Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Suggestion for future testing feedback on the forums

LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited February 2023 in General Discussion
I'd like to give a suggestion to Intrepid

For future testing phases - besides the public threads you already have - during Alpha 2 testing, please have a specific archetype page let's say "Feedback for the Tank Archetype" and only allow access to users that have unlocked a tag because they have a max level tank in their account or X amount of hours playing a Tank

EDIT: just want to add a note that this tag thing does not matter and I'm not talking about having something to "show off" - if you can make it without using tags that's great, not the point here

I think it is very, very important that you know the players that are giving you feedback and you hear feedback from players that actually understand and know what they are talking about, maybe also send out surveys where you ask for the player's main role/race/profession when asking for feedback for those things as well

I have concerns that you end up taking the wrong perspective from the community by listening to a large portion of players that will ask for changes and give feedback on archetypes that they don't fully understand, and while I do believe everyone should be heard, I also think you should know a little bit better the background from whom you are taking feedback

This can also apply to professions and other specific subjects that you might want feedback from

It would also give us a space to discuss these topics with other players that we know are not just trolling or talking about things just because they think "it looks cool" ;)
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  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Definitely agree, but hope that we can get all those roles, cause I'm sure there'll be people who play enough to max out any and all ways of character progression (I will :) ).
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    So, you want to exclude the thousands who will watch the a2 streams from voicing opinions based on knowledge gained?
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    So, you want to exclude the thousands who will watch the a2 streams from voicing opinions based on knowledge gained?
    He did mention the public threads. But I do agree that hands-on experience is more valuable. And a ton of hours of that experience is even more valuable.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    So, you want to exclude the thousands who will watch the a2 streams from voicing opinions based on knowledge gained?

    If you can't read that's your problem
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  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited February 2023
    Liniker wrote: »

    If you can't read that's your problem

    Yes, I can read. Hence your problem. You request to have threads with access 101 for higher priority feedback and 'badges' to grant access. A little too top hat for my taste. I don't hold with caste systems. What about those people who have paid to test but do not have the time to reach your standards of hours played or completionist parameters. They would also be excluded from your club. We already have internal feedback - at least we did in A1 which should be enough.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    Yes, I can read. Hence your problem. You request to have threads with access 101 for higher priority feedback and 'badges' to grant access. A little too top hat for my taste. I don't hold with caste systems. What about those people who have paid to test but do not have the time to reach your standards of hours played or completionist parameters. They would also be excluded from your club. We already have internal feedback - at least we did in A1 which should be enough.

    I'm talking about having ways to KNOW who are the most dedicated players in one particular subject like archetypes, knowing who is giving feedback out of their own extensive experience and who is just talking about the looks

    thats why I also suggested surveys, you stuck on this "club" argument that isn't even the point

    when a player with +1000 hours played says "this skill sucks" and a player that never played that class say "this skill sucks" that can have 2 very different meanings

    I also don't know what's up with your "lets be inclusive" argument, has nothing to do with my point here, public threads and feedback should always be taken as well
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  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I see. Well, if I have 1000 hours on cleric and I can only give feedback on cleric I don't feel it is conducive to a good game. How can anyone suggest another class is op or underpowered if you can only comment on your specific designation?

    I feel the scope is too big to have limitations. I also feel the devs get a lot of feedback and the end results are improvements in most cases. I understand your desire to be with people with similar experiences but experience isn't linear. It can be beneficial to see all sides of the problem.
  • RoxiRoxi Member, Alpha Two
    Let's assume a situation with abstract test data of one archetype:
    1) In the first case, 10 people test the archetype in depth in the game and write a detailed review in detail, taking into account all the errors.
    2) In the second case, 1000 people, having looked at the reviews on the stream, after reading the description of the skill (and someone influenced by the opinion of their favorite streamer), will leave a review about the archetype in the same way.
    Also, this group of people can include an unscrupulous person who will benefit from weakening or making a low-quality change in this archetype due to the fact that the archetype of interest to him is inferior to the "tested" one.
    The question arises: "In which case the review will be more objective?".
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited February 2023
    There will be A2, B1 and B2 that will mitigate any streamers who try to change the parameters with a host of sheep.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Neurath wrote: »
    if I have 1000 hours on cleric and I can only give feedback on cleric I don't feel it is conducive to a good game. ?

