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Ideas for an ideal CHAT

MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
edited April 2022 in General Discussion
What would be your ideal chat?
How important do you think Chat will be for the sociability of AoC?
What things should or shouldn't it have?
How important is the chat for you?
The chat should have the option to be editable like CC?

What ideas under your experience in MMOs would make a chat the "ideal chat"?


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    As a Lineage 2 simp, I find its chat amazing. Simplistic yet editable. Obviously just give players as many options to customize it as possible. Make it the Winamp of mmo chats!
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    MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
    edited April 2022
    Some examples of other MMOs
    wow CHAT
    Gw2 CHAT
    nw CHAT
    bdo CHAT
    Lineage 2 CHAT
    Atlantica Online CHAT
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    DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I usually ignore in-game chat.
    I'm typically in voice chat and monitoring social media, like twitter, or following someone's twitch chat.
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    Total channel display / filters. Also, the option to hide it entirely from the UI.
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    Good topic. I find that some games just seem to do things wrong to take away the ease of immersion with guild chat.

    WoW chat has always honestly been pretty solid for me. Things I liked about it:

    - There wasn't so much "spam" in the main default channel. It really was just /say, /general,/trade. It was clean. /yell as well for a larger local radius.
    - -Say was default, made a chat bubble so you could see chat messages ON the person you are talking to. It's intuitive. All games should have this. Why don't you??
    - colours were decent by default. Green for guild stood out, as did the purple whispers.

    To give an example of bad chat design:

    - Lost Ark's *default* chat is horrendous. All chat is in one tab, and the amount of channels, spam of loot pickup, currency, items etc. guild whispers all in one, it's impossible. By *default* chat should be friendly.
    - One thing they did WELL - is customisability. I picked it up quickly, but it's just not intuitive. It should be easy and foster easy communication at different levels.
    - I like toggle-able notifications for tab i.e "flashing" when a message is received.

    i think that /say /party /whisper /guild /raid should all have chat bubbles, these should also be optional toggles in the options, but turned on by default. The bubbles should be colour coded the same way as the text.

    These are my main likes and gripes - i think just make chat INTUITIVE, clean by default but customisable. Chat bubbles imo add immersion as I can type and follow a local conversation without looking to the chat window and I like that.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Dygz wrote: »
    I usually ignore in-game chat.
    That's just because no one wants to talk to you.
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    CROW3CROW3 Member
    Noaani wrote: »
    Dygz wrote: »
    I usually ignore in-game chat.
    That's just because no one wants to talk to you.

    Hm. I would.
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    tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I prefer written chat to voice chat since I can read much faster than people can talk.
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    SylvanarSylvanar Member
    edited April 2022
    Like AidenKD said, WoW chat is pretty solid. If we want we can have separate bubbles for any chat we want, else they stay in default chat and combat log is in a separate channel if AoC wants to make that available. Not to mention we get notification for whispers, and can modify the size and location of the chat bubble to anywhere on the screen. Not to mention tons of other customizing options provided as well.

    I would prefer proximity/party based voice chat as well but its not a necessary feature as discord and other such options are available.
    "Suffer in silence"
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    I really dislike New Worlds chat...

    World of Warcraft chat was good. I liked being able to have the different channels in a different window/tab.

    which also makes me wonder/hope. is the HUD going to be movable in AoC? hm... gotta look up the supported graphics info....
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    Ideal chat = No censorship

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    VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Great question and topic, @MybroViajero !

    Personally, I love WoW's chatbox. I believe I use an addon that hides it when not in use which makes it a little dynamic, but I think it's a great tool for communication and serves its purpose very well. I especially liked when they added class colors to the chatbox! It's cool seeing the visual examples that @MybroViajero provided of some other MMORPGs that I am both familiar and unfamiliar with!

