Next Livestream + Q&A Submission - Friday, August 30, 2024 at 11am Pacific



  • Any chance we could get a freeform text field for a short backstory on the character sheet? Something which could get read by other players? Just a small flavour RP thing.
  • Heilmichma wrote: »
    Can I also give my feedback in German in the Alpha 2 ? Because my English is not the best.
    In my past experience if you keep your sentence not too long or complex, then Google Translate and similar solution deal quite well with a lot of European languages.
  • NyceGaming wrote: »
    Are you willing to change the tank archetype name for the community if I give you $3.50?
    They should rename Tank to Dreadnought, the current Dreadnought to Vanguard and be done with it :D
  • OtrOtr Member
    If people will want Battlepasses, will you make them?
  • Are alpha/beta tester rewards and cosmetics still on the table?
  • GrilledCheeseMojitoGrilledCheeseMojito Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Is the Tank's positional protection skill intended to also protect from aerial attacks like the Ranger's Air Strike?
    Grilled cheese always tastes better when you eat it together!
  • TopTop Member
    How long do you estimate it takes to reach max level in A2?
    Will you provide level booster and gear to make the testing easier?
  • TryolTryol Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 28
    During the roadmap livestream it was said that we can expect everything that's planned for P3 to be in game within the first few months after May 1st. Considering the huge scope of the items listed for P3, is this really the intended plan, or was the estimate just miscommunication?
  • Miguel_DMiguel_D Member
    edited August 28
    • How will you address the issue of gold farming and selling by external companies? This practice severely disrupts the in-game economy, which will be a crucial aspect of Ashes of Creation. It’s a significant challenge that many MMOs have struggled to effectively combat.
  • GodfatherRaguGodfatherRagu Member
    edited August 28
    What will the player limit be, per server, for the Alpha tests?
  • GrandSerpentGrandSerpent Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Is the plan still to have different physical damage types, such as slashing, piercing, and blunt?
  • Ayeveegaming1Ayeveegaming1 Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited August 28
    I understand it take 5 people to make a guild. However, AFTER you make the guild can you DROP DOWN to below 5 members? This is in the interest of making a RP guild mainly. Secondary question to follow up: Has there been any discussion on RP Guild Tags?
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Hello again, glorious Ashes of Creation community!

    Thank you to everyone who stopped by and shared a question with us for this month’s stream. Q&A submissions are now closed, and we’ll see you at 11AM Pacific on Friday for our livestream!
  • Fishing will be in the alpha, but will it have the sports fishing from Archeage or are we just clickin a gathering point for now?
    Commissioned at
  • How are you making sure tanks have a role in other places than big bosses, so metagame will not be kiting/cc for 90% of the content?
  • My question is about the Shrines that can be placed in Freeholds. I would like to know if the information we have so far remains the same, such as how to allocate it in a Freehold, whether it would take up a Freehold slot, and if it will still be an essential building for competing in the Religion Ranking. I would also like to know if the Shrines would serve as a sort of quick access to religion-related options or if it would simply be something to provide advantages in the Ranking competition.
    Recrutamento aberto - Nosso Site: Clique aqui
  • AvanoAvano Member
  • Shouldn't any node without a village be a lawless zone, logically?
  • FrancisJamesFrancisJames Member
    edited August 29
    There have been studies showing that human beings have evolved to maintain a maximum of 130 personal relationships at one time. We already have a 300-person guild limit and people are asking for it to be higher. I suggest that anything above 100 is too much. Not just for the reason I already mentioned, but also smaller guilds would make the likelihood of this game lasting and having more people that want to play. You are going to loose so many players by having huge guilds on a server. At 100 max and 4 alliances, that is plenty large and makes a more dynamic and changing world. When you make a game for larger and larger guilds, you get all those in those large guilds more enthusiastic to play but you loose far far far more people than you gain.
  • AdestraAdestra Member, Founder, Kickstarter
  • nranra Member
    edited August 30
    In "WoW-speech" how exactly does the PvP "tagging" work in this game?

    Are other players "friendly" (green) generally, "neutral" (yellow) if THEY have tagged for PvP (not hit by my AoEs), "aggressive" (red) when they attack me (and hit by my AoE) etc?

