For RP'ers? /Ignore Should Also Make the Harasser Invisible in Safe Zones

Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?



  • Also it should make you invisible to them so they can't follow you around for others to witness.

    I guess that would come with some caveats, like if you're currently engaging in a caravan or something.
  • NiKrNiKr Member
    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?
    Afaik the only safe zone that would matter in this situation is your freehold and I'd rather just have the ability to expel anyone I want from my freehold's footprint.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    All for RP, but I'm not supportive of programmatically expanding the concept of safety. An /ignore command that could render PvX impotent would do away with some fundamental design goals for the game.

    Clear work arounds would be finding a more secluded place to hold ceremonies and/or hire guards.
  • Also it should make you invisible to them so they can't follow you around for others to witness.

    I guess that would come with some caveats, like if you're currently engaging in a caravan or something.

    /Agree. It could come in handy to also have a troll/harasser know not where you are, either. Caravans will be outside of any safe zones, though.

    NiKr wrote: »
    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?
    Afaik the only safe zone that would matter in this situation is your freehold and I'd rather just have the ability to expel anyone I want from my freehold's footprint.

    The interior of the towns are also safe zones. You can be ambushed/PK'd in a Node - but the interior of the Node's village/town/city/etc itself is a safe zone.

    CROW3 wrote: »
    All for RP, but I'm not supportive of programmatically expanding the concept of safety. An /ignore command that could render PvX impotent would do away with some fundamental design goals for the game.

    Clear work arounds would be finding a more secluded place to hold ceremonies and/or hire guards.

    I agree with you on the ethic of keeping safety concrete. In AoC, safety appears to be simple: you're either in a PvP-enabled zone, or a safe zone. For events outside of safe zones, I'm perfectly fine with the mechanics of the game making it possible for trolls to harass/interrupt events. After all, it's public space in a FFA zone; If you want to do somethere there, you take the risk of being publicly interrupted/harrassed, or even PK'd. *HOWEVER!* If hosting an event in a safe zone, I just feel like there should be additional tools to enable players to prevent other players from detracting from/ruining their immersion and/or experience.

    Later today, will see if I still have a screenshot from SWG, as an example. I once attended a wedding that was publicly advertised. It was in a town's city hall building. At first, there was only 1 troll who showed up. However, two other players then also took it upon themselves to harass/ruin the event. They got naked (MMO naked = underwear), used /prone, and then circled around the Bride & Groom, and started spamming profane language and messages. The attendees were able to /ignore the players - which stopped us from seeing what they were saying - but then we were still left with 3 naked people crawling around the most-visual part of the ceremony. Since no one was town militia, we couldn't eject them from the town. The guild hosting was so upset, they cancelled the event, in favor of an un-advertised ceremony, on another date.

    If we had a tool like /Ignore also making the players invisible, the trolls could have continued their shenanigans - but anyone who had /ignore'd them would have been none-the-wiser, and it wouldn't have mattered.

  • NiKrNiKr Member
    The interior of the towns are also safe zones. You can be ambushed/PK'd in a Node - but the interior of the Node's village/town/city/etc itself is a safe zone.
    Do you have a quote for that? I tried looking for it before, but couldn't find it on the wiki.
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited April 2022
    You can be attacked in town.
    If someone goes corrupted the guards will attack you as the game sees you as a monster.

    On the guards page it says guard will KOS corrupted players. I think it was the 4k gameplay video where Steven said players can be attacked in town and if you go corrupted they will KOS you. Could be wrong.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think the interiors of towns technically are not safe zones for direct PvP combat.
    Guards might treat Corrupted like monsters.
    I think the point in time of the related quote, the devs were still thinking about how they want Guards to react to PvP, but technically towns are not safe zones.
  • CawwCaww Member
    Invisible players could still body-block you and continue their harassment.
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The only "safe zones" currently announced is your freehold, and inside housing with the door locked. You can set permissions on your freehold to excluded anyone you like from access. There are no "safe zone" instances for things like weddings and other RP events. You can go back and find the answer to the direct question I asked concerning weddings, funerals, etc a couple years back. The answer then was that they don't feel that the special event instancing was a needed feature and that people would need to keep knowledge of the event to those that matter, similar to caravan routes and timing. Enjoy your Red Weddings. I will be the guy in the band.
  • Thanks to @bloodprophet, @Dygz, @Caww, and @unknownsystemerror; Prior to this, I'd always understood the Node's interior township to be a safe zone. It's kind of odd that it's arranged this way and pre-necessitates a cooldown timer on invincibility after being PK'd in a town so that you can't be spawn-killed, but it adds a.... probably unnecessary element of danger, in walking around the towns. AoC is supposed to have an element of danger, and I suppose that could be everywhere but your private sanctum.

