Guild taxes

I believe this will not be included, why not? its pretty simple, if in a guild everything that you earn, the guild automatically gets 5%...cant be fairer than that.

Of course this money is guild locked so can only be used to buy guild items.
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  • HalaeHalae Member, Alpha Two
    If you've ever taken a look at the guilds in ESO, there's costs associated with running a guild, so one of the very commonly expected things is that the members of said guild should contribute to the operating costs in some way. Especially if it's an economically interested guild - such as craftsmen or merchants - they set up 'guild dues' that ask you to send in X amount of gold per week to, ostensibly, help support the guild and its endeavors. And to be frank, ESO doesn't have the kind of resource sinks Ashes does and it's still getting away with that. I can't imagine the guild leaders in those cases aren't lining their pockets, it's just that in ESO you're only allowed to trade things via auction house with other people in your guild, so you NEED to be in a huge guild that also has lots of economic flow going on, and as a result you either need to join a guild with exorbitant prices for everything, or work your ass off to farm everything you need from the world at large.

    It's kind of a painful thing to think about. The sort of thing that turns a game into a job. At least you won't be super restricted in terms of what you can buy from an auction house like this, as an economic node's markets will be bustling with activity, and will be available to anybody willing to bring coin and make the trip.

    Let's make the assumption that a system for directly taking money from allies isn't in the cards for Ashes, at least not in this way. I can't imagine an automated system that'd demand specific amounts of gold from players. But I can imagine guild masters requiring players to contribute in materially meaningful ways to whatever project the guild has going on, such as lumber for construction, or helping out with a dungeon run. What does that leave?

    Well, honestly? The Taxes system. Yeah, that's something already in the game; when doing tasks within the zone of influence of a node, it collects taxes on the exchange, the rate of which can be set by the mayors. Guilds can take castles which gives them access to a region's worth of tax income, so if you want to take advantage of the passive tax system as a guild, the way to do it is to be part of a strong guild that dominates one of the extremely few castles in a server.
  • I would make a guild monthly fee, the guildmaster would set a monthly fee and every member could opt for paying it or not, the guild master will later check who paid and who didn't pay.

    That's all, this should finance costs for freeholds, ships, etc.
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • Halae wrote: »
    If you've ever taken a look at the guilds in ESO, there's costs associated with running a guild, so one of the very commonly expected things is that the members of said guild should contribute to the operating costs in some way. Especially if it's an economically interested guild - such as craftsmen or merchants - they set up 'guild dues' that ask you to send in X amount of gold per week to, ostensibly, help support the guild and its endeavors. And to be frank, ESO doesn't have the kind of resource sinks Ashes does and it's still getting away with that. I can't imagine the guild leaders in those cases aren't lining their pockets, it's just that in ESO you're only allowed to trade things via auction house with other people in your guild, so you NEED to be in a huge guild that also has lots of economic flow going on, and as a result you either need to join a guild with exorbitant prices for everything, or work your ass off to farm everything you need from the world at large.

    It's kind of a painful thing to think about. The sort of thing that turns a game into a job. At least you won't be super restricted in terms of what you can buy from an auction house like this, as an economic node's markets will be bustling with activity, and will be available to anybody willing to bring coin and make the trip.

    Let's make the assumption that a system for directly taking money from allies isn't in the cards for Ashes, at least not in this way. I can't imagine an automated system that'd demand specific amounts of gold from players. But I can imagine guild masters requiring players to contribute in materially meaningful ways to whatever project the guild has going on, such as lumber for construction, or helping out with a dungeon run. What does that leave?

    Well, honestly? The Taxes system. Yeah, that's something already in the game; when doing tasks within the zone of influence of a node, it collects taxes on the exchange, the rate of which can be set by the mayors. Guilds can take castles which gives them access to a region's worth of tax income, so if you want to take advantage of the passive tax system as a guild, the way to do it is to be part of a strong guild that dominates one of the extremely few castles in a server.

