What do you want and not want in Ashes?



  • Valento92Valento92 Member
    edited August 2020
    Elmagar wrote: »
    Forgot one thing - I want leveling experience to be meaningful and enjoyable. I don't want to be in this mindset of rushing towards endgame cus there's all to be.

    How I wish an MMO could get it right. There are quite some MMOs out there that claim "the journey is where most of the fun is" and up being endgame-oriented. I mean, players will eventually be led to that because levels will always be limited but the amount of leveling gameplay always feels short. We'll have to see.
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
  • KneczhevoKneczhevo Member
    edited August 2020
    The leveling journey is moot. Unless it takes you a year to level, and is coveted.

    Unless you are spending a great deal of time, leveling your toon, the leveling journey means nothing, until you hit the cap, and get to do big kid stuff. No one wants a level 5 in a level 60 raid. Fact.

    Leveling is just a training phase for people to learn their toons. That's all it should be. Make it a journey and now we slow down our progression. All, so we can absorb and enjoy our journey?

    I'm not talking; anti-stop and smell the flowers, journey.

    What I am saying is; let me get my driver licence asap, so I can drive to Yellowstone. I'll smell the flowers when I get there.
  • Don't get me wrong. I like meaningful questing. I like frosty covered sugartop mountains. Picking funny looking flowers. Running Cornhole deliveries for some npc. I just want ALL my abilities doing these things.
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I don't feel like leveling can be meaningful as long as it gates you out of the meaningful content.

    What's the point of spending time getting an item if it will be replaced in a few levels.

    When it comes to professions, gathering professions are easier to do at higher levels. You can spend time doing crafting professions but with the way things become time-gated at the higher levels, it's always more optimal to rush to max level before spending your time doing other activities.

    For many, I don't think leveling can be a meaningful journey until the power you get from it is reduced. In most games, it just gives you too much for you to not grind it out as quickly as possible.
  • RaidriRaidri Member
    edited August 2020
    • TAB target combat, because just with we can have more skills in the same time.
    • Secondary class changes gameplay and visual effects, but I'm skeptical. A charge in a blink is for me not enough
    • a lot to explore. I haven't plunged into a new world since WoW Vanilla.
    • A good Balance between the classes.
    Dont want:
    • Flying mounts, it destroyed Open World PvP in TBC
    • too many visual effects in fights so you can't see in which direction your enemy is looking. Asia MMO phobia.
    • stupid animations that look good the first time, and then just annoying.
    • the typical Asia MMO female voice with their ahhh, hooo, ahjaaaa.
    • typical MMO skills that don't make sense, like shooting an arrow in the sky and then hundreds come down at a selected area.
    • Interface or 3rd party addons that tell me what to do in bossfights
  • I want everything listed in here https://ashesofcreation.wiki/ and a playable undead race.
  • End game bosses and raids not to be sandbags and stat checks.. If I'm mindlessly spamming abilities without any thought then I'm probably going to get pretty bored of the game.
  • Want:
    - customize gear colors and emblems for clans and nods for show
    - A way to easily learn how to do things and what things mean in game (rewords, material, ect)
    - easy to understand tutorial
    - a choice to quest or pve lvl and know the consequence of each way to lvl
    - equally balanced classes. (just because your a tank or berserker you shouldn't be able to clear out a
    small group of people by themselves)
    - a way to find clan/friends easy
    - in game chat system instead of 3rd party chats only for clans?
    - easy way to report people
    - pets that can help pick up, hold stuff. (only helpful but not buffs you in any way)
    - Name of the maker of the gear or family name

    Don't want
    - After running a raid or dudgeon having people waiting for you to leave with gear to kill you
    - only way to get end game gear from clan farming
    - gear sets are always broken (overpower) !!!!!!!
    - pre requisites to talk or interact with npc's for gear, materials, ect
    - overly complex crafting, enhancing gear, using trade markets
  • Balrog21Balrog21 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    What I really want is a boss fight to have a spectacular sequence. We have the processing power to do so now right?
    I want the boss to move, do wild crazy things that makes the whole parties mouth drop open and give the O face. I want him/her to grab a pillar look at us with deaths intent and unleash holy hell upon us.
    I want a boss to jump onto a rock survey his prey and then pounce on us with evil intent.
    Maybe it's the tabletop gm/DM in me but I do want that.

    What I dont want is a boss who just sits there and soaks damage and does nothing except spew a few abilities.
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