    That's an 180 from what I was talking about, I 100% think you should be able to give feedback on anything you see / test - my suggestion was for a place / way for intrepid to be able to know where your feedback is coming from, not to limit any feedback at all.

    Having a place for people with hundreds of hours on a system to share their personal experiences while ALSO having a public space for everyone to share their experiences is in no way shape or form limiting anyone's feedback - if you do a proper job and make a report for both, highlighting the general public's input and the dedicated player's input seeing if they match or if there are differences and figuring out why that is the case.
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  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I've experienced the old surge of support from internal testers against the public backlash and also the reverse. I'm not sure which survives the major contact. The internal feedback is collated much like the external input. I'm not sure what has more weight in truth. All I'm aware of is the polarities and its not my remit to determine which polarity gets the last word in any given situation.
  • i would like to having acces to a wrinten recap descripting the class information: mechanics etc.
    sorry for my bad english, my native langage is french.
    AoC class wish:
  • SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »
    I'd like to give a suggestion to Intrepid

    For future testing phases - besides the public threads you already have - during Alpha 2 testing, please have a specific archetype page let's say "Feedback for the Tank Archetype" and only allow access to users that have unlocked a tag because they have a max level tank in their account or X amount of hours playing a Tank

    I think it is very, very important that you know the players that are giving you feedback and you hear feedback from players that actually understand and know what they are talking about, maybe also send out surveys where you ask for the player's main role/race/profession when asking for feedback for those things as well

    I have concerns that you end up taking the wrong perspective from the community by listening to a large portion of players that will ask for changes and give feedback on archetypes that they don't fully understand, and while I do believe everyone should be heard, I also think you should know a little bit better the background from whom you are taking feedback

    This can also apply to professions and other specific subjects that you might want feedback from

    It would also give us a space to discuss these topics with other players that we know are not just trolling or talking about things just because they think "it looks cool" ;)

    Nah, I'm not about this.

    I've been playing MMOs since 99 and been video gaming for 30+ years. I don't need a badge to prove anything to anybody.

    Especially when there are already players without any shred of integrity trying to gatekeep the genre and turn their class into godmode.

  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited February 2023
    Solvryn wrote: »
    I've been playing MMOs since 99 and been video gaming for 30+ years. I don't need a badge to prove anything to anybody.

    Especially when there are already players without any shred of integrity trying to gatekeep the genre and turn their class into godmode.

    Just want to point out that the badge and forum thing was literally just a suggestion on how to do it here - because that's how their forum access appears to work - only people with A1 tag can post on spot testing channels, but I absolutely don't care about something to "show off", I'm 100% for making this based on private surveys asking for the player's background and main role and that is my main point

    If there is a way to give you forum access to something like I was suggesting based on your player account stats without using badges or even if it has NDA or something, that's fine.
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  • SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Liniker wrote: »

    Just want to point out that the badge and forum thing was literally just a suggestion on how to do it here - because that's how their forum access appears to work - only people with A1 tag can post on spot testing channels, but I absolutely don't care about something to "show off", I'm 100% for making this based on private surveys asking for the player's background and main role and that is my main point

    If there is a way to give you forum access to something like I was suggesting based on your player account stats without using badges or even if it has NDA or something, that's fine.

    I think we'd be better off starting an AoC data discord community for those of us nerds who are going to hard test the game.

  • VargosVargos Member, Alpha Two
    Regarding feedback from people who watch streams, it's a rather controversial issue. On the one hand, they also have their own opinions. But at the same time, in most cases, they will rely on the opinion of the blogger they are watching. Therefore, their feedback cannot be considered objective.

    That's why there can be both public threads for those who want to suggest concepts, express their wishes, and separate threads for those who test mechanics and provide detailed feedback based on real experience. And yes, it would be great if it is confirmed that you have enough hours on a particular class or have structured information about testing a specific class.

    But you can also divide the thread into two. The first one is for feedback on tests and mechanics from those who play "class 1" directly with confirmation. The second one is for feedback from players of "class 2" and their opinions on "class 1".

  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I assume the internal feedback has information stamps at the time the reports are entered. If not, I guess we have to rely on the forums/discord for more detailed feedback.
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