    Which totally kills off the smaller, or like us casuals guilds, my way is by far the better way.
    The Immortals
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  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited August 25
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I would make a guild monthly fee, the guildmaster would set a monthly fee and every member could opt for paying it or not, the guild master will later check who paid and who didn't pay.

    That's all, this should finance costs for freeholds, ships, etc.

    No, thanks, I'm not, nor would most guild leaders, want to go around chasing people for money, way to put a bad feeling in the guild.

    Again, my way is by far and away the very best system. plus its a very easy system to implement.
    The Immortals
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  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited August 25
    In Ashes of Creation, taxation is already an integral part of the game’s economic and political systems, particularly through the node system. Nodes in AoC function as player-driven cities, each with its own governance and economic policies, including taxation. Introducing a guild tax system could add another layer of depth to the game’s economy, promoting strategic planning and fostering cooperation and competition among guilds.

    1. Purpose of Guild Taxes:

    The primary purpose of implementing a tax on guilds would be to regulate the in-game economy, create a sink for in-game currency, and add strategic decision-making for guild leaders. This system could also help in balancing the game’s resources, encouraging guilds to manage their finances effectively.
    2. Implementation of Guild Taxes:

    Guild taxes could be implemented in several ways, each affecting different aspects of guild activities:

    2.1. Guild Income Tax:
    Revenue Sources: Tax could be levied on the collective income of the guild, including earnings from guild-owned resources, trade, and other activities.
    Rate Setting: The tax rate could either be fixed by the game’s system or be adjustable based on the node’s governance where the guild is headquartered.
    Payment Mechanism: Guilds would pay this tax periodically (e.g., weekly or monthly), and failure to pay could result in penalties such as reduced benefits, loss of certain privileges, or even dissolution of the guild if the tax remains unpaid over a long period.

    2.2. Member Contributions:
    Fixed Contributions: Each guild member could be required to contribute a fixed amount of currency (or resources) regularly to the guild’s treasury, which could then be taxed.
    Income-Based Contributions: Alternatively, individual member contributions could be based on their income or wealth, similar to an income tax, promoting fairness but requiring more complex systems to track earnings.

    2.3. Transaction Taxes:
    Guild Trade Tax: A tax on all transactions involving the sale or trade of goods between guild members or between the guild and external parties. This would add a layer of cost to guild activities, encouraging strategic decisions about when and where to trade.
    Crafting and Resource Tax: A small tax could be applied to resources gathered or items crafted by guild members within the guild’s territory or node. This tax would encourage guilds to optimize their resource management.

    3. Use of Tax Revenue:

    Guild tax revenue could be used in several ways, benefiting both the guild and the wider game world:

    3.1. Guild-Specific Benefits:
    Infrastructure Development: Tax revenue could be used to build and upgrade guild-specific infrastructure, such as guild halls, fortifications, or resource-gathering facilities.
    Wages and Bonuses: Guild leaders could use tax revenue to pay wages or bonuses to guild members, incentivizing participation in guild activities.
    War Funds: Taxes could be pooled into a war fund, allowing guilds to finance large-scale PvP operations, such as sieges or defense efforts.

    3.2. Node Contribution:
    Node Development: A portion of the tax could automatically go to the node where the guild is based, contributing to its growth and stability. This would tie guild prosperity to the node’s well-being, encouraging cooperation between guilds and node leaders.
    Public Services: Tax revenue could fund public services or defenses within the node, benefiting all players residing or operating within that node.

    4. Governance and Policy:

    The governance of guild taxes could be managed by either the game system or by player-driven policies:

    4.1. Node Government Influence:
    Node governments could have the authority to set tax rates on guilds within their jurisdiction, creating a dynamic political environment where guilds might choose to relocate to nodes with more favorable tax policies.
    Guild leaders might lobby or vie for political power within the node to influence tax policies.

    4.2. Guild Autonomy:
    Guilds could be given some autonomy to decide how they levy internal taxes on their members, allowing different guilds to adopt different financial strategies.
    This could create a competitive environment where players choose guilds not only based on their activities but also on their tax policies.

