Designing the Rogue to be less about stealth

NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
edited June 16 in General Discussion
I really don't want stealth to be the primary mechanic for rogues, nor their defining class identity. I think it cheapens the class and makes for a very myopic style of gameplay. By stealth, I mean going invisible or nearly invisible with the click of a button.

I would like to see rogues be useful and desired in group and raid play in both PvE and PvP because of their main class identity and primary skills, and stealth isn't it. I don't want it to be just for high DPS either, because then other classes can fill that role as well. It should be something rogues do better than anyone else, that isn't stealth or DPS.

A rogue is typically a dishonest, knavish, mischievous, or unprincipled person. A scoundrel. It can also mean someone who is aberrant or unpredictable.

Rogues can be dirty fighters and tricksters, using smoke bombs, flashbangs, or throwing sand in their enemies' eyes. They can focus on poisons and bleeding their targets by hitting arteries. They can focus on speed and agility or on slowing and hindering enemies with debilitating debuffs. They can disarm traps and find hidden doors and other utility skills.

I'm not saying rogues should have zero stealth, but it should be one of several tools, only situationally useful, and definitely not allow complete invisibility for more than a few seconds at a time, whether as a getaway tool or as a gap-closing mechanic against an unsuspecting target.

Here are some examples of interesting rogues from other games relevant to Ashes, like D&D and Pathfinder:
  1. Swashbuckler: A charismatic and flashy combatant who excels in one-on-one duels and acrobatics, emphasizing mobility and melee combat prowess rather than stealth.
  2. Arcane Trickster: Blends rogue abilities with spellcasting, using illusion and enchantment magic to deceive and manipulate rather than relying solely on stealth.
  3. Knife Master: Excels in close combat, dealing devastating damage with chosen weapons rather than focusing on stealth, emphasizing skill with knives and precision strikes.
  4. Eldritch Scoundrel: Combines rogue skills with arcane spellcasting, using magic to enhance their abilities and gain an edge in combat, focusing on using spells to support rogue activities.
  5. Dungeon Delver: A prestige class focusing on exploration and trap-finding, making rogues experts in navigating and surviving dangerous environments without necessarily relying on stealth.
  6. Artful Dodger: Emphasizes charisma and agility, focusing on outmaneuvering opponents and avoiding damage rather than traditional stealth tactics.

In single-player games or pen & paper RPGs, stealth can be amazing for fun gameplay and problem-solving. However, MMORPGs are generally very combat-oriented when it comes to solving problems or conflicts. Especially for group PvE content, stealth is often not super useful.

In DAoC, rogue-style classes had strong invisibility and were often not part of regular groups because so much relied on attacking from stealth. Instead, they often ran around in their own stealth groups and had an almost separate gameplay loop, fighting other stealthers at the milegates and such.

Rogues in WoW have permanent invisibility too, but the only reason they are generally wanted in groups and raids is their high DPS when specced for it, not for their stealth.

There are many more games with examples, but this post is already long enough. :smile:

I know some of you love stealth and being able to just go around creeping on everyone else. I enjoy it as well at times, but I have yet to see an MMORPG where a strong stealth mechanic improves the overall game more than it detracts from it.


  • XeegXeeg Member
    edited June 16
    This is a pretty good point.

    In a game where "risk vs reward" is the main pillar, perma stealth eliminates alot of risk. Hard for the game devs to balance around.

    Activated/time limited stealth is likely a better option overall.
  • Ugh, I hate twitch even more now for banning me, cause Rogues were definitely one of the L2 lessons I wanted to do, cause L2 had a nice take on them (imo of course), which had pretty much all the mechanics you mentioned and full invis was only for 30s with a 1 min cd (if not longer, I forget).

    I'll try making myself make a video for it, after making myself make the Bard lesson :D
  • id like rogues to have full stealth so you cant be seen and put a time limit on how long you are stealthed for and then it auto drops stealth that way you cant just sit somewhere and wait
    have perma stealth time but not full stealth, that way you can sit somewhere in ambush but its gonna be somewhat noticeable / obvious theres a rogue sitting there.

