Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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proximity chat

PLEASE have voice proximity chat in this game! PLEASE........ it's 2021 all the MMOs that don't have this feature are just simply missing it... it's very important MMORPGs strive from being social games, having voice proximity boosts the social aspect of the game by a ton! Just have an option to turn it off of course and your all set.

I don't care what you all think or say, it doesn't matter.... voice proximity chat should be in the game and if you think it shouldn't well then you just haven't actually thought about it and you simply just want to argue just to argue and you feed off anger.

Put voice proximity chat into the game! and make it good! and make it on the top10 most important things on your list.. or sadly this game will die about 3months after it comes out! please fucking do it ffs! I dont care what you think or do... just put the feature in the fucking game... it doesn't hurt anything or anyone if you are to sensitive or scared to have voice proximity chat, you shouldn't be on the computer in the first place and on top of that you dont want those types of customers in your game they will eat the game alive... she/him/they/it..... stfu get out of here.. we just wanna play the game and have fun no one cares that your sensitive go be a twitter warrior and stfu...

I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game...

I wanna kill a guy in a 1v1 lvl 60 and talk shit on my mic

I wanna have guild pvp and be able to NOT use discord.... and just use proximity voice chat

I wanna use my voice for whatever i want to, and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off


  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I wanna use my voice for whatever i want to, and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off[/quote]

    Your the only one that wants to hear your voice.
    Hopefully they never cave to the troll crow and waste time on this stuff.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two

    "I wanna have guild pvp and be able to NOT use discord.... and just use proximity voice chat" - Said the player who never found a guild.

    PvP, organized want to have 50 people yelling in game to each other? You want no call outs on targets or positioning? No thanks.

    "I wanna kill a guy in a 1v1 lvl 60 and talk shit on my mic" - Said the player who was banned for being toxic. I am all for trash talking but what you want is call of duty style trash talking. No thanks.

    "I wanna use my voice for whatever i want to, and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off". So now I have to turn my voice coms on and off depending on the toxicity level of those around me? At this point they may as well just shut the servers down and never release the game. This is a horrible way to argue for in game voice coms.

    I would love to run into you in Rust. Your base would be swiss cheese before the day ended.
  • McShaveMcShave Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    We've had this discussion on the forums before. Some people want it, a lot of people don't. It makes sense to have it and just let people mute it if they don't want it, but they get butthurt about not being included in everything.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    "I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game..."

    That is the best way to convince these devs to not include proximity chat.
  • DreohDreoh Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    "I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game..."

    That is the best way to convince these devs to not include proximity chat.

    I know right? This whole post has to be reverse psychology.
  • MerekMerek Member
    Dygz wrote: »
    "I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game..."

    That is the best way to convince these devs to not include proximity chat.

    I don't need voice chat for that.
  • akabearakabear Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Previous thoughts were open to it.. now after playing New World Beta with 90% of the proximity chat being what I would prefer not to hear.. discord or equivalent will suffice.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    52 seconds of FPS proximity chat was enough to never turn it on again, ever…
  • DreohDreoh Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Proximity chat can be really neat and immersive

    Sadly it's easily ruined by the masses
  • VoidwalkersVoidwalkers Member
    edited July 2021
    I don't care what you all think or say, it doesn't matter.... <skip> ... and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off

    And that's about the best way to NOT start a useful discussion on this forum, or basically anywhere else.
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member, Alpha Two
    Proximity VOIP brings more problems than solutions. Group/Raid VOIP is more than enough.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    Dreoh wrote: »
    Proximity chat can be really neat and immersive

    Can, or can be totally anti-immersion even if a "good" use. (so, remove all kind of toxicity and animalistic behaviour)

    Just, you see a cute elf lady coming to you, and you hear her voice... which is more the one of a man bodybuilder.

    I am totally against voice outside of group/raid (maybe guild voice chat channel you can leave/join also?)
    This is not needed to make contact with other people in open world, and it avoid all kind of really disturbing behaviour, like the mic near a speaker with any music at max volume...