    5. Potential Challenges and Considerations:

    5.1. Player Engagement:

    Balancing the tax system to avoid burdening players while still making it a meaningful mechanic is crucial. If taxes are too high, they may discourage participation; if too low, they might not have the desired economic impact.

    5.2. Economic Balance:
    The tax system must be carefully balanced to ensure it doesn’t disproportionately affect smaller or newer guilds. Progressive tax systems or tax relief for smaller guilds could be implemented to address this.

    5.3. Impact on Guild Dynamics:
    Taxes could affect guild dynamics, potentially causing friction between members and leaders over how funds are managed. Clear communication and transparent governance within guilds would be essential to mitigate this.

  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited August 25
    I hope you just copied and pasted that, my way is still fairer & easier to implement & understand, flat 5% of everything a players earns, that way its the same for every player, no one feels they carrying the burden, or being unfairly taxed!

    Could be 1% 3% what ever, though 5% feels right.
    The Immortals
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  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I hope you just copied and pasted that

    I usually type long posts in Libre Office or Open Office, that way I can more easily format the whole thing.

  • ariatras wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I hope you just copied and pasted that

    I usually type long posts in Libre Office or Open Office, that way I can more easily format the whole thing.

    You must be a great laugh down the pub :D;)
    The Immortals
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  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »
    ariatras wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I hope you just copied and pasted that

    I usually type long posts in Libre Office or Open Office, that way I can more easily format the whole thing.

    You must be a great laugh down the pub :D;)

    Haha, I promise I'm more fun than I sound! :D Just passionate about the game and how it all comes together. But I’m always up for a good chat, whether it’s about game mechanics or something more light-hearted. Cheers!

  • ariatras wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    ariatras wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I hope you just copied and pasted that

    I usually type long posts in Libre Office or Open Office, that way I can more easily format the whole thing.

    You must be a great laugh down the pub :D;)

    Haha, I promise I'm more fun than I sound! :D Just passionate about the game and how it all comes together. But I’m always up for a good chat, whether it’s about game mechanics or something more light-hearted. Cheers!

    Funny enough, i kinda thought that, also thought you would be great in a guild.
    The Immortals
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  • Nemeses wrote: »
    Arya_Yeshe wrote: »
    I would make a guild monthly fee, the guildmaster would set a monthly fee and every member could opt for paying it or not, the guild master will later check who paid and who didn't pay.

    That's all, this should finance costs for freeholds, ships, etc.

    No, thanks, I'm not, nor would most guild leaders, want to go around chasing people for money, way to put a bad feeling in the guild.

    Again, my way is by far and away the very best system. plus its a very easy system to implement.

    everytime i asked this in different groups people found this being a better idea then having taxes, just a flat montly affordable fee and never pay tax again
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • RocketFarmerRocketFarmer Member, Alpha Two
    Communist/Cult guilds have no taxation. Everything you earn is the guild’s. They will distribute resources as the guild requires. Any unhappy comrades will be re-educated. You live and die for the guild. Paying a node taxes must serve the guild or else the guild will direct reassignment to another node that benefits the guild. The guild knows what’s best. That includes how much time you spend per week doing assignments for the guild, like guard duty at the castle or resource harvesting or caravan support. Steal the guild’s resources or refuse to do the guild’s work, and life will become very hard for you. Comrades are required to report on the behavior of other comrades, especially family members. The guild rewards loyalty. Instead of a tax system for the guild system, the guild requests a gulag system.
  • Communist/Cult guilds have no taxation. Everything you earn is the guild’s. They will distribute resources as the guild requires. Any unhappy comrades will be re-educated. You live and die for the guild. Paying a node taxes must serve the guild or else the guild will direct reassignment to another node that benefits the guild. The guild knows what’s best. That includes how much time you spend per week doing assignments for the guild, like guard duty at the castle or resource harvesting or caravan support. Steal the guild’s resources or refuse to do the guild’s work, and life will become very hard for you. Comrades are required to report on the behavior of other comrades, especially family members. The guild rewards loyalty. Instead of a tax system for the guild system, the guild requests a gulag system.

