Free PK, corruption & night in game

MyosotysMyosotys Member
edited December 2022 in General Discussion
While browsing the gameplay of another game in development that you will probably recognize, I discovered an interesting idea:

Make free pk possible only at night. There are several ways to integrate and adapt this idea in Ashes of Creation:

- Less corruption for the killer during the night (everywhere except in the nodes)
- No corruption at all during the night for the killer (everywhere except in nodes)
- Select only areas known to be insecure at night. Reduce or remove corruption in these areas.

Some elements (graphics only or messages) should help the player not to get trapped by warning him that night is falling or will fall soon.

EDIT : I specify that it would not be a question of favoring the FPK as if the punishments in corruption are lowered the night, they would be consequently increased the day.


  • I would prefer the 3rd option but with those areas to happen only sometime, not every night. Being less frequent would allow also to happen during day.
    However, such a mechanic would be more useful in a full PvE environment. AoC has already quite a lot of PvP...
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • Why are we copying Throne and liberty, let AoC do what Aoc does.
  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited December 2022
    Mag7spy wrote: »
    Why are we copying Throne and liberty, let AoC do what Aoc does.

    Fortunately, "getting inspired" is not "copying". Otherwise AOC would already be a copy...
  • That isn't' really inspired that is just straight coping TL. AoC has free pk zones based on types of content, free pk during the night would have them changed their night cycles, the lengths and type of content that happens around night in order to avoid longer periods of griefing.

    I get you want to kill everyone free, energy is better spent on advocating guild vrs guild open pvp to not potentially to be limited....since we don't know much about it.
  • SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The Seas are for outlaws, there will be no corruption where the Laws aren’t enforced.
  • Solvryn wrote: »
    The Seas are for outlaws, there will be no corruption where the Laws aren’t enforced.

    The seas will have small islands too...
    I wonder if they will have autoflag too.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • this sounds like a good and a bad idea at the same time.

    it would be funny seeing all the gatherers just run like crazy back to safety in a mass exodus when the night is coming and afking for 1 hour hahaha
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    By the time this is even worth considering, Ashes would have all the data from all the reactions of TL players, to make any decision.

    They probably shouldn't say anything about it before then, even if they're already considering it.

    As for my opinion, I don't know enough about the game flow intention of Ashes yet to say if any of these would be good, but I generally like the idea because it's such a clear marker of 'risk of unfair PvP has increased'.

    I think 'no corruption' would be bad. In fact I'd go for a flat decrease rather than a divider because it wouldn't be immersive to me for high levels to be able to gank lowbies without corruption just because it got dark. I believe THAT behaviour should ALWAYS be discouraged.

    But I'd take anything to the effect of 'the corruption gained by killing a noncombatant of your own level is negated at night'.

    I'll probably have more of an opinion on this after a few months of TL.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • Personally I'm not in favor of this, there is already no penalty for consensual pvp, all you're asking is for the ability to grief people at night. I understand the idea from a "the night is dangerous" perspective however, if you want the night to be dangerous you need to align it with the core pillar of risk vs reward, what is the reward the comes along with the added risk of less restricted pvp during the night?

    A different tactic to lean into the risk vs reward aspect would be to tune up mob spawns and increase the loot tables at night. This would increase the competition between players at night leading to more player vs player friction which results in consensual pvp.

    If all you want is to be able to gank people after 8pm because the night should be dangerous. I think that's simply not a good enough reason.
    The Wolves of Verra
    are recruiting:
  • No.

    If you want to promote player killing during the night then give guild wars better rewards for actions they take during the night or create "night raids" for node wars that could then help during a node siege (if the war leads to that), or make enemies of the state show up on the citizens' maps during the night so that it's much more dangerous for them to move in said node.

    In other words, boost literally all the other pvp-centric systems instead of making the biggest deterrent to the majority of players EVEN FUCKING WORSE.
  • Personally I'm not in favor of this, there is already no penalty for consensual pvp, all you're asking is for the ability to grief people at night. I understand the idea from a "the night is dangerous" perspective however, if you want the night to be dangerous you need to align it with the core pillar of risk vs reward, what is the reward the comes along with the added risk of less restricted pvp during the night?

    A different tactic to lean into the risk vs reward aspect would be to tune up mob spawns and increase the loot tables at night. This would increase the competition between players at night leading to more player vs player friction which results in consensual pvp.

    If all you want is to be able to gank people after 8pm because the night should be dangerous. I think that's simply not a good enough reason.

