Types of armor we want to see

I am currently really liking the aesthetics of most if not all of what has been shown thus far.

I greatly appreciate the more grounded and realistic look of the sets that have been presented. Therefore I think it would be interesting if this game added two of the most used types of armor in all of medieval history, and that sorely lacks representation in gaming:

- The Gambeson

- The Brigandine

As for the rest, I am fine with some leather and cloth, but let's remember that leather is more of D&D and Pathfinder misconception of what light armor was actually used.

On the other hand, some more exaggerated armor sets à la WoW, Final Fantasy XIV etc, would be cool as a reward for high end raids. Marking a clear difference as that one player cuts an imposing figure strolling through a town of people wearing a a dented breastplate.

What things would you like to see ?


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Py-Rai Siren (Bard/Tank):

  • I'm not optimistic about realistic armor and weapons, but it would be lovely to see.

    Leather armor is absolutely a myth, it was basically never used. Layered cloth catches sharp swords quite well, as it turns out, although it had its weaknesses as youd imagine.

    Gambeson is a great light armor, Brigandine are great for medium armor, plate is naturally good for heavy armor.

    Pretty much everyone wore metal helmets, it's the most important part of your body to protect!

    Swords are far thinner and lighter than often depicted. Greatswords are nearly spears, with how they were actually used. Shadiversity is a great for these kinds of things.

    That being said, I want my character to look badass too sooooooooooo. Maybe we can find a balance. Most of what I've seen (the low level stuff) is okay in its portrayal, probably too many parts to the outfit for function but still within reason.
  • BobzUrUncleBobzUrUncle Member
    edited February 2021
    I am not sure about the 'we' you put in the title, but pretty much all the armour looks that you like, I don't. So please indicate what you like, and not what 'we' like.

    Aaaaand you totally missed the point of my post.
  • I am not sure about the 'we' you put in the title, but pretty much all the armour looks that you like, I don't. So please indicate what you like, and not what 'we' like.

    That's.... that's the point of the thread....

    We each offer our ideas and we discuss them... Have you never done this before ?
  • I also would like to see more realistic options. Cuts, and dents in the armor, grime, and blood splatter. I do not want to look like at all times like I am ready for a parade. I realize this is likely a minority opinion, but here's hoping there will be an option for me.
  • NeliryaNelirya Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Ah yay one of my favourite type of thread is back - armour styles! :smiley:

    I don't know how many times I've posted the below images in these threads, but my taste hasn't changed, so here goes! So, this doesn't seem to be an overly popular opinion here, but I enjoy more lavish and elegant types of armour looks. The only costume monthly cosmetic that has really caught my attention so far is the Sunscorch Raiment:


    In my opinion Aion & Lineage 2 have some of the best looking armours around, both for plate and cloth/robe armours. Below are a few examples of my favourites from these games. Really hoping to see something similar to these in Ashes.

    Aion robe:


    Aion male robe:


    Lineage 2 robe:



    Aion plate 2:


    Lineage 2 Leather (ignoring the Kamael race wing):

  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I have a feeling we're not going to be seeing the "grounded" look in this game. The complete armor set made out of ice recently is making me think we are going to see some bright colors running around in battle.

    As a tank I just want to see big ass bulky armor. Make me look like a square if you need to haha. I'm going for size on the field so I can be spotted easiest.
  • I quite like these:


  • Why is that dude wearing sunglasses... :)

  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Samson wrote: »
    Why is that dude wearing sunglasses... :)


    He loves the shadows to be darker than dark lol.
  • I believe it's actually rotting flesh - taken from the ESO cinematic, maybe.
  • LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
  • LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021

  • LycancoffeeLycancoffee Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021

    Lets see some cross cultural armor styles thrown into the mix. You know, most of the world DIDN'T fight in ridiculous body covering slabs metal for the majority of world history.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited February 2021
    SWG has been an inspiration to some aspects of Ashes of Creation. I wanted to show my inspiration from SWG too - This set of armour should be an Easter Egg.



    Py-Rai Bard Robes I would go for:

  • JamationJamation Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    So I generally player support/caster types and I like the cozy-comfy vibes, the elegant, or the whimsical. I feel like it's easier to get away with more of these design styles with them since they'd need range of movement and generally shouldn't be in the front lines anyways.