    Sounds bloody prefect >:)
    The Immortals
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  • Communist/Cult guilds have no taxation. Everything you earn is the guild’s. They will distribute resources as the guild requires. Any unhappy comrades will be re-educated. You live and die for the guild. Paying a node taxes must serve the guild or else the guild will direct reassignment to another node that benefits the guild. The guild knows what’s best. That includes how much time you spend per week doing assignments for the guild, like guard duty at the castle or resource harvesting or caravan support. Steal the guild’s resources or refuse to do the guild’s work, and life will become very hard for you. Comrades are required to report on the behavior of other comrades, especially family members. The guild rewards loyalty. Instead of a tax system for the guild system, the guild requests a gulag system.

    Comrade Stalin approaches a farmer and asks :

    "Comrade, how many potatoes have we grown this season?"

    "Enough to reach God, comrade!" Replied the farmer.

    "But there is no God" said Stalin

    "Ah, said the farmer, as there are no potatoes."
  • P0GG0P0GG0 Member, Alpha Two
  • LodrigLodrig Member
    Guild taxes may simply be redundant given the existence of Node taxes.

    But if they are ever to exist it would make sense for them to be used to pay the Guilds taxes to the Node. GuildHalls specifically are Freehold like plots which would be paying taxes like any freehold. Taxes of members to pay that would make sense. Likewise if the GuildHall has upgrade options then the remaining guild taxes after paying node taxes can be earmarked for said upgrades. Upgrades will raise node taxes so a guildhall will be self balancing.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    edited August 27
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I believe this will not be included, why not? its pretty simple, if in a guild everything that you earn, the guild automatically gets 5%...cant be fairer than that.

    Of course this money is guild locked so can only be used to buy guild items.

    What for Items would that be, i wonder ? ;)

    I know you can in Worst of Warcraft buy certain Items if your Guild has a lot of Achievements, Reputation, whatever one would name it.

    And it's not forced for any Guildmember to pay Taxes to the Guild for it. ;)

    But what for Guild Items should that be that require Guild Members to pay Taxes ? Can every single Member of the Guild use them ? Or just the Leaders ? Which Effects should these Items have/cause ?
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • UboonUboon Member, Alpha Two
    Our guild plans to run caravans together - turning all our individual glint in to a whopping pile of gold to be shared out - then at the point the guild takes it's cut.
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    So you don’t think there will be taxes, or you think there will be 5% taxes on everything? Your posts are very unclear…
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited August 29
    Not a fan at all of guild taxes - they are used more often to scam money out of players that don't know better than anything else.

    I would simply not play any game that has an automated guild tax system, and would not join any guild that has a mandatory ta on its members.

    The absolute most I would ever do in my own guild is inform members that we are trying to purchase {whatever we are trying to purchase}, and would appreciate anything people can put towards it. I would even go as far as to suggest people send coin from an alt so as to anonymize things.

    How much money people have to put in to a guild fund - or how much they are willing to put in - is very subjective. I wouldn't ever expect the same level of commitment to the guild from someone that had been with us for 3 months as I would from someone that had been with us for 10 years, so why would I ever want both to be forced to contribute the same?

    In my opinion, if people understand the guilds expenses but the guild has trouble meeting them, that guild obviously hasn't engendered a sense of belonging in its members, and so kind of deserves to fail.
  • Aszkalon wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »
    I believe this will not be included, why not? its pretty simple, if in a guild everything that you earn, the guild automatically gets 5%...cant be fairer than that.

    Of course this money is guild locked so can only be used to buy guild items.

    What for Items would that be, i wonder ? ;)

    I know you can in Worst of Warcraft buy certain Items if your Guild has a lot of Achievements, Reputation, whatever one would name it.

