Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Formerly T-Elf
Or in the final version we do not recognize the place where the node will be created?
For example in the past Steven has stated that all tank/X archetypes would be able to perform the tanking role equally, but will there be any variations of X/tank that would also be able to fill the tanking role in a party? Such as a rogue/tank evasion build, or a summoner tanking through his summoned pets.
Runescape... obsessive Ill call myself, there were the capes and pets from doing either certain actions or hitting large milestones, so I was just wondering if there were plans. Completely understand if that's up in the air still to this day, since still fairly early on in development to my knowledge in this area.
In the last livestreams and videos I noticed that the effects of the skills and the particles looked a bit odd to me. Especially the single particles that you could see looked rlly big and there were just a few of them. I attached an image to show what I mean.
Do you have plans on making them smaller and maybe add more of them? When I think of fire sparks for example, there´s usually a ton of them and they´re rlly thin.
And please say hi to Sarah! She´s always doing a fantastic job with the community!!!
Will player stop others from being pushed/pulled / will they be affected by the effect too / will the target pass through other players while he is pushed/pulled and then be affected by player collision once the displacement effect is over
Thanks for the answer, love you all
can i suggest Halloween boss thats a undead dragon that transformed to a ghost ship as a disguise [like the sails are its webbed wings and etc]
There is such great new technology coming, also regarding developer productivity, it would be a pity if Ashes of Creation missed out on all of that.
'Freedom of speech' when it comes to trolls and harassers can make the game less welcoming for new players and can ruin a game. There's obviously some balance to this, but I'd prefer some sort of filter vs. allowing something like pure freedom of speech. A good example of what you're asking for is Minecraft 2b2t chat, which is full of racism and hate among other things and is pure toxicity.
Read the comic here!
The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.
'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
You haven't researched what the game plans to have in this regard. It WILL be subscription based with a cosmetic only shop. There is no game purchase per se. That has been stated repeatedly throughout development. Steven Sharif himself has constantly insisted that p2w components have helped to kill the mmorpg genre.
The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.
'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
Will there be enough instanced content availabble for competitive pve end game?
Open world sounds good of course, but its very hard to plan for imo.
Instances raids are convenient because you can do challenging content on specific planned times after jobs or other real life activities
I.e. don't have to be online all the time waiting for open world boss spawn or gathering a group at 19:00 just to come to a dead boss.
Also I am a bit scared that open world pve content usually don't have such in depth/challenging mechanics as instanced ones because any amount of people can participate in the fight, including not only your raid.
So for example mechanics such as "x amount of people gets debuff and has to do something otherwise wipe" can not exist. If they would exist some random guy can come to the boss and wipe entire raid.
The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.
'We have to move. It's not safe here.'
@Mikasa - Stay tuned as we share more details on military and divine nodes, including their services and superpowers, as we continue our Know Your Nodes blog series!
@Mario The Shiba, @FeeliusMaximus, @Bloodmace, @LucyusI - Make sure you stop back by before submissions close next time to add in your question! Also please note that "reserving" a spot early in the thread doesn't make a difference on whether your question is picked - all questions in the entire thread are reviewed in order to be selected prior to the stream.
@Darkfuria, @Wilmo998 - You can check out more on our philosophy around increasing boss difficulty and adaptive content here.
@Zeshio - You can check out a bit more on how the type of caravan (like a quest-driven caravan vs. a personal caravan) affects how you control it and what routes you can take here.
@Excylis - You can listen to a bit more on where we've discussed our philosophy around scope creep before here.
@Sago65, @mischievous Priest, @Wasilah, @Minaax, @Austin24, @Maouii, @Kryth99r, @Tael, @TheAnointed, @Mangert, @GodIsHereForU, @Valinia, @albinqo, @McMackMuck, @RocketFarmer, @Heithinn, @Orijin, @Fullmetalex, @Dominus2424, @Sparki, @MakBlur, @Jumbe, @Birbkeet, @AnimusRex - Please only share one question next time as requested, and the more direct/succinct it is, the more likely it is to be selected by our team!