    WoW's full stealth but when close become visible mechanic is good in theory but 90% of the time its that iffy you can have a rogue near you and it wont detect em anyway
  • VyrilVyril Member
    Simple hot take.

    Rogues should not get permanent stealth.
  • Vyril wrote: »
    Simple hot take.

    Rogues should not get permanent stealth.
    Ice is warmer than this take. Hell, space is warmer :D
  • tautautautau Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    OP, This is a very good post!

    Well said, thanks.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    Agree. My baseline for rogues is 2nd Edition AD&D - Thief’s Handbook. There are a number of kits (aka specs) that are non-stealth versions of approaching combat. One, the Thug, has a more a fighter feel than a rogue feel, but a broader spectrum of dirty tricks to gain advantages in a fight.

    My hope is that Ashes has more options for rogue-minded players to solve problems beyond invis stabby stabby.

    That said, I’m 100% in favor of perma stealth for rogues, as long as it’s an investment and a choice, instead of a gimme.
  • PercimesPercimes Member
    edited June 16
    Agreed. When most of the gameplay / abilities of a class rely on stealth, stealth itself must be reliable enough for the class to be playable. And then balancing it becomes harder... Other classes must be given ways to see through it or break it. Same with mobs or else the stealther can go anywhere...
    Vyril wrote: »
    Simple hot take.

    Rogues should not get permanent stealth.

    I've played characters with limited time for stealth. Jedi Sentinel in SWTOR and Witch Hunter in WAR. Worked well in both games. If I remember right, in both cases it was a fixed max time in stealth that would break if you attacked. AoC could do the same, or have stealth constantly draining mana, thus forcing the player to balance invisibility time with combat resource.
    Be bold. Be brave. Roll a Tulnar !
  • DepravedDepraved Member
    NiKr wrote: »
    Ugh, I hate twitch even more now for banning me, cause Rogues were definitely one of the L2 lessons I wanted to do, cause L2 had a nice take on them (imo of course), which had pretty much all the mechanics you mentioned and full invis was only for 30s with a 1 min cd (if not longer, I forget).

    I'll try making myself make a video for it, after making myself make the Bard lesson :D

    why did twitch ban you?
    a specific channel or the whole website?
  • Depraved wrote: »
    why did twitch ban you?
    a specific channel or the whole website?
    The reasoning is my "racist nickname". I think someone just reported me and twitch's bot auto-banned. Happened once before, but years ago. Got that ban repealed, so hopefully will get this one repealed as well, but I might have to change my name after all, cause it'll be annoying trying to dodge this shit every time some dumbass american thinks I'm a racist, simply because my nickname sounds like another word.

    USA owning internet's culture has been a curse upon this world.
  • Nerror wrote: »
    A rogue is typically a dishonest, knavish, mischievous, or unprincipled person. A scoundrel. It can also mean someone who is aberrant or unpredictable.

    YES! I've tried to make this point before. I think it should be more of a CC-archetype, rather than a Hidey-Hidey archetype.
    This link may help you:

  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    daveywavey wrote: »
    Nerror wrote: »
    A rogue is typically a dishonest, knavish, mischievous, or unprincipled person. A scoundrel. It can also mean someone who is aberrant or unpredictable.

    YES! I've tried to make this point before. I think it should be more of a CC-archetype, rather than a Hidey-Hidey archetype.

    Yeah, heavy on the CC or debuff is my hope too.
  • HasilHasil Member, Settler, Kickstarter
    The stealth they have showcased for the rogue is a predator-style shimmer, which I think would be really cool. Personally I'm fine with invisibility as a class-defining characteristic, along with other things -- I love scouting :)