    And it's not forced for any Guildmember to pay Taxes to the Guild for it. ;)

    But what for Guild Items should that be that require Guild Members to pay Taxes ? Can every single Member of the Guild use them ? Or just the Leaders ? Which Effects should these Items have/cause ?

    Well if you bothered to read, and understand what I wrote m which was so simple a 5 year old would have no issues, I did say the money should be build locked, so can only be used for guild purchases.

    But then hey reading what’s written and what people want to see is often beyond the stu…
    The Immortals
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  • Noaani wrote: »
    Not a fan at all of guild taxes - they are used more often to scam money out of players that don't know better than anything else.

    I would simply not play any game that has an automated guild tax system, and would not join any guild that has a mandatory ta on its members.

    The absolute most I would ever do in my own guild is inform members that we are trying to purchase {whatever we are trying to purchase}, and would appreciate anything people can put towards it. I would even go as far as to suggest people send coin from an alt so as to anonymize things.

    How much money people have to put in to a guild fund - or how much they are willing to put in - is very subjective. I wouldn't ever expect the same level of commitment to the guild from someone that had been with us for 3 months as I would from someone that had been with us for 10 years, so why would I ever want both to be forced to contribute the same?

    In my opinion, if people understand the guilds expenses but the guild has trouble meeting them, that guild obviously hasn't engendered a sense of belonging in its members, and so kind of deserves to fail.
    Another person who does not read, or understand the post, but proceeds to post a way of sh..


    The Immortals
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  • scottstone7scottstone7 Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I don't think I've seen anything about an implemented guild member tax yet. I would not be opposed to the idea if it was at a low set rate, I'd say no more than 2% of bank deposited coin rounded up to nearest complete copper coin.
    However, it's been my experience that the majority of a decent or better guild’s funds come in the form of donations from the more dedicated members. Flat out giving gold, gear or items, crafting materials, using their skills to craft things with guild materials for the guild to sell. I’ve even rented myself out as raid healer and guide for smaller guilds that would pay my guilds asking price a few times.

    There is already a guild tax system planned though. Your guild would just need to get/be strong enough to take and hold a castle. Admittedly, I do expect the list of guild's that can do that successfully to be small. With formal alliances and such it may just help that list grow, one can only hope.

    Wiki wrote:
    Guild castles impose a tax on all revenue for the nodes within its region.

    The monarch sets the tax rate, and can use those proceeds to upgrade defenses, maintain the castle's direct nodes, or provide buffs and benefits to the citizens of that region.

    Castle taxes are carried via NPC generated caravans from the nodes that fall under the castle's purview to one of the castle nodes at the end of each week leading up to a castle siege.

    In addition to taxes, Castles also influence crop yields, resources and events within its region.

    Part of the tax and resources gathered are applied to the castle for improvements.

    The remainder of tax income can be used by the guild for whatever they want.

    When castles change hands (following a siege), some taxes stay with the castle and some stay with the guild.

  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited September 7
    Noaani wrote: »
    The absolute most I would ever do in my own guild is inform members that we are trying to purchase {whatever we are trying to purchase}, and would appreciate anything people can put towards it. I would even go as far as to suggest people send coin from an alt so as to anonymize things.

    Are you sure you’ve played other MMOs, Noaani?

    Asking gamers for a donation towards anything is like pulling teeth.

    From a guild perspective, straight-up donation requests are usually a sign that the guild is brand new or unorganized.

    Unless there’s organized guild fundraising (e.g. raffles, auctions, etc.), the best way for the guild to raise money is through taxes.