    Like paint the picture where I am sat farming mushroom-boi's and other players come in and out.
    Will I need to be careful with my AoE?
  • Recently there was a lot of discussion in the community on the forums, and on social media regarding how 64 classes are going to work in AoC. There are some concerns regarding how mainly passive secondary archetype augments are going to allow for unique class feel and playstyle. After all both computer and paper role playing games dictate some expectations regarding what a class is, and what specific traditional classes are capable of: for example paladin's active healing ability, such as Lay on Hands. Is the character progression going to allow for creativity in addressing those class fantasies?

    For example: Am I going to be able to create a cleric class which focuses on staying in melee combat to take advantage of synergies between doing melee damage and lets say close quarters heals?
  • I asked that question under August 16 livestream, forgetting it was not Q&A.
    "I have a question regarding Tulnar character creation. It was said that tulnar may have humanoid, replitilian and mammalian characteristics. But will it be possible for one character to have traits of multiple origins?
    (ex. have both mammalian and reptilian features)"
  • reiksterreikster Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Apologies if I've missed any discussion of respeccing Abilities, Passives, and Secondary Archetypes. I imagine in the final game there may be a notable cost and some things may not be possible. I'm wondering if during Alpha (and Beta when more Secondaries are live) if there might be a mechanism for easier respeccing to facilitate wider testing. It could be useful if this is available for professions and crafting too if there is any limit on number or mutual exclusivity of professions.
  • VaknarVaknar Moderator, Member, Staff
    Greetings everyone - thank you so much again for sharing your questions with us, and for tuning in for today's livestream! In case you didn't hear us cover your question on the stream, it may be because we've shared an answer previously - check out more on that below!

    As a reminder to everyone, you can find the answers to many of your questions here, on the community wiki!

    @Aika (question), @ChaosFactor (question), @Thalagos (question 1, 2), @MajorGeraldX (question), @Ace1234 (question), @Soluna (question), @Top (question), @Ravicus (question 1, 2) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please try to make it more clear and direct if possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!

    @Tenguru (question), @Lashing (question), @Tyranthraxus (question), @Castai (question), @Otr (question), @NyceGaming (question), @momoji (question), @Vyril (question), @RowniSciponi (question) - Your questions were ones we hoped to have gotten to on stream but didn't quite have the time. We'd love it if you come by next month for the next development update livestream to ask them again! :)

    @Roubi (question), @Garren (question), @Hjerim (question), @Warth (question), @Hevel (question) @Veil Mistwarden (question), @Mylji (question), @Ludullu_(NiKr) (question), @SkylarckTheBotanist (question), @Shabooey (question) - Congratulations! Your questions were answered by Steven and Margaret on the livestream! Be sure to check out the VoD on YouTube in case you missed it live! :)

    @SonicXplosion (question) - The goal is for the game to be feature complete by the end of Alpha Two Phase 3 ;)

    @Tawni (question) - Because we won't be supporting addons, QoL improvements and updates are important to us. We look forward to hearing all of the feedback during Alpha Two that will help us make informed decisions <3

    @Doozer (question) - Castle nodes cannot exceed stage 3 (Village). Castle nodes are always military node types. You can learn more about Nodes here, on the wiki -

    @TamToucan (question) - We currently don't have any plans for this functionality <3

    @Destroyer1724 (question) - Our current plans on regions can be found here:

    @PlasticLemons (question) - Yes! For example, Switching weapons is possible while in combat but armor cannot be swapped while in combat. You can read more about this here, on the wiki -

    @Texas (question) - Weather conditions affect mob spawning, side quests, gatherables, vehicles, mounts, ships, resistances, targeting, and boss mechanics. Access to dungeons and raids may also be hindered or blocked by changes in climate. It was later stated that loot tables will likely not be affected by weather conditions. You can read all about this here, on the wiki -

    @Crowigor (question) - The goal is for open-world sieges. There may be instanced locations within otherwise open-world castle and node sieges, where specific groups can participate in small, short-duration objective-based battles that will affect the overall outcome of the siege. You can read all about this here, on the wiki -

    @Liz_Vermillion (question) - The map of Verra on the wiki is for Ashes of Creation, and not Apocalypse <3

    @Kiblog (question) - The goal is for players to be able to interact with the Character Creator, even if there is a queue or if a realm is full.

