    edited September 2019
    o.o Everybody okay? Deep breaths.


    On topic: I don't mind appearance or gender swaps of any sort, personally. To me, those are cosmetic and harmless, and would let me delve into routine fashion upgrades hohoho. Everybody have fun, marry whomever you like, and look fabulous!

    However, I don't personally support class swapping or 1-account-guild-joining. I love having alts, and I like putting alts in different places. If my characters got locked into one single guild by signing up, I'd have a Mighty Sad.

    . Here we go again .
    Characters: Grome | Solun
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Steven also said in APOC messages that souls exist in Ashes's universe. When the characters die, their souls are left behind and can be turned into health and mana by enemies (and almost certainly allies as well).

    Which in my opinion makes my idea of being Reborn by praying as lvl 1 with memory loss into a body of another race as acceptable.

    Okay, but if you have to reset your character to lvl 1 for a race change then... why dont you just create a second character?
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Gender and races may change but bones are forever

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Nagash wrote: »
    Gender and races may change but bones are forever

    But... cant you just switch your bones out as a lich/skelleton? Wouldnt souls be forever? XD
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Damokles wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    Gender and races may change but bones are forever

    But... cant you just switch your bones out as a lich/skelleton? Wouldnt souls be forever? XD

    but everyone need bones unless you are a worthless slime

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • Nagash wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    Gender and races may change but bones are forever

    But... cant you just switch your bones out as a lich/skelleton? Wouldnt souls be forever? XD

    but everyone need bones unless you are a worthless slime

    Rimuru would like to have a word with you
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Joseline wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    Nagash wrote: »
    Gender and races may change but bones are forever

    But... cant you just switch your bones out as a lich/skelleton? Wouldnt souls be forever? XD

    but everyone need bones unless you are a worthless slime

    Rimuru would like to have a word with you

    Ok The ONE slime that is not worthless

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • FerrymanFerryman Member
    edited October 2019
    - Ghanging gender should be possible, I do not see a single reason why not.

    - I am not sure about changing race, maybe it depends how much race has impact to the character. If race will be more like cosmetic with small differencies, then I guess it could be possible, otherwise no.

    - Changing primary class should not be possible, because it changes too much, basically everything. I usually prefer more classless systems, but imo primary class lock suits a really good for Ashes theme.
    Do you need a ride to the Underworld?
  • RavudhaRavudha Member
    edited October 2019
    I sympathise when people create a character, invest some time in it, then feel it isn't quite what they expected, so they want to change it.

    I'd be good to be able to change gender/race once or twice early on, but not repeatedly since it is an RPG first and foremost, and these are core to character identity.

    On the fence about changing class. Class is so fundamental to a character changing it would be almost like re-rolling, which players can already do with little hassle. On the other hand, it's the easiest to justify in terms of lore: an adventurer deciding on a different direction in life.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited October 2019
    Making a new character is a change. That should be the only change to characters other than some visuals (like haircuts).

    Making changes to existing characters should not happen. Steven has said in the past that a character has a reputation. Changing class, name, possibly even race should not happen as it would defeat the purpose of a reputation.

    You want a different class? Roll a new character. Want a new race, roll a new character. Let's put the RPG back in MMORPG. How many role playing games allow you to change the basics of your character?

    If they do allow changes to race or class, the character should be reset to level 1 in all respects. If you have progression in anything, it gets reset with the rest.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Characters should be able to change gender but not race.
    Then again, it is a high fantasy setting, so even race change might be a possibility for that world, due to magic.
  • RavudhaRavudha Member
    edited October 2019
    Dygz wrote: »
    Characters should be able to change gender but not race.
    Then again, it is a high fantasy setting, so even race change might be a possibility for that world, due to magic.

    A couple of people have said yes to gender change but no to race change or have looked at them differently. I'm curious - why the differentiation? I kind of figured we're looking at a new world where we know equally little about either possibility in terms of lore. Is it about racial abilities vs gender being purely cosmetic?
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    The lore of the game can and will fit with what the developers want to do mechanically, so lore ins't an argument in either direction in this case.

    If race change were implemented, it would make the racial aspects of nodes near pointless. The bulk of players would simply pick a node based on what ever other factor they personally consider more important, and just change their race to the primary race of that node.
  • noaani wrote: »
    The lore of the game can and will fit with what the developers want to do mechanically, so lore ins't an argument in either direction in this case.

    If race change were implemented, it would make the racial aspects of nodes near pointless. The bulk of players would simply pick a node based on what ever other factor they personally consider more important, and just change their race to the primary race of that node.

    Aah yep forgot about node content (not just building cosmetics) being impacted by race. Makes sense.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Ravudha wrote: »
    Dygz wrote: »
    Characters should be able to change gender but not race.
    Then again, it is a high fantasy setting, so even race change might be a possibility for that world, due to magic.

    A couple of people have said yes to gender change but no to race change or have looked at them differently. I'm curious - why the differentiation? I kind of figured we're looking at a new world where we know equally little about either possibility in terms of lore. Is it about racial abilities vs gender being purely cosmetic?

    Because race and gender are two very different thing. Lets imagine in our world: what would you think would happen if i tattooed my whole body black/dark brown and told everyone that i want to be of african heritage...

    It is a part of your characters background/history, and if you can just change that, then why do we even play different races? We should all just play an amourphous grey blob, that can change its appearance at will...

    And it would also not really fit withthe Tulnar for example. They are supposed to have a caste system depending on your race.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Do you agree with racial advantage or no?