  • DepravedDepraved Member, Alpha Two
    id prefer an experience tax system.
    members can get experience taxed (just stay at 0% until you are max level) then after that, just get the max tax on you. the experience you contribute can be used as guild currency to buy guild stuff. no need to take players money.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    Nemeses wrote: »

    How about locking the Money in the ... ... ... ... "Pockets" of their Guild Members ? ;)

    And those Members "themselves" can decide whetever they want to spend it on Guild Items. That Money spend should wander into the Guild and only being able to be spend for Guild Decisions. :sunglasses:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • I don't think I've seen anything about an implemented guild member tax yet. I would not be opposed to the idea if it was at a low set rate, I'd say no more than 2% of bank deposited coin rounded up to nearest complete copper coin.
    However, it's been my experience that the majority of a decent or better guild’s funds come in the form of donations from the more dedicated members. Flat out giving gold, gear or items, crafting materials, using their skills to craft things with guild materials for the guild to sell. I’ve even rented myself out as raid healer and guide for smaller guilds that would pay my guilds asking price a few times.

    There is already a guild tax system planned though. Your guild would just need to get/be strong enough to take and hold a castle. Admittedly, I do expect the list of guild's that can do that successfully to be small. With formal alliances and such it may just help that list grow, one can only hope.

    Wiki wrote:
    Guild castles impose a tax on all revenue for the nodes within its region.

    The monarch sets the tax rate, and can use those proceeds to upgrade defenses, maintain the castle's direct nodes, or provide buffs and benefits to the citizens of that region.

    Castle taxes are carried via NPC generated caravans from the nodes that fall under the castle's purview to one of the castle nodes at the end of each week leading up to a castle siege.

    In addition to taxes, Castles also influence crop yields, resources and events within its region.

    Part of the tax and resources gathered are applied to the castle for improvements.

    The remainder of tax income can be used by the guild for whatever they want.

    When castles change hands (following a siege), some taxes stay with the castle and some stay with the guild.

    Yes this has experience always been my, few years ago, well over 10 I guess now there was a MMO that did this, it made things so much easier, and there was zero griping. (sure there been a few more since) or maybe even before but that was my first encounter of it)

    I would like to move away from always being the same section carrying the guild, and have a guild where the contributions are even & fair.
    IMO 5% is a good amount, though would like it scaled if I could, say when the guild reach X amount, it drops to 3% then when it reach X amount to 1%, and swings back up if guild funds drop below those levels.
    This is a dead easy add to any game, as its being done before.

    Its also the fairest solution in my eyes
    The Immortals
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  • Aszkalon wrote: »
    Nemeses wrote: »

    How about locking the Money in the ... ... ... ... "Pockets" of their Guild Members ? ;)

    And those Members "themselves" can decide whetever they want to spend it on Guild Items. That Money spend should wander into the Guild and only being able to be spend for Guild Decisions. :sunglasses:

    But you would still like all the guild advantages, but only pay for those which suit you...definitely the worst kind of guild members, type i try my best to root out.
    The Immortals
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  • NemesesNemeses Member
    edited September 8
    Noaani wrote: »
    The absolute most I would ever do in my own guild is inform members that we are trying to purchase {whatever we are trying to purchase}, and would appreciate anything people can put towards it. I would even go as far as to suggest people send coin from an alt so as to anonymize things.

    Are you sure you’ve played other MMOs, Noaani?

    Asking gamers for a donation towards anything is like pulling teeth.

    From a guild perspective, straight-up donation requests are usually a sign that the guild is brand new or unorganized.

    Unless there’s organized guild fundraising (e.g. raffles, auctions, etc.), the best way for the guild to raise money is through taxes.

    This is 100% accurate, there's always a core that help, but the rest, are just a pain, even though it benefits them, they just want others to pay for that benefit, like the guy i replied to above!
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  • One thing I think we can agree upon is that IF a guild can tax its members the RATE will be adjustable possibly all the way to zero. Because Intrepid has already specificed that Mayor and node based taxes are adjustable it is INCONCIVABLE that they would not likewise do so with any Guild tax system. So people bitching about how they refuse to pay taxes can just join a guild which fits their preference for purely voluntary contributions.

    Please proceed with the thread under the basic and obvious assumption without strawmanning of saying you support or oppose guild taxes being a system in the game "IF INTREPID SETS THE RATE AT X%" because their is zero chance Intrepid is going to set some kind of universal rate.
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