Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place five days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place five days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Will we be able to create "Adventurer" NPCs? Characters that can join and develop alongside the player?
@Frameen (question), @Spittfyre (question), @Purdilicous (question), @Mangert (question), @Sorcres (question), @Kiwi_ (question), @Almidar (question), @Runehkt (questions 1, 2), @Snowjade (question), @Fantmx (question), @Soltys (question), @TokenGamer (question), @Cyanide (questions 1, 2), @Mico (question), @Gurz (question) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please make sure to keep it as direct/succinct as possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!
@SomeRandomName (question) - Many systems are being worked on and iterated on. Most of the systems are not in a state that we'd consider "complete" or even polished yet. Such is the nature of being in an alpha! Features will become 'complete' as we near our full release of the game. For example, in this livestream we showed our progress with some of the environment systems and how far along they are!
@insomnia (question) - The trinity system of tank, DPS, and support, and the many facets that they encompass will all be put into consideration when designing boss encounters in Ashes of Creation
@Gruntag (question), @SparkyCJB (question) - We absoultely hear you on this. Margaret Krohn, our Community Marketing Lead, recently put out a message on this. You can read that here
@Karthos (question) - You may likely not be able to apply ship cosmetics skins to any ship. Skins for ships may likely be assigned a specific ship type that they can be applied to. We're working with the design team to get more information on specifics for the skins
@Theyss (question) - Currently, we do not have plans to make separate RP servers. However, we plan on making robust tools and systems for roleplayers to enjoy the game
@Elegen (question) - While we plan to make about 20%~ of our encounters will be instanced, the idea behind Ashes of Creations raiding is indeed centered around a risk vs reward interaction between all players and their environment. This means PvP between players over raids or bosses is an integral part of the game ^_^
@Neurotoxin (question) - Stay tuned for more information on racial lore as we get closer to the launch of Ashes of Creation
@stingreddog (question) - The effectiveness of classes, skills, and gear is going to depend on the adversary or the encounter. There will be optimal builds for different challenges and difficulty ratings. This design aims to avoid any obvious meta or "cookie-cutter" builds in Ashes of Creation. You can read more on this here, on the wiki!
@Adestra (question), @Nostra (question), @Rushzies (question), @Thallisson (question) - Stay tuned for more information on artisan classes and profressions as we progress further in development!
@Vlhadus (question), @Maouii (question) - Stay tuned for more information on races as we progress further in development
@MMOsForLife (question) - Ashes of Creation is aiming to be available in the following languages: English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Polish, and Spanish. Although this may not be the final list of languages we support, as we are still looking into which other languages the game may be translated into. You can read more here, on our support site!
@SnowElf (question), @MIISTO (question) - You most certainly can expect to see more information on archetype and class abilities as we get closer to Alpha Two, so please stay tuned for more info! ^_^
@Sometimesmiles (question), @SongRung (question) - This is something we're currently discussing internally. We will likely do a player feedback request on this very topic soon, so stay tuned!
@arsnn (question) - Yes! We certainly have considered this. It is something we would like to do before we release Alpha Two. We'll keep players informed as we progress further in development!
@Gragis (question) - If I understand your question correctly, then yes! You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@Ryve (question) - Currently, we have not stated that that is the plan. You can learn about Zergs here, on the wiki!
@Rialin (question) - Mount skins are applied to existing mounts. So, you cannot use the skin itself as a mount! Giving players who bought those skins the ability to mount up on day 1 would be pay 2 win, and we don't do that kinda thing around here
@Varcan (question) - We have not announced an 'Olympiad' system for Ashes of Creation. However, we will have instanced arenas!
@ThatGuyPowers (question) - Ship building will allow for aesthetic customization of ships! You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@Roseburia (question) - There is a healthy amount of innovation and implementation happening on Ashes of Creation (which is currently in an alpha state of development) on a daily basis here at Intrepid Studios! ^_^
@Falkath (question) - It depends on what kind of "water PvP" you mean! In terms of naval content, that will be very fun and dynamic! If you mean fighting in the water vs fighting inland, then you'll of course have different environment and environmental facets to concern yourself with ^_^
@Drew (question) - In the past, Steven has said "The economic node mayoral system is more of an oligarchy, where you contribute resources and gold to essentially bid and the highest bidder would become mayor" You can read more on this here, on the wiki!
@~t0mB~ (question), @JustVine (question) - Please stay tuned for more information on cosmetic skins as we progress further in development. We understand that knowing more about the functionality of these items is important to our players, and we're working with our design team to get more information on this!
@JeanPhilippeQC (question), @Datar (question) - Part of the risk vs. reward nature of Ashes of Creation is dealing with events like this. This is also where playing coordination and teamwork can become important!
@Ozijak (question) - Please stay tuned for more information on primary and secondary archetypes as we progress further in development!
@nonameftw (question) - It totally depends on which Kickstarter upgrades you're referring to! I highly encourage you check out the wiki, as a lot of information on this topic can be found there ^_^ You can check out the wiki here!
@Charlie Ashwood (question) - Node types will be definitive during the beta testing phases
@Frosty_Thundertrod (question) - Keep in mind that there will be plenty of attractive and 'simpler' items that will be attainable in-game
@Valinia (question) - Currently there are no plans for this! But we are open to community suggestions and feedback ^_^
@Hazerduhs (question) - It totally depends on the content the guild is attempting to do! Large guilds will certainly benefit in some ways more than small guilds will. However, smaller guilds will excel at some things that larger guilds wont! You can read more about guild progression here, on the wiki!