    All PvP is consensual if you choose to log in. That being said, I'm indifferent to this idea. It's not really needed when the open Seas are PVP territory, but it could be an interesting weekly event in a single random node to shake things up. Keeps player interactions up and fresh. And it'd be as simple as avoiding that area if you don't wish to participate.
  • Personally I'm not in favor of this, there is already no penalty for consensual pvp, all you're asking is for the ability to grief people at night. I understand the idea from a "the night is dangerous" perspective however, if you want the night to be dangerous you need to align it with the core pillar of risk vs reward, what is the reward the comes along with the added risk of less restricted pvp during the night?

    A different tactic to lean into the risk vs reward aspect would be to tune up mob spawns and increase the loot tables at night. This would increase the competition between players at night leading to more player vs player friction which results in consensual pvp.

    If all you want is to be able to gank people after 8pm because the night should be dangerous. I think that's simply not a good enough reason.

    the reward would be to get tons of materials from players and bots :D
  • I think AoC has bigger worries to deal with
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • Solvryn wrote: »
    The Seas are for outlaws, there will be no corruption where the Laws aren’t enforced.

    This is just prejudice against the entire AoC universe, the seas will have all kinds of sailors and people in general
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited December 2022
    You understand
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I think AoC has bigger worries to deal with

    I think you despise my suggestion on principle or maybe just because you are embittered. I have not found in your suggestions made in the past, anything that is genius and deserves more attention than mine.
    You are free to express your disagreement, but you are not a staff member to define the priorities of the game development. Are you ?

  • The main advantage of the OP suggestion is variation.
    Having one fixed corruption mechanic which can be studied by players is boring.
    I would prefer fluctuations caused by clouds of corruption moving over the land originating from
    Players could fight against those areas and reduce and stop this effect.
    September 12. 2022: Being naked can also be used to bring a skilled artisan to different freeholds... Don't summon family!
  • CoracaoCoracao Member
    edited December 2022
    NiKr wrote: »

    If you want to promote player killing during the night then give guild wars better rewards for actions they take during the night or create "night raids" for node wars that could then help during a node siege (if the war leads to that), or make enemies of the state show up on the citizens' maps during the night so that it's much more dangerous for them to move in said node.

    In other words, boost literally all the other pvp-centric systems instead of making the biggest deterrent to the majority of players EVEN FUCKING WORSE.

    One does not prevent the other and one should not make a too quick shortcut between lowering corruption and griefing promotion. I am totally against griefing and I still believe that the best way to limit griefing is to produce quality content.

    If corruption is extremely punitive and there is no interesting story for high level players, they will anyway engage in childish griefing activities and then leave the game when they get tired of it.

    It seems to be a good idea to limit corruption at night. It is less obvious to recognize someone at night. Also night is the time of sins, highwaymen, crime and death.

  • Depraved wrote: »
    the reward would be to get tons of materials from players and bots :D

    That may be the reward you would get were you to actually find people, however if there is no added reward for the people gathering mats, why would I go out at night? I can gather all day at far less risk, and swap to an alt to craft or work on my freehold or do something in town etc. through the night. What is my incentive to expose myself to being ganked at no cost? The open oceans are open pvp because Steven specifically wants them to be a high risk high reward area. If you want something similar you'd need to tune up the rewards sufficiently otherwise all you would run into is people hoping to pvp, which you both could do at any time regardless by flagging purp.
    The Wolves of Verra
    are recruiting:
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Dolyem wrote: »
    All PvP is consensual if you choose to log in. That being said, I'm indifferent to this idea. It's not really needed when the open Seas are PVP territory, but it could be an interesting weekly event in a single random node to shake things up. Keeps player interactions up and fresh. And it'd be as simple as avoiding that area if you don't wish to participate.
    That is true for a PvP-centric game, so...
    Probably doesn't matter how much more PvP the devs add at this point - Ashes has already jumped the shark for players who typically don't play on PvP servers when they play MMORPGs.
  • Myosotys wrote: »
    While browsing the gameplay of another game in development that you will probably recognize, I discovered an interesting idea:

    Make free pk possible only at night. There are several ways to integrate and adapt this idea in Ashes of Creation:

    - Less corruption for the killer during the night (everywhere except in the nodes)
    - No corruption at all during the night for the killer (everywhere except in nodes)
    - Select only areas known to be insecure at night. Reduce or remove corruption in these areas.

    Some elements (graphics only or messages) should help the player not to get trapped by warning him that night is falling or will fall soon.

    It's an interesting idea! I would be for it.

  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited December 2022
    Myosotys wrote: »
    You understand
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I think AoC has bigger worries to deal with

    I think you despise my suggestion on principle or maybe just because you are embittered. I have not found in your suggestions made in the past, anything that is genius and deserves more attention than mine.
    You are free to express your disagreement, but you are not a staff member to define the priorities of the game development. Are you ?