    Excellent point about the body-blocking. Had forgotten this was going to be a thing, and I hope it doesn't cause problems with entering/leaving buildings.

  • Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?

    So, you wouldn't even see me as I tossed the rocks and mud balls at you?! Launched by an invisible hand?! That sounds awesome!!! :D
    This link may help you:

  • daveywavey wrote: »
    So, you wouldn't even see me as I tossed the rocks and mud balls at you?! Launched by an invisible hand?! That sounds awesome!!! :D

    Yours truly be fine, with this; Events will apparently be prone to un-mitigated interference, unfortunately.

    I suppose it's just a hazard to keep an eye out for, after launch.

  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Wedding/event guests can just have their alt red PK toon logged out nearby to bring over to kill the harassers. Nothing like a dirt nap to discourage them.
  • FuryBladeborneFuryBladeborne Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    ...I'd always understood the Node's interior township to be a safe zone...
    It looks like the only totally safe spot in a node is if your character is currently selling in a stall.

    "Players cannot PvP while inside (the footprint of)[1] a freehold (except following a successful node siege).[2][3]
    Players are not able to be attacked or robbed while occupying their player stall inside the limits of a node.[4]"
  • VeeshanVeeshan Member
    why am i dieing??? oh it an invisible person i blocked is now attacking me
  • No, i think thats not a solution :smile:
  • JustVineJustVine Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Veeshan wrote: »
    why am i dieing??? oh it an invisible person i blocked is now attacking me

    I mean, typically if one person blocks someone in a game that makes them invisible to the blocker, they become invisible to the blockee. So how the other person would attack them in such a scenario is beyond me. Especially with Ashes design relative to AoE not effecting players not engaged in combat.

    I feel like block should mainly revolve around chat in a game like this. Corruption probably solves enough otherwise. That being said, I feel like the world is big enough that if you restricted the 'not seeing each other' things to chat, freeholds, and node centers it'd be enough to mitigate most of the possible harassment vectors as a compromise position for those who want full block.

    Constantly KoSing someone outside those areas is going to need a separate more comprehensive strategy from a design perspective depending on how well corruption actually solves the problems that come with that behavior.
    Node coffers: Single Payer Capitalism in action
  • SpuriusSpurius Member
    It currupts a foundationof what an online RPG world is - it is a place with other people in it. If everyone sees different people depending on who they ignored, it is no longer a real place. And to solve what exactly? You can't handle other people following you around?
  • Spurius wrote: »
    It currupts a foundationof what an online RPG world is - it is a place with other people in it. If everyone sees different people depending on who they ignored, it is no longer a real place. And to solve what exactly? You can't handle other people following you around?

    It'd be nice to not have a bunch of naked people spamming 'Heil H*tler" crawling around a bride and groom - at least in the screenshots, even if there actually are.

  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Simply PK players like that. PK them off the server.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

    This post reminded me of that raid a guild called Serenity did back in the early days of WoW... 😬

    I'm curious - If I'm understanding you correctly, you only don't want players to... well, do stuff like that ☝ in safe zones? Freeholds are safe zones, so maybe it would be best to host RP events such as weddings within those? 😜
  • TyranthraxusTyranthraxus Member
    edited May 2022
    Vaknar wrote: »
    I'm curious - If I'm understanding you correctly, you only don't want players to... well, do stuff like that ☝ in safe zones? Freeholds are safe zones, so maybe it would be best to host RP events such as weddings within those? 😜

    Exactly; the ability not to see such people at all in a small zone like a Freehold would make for a great place to retreat to for privacy, in the case that an RP event in the open world was set upon, by trolls.