@Desorda - Stay tuned for more details from our news channels and via email for when you can begin redeeming your name reservation perk!
@Spontancous6 - As we are still very early in our Alpha test stages at this time, we'll be continuing to gather your feedback and iterate on many facets of design and gameplay as we continue through testing!
@Nyxxa - You can read a bit more on our plans for the grace period and auction system around housing here.
@Veil Mistwarden, @Staken, @Mihaele, @SirChancelot11 - Stay tuned for more details on archetypes, classes, and their skills and augments as we share more blogs and videos in the lead-up to upcoming testing!
@valkeri - At this time the only housing that's been mentioned as instanced are apartments, and for the most part the team plans for things to be as open world as possible.
@Inixia - We plan to keep a lot of this lore secret for you to discover in-game, though some has made an appearance before in places like our Extra Life live streams!
@McKaySama - You can check out more on our plans for narrative quests here.
@Drew_932 - You can check out more on our plans for animal husbandry mechanics here.
@ashone - You can read more on artisan tool durability and repairs here.
@Hjerim - Looks like I shared an answer on this one for you more recently! At the moment our design plans for the API are still under consideration, and we'll keep you posted as we have more details to share on that front!
@90Bubbel, @twiggie, @Hog, @Elwendryll, @Hexanogo, @TwiTch - Stay tuned for more details on artisan professions and their mechanics as we dive deeper into testing them with you!
@Squeezy - We've also noted that we may want to test additional features beyond housing that could allow for citizenship, such as citizenship tickets.
@RODEN_ES_1 - You can check out some examples of types and cosmetics we've shared for each tier of mounts here.
@MMOsForLife - You can check out more on our philosophy around PvP and how it will interact with other elements of gameplay here.
@dewan58 - You can check out more on our philosophy around class-specific quests here.
@Arkiula - Even though we have our design plans and work cut out for us for the things we want to achieve going into our upcoming test phases, that doesn't mean there's not room for creativity within those plans!
@Maezriel - We've noted previously that our intention for combat is for it to feel responsive, mobile, and fluid, and have shared some of our references and inspiration for that before here.
@Kesarakk - As noted by someone else in this thread, the only election style available yet in Alpha testing is the democratic election system, so stay tuned as we debut testing for the other types of election systems!
@Dreoh - You can check out a bit more on where we've discussed mariner classes and how those skills would come into play here.
@burnthefern - I couldn't find any reference to any particular "assassination" mechanics; likely mayors and royalty will be the targets of many repeated threats, and can proceed with their duties accordingly!
@captainmervil - You can check out more on our plans for social organizations and your progression/reputation within them here, and more on our philosophy around daily quests here.
@TM Trick - We haven't announced any planned release dates at this time, as our main focus is committing to take the time to build the MMO of all of our dreams!
@Popeh - You can check out more on where we've shared our philosophy around addons here.
@Chumba Wumba - You can check out more on our plans for optimization, graphics settings, and recommended specs here.
@Niya - We've previously noted that ice will make roads bumpy and slippery.
@Altii - You can check out more on our plans for how augments will change spell colors and general FX here.
@MrSimSim - Looks like someone else already shared a helpful answer on this for you earlier in the thread, and we also shared our philosophy on how much your progression would be account-wide vs. character-specific during last month's stream Q&A.
@Conrad - While we haven't specifically mentioned a player mercenary system, these are the kinds of tasks you and your friends may look to a bulletin board to accomplish together.
@Khronus - Looks like I answered this one for you during last month's responses! You can check out some additional thoughts on where we've more recently addressed zergs here.
@Neurotoxin - If you're referring more specifically to stats and their impacts, you can check out more details on our plans for those here.
@BobzUrUncle - Most of the time folks are pretty good about going back and adding in their question (even though questions are not selected in order), but invariably a few forget
@IonQuest - You can check out more on our philosophy for how your secondary archetype would provide augments to your class here.
