Cash shop item to NOT see other players costumes and cosmetics

I'm a player that values the aesthetic progression of my character and of those around me. I feel costumes are immersion breaking, and with the vast amount of cosmetics and costumes already in the game I think it's going to taint the beautiful world being created. I understand people like to see these things and will pay for it. Can I at least get an option to NOT see all the costumes and cosmetics?? I'd be more than willing to pay for it in the cash shop. If it's even possible, I have no idea.


  • Hell yeah! Let's have the battle of the wallets! Who's willing to pay more, people who wanna show off their wallets or people who don't want none of that shit?
  • I would like to purchase an item that allows me to apply my costumes and cosmetics to other players. Imagine hunting down your enemies and dressing them up.
  • BaSkA_9x2BaSkA_9x2 Member
    edited August 2022
    I'm pretty sure Steven has already said that disabling cosmetics won't be an option (except during specific PvP activities), so no point in trying to suggest alternatives.

    The funny thing is that people don't even know if cash shop cosmetics will be the best looking gear in game, and I have a feeling that the biggest chads won't wear cash shop cosmetics which can only be worn as a set, but instead transmogs of the best looking gear obtainable by playing the game.
    🎶Galo é Galo o resto é bosta🎶
  • Won't happen. Already confirmed.
  • well this is disappointing... I now want a neon purple thomas the train engine costume.
  • @Morg7x7 for them to see the costume too, or just for you or everyone else? Or shadow costume them, so they don't see it but everyone else does? Maybe it could be a tiered system.
    T1 just you see it
    T2 you and the target sees it
    T3 You the the target and everyone else
    T4 You the and everyone else, but NOT the target
    Lets make this happen!
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
  • There's a quote somewhere on the Wiki saying that the 'best looking' cosmetics are ones you can get in game. Then again 'best looking' is entirely opinion based.
  • Scarbeus wrote: »
    There's a quote somewhere on the Wiki saying that the 'best looking' cosmetics are ones you can get in game. Then again 'best looking' is entirely opinion based.

    Not best looking, but highest quality
  • Just went back to check and 'grand looking' was the exact term used on the Cosmetics page.
  • ChimeChime Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Costumes are fun and I have bought some but it's always been more of an achievement of what you've obtained in game.
    ☼ Alpha 2 let's gooooo ☼
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Right... so I explained why you cant have an ingame option for this, but now you found the solution is to charge people for it?
  • No thanks.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    imagine buying cosmetics for years, and people being able to disable cosmetics... hell no.
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  • Volgaris wrote: »
    I'm a player that values the aesthetic progression of my character and of those around me. I feel costumes are immersion breaking

    In other games, or in this one? Because from what we've seen so far, there hasn't been anything that wouldn't fall into the thematic category. I'm guessing you're thinking about silly things you see in eastern MMOs like chicken suits and such.

    Can you give some examples of what you've seen so far in this game that you would consider immersion breaking? I think it would help get a general baseline for what is "too much" for you.
  • lord-pleas-help-oh-no.gif
    This link may help you:

  • @joeyohknow : Most recent I can think of FFIV, watching people fly around on motorcycles and stuff, even though it is explained in the lore, it still is silly to me. But to be more clear, I have yet to see anything immersion breaking in this games costume/cosmetic shop. I'm more against complete costumes than simple cosmetics. All the costumes in NW were silly, and basically just acts a mechanic to hide your gear from others for PvP. Only game I purchased cosmetics from was PoE, but I did it for my viewing, not others. I find it kind of funny people want other players to see the way they dress up. But i'm just a dirty purist.
  • Liniker wrote: »
    imagine buying cosmetics for years, and people being able to disable cosmetics... hell no.

    Only the people who bought the ability to disable cosmetics wouldn't see them on themselves or others. You'd still see and others that wanted to see them would still see them. Not sure me seeing your dressed up character is important to you. I'd much rather see the gear you've acquired. But fear not, this or anything like it has a snowballs chance in hel of actually happening lol.
  • Volgaris wrote: »
    [quote="Liniker;c-356856Not sure me seeing your dressed up character is important to you.

