Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Armor and clothing hopes and dreams!

This week I held a large discussion involving many people about what armors and clothing they would like to see in the game, it is my hope that @StevenSharif and @MargaretKrohn will take a look at this list and get inspirations for armors in the game or have a large variety of cosmetic ideas for the monthly cosmetics. For the sake of organization I am going to try sorting the images by what the current racial styles are to make it easier to go through. If anyone has any armor ideas of their own please toss them in here and continue on the discussion!
A more unelegant greek styled armor would fit great for the Kaelar, I have always been a huge fan of plumes.

Some form of gladiatorial armor to make for a front line skirmisher and less of a tank.


A medium armored front line Tank with Plume.

A medium armored mage/ traveler

Town Guard Armor

Ciri armor

Leather armor



Ranger armor




Armor Plate
Heavy Necromancer


Black Panther slimmer smooth armor

Vaelune ranger

Vaelune priest/ mage

Mage armor



Armor Plate
A darker variant of elven styled armor.

Some variants of more Elven styilized armor from Godfall

Gotta love some Roman inspired armors

Elven Female warrior armor

Winged Helmets for Elves is a must!

A ranger styled with the elegance of an Empyrean High Elf.

Slimmer ranger armor

Masked mage

Empyrean Priest/ Archbishop

Empyrean necromancer


Armor Plate

Wood land ranger around birch trees and white blossoming trees.

Traveler clothing

Armor Plate
A frontline, aztec and mayan inspired Vek Tank



Armor Plate

Medium (More to be added)
Monster hunter

Noble Orc lady dress

Dark Dwarf warrior

A dwarven monster hunter and slayer

Dwarven battle mage

Dwarven rogue/ranger

Dwarven Caster

Dwarven noble lady

Armor Plate (More to be added)
Medium (More to be added)

Wolf Head Armor

Last week my guild had a big discussion about Mounts and beasts we would like to see in Ashes which can be found at this link which is a huge collection of a variety of beasts we would like in the game or to inspire others to look over and discuss further or add to it.
Kaelar Humans
Armor Plate
Armor Plate
A more unelegant greek styled armor would fit great for the Kaelar, I have always been a huge fan of plumes.

Some form of gladiatorial armor to make for a front line skirmisher and less of a tank.


A medium armored front line Tank with Plume.

A medium armored mage/ traveler

Town Guard Armor

Ciri armor

Leather armor



Ranger armor




Vaelune Humans
Armor Plate
Heavy Necromancer


Black Panther slimmer smooth armor

Vaelune ranger

Vaelune priest/ mage

Mage armor



Empyrean Elves
Armor Plate
A darker variant of elven styled armor.

Some variants of more Elven styilized armor from Godfall

Gotta love some Roman inspired armors

Elven Female warrior armor

Winged Helmets for Elves is a must!

A ranger styled with the elegance of an Empyrean High Elf.

Slimmer ranger armor

Masked mage

Empyrean Priest/ Archbishop

Empyrean necromancer


Pyrai Elves
Armor Plate

Wood land ranger around birch trees and white blossoming trees.

Traveler clothing

Vek orcs
Armor Plate
A frontline, aztec and mayan inspired Vek Tank



Renkai orcs
Armor Plate

Medium (More to be added)
Monster hunter

Noble Orc lady dress

Dunir Dwarves
Armor PlateDark Dwarf warrior

A dwarven monster hunter and slayer

Dwarven battle mage

Dwarven rogue/ranger

Dwarven Caster

Dwarven noble lady

Nikuan Dwarves
Armor Plate (More to be added)
Medium (More to be added)

Wolf Head Armor

Last week my guild had a big discussion about Mounts and beasts we would like to see in Ashes which can be found at this link which is a huge collection of a variety of beasts we would like in the game or to inspire others to look over and discuss further or add to it.