    This topic is so hatefull... i would think he would be a troll if i didnt have proof this kind of people exist. . . !

    But looking your post a little.
    I will remove the numerous time you said "do it" or "just do it" or any kind of repetitiv command...
    I don't care what you all think or say, it doesn't matter.... voice proximity chat should be in the game and if you think it shouldn't well then you just haven't actually thought about it and you simply just want to argue just to argue and you feed off anger.

    oooook ... so lets see how strong your own argument are... (i already gave 2)

    it's 2021 all the MMOs that don't have this feature are just simply missing it... it's very important MMORPGs strive from being social games, having voice proximity boosts the social aspect of the game by a ton!

    Do you have example about it so mandatory for a 20's game based on social interaction to have voice chat? A study maybe ?

    or sadly this game will die about 3months after it comes out!

    Example of game which died because the lack of good ingame voice ? Is this game a MMORPG ?

    I read the same thing about FFXIV during ARR beta. "if the game is not free2play, it will die in less than 1 year" ...
    if you are to sensitive or scared to have voice proximity chat, you shouldn't be on the computer in the first place and on top of that you dont want those types of customers in your game

    Ok, so i am not a good kind of customer just because i prefer being able to hear the game music or my own music while i play quietly... Why am i a bad kind of customer exactly ? i am really interested to know why prefering sometime silence or just music makes me a bad customer...

    we just wanna play the game and have fun

    I want to have fun... and don't worry i am not on twitter, facebook or any other social media ;)
    I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game...

    Hum... insulting other player, trashtalking them is not bad for the game... ... do you really know what are "social relationship" ?
    I trashtalk friends, and they trashtalk me... we are friend. the same word from unknown people could have total different meaning, and far less "fun" ... (i won't speak about the greykilling, which is some of the worst Behaviour in MMORPG
    I wanna have guild pvp and be able to NOT use discord.... and just use proximity voice chat

    I always defend what could allow people to be "only on the game" so solution to avoid teamspeak/discord, guild forum and anything, i am positiv about it... Proximity chat is not the solution ! Because proximity = too far from part (or even all) your guildmates. i mean, you are collecting rocks on a montain, while another is fishing at tthe sea... proximity chat won't do the job...

    Having a guild voice chat is the solution...

    EVEN this argument you give is not in favor of proximity chat v_v
    I wanna use my voice for whatever i want to, and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off

    I wanna being able to not hear you and play the game quietly, if you dislike it, you are not forced to be here...

    COnclusion : you just wants thing go your way, not because you really think it is "a good thing" but because this is how you like to experience video games ! on a survival game, proximity chat is a good thing, interesting mechanic. not for a MMORPG...

    Here is a cookie against all the hate i feel you have to live with
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    (I gave a more serious reply in another thread)

    I don't want proximity chat for people like the OP. I need that sort of person to have to type in open chat so that it ends up in my logs, so I can screenshot it and submit it to ScrubQuotes.

    Anything less is compromising my enjoyment of the game.
    "I blame society."
    "For what...?"
    "Just about everything, really."
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I am against unrestricted proximity chat for one extremely important reason. Moderating unrestricted prox chat would be a nightmare AND a waste of gm time.

    1. You have to waste a bunch of time trawling through meaningless information to find the offending section.
    1a. Unless you are recording, which just puts poorer players at a disadvantage for being handled equitably.

    2. If I want to call someone out for being a jack ass I want to be able to screenshot that and put it on some suitable part of the forum.
    2a.No one is going to click your youtube link Karen. But they WILL have to look at your photo if they are looking at the thread.

    3. Unrestricted prox chat therefore limits social shame as a motivating driver which is over all a recipe for really dumb underlying toxicity. Guess who has to spend even more on moderation or has an overwhelmed moderator que line as a result?

    Intrepid is a small gaming company who has promised us active gms. This is an amazing boon for the community. Unrestricted proximity chat would squander this expense for ultimately minor social benefits better resolved via other mechanisms.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • GrandSerpentGrandSerpent Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    So your assertion is that you wish for proximity chat because you want Ashes to work as a social game, but the primary thing you intend to actually use it for is relentlessly taunting the people you plan to grief? You understand that "the social aspect of the game" disintegrates pretty quickly when people are bombarded with constant toxicity, right?

