Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Chapter Five: A Cleric’s Call

⏳ Just in time, our tank rushes forward and blocks the incoming enemy attack. A blast of light shoots from their mage’s staff and half our group is knocked down.
💖 Our cleric prepares to take an action - what spell should they use?
💥Damnation (damage foes)
💖Benediction (heal allies)

Chapter Five: A Cleric’s Call 111 votes
💥Damnation (damage foes)
44 votes
💖Benediction (heal allies)
67 votes
Now our cleric has to burn themselves out healing.
Isn't that like...their whole job though?! 🤔
nah grill you want your clerics to be dishing out those sweet sweet damage spells and buffs. The best healing is a dead enemy that cant damage you.
But you cant do that with your party standing in the "blast of light".
Nagash! You look...... christmasy
Tis the season
Steven Sharif is my James Halliday (Anorak)
“That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.”
See nobody ever listens...if Tanky hadn't gone first coulda used Crowd Control Break to fix what just happened and we wouldn't need a heal yet. Unfortunately now we do so they don't kill us while we're laying on the ground. Hard to fight with a knockdown spell on us...
When our 5-men group had unknowingly invited a shadow priest who refused to heal at all.
(psst, we found his weakness)
Clerics, you're up!!
Mages who weren't knocked over, prepare for counterattack!
Archers at the ready!
Rogues- ... where'd they go?
Good ol' Tanky!
Look man by the time the tank had waddled up to the front the mage could have cast at least 2 spells.
Benediction appears to be a single target spell, not too efficient for a group.
Formerly T-Elf
Assuming it doesn't chain even further at higher ranks.
This Rogue got knocked down so went to stelth hoping the next attack isn't a general area AOE... So I can get back in the fight...🤞😂🖖
Should have gone fireball to the face.
Damnation FTW!
They don't need a healing skill right not. In fact, ya'll need to learn your cleric skills. Benediction isn't a HoT (Heal over Time) , it's a chained direct heal. It's not what is needed right now.
What you need is for your group to recover from being knocked down (CC).
The correct choice of skill is Damnation. A skilled up cleric, will have the highest levels of this skill, which provides a snare to the primary target that PBAoE around primary target, to snare other enemies nearby. The enemy is all bunched up tight together right now. Take advantage of their mistake.
CC the enemy with Damnation, while the enemy is snared, your allies can get up from being knocked down. This is the correct choice.
Learn your classes. xD
This is NOT an approved Tulnar race! Maybe another Dwarf offshoot?
Well excuse me for not thinking a snare is worth the global cooldown when your party has either been knocked down or damaged. Now if it was an actual hard cc you would have a point. But a snare is a silly choice They have a mage.