    @soukeyt (question) - Our team is always growing, and is working very hard on getting Alpha Two into the hands of our testers! :)

    @Heavy_ (question) - Our First Wave Bundle will allow access to our Alpha Two test, starting Friday, November 8, 2024, continuing to subsequent test phases!

    @Skkorn (question), @Dimitraeos (question) - Ashes of Creation is a PvX game. Players will naturally encounter both PvP and PvE elements. It is unlikely that a player could purely focus on just PvP or just PvE. You can read more about our design perspective on this subject here, on the wiki -

    @Heilmichma (question) - We don't plan on having official German support for Alpha Two, but we can do our best <3

    @Sandies (question) - There are many ways to progress your character to make them more powerful, and better in dungeons. You can learn about gear, how to acquire it, improve it, and gear progression here, on the wiki -

    @Falkath (question) - There may be some quests, or aspects of nodes that are altered before launch. The goal is for the game to be feature-complete for launch!

    @Nyronke (question) - That is the goal! You can read all about seasons here, on the wiki -

    @SpeznasTachanka (question) - You are correct! For now, this will be temporary for those zones for testing while they're being fleshed out with content. Once that happens, they won't be "lawless" anymore. This is an idea we're testing to expand upon with the Open Seas. You can read about that here, on the wiki -

    @Lithion (question) - This is not planned for testing. However, realm wipes during testing may provide opportunities to re-roll as new race/archetype combos! <3

    @Sometimesmiles (question) - The plan is for archetype/classes to get utility skills. These skills will help them navigate the world and obstacles <3 You can read about utility skills here, on the wiki -

    @ariatras (question) - Sure! This is done through the Essence, a metaphysical energy or life force that can be manipulated to create what could be viewed as magic. You can read all about the Essence here, on the wiki -

    @consultant (question) - Game balance in Ashes of Creation is a group focused not based on 1v1 combat. You can read about our philosophy on game balance here, on the wiki -

    @TehOwn (question) - There will still be ways for you to play! You can read about solo play here, and casual play here, on the wiki!

    @Imonin (question) - You can read all about death penalties here, on the wiki -

    @Blashperian (question) - You can read all about damage types here, on the wiki - :)

    @Zeterium (question) - We don't have a plan for this at this time <3

    @Flanker (question) - We're always open to listening to feedback from players! Feedback helps us make informed decisions, which we are open to doing <3

    @Gimpg (question) - Dual wielding will be permitted for selected one-handed weapons, such as Daggers, Maces, and Swords. Dual weapons are treated as single items that when equipped will occupy both main and off-hand gear slots. A specific recipe will include previously completed one-handed weapons that are intended to be dual-wielded. All dual weapons use the same weapon skill tree. You can read more about this here, on the wiki -

    @pyreal (question) So glad you enjoyed the cosmetics! Ashes of Creation will have a cosmetics shop. We'll have more info on that further into testing <3

    @Magtah (question) - Yes :)

    @orange_state (question), @SongRune (question) - The team feels confident in their ability to pull this off, and through playtesting we're iterating and improving on the results! Opening up testing to Alpha Two will help us not only improve the tech but also show it off <3

    @Drukthar (question) - The team is hard at work on producing some cool Ashes of Creation merch! Steven has displayed some prototypes, but we'll have a merch store to reveal in some time <3

    @NinjaAce (question) - In the same ways one might feel that accomplishment in any MMORPG! For those who have shorter play sessions, they may feel a sense of accomplishment with crafting, or completing a few commissions, quests, or events! <3

    @BiggMacK (question) - We haven't announced any plans for this at this time <3

    @Ozijak (question) - We're hoping that some of Bear's music will be present in Alpha Two! \o/

    @YeXiu (question) - Team team has taken the lessons learned from Alpha One and carried them to Alpha Two! But now new and improved with UE5 tech :)

    @RocketFarmer (question) - Many lessons have been learned over the last few years! As with any new game studio, there are some growing pains. We're taking what we've learned over the past few years and implementing it into A2! :)

    @BRAD_AoC (question), @Rippley (question) - The combination of primary and secondary archetypes is referred to as a class. The secondary archetype does not provide additional skills. The player can then augment their primary skills with effects from their secondary archetype. When thinking about how augments work, they represent the core function of the archetype that you're then getting augment schools for. You can read more about this here, on the wiki -

    @SunnyRavencourt (question) - Players will be able to wager in-game currency against other players. The answer to this question and many more can be found here, on the wiki -