    Hopefully the shimmer is more effective in certain weather and light conditions, or against certain backgrounds, giving near total invisibility there. Or hopefully you shimmer while moving and are totally invisible when holding still.
  • Hasil wrote: »
    The stealth they have showcased for the rogue is a predator-style shimmer, which I think would be really cool.
    That's ranger's camo, not rogue's stealth.
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    All of those examples D&D examples, I would have Stealth maxed. And play a Small race to get bonuses to Stealth.
    Hide In Plain Sight: A Rogue with this talent can select a single terrain from the ranger's favored terrain list. She is a master at hiding in that terrain, and while within that terrain, she can use the Stealth skill to hide, even while being observed.
  • Dygz wrote: »
    All of those examples D&D examples, I would have Stealth maxed. And play a Small race to get bonuses to Stealth.
    Hide In Plain Sight: A Rogue with this talent can select a single terrain from the ranger's favored terrain list. She is a master at hiding in that terrain, and while within that terrain, she can use the Stealth skill to hide, even while being observed.
    Live footage of Dygz, but sadly you don't see him in the picture because
  • CROW3CROW3 Member
    This is before Move Silently and Hide in Shadows were squished together into ‘stealth’. So the kits reflected a little more nuance.
  • HeartbeatHeartbeat Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Since we have the primary and secondary archetypes that make up your class, with the secondary being able to be changed, I imagine there will be some type of rogues that focus a lot on stealth and others that don't at all.
  • LineagerLineager Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    This is such a topic that it is non-Rogues who will be against perma stealth, but Rogues will be FOR perma stealth.
  • LineagerLineager Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    And I hope the developers won’t hear you and we’ll get perma stealth :D
  • HasilHasil Member, Settler, Kickstarter
    edited June 17
    NiKr wrote: »
    Hasil wrote: »
    The stealth they have showcased for the rogue is a predator-style shimmer, which I think would be really cool.
    That's ranger's camo, not rogue's stealth.

    EDIT: I think it's confusion from videos, I see what you are saying based on the Wiki:

    Bottom line I guess it does look like the rogue has true invisibility -- and I think that's fine if implemented well.

    My confusion stems from videos with the shimmering called "rogue" videos:
  • Hasil wrote: »
    My confusion stems from videos with the shimmering called "rogue" videos:
    One is from 3 years ago, another from 7. Wiki is the only direct source of dev quotes, so don't rely on random videos from the past. Look up stuff on the wiki, follow the quote links there to get proper context and then build your knowledge on that, with a bit of space left for the everpresent "everything is subject to change".
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I think in those vids, the Predator is using Ranger Camo which is likely part of a Ranger Augment School.
    Also, I think Camo is the only Stealth that has been demoed so far.
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited June 17
    The predator style stealth was present in Apocalypse:

    In APOC it was also a timed thing with cooldown, as you can see. What the current plan for Rogue stealth is is anyone's guess (who aren't in Intrepid), of course.

    Back in APOC it was also true stealth in the sense that visibility didn't change based on proximity like camouflage does, I think, but it was obviously a little visible.
  • Hasil wrote: »
    My confusion stems from videos with the shimmering called "rogue" videos:

    Just bear in mind that those aren't official videos, and may not be giving correct info.
    This link may help you:

  • VeeshanVeeshan Member
    Vyril wrote: »
    Simple hot take.

    Rogues should not get permanent stealth.

    tbh the only one tjhat should have perma stealth would be like rogue/rogue archtype the rest should never have perma stealth, this would atleast give an option for perma stealth however it shouldnt be true stealth there should be hint somone there be it grass/plants moving based on player movement and so on
  • DygzDygz Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    As long as Invisibility/Stealth is a Rogue Active Skill, it doesn't necessarily have to be "permanent".
  • KingDDDKingDDD Member
    I don't mind perma stealth as long as you have to give up control/damage to get it and there are counters for it. For all it's faults Crowfalls stealth was alright it just needed refinement.
  • flameh0tflameh0t Member, Braver of Worlds
    Yeah nah,

    I'd like to pitch the opposite of everything OP said. Give me permastealth.
  • Limit404Limit404 Member
    In every game i ever played that had full stealth in it, it felt terrible to play against. I would say give it a strong blur / distortion rather than full stealth. In war, it will still nearly act as full stealth because your eyes are drawn to movement and "action" making you lose track of the rogue fairly easy if there is other movements on the screen but it rewards attentive players who can keep track of the rogue. not to mention that a strong blur can also incentivice some smarter gameplay with the enviroment like bushes to make it harder to be followed.

    full on invisibility like WoW rogues just feels.
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