Gray Sentinels Guild Recruitment
I love me some heavy armor, and every day I hope for more Greek and Roman inspired armor because I love plumes, pea cocking is half the point of a plume lol.
Loving all of these!
Hoods will be toggled. ALSO!
In my experience playing in the tests and APOC, the cloth physics for clothing, armor, and capes has moved very fluidly. It reacts to physics instead of just floating there.
I always like the option of giving the player a huge variety of items and looks to choose from so they can truly look unique compared to their fellow players.
I am personally a fan of the more elegant kinds of armour styles so I though I'd share some of my favourites from Aion & Lineage 2, both plate and cloth/robe armours.
Aion male robe:
Lineage 2 robe:
Aion robe:
Aion plate:
Aion plate 2:
Lineage 2 Leather (ignoring the Kamael race wing):
Hoping to see lots more from people
Helmets protect people! Having a gaping hole in the chest, midriff, or armpits could certainly boost someone’s efficacy in distraction, seduction, or swaying opinion in politics/business through opulence or impression, but it should not be acceptable as armor. Sure, combat doesn’t require armor; plenty of people have fought naked through history and loose clothing is actually extremely resilient and protective against slashing cuts. However, boob windows and bikini armor do not protect against stabbing or arrows.
Dragon’s Dogma did some nice looking armors that actually look protective when they are meant to be, while giving opportunity for more revealing clothing that doesn’t protect as much.
I would LOVE for players to be able to craft and sell cosmetic clothing to wear over or mixed over-under armor in a way that the armor (or lack thereof) is visible. I know this is really hard to implement with issues in clipping, but it would allow players to mix and match their armor types of choice with outfits of choice for personal flair and style. If overlays can be figured out to make this happen, so much more diversity in appearance is possible! I’d love to wear a dress with a low neckline exposing the protective gambeson or cuirass I’m wearing underneath! Alternatively, if a guy or gal wants to go the more sexy route, wear that top with chest and belly exposed while still showing pizaine, greaves, and cuisses offering a bit of protection for other areas. MMORPGs are not really equipped to deal with a lot of armor layering effects and really specific hitbox damage resistance, but a girl can dream.
The one thing I really want to make sure doesn’t happen is if I go to pick up that heavy armor that looks super epic on a male character, and it suddenly converts to boob plate when I put it on.
Great additions to the discussion! I am hoping for a wide variety of both Slim/elegant pieces as well as big bulky orky ork armor that makes someone look tanky as all hell. I would hope also that they allow us to wear other races armors but I am curious to see if they will restrict us to just our own racial motifs unless we are wearing a costume. And even then they said the costumes would be styled in the various motifs of the race so we will have to see! But if you have more armor ideas send them in!
Add images of what you would like to see in the game I am truly curious to see!
Add in more of your own images! I would love to see what you have!
I want my long locks to pour out of my black hood and flow in the wind!
Okay, here’s some of the protective-looking ones from Dragon’s Dogma (which has a lot of the exposed armpit and thigh issues if not paired with decent under armor), the Neutral Female Armor mod for Dragon Age, one of Kassandra’s sets from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the vanilla Dwemer Armor set from Skyrim and the Practical Female Armor mod for Skyrim, and a couple artworks and IRL examples:
Again, helmets/caps are great and should be functional, though few are pictured here.
Right now, all the gear that I have seen share color schemes/themes. I would love to see more variety.
The tone and realism of this render is the direction I'd like to see the project head. Overly complex and weird armor is fine, if it looks like an actual piece that could be produced. Not some bargain bin mobile game armor though.
I totally agree with you. It's frustrating to create a character will long hair, and then put on a helmet and it looks like they are bald or have short hair. I'd even be okay with the ability to hide our helmets.
Really loving the concepts you sent! I absolutely agree that any and all armor on a male character should look similar if not the same to a female character. No need for a boob window. And being that Intrepid seems to be taking that approach I doubt we will see any scantily clad warriors unless it is some vaelune or Renkai dancer outfit.
have they talked about possible visual representation of that?
Like if your armor is at 75% it shows some small damage.
At 50% some serious damage.
25% lots of skin showing.
0% it's obvious that what you are wearing is only slowing you down rather than protecting you.
That armor system was unique to APOC i believe.