    I just accepted the scope creep, that's all, there's a lot to be done
    I finally could keep up with the wiki and now I know how much there is to be done, that's why i dont bother in suggesting anything anymore

    I will just resume myself in answered Intrepid when they ask our opinions
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • Depraved wrote: »
    the reward would be to get tons of materials from players and bots :D

    That may be the reward you would get were you to actually find people, however if there is no added reward for the people gathering mats, why would I go out at night? I can gather all day at far less risk, and swap to an alt to craft or work on my freehold or do something in town etc. through the night. What is my incentive to expose myself to being ganked at no cost? The open oceans are open pvp because Steven specifically wants them to be a high risk high reward area. If you want something similar you'd need to tune up the rewards sufficiently otherwise all you would run into is people hoping to pvp, which you both could do at any time regardless by flagging purp.

    mats (including animals) that do not spawn during the day. someone has to go out and get them. or maybe even double the mats rewards lol
  • MyosotysMyosotys Member
    edited December 2022
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »
    You understand
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I think AoC has bigger worries to deal with

    I think you despise my suggestion on principle or maybe just because you are embittered. I have not found in your suggestions made in the past, anything that is genius and deserves more attention than mine.
    You are free to express your disagreement, but you are not a staff member to define the priorities of the game development. Are you ?


    I just accepted the scope creep, that's all, there's a lot to be done
    I finally could keep up with the wiki and now I know how much there is to be done, that's why i dont bother in suggesting anything anymore

    I will just resume myself in answered Intrepid when they ask our opinions

    Corruption is one of the most important core mechanics of the game. The system will be tested, retested, developed, modified. Suggesting variations in the level of corruption depending on whether it is day or night does not question the core mechanics itself.

    If you don't bother in suggesting anything, you might as well don't botther in participating in debates you don't feel concerned about.
    Dygz wrote: »
    Dolyem wrote: »
    All PvP is consensual if you choose to log in. That being said, I'm indifferent to this idea. It's not really needed when the open Seas are PVP territory, but it could be an interesting weekly event in a single random node to shake things up. Keeps player interactions up and fresh. And it'd be as simple as avoiding that area if you don't wish to participate.
    That is true for a PvP-centric game, so...
    Probably doesn't matter how much more PvP the devs add at this point - Ashes has already jumped the shark for players who typically don't play on PvP servers when they play MMORPGs.

    My proposal does not necessarily involve making life easier for those who are for open world PvP.

    It could be the opposite, to increase the level of corruption given to fpk in some areas and protect PvE players/Gatherers.

    Let's take two examples:

    1- A large resource farm area, well stocked and which at first sight does not have great challenges and is not a contested area. An area where there is no reason to kill a gatherer because you can simply move a few meters away and farm averything you need. As a consequence, killing a player in this area could be punished as severely as possible.

    2- Now let's take an area where there is a Boss or Mini-boss that respawns every 4 hours. Players are then automatically competing for this boss, which means that there will be PvP. I think it's normal that you can challenge a boss without receiving a massive amount of corruption, because you have a valid reason to kill another player.

    Going back to the day and night issue, this would bring some nuance to the two previous examples. Solo players or small groups could try their luck on bosses (when it's daytime) minimizing the risk of being dislodged by a big team.

    In the resource farm areas, it would be a bit of a change and a bit of fun to see open world PvP at night in places that are 99% safe during the day.

    I am not a native so I am not sure how clear my explanation is.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited December 2022
    Given that the high seas and destroyed node areas are open PvP (no corruption) in Ashes, I personally don’t think there needs to be another category subset of open PvP.

    It’s already been a jackpot for PK players in just the last couple of months … ever since Steven announced those.
  • Given that the high seas and destroyed node areas are open PvP (no corruption) in Ashes, I personally don’t think there needs to be another category subset of open PvP.

    It’s already been a jackpot for PK players in just the last couple of months … ever since Steven announced those.

    I do not see any gift for Pk players if the level of corruption is higher during the day, it will be even safer.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Never hurts putting ideas or things you'd like to see out there! I think many ideas, such as this one, make for good thought starters for the event system that will be utilized in Ashes of Creation :)

    Side note, the open seas sure will be a formidable place with all of you PvP-loving, corruption-hating pirates out there! 😈😅
  • Vaknar wrote: »
    Never hurts putting ideas or things you'd like to see out there! I think many ideas, such as this one, make for good thought starters for the event system that will be utilized in Ashes of Creation :)

    Side note, the open seas sure will be a formidable place with all of you PvP-loving, corruption-hating pirates out there! 😈😅

    I hope there will be some islands using the PvP rules of the Ocean and not the earth )
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Myosotys wrote: »
    My proposal does not necessarily involve making life easier for those who are for open world PvP.
    I agree.I did not think that your proposal makes life easier for gamers who love PvP.
    It just adds more PvP opportunities. And makes the game even more PvP-centric than it already is.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    A large resource farm area, well stocked and which at first sight does not have great challenges and is not a contested area. An area where there is no reason to kill a gatherer because you can simply move a few meters away and farm averything you need. As a consequence, killing a player in this area could be punished as severely as possible.
    The reason to kill a Non-Combatant is that I'm in the mood to kill a Non-Combatant.
    If I were going to kill a Non-Combatant, I would probably do so with an alt whose entire purpose is to kill Non-Combatants (and gain as much Corruption as possible - especially if it is my Zombie alt).