    But on the flip side I have been known to have an alt tank when my group is lacking one, but I generally don't play them because so much of their armor is just a big brick of grey metal blobs. Instead, I've always liked it when they have a splash of color and attempt to add in something material based that isn't metal


    But in the end I really like the look of super long boots...they cute okay...
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I hate clipping in my MMOs. I often have short hair on my female toons because long hair clips through armour. I'm not one to cover the heads with helmets unless it is like a halo helm (or circlet if you prefer). I also love tall boots and lush costumes. I'm optimistic on the future based on the cosmetics I've seen so far.
  • MennisMennis Member
    edited February 2021
    As I'm most likely going to run a Ranger type class. Some light leather armor, with a hood and long cloak. And would love to see a variant with some chainmail showing under it.

  • CypherCypher Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Well they just showed off yet another plain old medieval steel armor and while I understand it took talent and skill to create, I don’t like it. I dislike medieval very much so. Ashes of creation is supposed to be high fantasy which is a different story. It shares similarities with medieval but that’s it. I want to see some real flare and imagination in some armors. Where the hell is the fantasy part? A few, just a few, limited cash shop pieces have stuck out as high fantasy rather than just medieval and even fewer have also looked like something I’d care to own. I’m only ranting because I know ashes will be a great game with a high fantasy setting and I want less plain-jane armors. Maybe put in some, dare I say “cute” armors for the females in particular.

    TL,DR: Need less medieval armor, more fantasy armor/clothing.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I hope the armour can be dyable. High Fantasy can equate to vibrant colours. A plain set of armour got new life in GW2 by adding a lusher dye to the Armour Set. Sometimes it takes several aspects to make a final rendition. Basics are basics for a reason. Furthermore, most of the Armour Sets we've seen have been low level, not high level.
  • I'd like to see a full spread, something for everyone, and for every season. There's what 18 biomes planned? nothing like wearing full gambeson under heavy plate on the beach.
  • I really love the style of Gladiator armor. Heavily armored shield arm, and straps. Give me the option of going Barbarian Bare chested with light furs and slabs of metal for armor and I'll be a happy Dreadnought!
  • MushinMushin Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Everyone wants to run around with their titties out like conan
  • mushin wrote: »
    Everyone wants to run around with their titties out like conan

  • With the odd fascination with cosmetics in this community, there's no point in developing craftable armor that looks good, at all. I can feel the BDO armor system setting in, where all sets look the same unless you apply a $30 cosmetic skin.
  • Cypher wrote: »
    Well they just showed off yet another plain old medieval steel armor and while I understand it took talent and skill to create, I don’t like it. I dislike medieval very much so. Ashes of creation is supposed to be high fantasy which is a different story. It shares similarities with medieval but that’s it. I want to see some real flare and imagination in some armors. Where the hell is the fantasy part? A few, just a few, limited cash shop pieces have stuck out as high fantasy rather than just medieval and even fewer have also looked like something I’d care to own. I’m only ranting because I know ashes will be a great game with a high fantasy setting and I want less plain-jane armors. Maybe put in some, dare I say “cute” armors for the females in particular.

    TL,DR: Need less medieval armor, more fantasy armor/clothing.

    I absolutely hate what most people like about high fantasy, their ideas of "cool" armor always look like over-designed garbage. There needs to be a good balance between the both. Unrealistic armor may look cool to some, but to others, it looks like a bargin bin toy. You could always go ahead and post high fantasy armors you personally like, I would like to see the direction you'd like the armor design to head towards.
  • I started this thread showing some examples of real life armor that could be interesting to be represented.

    I'd now like to show some of my favorite type of armor for fantasy:

    Inevitable Dargoon armor set from a Dragoon fanboy:






  • I'm also leaning towards the more realistic, simple designs. I always love to see nature related things, which i think would fit well with elven armor, like ember running down the armor with golden finish on the leafs sides. Big bulky one for the dwarven with mostly square shaped parts. Which we already kinda saw on the low lvl ones.

    But dont forget one things there is going to be items that are rare, and after achieving them when you played for it for a long time, it just need to catch the eye, it cannot be just a simple plain looking armor, but i think they are going to find a good balance.
  • @Asgerr I like your examples of women in armour. I hope there will be at least some viable female heavy armour in Ashes without breasts embedded in metal.
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