    I'm certainly curious to read more about what everyone thinks is best for Ashes of Creation!
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    Ideal chat = No censorship


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    CawwCaww Member
    Chat windows are chat windows and no matter what formats are used it's ultimately some player that abuses the open format and there are very few ways to weed out people determined to cause disruption.
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    MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
    edited April 2022
    AidanKD wrote: »
    Good topic. I find that some games just seem to do things wrong to take away the ease of immersion with guild chat.

    WoW chat has always honestly been pretty solid for me. Things I liked about it:

    - There wasn't so much "spam" in the main default channel. It really was just /say, /general,/trade. It was clean. /yell as well for a larger local radius.
    - -Say was default, made a chat bubble so you could see chat messages ON the person you are talking to. It's intuitive. All games should have this. Why don't you??
    - colours were decent by default. Green for guild stood out, as did the purple whispers.

    To give an example of bad chat design:

    - Lost Ark's *default* chat is horrendous. All chat is in one tab, and the amount of channels, spam of loot pickup, currency, items etc. guild whispers all in one, it's impossible. By *default* chat should be friendly.
    - One thing they did WELL - is customisability. I picked it up quickly, but it's just not intuitive. It should be easy and foster easy communication at different levels.
    - I like toggle-able notifications for tab i.e "flashing" when a message is received.

    i think that /say /party /whisper /guild /raid should all have chat bubbles, these should also be optional toggles in the options, but turned on by default. The bubbles should be colour coded the same way as the text.

    These are my main likes and gripes - i think just make chat INTUITIVE, clean by default but customisable. Chat bubbles imo add immersion as I can type and follow a local conversation without looking to the chat window and I like that.

    Definitely WOW chat is a reference but I think it is mostly because of the ADDONS and the UI work, I wonder if in AoC the UI can be used in the same way.
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    What would be your ideal chat?
    What things should or shouldn't it have?
    How important is the chat for you?
    Should the chat have the option to be editable?

    What ideas under your experience in MMOs would make a chat the "ideal chat"?

    My ideal chat: I guess it would have to be a chat about something interesting, or maybe something funny. Or both interesting and funny. Also, chatting with somebody that has some personality and is easily understandable. It's hard to chat if you're struggling to work out what someone's saying.

    How important: Chatting isn't specifically important to me, cos I don't really like people much or at all, but sometimes it's an acceptable way to pass the time.

    Editable: Ohhhhhh. I may have misunderstood this topic......
    This link may help you:

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    fabulafabula Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Since AoC will not have an automatic party finder system I assume the chat will be very important in order to gather people for group content. My hope is they take the best things that worked and were useful in other games, try them out and modify/improve as necessary.

    Things that are a must have is the ability to add tabs, filter content and change the text color. The ability to create channels and be able to moderate them would be nice ho have if it doesn't undermine another part of the game.

    The main thing I want is for the chat to be good enough so that you are not required to have some other program such as discord that functions as the game's defacto chat system.
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    If I would have a choice, I would prerfer the chatsystem of Anarchy Online.
    You can have as many chat-windows as you want and you can write in every chat seperately,
    without continuesly changing the channel-prefix ... Also every single chat contains filters and
    chatcolour can be adjusted at will ...

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    Definitely WOW chat is a reference but I think it is mostly because of the ADDONS and the UI work, I wonder if in AoC the UI can be used in the same way.

    There are some great addons absolutely. But I never used addons for chat and really was referencing the default experience. I guess it's a testament to the fact that I *personally* never needed them for it to be functional and easy to use for me.
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    Ideal chat = No censorship


    I hate it when the profanity filter isn't a toggle. Especially for asian games, they have the (seemingly) most random filter rules. It should be up to the player to decide whether they want to have their chat censored or not.

    Other than that, I expect custom options for the chat (tabs, channel colors, timestamp, size, sound notification for private messages, etc...), the usual.
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    MybroViajeroMybroViajero Member
    edited April 2022
    fabula wrote: »
    Since AoC will not have an automatic party finder system I assume the chat will be very important in order to gather people for group content. My hope is they take the best things that worked and were useful in other games, try them out and modify/improve as necessary.