    I'm definitely going for the stronger race, then apply a racial skin on it. - But this is not a good thing because many people will do the same, instead of picking the race they truly love.

    The only difference between races are four fold:
    1. Each race has different initial stats. Some have higher strength, some higher intelligence for example.
    2. Each race has special racial augments for their abilities, that fit the theme of the race.
    3. Each race has their own racial armour.
    4. Each race has their own racial abilities.
  • nyxkoranyxkora Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I believe gender swap & character customization(as in changing hair color, eye color, etc) should be available. This however would likely be a cash shop item like it is in many other games.

    Race change should def not be possible, especially considering nodes can be different based on the major race of that node.

    I think being able to change classes, isn't that big of a deal. Obviously it wouldn't be something you can do on the fly. You'd likely have to go through various steps to do this. Something i did notice ppl saying would just switch classes whenever they want. However you all have to consider that even if you can change classes, if you don't have the gear needed for that class you really won't be effective..or helpful really. So it's not really as big of an issue I think.

    This is something that can be seen on Archeage, which i know the producers took inspiration from and personally I really like the freedom of being able to change my class without having to roll a new char (that would have to level up, unlock skills, etc) to experience a new playstyle.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Do you agree with racial advantage or no?

    I'm definitely going for the stronger race, then apply a racial skin on it. - But this is not a good thing because many people will do the same, instead of picking the race they truly love.

    Assuming the game has racial skins...

    That is not a given.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Tsukasa wrote: »

    There are no player races represented there as far as I am aware.

    If you want to put an elemental or fairy skin on, more power to you.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Do you agree with racial advantage or no?

    I'm definitely going for the stronger race, then apply a racial skin on it. - But this is not a good thing because many people will do the same, instead of picking the race they truly love.

    The only difference between races are four fold:
    1. Each race has different initial stats. Some have higher strength, some higher intelligence for example.
    2. Each race has special racial augments for their abilities, that fit the theme of the race.
    3. Each race has their own racial armour.
    4. Each race has their own racial abilities.

    And do You like 1 & 4, despite knowing abilities can affect players' race choice over preference?

    These two makes it obvious even for beginners that for example Mages should go for Int stats(1), and the majority would go for combat advantage(4).

    It is already happening in Archeage, based on recent Reddit posts.
    noaani wrote: »
    Tsukasa wrote: »
    Do you agree with racial advantage or no?

    I'm definitely going for the stronger race, then apply a racial skin on it. - But this is not a good thing because many people will do the same, instead of picking the race they truly love.

    Assuming the game has racial skins...

    That is not a given.


    Yes, because those two facts make it so interesting! A Tulnar bard is not the same as a human bard for example, and classes could go for different stat distributions, a tulnar bard could for example specialize in agility, while a human bard coud go for a strength/agility build.
    The races only seed the initial stats, but the classes then augment the stat growth.
    I could imagine, that different races would proliferate different class stiles. A elf could be a chanter mage(a mage that focuses on long duration high power spells), while a human could be a spell slinger (a mage that throws around largly weak spells, but puts out massive constant damage).
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Damokles wrote: »
    The only difference between races are four fold:
    1. Each race has different initial stats. Some have higher strength, some higher intelligence for example.
    2. Each race has special racial augments for their abilities, that fit the theme of the race.
    3. Each race has their own racial armour.
    4. Each race has their own racial abilities.
    These are not the only differences. It's not just initial stats.
    There will also be racial stat progression and racial quest progression.
    Racial stat progression will most likely be tied to racial quests. Which means, it won't be as simple as redistributing a pool of accrued stat points as one might do for class ability points.

    Racial progression is tied to Nodes. Some racial quests will not be available unless there is a Node that has that dominant race at max Node stage. So, a Vek cannot complete Vek racial progression if there is no Vek Metropolis to provide the associated quests.
    A character that switched from Pyrian to Vek because the Pyrian City became a Vek Metro would have to start Vek racial progression from scratch.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Ravudha wrote: »
    Dygz wrote: »
    Characters should be able to change gender but not race.
    Then again, it is a high fantasy setting, so even race change might be a possibility for that world, due to magic.

    A couple of people have said yes to gender change but no to race change or have looked at them differently. I'm curious - why the differentiation? I kind of figured we're looking at a new world where we know equally little about either possibility in terms of lore. Is it about racial abilities vs gender being purely cosmetic?
    I covered that already.
    IRL it's possible to change gender, but not race. So, that is my base stance, but...
    In a high fantasy setting, there could be magic that allows people to change race - or even species - so, it's not necessarily an issue.
    Outward appearance of race can be purely cosmetic since we have racial skins.

  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Dygz wrote: »
    Damokles wrote: »
    The only difference between races are four fold:
    1. Each race has different initial stats. Some have higher strength, some higher intelligence for example.
    2. Each race has special racial augments for their abilities, that fit the theme of the race.
    3. Each race has their own racial armour.
    4. Each race has their own racial abilities.
    These are not the only differences. It's not just initial stats.
    There will also be racial stat progression and racial quest progression.
    Racial stat progression will most likely be tied to racial quests. Which means, it won't be as simple as redistributing a pool of accrued stat points as one might do for class ability points.

    Racial progression is tied to Nodes. Some racial quests will not be available unless there is a Node that has that dominant race at max Node stage. So, a Vek cannot complete Vek racial progression if there is no Vek Metropolis to provide the associated quests.
    A character that switched from Pyrian to Vek because the Pyrian City became a Vek Metro would have to start Vek racial progression from scratch.

    I did not know about the racial stat progression, i did not see it on the wiki.
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