    If it could be taken a step further, even?

    The Wiki currently has it noted that only Player Stalls and Freeholds will be safe zones - but it'd also be nice if each Node also had a very small, open-area in "nature" where houses/Freeholds and player structures cannot be built that were scenic (for RP) that could also be a very small Safe Zone - even if we're just talking about an area atop a hill or mountain the size of a building's footprint.

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I wonder how you PK people in safe zones?
  • If you are out in the world and some pricks are crashing your rp wedding, perhaps some of your guests should go red for a bit? You have the tools to remove them at your disposal it's just got consequences. Just because you want to rp in an area doesnt mean you suddenly own it. I'm all for muting chat from players you dont wanna hear from but there is no room in this game for a function that disables a persons ability to interact with you just because you dont like them. Well, except for killing them, that's acceptable.
    Commissioned at
  • AOCanonAOCanon Member
    I think that any form of griefing should have severe reprocussions especially if it’s part of an active RP.
  • KovrmKovrm Member
    AOCanon wrote: »
    I think that any form of griefing should have severe reprocussions especially if it’s part of an active RP.

    that's dumb. who are you to say I'm not RPing a savage murderer?
  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder
    Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?

    I wish they would. but they don't really care about the RP community. Back in the old Forums, Megs and myself made many a post, one of which with the -least- amount of developer input, was to simply have a server with an RP tag. But this request was shut down because: Ashes of Creation, considers building the town, and all the things that come with it, upkeep and all to be RP, and as such, essentially every server is an RP server.

    So don't get your hopes up.

  • ariatras wrote: »
    Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?

    I wish they would. but they don't really care about the RP community. Back in the old Forums, Megs and myself made many a post, one of which with the -least- amount of developer input, was to simply have a server with an RP tag. But this request was shut down because: Ashes of Creation, considers building the town, and all the things that come with it, upkeep and all to be RP, and as such, essentially every server is an RP server.

    So don't get your hopes up.

    So they tell you they dont want to officially recognize a server as 'the' rp server and that suddenly makes them not care for the rp community?

    Quite the extreme conclusion you came up with there.

    Its not like you cant group up with other like minded players and say x server is where you should go if you want to rp. You do not need a label to call a server the rp server, just make it that way yourself.

    Commissioned at
  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder
    Sathrago wrote: »
    ariatras wrote: »
    Ruined weddings, ruined guild expeditions, ruined public events; Yours truly has both hosted and attended plenty of player events that have been ruined/crashed by trolls.

    In addition to not having to see what they are saying, would it be feasible to make a player on your Ignore List invisible, while in safe zones?

    I wish they would. but they don't really care about the RP community. Back in the old Forums, Megs and myself made many a post, one of which with the -least- amount of developer input, was to simply have a server with an RP tag. But this request was shut down because: Ashes of Creation, considers building the town, and all the things that come with it, upkeep and all to be RP, and as such, essentially every server is an RP server.

    So don't get your hopes up.

    So they tell you they dont want to officially recognize a server as 'the' rp server and that suddenly makes them not care for the rp community?

    Quite the extreme conclusion you came up with there.

    Its not like you cant group up with other like minded players and say x server is where you should go if you want to rp. You do not need a label to call a server the rp server, just make it that way yourself.

    No, they don't want to do the absolute minimum to foster a good RP community, so having them program anything for it is wishful thinking at best.

  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited May 2022
    Weddings can be held in Freeholds for RPers who wish to have an exclusive guest list.

    Steven: "There will be a permissions-based system that is based on you inviting them, so if you want them to be able to open the door and enter, you can do that."

    Steven: "Are players allowed to PvP within a freehold? Probably not. The freehold is intended to be a protected area."

    Also, we will have to see what kinds of open air settings Freeholds can provide.
    But, yes, officially, every server is an RP server. And a PvP server. and a PvE server.
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