    At some point, resources in this farm will become scarce due Gatherer activity and players striving to conserve resources due to the Land Management system may feel compelled to PK Gatherers who refuse to stop farming there.
    Those PKers should not be hit with extra Corruption just because they are focused on Land Management.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    Now let's take an area where there is a Boss or Mini-boss that respawns every 4 hours. Players are then automatically competing for this boss, which means that there will be PvP. I think it's normal that you can challenge a boss without receiving a massive amount of corruption, because you have a valid reason to kill another player.
    I am a cooperative player, rather than a competitive player.
    One of the things I currently love about WoW's World Events is that they are cooperative, rather than competitive - because I play on a PvE-Only server.
    For me, if there were going to be a spike in Corruption, it would be during events where everyone should be working together to defeat a world threat, rather than killing other would-be heroes due to greed.

    For me, I'd say potentially, your first scenario is the one that should result in less Corruption and your second scenario is the one that should result in more Corruption.
    But, truly, I feel we should just test what the devs already envision, instead of trying to add stuff to it prematurely.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    I am not a native so I am not sure how clear my explanation is.
    Way more clear than I could do in the non-English languages I can write.

  • Dygz wrote: »
    Myosotys wrote: »
    My proposal does not necessarily involve making life easier for those who are for open world PvP.
    I agree.I did not think that your proposal makes life easier for gamers who love PvP.
    It just adds more PvP opportunities. And makes the game even more PvP-centric than it already is.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    A large resource farm area, well stocked and which at first sight does not have great challenges and is not a contested area. An area where there is no reason to kill a gatherer because you can simply move a few meters away and farm averything you need. As a consequence, killing a player in this area could be punished as severely as possible.
    The reason to kill a Non-Combatant is that I'm in the mood to kill a Non-Combatant.
    If I were going to kill a Non-Combatant, I would probably do so with an alt whose entire purpose is to kill Non-Combatants (and gain as much Corruption as possible - especially if it is my Zombie alt).

    At some point, resources in this farm will become scarce due Gatherer activity and players striving to conserve resources due to the Land Management system may feel compelled to PK Gatherers who refuse to stop farming there.
    Those PKers should not be hit with extra Corruption just because they are focused on Land Management.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    Now let's take an area where there is a Boss or Mini-boss that respawns every 4 hours. Players are then automatically competing for this boss, which means that there will be PvP. I think it's normal that you can challenge a boss without receiving a massive amount of corruption, because you have a valid reason to kill another player.
    I am a cooperative player, rather than a competitive player.
    One of the things I currently love about WoW's World Events is that they are cooperative, rather than competitive - because I play on a PvE-Only server.
    For me, if there were going to be a spike in Corruption, it would be during events where everyone should be working together to defeat a world threat, rather than killing other would-be heroes due to greed.

    For me, I'd say potentially, your first scenario is the one that should result in less Corruption and your second scenario is the one that should result in more Corruption.
    But, truly, I feel we should just test what the devs already envision, instead of trying to add stuff to it prematurely.

    Myosotys wrote: »
    I am not a native so I am not sure how clear my explanation is.
    Way more clear than I could do in the non-English languages I can write.

    I think I am also cooperative, more than competitive as I am not fan of big ennemy guilds and I prefer to try to be friend with everyone. But one of the big difference between WOW and AOC is the loot system. If I understood right, in AOC, the mobs drop on the ground some items and the first who click on it will have the loots. So if you accept to cooperate with ennemy guilds to kill a boss, all the loots will be potentially lost.

    So you are kind in a dilemna : Getting the loots or getting corruption by killing green guys fighting the boss you are waiting for 5 hours.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited January 2023
    In an RPG, I'm striving to portray a hero - and true heroes should be focused on defeating threats - not gaining loot. Loot can be a nice reward for a good deed, sure.

    Even as a PKer, I would not be interested in gaining loot from Greens.
    Either, I feel the need to kill another player in order to protect the land.
    Or... I'm basically playing a Zombie that kills innocent people - and - in that scenario... I want my Zombie alt to gain as much Corruption as possible. Loot is irrelevant.

    In Ashes, mob drops are based on first tag and highest damage.
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