@Bidoof - During current testing, players who elect round-robin or need before greed looting in a party automatically pick up all items when they interact with a lootable corpse.
@PrincessKenny - Right now experience debt is in its very early iteration phases, and we'll be continuing to gather community feedback and refine it as we continue through testing!
@Greevz - You can check out a bit more on our lore and how we plan to reveal it to you in-game here.
@The Sage - You can check out more on our plans for seasonal events here.
@Jahlon - I couldn't find a reference for where 4 armor types had been mentioned before, only this prior livestream where there seemed to be a momentary discussion of whether light and robes were the same thing, but it was still categorized as 3 armor types. If you had another prior reference to share, I would be happy to revisit this for a future live stream Q&A thread!
@Hurtmei - Keep an ear out for more details on Bear McCreary's music as we get closer to our Beta test phases!
@Shoelid - While the starting areas will have smaller settlements with some activities that are designed to acclimatize new players, folks will likely quickly move to nearby nodes to begin their journeys.
@roost - You are not necessarily "opting out" with little to no consequence, as choosing to remain a non-combatant when someone attacks you will cause you to suffer death penalties at twice the rate of a combatant, which includes more than just dropping loot.
@GrilledCheeseMojito - Our design team as well as our overall team are continuing to grow as we move forward in the development process, and typically different designers are focused on different elements such as combat design, narrative design, and more!
@Solr - There is currently a mini-map available as part of Alpha testing, though there may be an option to toggle it off on your UI based on your preference later down the line. We'll be continuing to look for player feedback on this as we dive deeper into testing!
@Cnuppels1 - Sometimes chat filters are in place to help ensure a game's ESRB rating, though we've definitely seen community feedback on allowing players to toggle it off if they wished.
@Azherae - You can check out more on our plans for world bosses here, though there will likely be many smaller named mobs that you come across as well.
@Partyhat - This already exists to an extent, as the cosmetic items that have been available on a monthly basis are no longer available again once they're rotated out of the Shop.
@DocFrog - While we haven't shared any plans for a courier system like this, it sounds like perhaps this could be something you organized through a trade agreement or bulletin board posting.
@Doodlz - Having certain base types of creatures allows us to make many variants to bring more flavor to Verra, whether more fantastical or realistic!
@Cyanide - Thank you for thinking of us and sharing your kind words
@akabear - At the moment, our Alpha One testers are scheduled to participate in weekly spot tests with our team to help identify and address issues as we head into non-NDA testing!
@Tetterian - You can check out more on our philosophy around player comparison and threat assessment here.
@T Elf - I'm not quite sure I understood your question (I think you were asking how guilds that have more than 300 members may be able to use the server registration process), but perhaps this is something that planning for an alliance would help with.
@Sorcres - We covered a bit more on the planned topography of nodes in our recent live stream Q&A here.
@chiefbird, @shintaro - Our team is continually evaluating the newest updates as they come out to see what would make sense for our team to implement!
@Linguistics - Freeholds are placed in the open world, and you can check out more on our plans for that here.
@Saedu - We've begun testing some smaller initial combat changes, and you can check out more on what we've discussed for the revamp and its rollout here.
@Soluna - Many of the effects you see for abilities (both for players and for mobs) are still a work in progress, and will be continuing to get refined with player feedback as we test them further!
@Sathrago, @Emberstone, @RowniSciponi, @Vonox, @Asgerr, @George Black, @unknownwon, @Cadac, @Nostra, @Tyranthraxus, @neuroguy, @Schmuky, @Friendlyneighbour, @Awrysight, @Hakaiju, @Emzard, @Gimlog, @Skyri02, @Anikir, @achereto, @Dante Machiavelli, @DoctorTNT - As I couldn't find a direct answer for your question, and we didn't quite get a chance to cover it during today's stream, please feel free to share it again in an upcoming live stream Q&A thread!
We hope you all enjoyed today's stream, and can't wait to see ya again for another one!
The stranger's eyes lifted to the blood red cloud on the horizon.
'We have to move. It's not safe here.'