    I just can't fathom how you're expecting to get what you want here. Players will have a few run-ins with people like you, conclude proximity chat to be a worthless toxic cesspit, then quietly disable it and forget it ever existed. And you'll be left alone shouting into the void.
  • KhaosTheEmptyKhaosTheEmpty Member, Alpha Two
  • FairtaleFairtale Member
    edited July 2021
    very good suggestion. proximity chat is pretty cool and helps with the sense of immersion. I am really hoping the team adds this. couldbe optional for those that don't want it, but new world has been getting good reviews on this i think?
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Proximity chat breaks immersion.
    We hear all kinds of random irl crap in the background.
  • GrihmGrihm Member
    PLEASE have voice proximity chat in this game! PLEASE........ it's 2021 all the MMOs that don't have this feature are just simply missing it... it's very important MMORPGs strive from being social games, having voice proximity boosts the social aspect of the game by a ton! Just have an option to turn it off of course and your all set.

    I don't care what you all think or say, it doesn't matter.... voice proximity chat should be in the game and if you think it shouldn't well then you just haven't actually thought about it and you simply just want to argue just to argue and you feed off anger.

    Put voice proximity chat into the game! and make it good! and make it on the top10 most important things on your list.. or sadly this game will die about 3months after it comes out! please fucking do it ffs! I dont care what you think or do... just put the feature in the fucking game... it doesn't hurt anything or anyone if you are to sensitive or scared to have voice proximity chat, you shouldn't be on the computer in the first place and on top of that you dont want those types of customers in your game they will eat the game alive... she/him/they/it..... stfu get out of here.. we just wanna play the game and have fun no one cares that your sensitive go be a twitter warrior and stfu...

    I wanna go into a dungeon at lvl 60 and kill lvl 15s killing a boss and i wanna use my mic to shit talk them while i do it, and then i wanna sit there and camp them and talk shit with my voice! this is not bad for the game...

    I wanna kill a guy in a 1v1 lvl 60 and talk shit on my mic

    I wanna have guild pvp and be able to NOT use discord.... and just use proximity voice chat

    I wanna use my voice for whatever i want to, and if there are players that dont like it they can leave... or turn it off

    Ok, let´s do as you say and think about it.
    Explain how you could guarantee no one would spam volume 10 music or " the funny memes of the week " in this prox chat function.

    All these " reasons " you want a Prox chat for...none of them have any real world value part from you wanting arguments.

    Sorry bud....but this is a very poorly valued suggestion.
    Feel free to post a constructive reply tho as to why it´s needed...part from you wanting to talk s*** etc.
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    mr n0body wrote: »
    very good suggestion. proximity chat is pretty cool and helps with the sense of immersion.
    Dygz wrote: »
    Proximity chat breaks immersion.

    On another topic i said "stop with immersion argument" and this subject and those two post are perfect example...

    Immersion is also really personnal... Some people needs a good story telling to immerse themselves in a MMORPG and its lore. Other is more how the open world is living... a friend can't immerse himself in BDO and prefer FFXIV for this, me it is total opposite. I am not receptiv to story telling to make me feel inside the game, i need just a world where i feel being one amongst large population.

    For the proximity chat... i see two problem
    1) all parasitic sound... just remember H1Z1 lobby to see all people could do with proximity chat. . . If there is one immersion breaking for me... it would clearly be this.
    And even outside of stupid people, just those we can hear their keyboard . . .

    2) then just turn it off ? It will lead to create 2 separate community inside the game : those using proximity chat and those using text chat. . . It can lead to some communication problem.
    Text chat has to remain the default open world chat.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Intrusion from the real world breaks immersion.
    That is objectively true.
    How much one cares about that is subjective.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    Dygz wrote: »
    Intrusion from the real world breaks immersion.
    That is objectively true.
    How much one cares about that is subjective.