@Murga (question) - No, this is not a planned feature for Orcs in Ashes of Creation.
@Gergalosh (question) - This is still something that is being designed and iterated on internally! Stay tuned for more info as we progress further in development!
@DakHak (question) - We will have a bulletin board mechanic in the game that allows players to post jobs. You can read more on it here, on the wiki!
@Eoben_Rosemary (question) - Players are not locked into any particular race for freehold blueprints. You can read more about that here, on the wiki!
@Anarion (question) - We do our best to update those who follow our project with our monthly livestreams! Make sure to tune in to our monthly livestreams for more information on the development of Ashes of Creation! You can find past livestreams here, on our YouTube channel!
@Thecatslock (question) - Great question! This is something the design team is currently discussing. We will likely be doing a feedback request on this subject soon, so stay tuned to our forums and socials for more information!
@ELRYNO (question), @GrandSerpent (question) - Stay tuned for more information on crafting as we progress further in development!
@JamesSunderland (question) - I highly encourage checking out the Ashes of Creation wiki. There is a ton of information on all of the systems of Ashes of Creation that you can learn about!
@Schwann36 (question) - Steven has answered this question in the past. Here is a timestamped link to that livestream VoD
@Disobedient (question) - Why don't YOU drink water out of a wine glass? ππ
@ninjathecollector (question) - We generally don't want to disclose security details. However, you can rest assured that the systems and procedures we put into place will be robust!
@Plutar (question) - We do not plan on having any breeding mechanics for crops. You can learn more about it here, on the wiki!
@Vissox (question) - Governments may be able to choose a node name from a predetermined list. You can learn more about this here, on the wiki!
@Castai (question) - There will be dungeon and raid leader boards, and some leader boards will be across all servers! You can read more on this here, on the wiki!
@Trundar (question) - There are no announced Alpha Two dates at this time
@Metallgaffel (question) - You can learn about the various different weapon types as well as information about them here, on the wiki!
@Cadac (question) - When a siege begins, temporary alliances are formed among the attackers and defenders. We can perhaps assume that this may be a way to reach those 500v500 numbers, if our tech allows for it! ^_^ You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@gameknightplayers (question) - If I understand your question correctly, then I do not believe this is how the system is intended to work. Though, we are of course open to feedback, especially when we get Alpha Two into the hands of our players!
@Zenny9 (question) - Currently, the only planned safe zones are within the footprint of a freehold and while occupying a player stall. You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@Garrtok (question) - A player does not need to declare citizenship of any node. These players won't need to pay taxes but will miss out on benefits of citizenship. You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@Zahie (question) - The cosmetics that we've released all tie to in-game lore, and therefor fit into the world of Verra. We don't want to release anything that would not fit into the vision of Ashes of Creation!
@Niya (question) - Currently this is not a planned feature. Though, we are of course open to suggestions and player feedback! ^_^
@Ayee (question) - Currently, the plan is for some abilities to only allow for action or tab targeting. For example, crowd control won't likely be tab-targeted skills. This is to avoid imbalanced combos with skill shot (action targeted) abilities. Like all things currently, this is subject to testing and change
@Abuck (question) - This is something that is currently being iterated on with the design team! Please stay tuned for more information as we progress further in development
@Sarevok (question) - You'll need to invest resources into items that decay. You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@Liniker (question) - Stay tuned for more information on Alpha Two as we progress further in development
@Elwendryll (question) - Stay tuned for more information on lore, questing and the gods as we progress further in development ^_^
@T Elf (question) Currently, the plan is to have slots that pets can fit into. Meaning, a play could have one non-combat pet in their cosmetic pet slot at a time. You can read more on that here, on the wiki!
@RowniSciponi (question) - Please stay tuned for more information on Monster Coin events as we progress further in development.
@Kamik (question) - Currently, this mechanic (or at least a version of this mechnic similiar to the provided example) is not a planned feature, though we're open to suggestions and feedback from the community!
@Vargful (question) - Debate is an integral part of game design! Virtually every system has iteration, debate, discussion, etc. before it's implemented. Even after it is implemented into the game, things tend to be discussed! You can assume that the design team often has designers on either side of an argument on many of the systems of the game in this current phase of development
@Lash (question), @Talents (question), @Drunkninja (question), @Alacrite (question), @Nullsan (question), @Azherae (question), @Sorf (question), @Threather (question), @NiKr (question), @Goalid (question) - Yay! Your questions were selected at random and answered during our streeam! If you missed it live, make sure to check out the VoD on our YouTube channel!
If you didn't recieve a tagged response from me in this message, it may have been that your question was one we hoped to get to on stream, but didn't quite have enough time to get to it! Please stop by during our Q&A next month to ask your question! ^_^
EDIT: just read last paragraph, ill submit again next month TY!
(Also, edited the OP to include the video link!)
Very odd question I know! Love the work you guys are doing and happy to support the project and excited to see where it goes
Comments like these keep me going π€β thanks for the kind words!
We haven't announced any dates on when the program will start. It will take quite a while for us to go through the thousands of applicants that we got. We will communicate dates when we have them, though! ^_^
Do we gonna see a mixed race or mixed region races like so we can have more choice about what to pick , i know that it will be but will you add like torents / orcs / draconic humans .....?
Also will there be a kingdom choices like have our kingdom by evolving our guild so manny can creat small guilds and competing for the best guilds / kingdom also that gonna lead to the one that will bring new rules to it ?
And , What about the mount , will we see combative mount for like guild war mount elite war mont , of course by doing guild or world quest drop or raid boss drop or also when some one get a big title too ?