Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Please this is just rubbish, you going to hack an account first, its frightening that people are as stupid as this.
I play mmo for years, it's the first time I hear that, probably I didn't play the ones that do what you said.
1. The full account of the events from the player’s perspective is rarely given.
2. Explanation from the Support Team is never made public.
If the player’s account is accurate, they still could have enabled 2FA to add security and prevent the hack.
Well, that article is 6 years old...
Here is an article from July 2024 that claims that "Thirty-two percent of people use the same password across multiple accounts, with 14% using the same password for both work and personal accounts."
^^ OP needs to post that context (and their guildie needs to start using a password manager)
Based solely on the posts, it doesn't sound at all like they told the guy to gtfo.
Most likely they asked for some identifying information, he couldn't or wouldn't produce it, or it had been in the new person's 'possession' so long that they couldn't verify a claim of hacking over other things mentioned in here.
Ultimately, it just doesn't sound like they actually told him 'sucks for you', but that there was nothing they were able to do after back and forth with the person claiming the account was theirs and got hacked
Happy for me it let me know that ashes offers two factor Authentication. Both my wife and I are now set up LOL
Nope, I'm just going to say the account is hacked.
If the resolution Intrepid have when there is a claim that an account is hacked is to lock the account (which is what you have said), then all I need to do in order to lock that account is claim that it is my account.
It may only take them a few hours to sort things out, but if it is reported on a Friday night it will probably not be started until the Monday.
I'm not saying this as a theoretical thing that could happen, I've seen it happen many times. It was common practice in EQ2 for a few years to get a key member or two of a rival guild locked out of the game when a contested raid encounter was due to spawn. SoE changed their practices because of this.
This is not a problem here. If you buy an account from a third party instead of Intrepid, you aren't Intrepid's problem, you got yourself scammed by knowingly taking that risk. Don't be that person.
On other hand recovery of access to user account should be trivial. Information about the transaction contains the original email address. Revert the account to that email address, job done.
Blown past falling sands…
That is rather trivially prevented if IS just checks first if the account has had a recent PW change, if it has not then locking is rejected and the burden of proof is put on the accuser. This can litterally be automated and would prevent virtually all malicious false accusations from having an impact. And obviously anyone spamming false hacking claims would themselves get banned as well, after New World debacle no one should be so dumb to not take precautions against false accusations.
Quite a few adorable comments from the OP in there … my favorite is:
“I am also scared because these people are unable to think ahead.”
This is the top one for me
2FA anything you care about is the way for sure
Or, alternatively, the way to ensure you retain access to an account you have hacked is to not change the password?
Most likely he lost access to the email too and he cannot recover it.
What could IS do?
Trust anyone writing from a random email, saying "I am not a hacker, please change the email address of that account." ?
Assuming the above its more likely someone at Intrepid makes a mistake and/or they get compromised.
Also @Intrepid peeps, I really hope your game client will allow for password copy/pasting on the login screen, so people can easily use password managers for credentials storage.
Blown past falling sands…
Back in the day my WOW account got hacked because I logged into what i thought was the armoury website but it was a scam website. I msged bliz and within a day I got my access back, noticed that all my stuff was gone and my main character completely broke. Told blizzard, they sent me 10,000g to make up for the lost stuff.
That is what I call good customer service!
Hope Intrepid can match that quality.