    You must have real issues with monitor bevels.
  • RavelRavel Member
    .. or sadly this game will die about 3months after it comes out!

    We cannot have that. I already paid for 4 months. Can you not add an extra month to that?
    The verb, not the composer name.
  • FairtaleFairtale Member
    edited July 2021
    Dygz wrote: »
    Proximity chat breaks immersion.
    We hear all kinds of random irl crap in the background.

    That is a good point. The 'fantasy' (expectation) I have of proximity chat would be to, for example, enter a tavern and be able to hear other players and pick up on rumors like which nodes are currently selling cheap items. You know: like in a typical D&D tavern.

    Is there maybe a way we can get the best of both worlds? For example:
    • having proximity chat only in taverns;
    • having proximity chat bubbles over player's heads, that can be optionally clicked by others passing by? For example if the Mayor of the city is giving a speech, players could click on the audio icon over his head and listen in, circumventing the issue you described of someone blasting loud music but still keeping that part in the game?

    Written chat is also very spammy, and we work around that with players reporting other players. Maybe proximity chat should only work when users have push-to-talk enabled (and not constant blasting of audio).

    I would love to see/hear a Mayor's speech in full Roleplaying immersion, would be sad to pass that opportunity just because of some 12-year-old playing porn videos on max audio on purpose.

    Are there better ways of doing this?
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    mr n0body wrote: »
    I would love to see/hear a Mayor's speech in full Roleplaying immersion
    If a mayor of a node were to go to this extent, there are other ways they would go about it.

    The most obvious is using Discord, but they could also just use a tavern (proximity chat in a tavern is likely to be in the game), or form a raid.

    And to me, this is the point. Any time two people want to communicate with each other via voice chat, there are ways to do it. Adding proximity chat will result in 99% of it's use being where at least one person doesn't want to communicate with the other.
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Noaani wrote: »

    The most obvious is using Discord, but they could also just use a tavern (proximity chat in a tavern is likely to be in the game), or form a raid.

    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited July 2021
    I don't know of a decent way to do proximity chat.
    I feel it's best not to have it, but it's not impossible the devs could come up with something.
    I find in-game chat easy enough to ignore.
  • Aerlana wrote: »
    2) then just turn it off ? It will lead to create 2 separate community inside the game : those using proximity chat and those using text chat. . . It can lead to some communication problem.
    Text chat has to remain the default open world chat.

    I think that this is the best point against prox-chat so far, that it could create a rift.

    I don't see that as a problem, since many people already choose to also disable chat types like "yells" in big cities or guild chat during raids.

    I think most people are just afraid of change. I used to raid using chat only in the old days. Back then I also didn't like the idea of raid audio chat. "40 people talking in one chat? that's gonna be messy, and there is not a way to use raid warnings like that. let's not do that". But I accepted the change and now I am happy about it.

    I haven't used proximity chat yet, but from what I have seen on youtube it looks like it is going to be very fun to use, even with the occasional toilet noises and trolls here and there. I think it is more about punishing those that misuse it.

    I do believe it should be push-to-talk ONLY though, to reduce a bit of that stress.

    I also believe that players should fall into certain categories for the type of things they say, INDEPENDENTLY if they do it in written chat or through audio. Let me report players for:
    - trolling;
    - spamming;
    - offensive language;
    - toxicity;

    And then, allow players to ignore the whole categories like "toxicity" and "spam". That way, no matter if it is through audio or text messages, they don't have to deal with those players anymore (if the player gets reported enough). Not only would this help voice chat, but it could also give players an extra incentive not to fall into those categories since it should be hard to get out of them and would also affect written chat.

    I think something like that is needed, independent of voice chat or not, and even before something like that is implemented, I still think the advantages of audio chat outweigh the disadvantages for those that want it.

    Do you guys like that idea?
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    It's not fun when you're hunting through a primordial forest and all of a sudden you hear someone screaming, "Turn the damned TV down! I told you that a thousand times. Dinner is ready."
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