    @Undead Canuck (question) - Ofc ;)

    @Kargone (question) - Corrupted players may kill bounty hunters without acquiring additional corruption score. Corrupted player's combat penalties do not apply when battling bounty hunters. We haven't announced any new plans for rewards for corrupted players killing bounty hunters. You can learn more about this here:

    @arkileo (question) - We intend to carefully manage realm populations via the use of character creation throttles to avoid the need to merge realms :)

    @Phoenixrusse (question) - This isn't currently a planned feature, but if we receive a lot of feedback about this, we could take another look! :)

    @The_Tankologist (question) - There will be diminishing returns on certain stats, but there won't be hard caps (See more here)

    @Cadac (question) - Assuming I understand your question correctly, XP debt can be worked off regardless of how you chose to do it. Whether you get 100xp from a PvP or PvE-related activity, it will reduce your XP debt by 100xp.

    @TopWombat (question) - The general ideal party of 8 might be one of each archetype, but that doesn't mean it will be the most ideal for every scenario. As for raids, an ideal composition may totally depend on the activity or even player skill :)

    @Trob (question) - Just because one has many tools on their belt, doesn't mean they'll use all of them in every encounter! A skilled play may learn which abilities are best to focus on, and which can be ignored in most scenarios <3

    @Sohdei (question) - The team was aware of large guilds when the decision on guild sizes was made! If a mega-guild wants to play on a single realm, the guild alliance system will benefit them greatly :) You can read about Guilds here -

    @The_Hippo (question) - The goal is indeed for secondary archetypes to be implemented during Alpha Two Phase Three.

    @JustVine (question) - If you're referring to an NPC summon, this isn't intended to be any sort of final representation of what the Summoner archetype or its summons may look like <3

    @widyanimal (question) - There will be hidden treasures that can be found around Verra ;)

    @Shewp (question) - Phase 1 guild size will be 50, but could increase to 100. The answer to this question and many more can be found here, on the wiki -

    @SunScript (question) - Freeholds are sizable player housing plots that can be situated in baronies within the Zone of influence (ZOI) of a Village (stage 3) or higher node, including the ZOI of any of its vassal nodes. Freeholds may be attacked by any player for a period of two hours following a successful siege against its parent node. You can read more about Freeholds here, on the wiki -

    @Leonerdo (question) - Yes! The team still wants to collect feedback on Ashes of Creation, even from those who participate, regardless of whether it's through playing, observing others play, or tuning in to Dev Update Livestreams!

    @ThevoicestHeVoIcEs (question) - We don't plan to have in-game tools to provide that tracking. Instead, you will be expected to track those yourself. – Steven Sharif

    @Crazedly (question) - We haven't announced any plans for this at this time <3

    @GRilledCheeseMojito (question) - Sounds like a skill expression opportunity ;)

    @Tyrol (question) - What Steven can be heard saying here is that the content on the slide includes much of what will be made available within the first few months of Phase 3. However, he is NOT implying that the game will be feature complete in the first few months of Phase 3. Hope this helps clarify for ya <3

    @Miguel_D (question) - You can read much on what has been said regarding RMT here, on the wiki -

    @GodfatherRagu (question) - This will fluctuate during testing, but the goal is to start with over 3k concurrent users (CCU) per realm, with Dynamic gridding and Server meshing Intrepid Net technology. This number is expected to ramp up to the server population target of 8-10k CCU over time. This answer and many more can be found here, on the wiki -

    @GrandSerpent (question) - Different classes of weapons may deal different types of physical damage: Bludgeoning damage, Slashing damage, Piercing damage. You can find this answer and many more here, on the wiki! -

    @Azherae (question) - Current design intention with TTK hasn't altered current design intention with Freeholds. Freeholds are still considered part of the open world, however, a player can still enter the home on their Freehold to avoid PvP.

    @Phoenixruski (question) - Guild leaders will be able to pool resources into a guild alliance bank. You can read more about this here, on the wiki -
  • MargaretKrohnMargaretKrohn Moderator, Staff
    👀 #ICYMI, we showed the Citadel of Steel Bloom POI, and a fire-breathing raid boss in our most recent Development Update!

    🐲 Are you looking forward to exploring this area in Alpha Two?

    EDITED OP to have the VOD as well ;)
This discussion has been closed.