    Things that are a must have is the ability to add tabs, filter content and change the text color. The ability to create channels and be able to moderate them would be nice ho have if it doesn't undermine another part of the game.

    The main thing I want is for the chat to be good enough so that you are not required to have some other program such as discord that functions as the game's defacto chat system.

    The importance of a good chat for the sociability of an MMO with very sociable goals.
    Yes, it should definitely be that way.
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    ZahieZahie Member
    I want to be able to customize the chat window with show/hide option, opacity slider, size, adding as many customizable tabs as I want, mute options for /channels, font color, font size and an on/off option if there's gonna be a profanity filter.

    I want it clean and organized and tabs that notify when there is unread chats.
    I like how Guild Wars 2 did with their chat-tabs.
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    Ideal chat = No censorship


    Although it has its problems too but if Intrepid handles the rules well I think a chat without censorship would be good.
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    IustinusShivaIustinusShiva Member
    edited May 18
    Best chat is no chat.
    But by the time ashes comes out GPT omni will probably be able to watch chat for me and tell me if anything interesting is happening....
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    DepravedDepraved Member
    Best chat is no chat.
    But by the time ashes comes out GPT omni will probably be able to watch chat for me and tell me if anything interesting is happening....

    best chat is chat :disappointed:
    wait, r u saying r u gonna bot? T_T
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Best chat is 2 year old chat.
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    LaetitianLaetitian Member
    edited May 20
    Welp, since it's already necro'd, maybe someone sees this:

    In simple games, I love that the default setting is that when I click into a private chat window with someone, or my clan chat, node chat, or regional chat, I only see messages from those chats, and pressing enter or clicking into my chat window automatically only types into those chat windows (unless I start my message with a / command.)

    That's not to say that I'm against customisability. If you want your default chat messages to always go into the same place you've most recently been talking in, regardless of which chat tab you're looking at, and if you want all private messages with individual people to be visible from a single tab, or any other mixed groups, you should be able to do that.

    I just don't want that customisation to sacrifice my ability to reply to what I'm looking at without thinking around corners. Let me have automatic new tabs for every new person I talk to, and automatic replies to every distinct chat group I have open in my current chat tab.

    It's the simplest, and least error-prone setting; personally I think it should be the default, but if not, then it should at least be easy to set it up. (It should honestly be as easy as a single "Distinct chat tabs for every conversation group" check box that overrides most other chat settings if you enable it.)
    Has anyone else noticed the tendency for users with animal icons to swoop in and comment on the OP without acknowledging any of the discussion that has been going on so far?
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    HeljyHeljy Member
    Personally, the shape of the chat does not matter to me, except that it must be ergonomic and discreet. As said above, the latest iterations of WoW chat is very good in my opinion.

    That said, I think the question is on the channel side. Should there be a Global? Regional? Commercial, etc.

    Definitely I think that local canals by region and cities are essential. These are the ones you use when looking for help quickly where you are.

    However, I am absolutely against the global channel. I find that just like teleportation, it destroys the notion of space and distance in the game. In fact, it is usually used for two things: recruiting (guilds or groups) or trading. As such dedicated systems or channels would seem much more relevant. Besides, why not have a board advertising system for guild recruitment?

    As for the vocal of proximity, I wonder about the interest in the open world. Already for the language: if speaking English in writing poses few problems to most players (and still) speaking it orally requires a much better level. Then if in a game like Rust I find the vocal essential to immersion, I find on the contrary that it is harmful in a medieval fantasy setting. Hearing a dwarf speak rough English (or not) and music in the background doesn’t sound very fantasy in my opinion. So why not limit it to PVP events, friction zones (Carfin for example), taverns, etc. ?
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    PyrololPyrolol Member
    edited May 20
    You don’t even need addons for the inbuilt default WoW chat, they made it pretty customisable enough to make it to your style
    Class colours, guild chat, trade chat, size and font etc

    EDIT: I personally still am using the default one that i started off with back in ‘07
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