    You can literally turn that around.
    "Not sure me seeing your dressed up character is important to you".
    "Not sure you not seeing my dressed up character is important to me".

    Its important to many. Just look at MOBAs for example.
    If players just wanted to look nice, all they'd have to do is exchange the files in the game folder and they could look however the fuck they want.

    That's not what its about though. People want others to see your nice outfits, just like IRL.
    Whether they are paid for or earned ingame doesn't matter in that regard.
  • Volgaris wrote: »
    Liniker wrote: »
    imagine buying cosmetics for years, and people being able to disable cosmetics... hell no.

    Only the people who bought the ability to disable cosmetics wouldn't see them on themselves or others. You'd still see and others that wanted to see them would still see them. Not sure me seeing your dressed up character is important to you. I'd much rather see the gear you've acquired. But fear not, this or anything like it has a snowballs chance in hel of actually happening lol.

    That is stupid no, if someone buys a product you re going to see it, you carnet paying money to hide things. You are simply trying to create a reason for people to not buy cosmetics because you haven't come to terms with how things are now with games.

    No matter what you do or think that will never change companies you have no money or influence. Nor ability to change peoples mind that spend hundreds of thousand dollars on games to stop.
  • @Warth well to each their own. still don't get why you need others to participate in your vanity for you to enjoy it, i never will. i just argue for a more purist approach.
  • @Mag7spy ew gross
  • edited August 2022
    Won't happen. That would only discourage people from spending money in the cash shop which would be a financial hit for Intrepid. So no, it won't happen and it wouldn't be a great move. A lot of people (not saying everyone) buy cosmetics in the cash shop not only for themselves but to look cool for other's. Just like in real life.

    If you go out to the club, you buy a bomb outfit to look good for yourself, but also to look good for other's or to impress. If people could press a button and make you look basic, what would be the point of you spending money and buying a dope outfit to go out in? Same applies here.
  • @TheDarkSorcerer Well said. I just want that button like those people want their outfits, probably more.
  • AerlanaAerlana Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Immersion, the word to justify your view... "it breaks my immersion"

    Lets say, you buy this thing.
    then you go RP (immersion is big thing among roleplayers for sure so... )

    My RP outfit / aesthetic outfit : light armor (leather or kind of) with really "natural" visuals, (some flower or foliage there and there on outfit) => friend of nature, lover of forest
    My real outfit / technocal outfit : still leather, but more classic leather armor, in a way it seems more to duellist/swashbuckler.

    How we dress IRL speaks for us before we open mouth. so does for our characters.
    In this example, you will first think about a character who like the beautiful fight etc, while i am just a kind of hippie or anykind of nature lovers who don't care about "fight aesthetic" . . .

    Also, you begins to consider that the cash shop aesthetic will break your immersion because some reason due to the design of this specific stuff... how can you be sure that drop items won't have also kind of design you could find "not so logic/realist/immersion friendly".
    Without even speaking about "patchwerk aesthetic" due to having items for stats... but items from different aesthetic design.

    Your solution generates, i think, a bigger problem, AND doesn't even really solve the problem you have.
  • I'm RP'ing a player that enjoys MMOs w/a costume cash shop, so if your character has the ability to hide my character's purchased costumes, it breaks my immersion.
  • I want a cash shop item so i can dress you how i want that overwrites your button. Lets do some cash shop pvp.
  • WarthWarth Member
    edited August 2022
    IMO this should be a whaling competition.

    You can select what other players are wearing for everyone to see (based on the Costumes you own) as long as you have spent more money on the cash shop than they did. If you have spent less, then they can choose what you wear based on the costumes they own.
    1. Spend most money on the server
    2. Force everyone to use the stufferton and Celebrants of the Rose
    3. ...
    4. Profit?
  • Mag7spy wrote: »
    I want a cash shop item so i can dress you how i want that overwrites your button. Lets do some cash shop pvp.

    Ha! Like a costume wand?
  • Well everyone's welcome to their opinions. I just value the aesthetic progression, by passing it with credit card swipes are all fine and dandy if I can void your swipes with my swipes for my viewing pleasure. Some of yall are sensitive about your costumes.
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