Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Because the system is incomplete and not working properly.
And this is why you're on ignore. We're not debating the finer points of abortion. We're talking about a game system.
Even if I wanted to move goal posts, I wouldn't need to because there are ten-thousand goalposts to get past.
That's the thing you're not getting. That's the only way to stop something like this. Except that wont work because then people won't participate in the system at all because you will be ensuring they get punished.
The system needs to be loose enough for people to get away. Which allows for loopholes. And any loophole will be found out and exploited. And by the time the Devs realize what's happening and remove the exploit, assuming the can, they are going to be forced to make the same choice they had to make recently. Ban a shit ton of people, or piss everyone else off. They got away with only banning a few people this time, but next time that wont work. Because you won't be dealing with people that put hundreds of dollars and hours into the game already. That wont fly after the game has been launched.
Increasing the map size wont help as much as people think. Humans are naturally social creatures and we like to be near other people even if we don't want to interact with them. Ultimately it will lead to large parts of the world have very few people.
The map will grow and open up and there will always be a rival to challenge whoever's on top at the time.
Rereading the thread to see where the miscommunication is at.
the stated intent is to has 20% for the content instanced:
Approximately 20% of content in Ashes of Creation will be instanced.[1][2][3][4][5]
You are correct shared world and shared content are different things.
"Any other solution wont prevent anything, it might punish people for doing it, but then that's not a solution to the problem. It's a deterrent, which means people will still do it."
Your right. That is the intent behind the incomplete corruption system. So if you want to curb stomp a noob you can but there will be consequences. They are intending to have it scale based off of level difference as well.
it's a place holder.
it's an alpha.
even though it's all true, it's tiring having them lean on these excuses all the time.
with there being zero attention to instanced content to date it shows where the priorities are. I highly doubt there will be enough instanced content to keep those interested in it interested long enough.
the issue i see is most the attention is put towards the content that places player vs player. so to win you have to make another lose. it's like 80% of the game is met to be contested. the winners will be the zergs and losers will generally leave the area or game, or join a zerg. then maybe you'll get zerg vs zerg which will run like total shit... so who ever can exploit it better will win.
Rereading the thread to find where the miscommunication is at.
You are correct shared world and shared content are not the same thing. We agree.
Instancing is stated as being 20% of the content.
Approximately 20% of content in Ashes of Creation will be instanced.[1][2][3][4][5]
We have only seen one small example of this. Most game have both open world and instanced dungeons.
"He's saying these are all problems we had before and they were solved."
Solved how? PvE only servers and instanced content?
"Any other solution wont prevent anything, it might punish people for doing it, but then that's not a solution to the problem. It's a deterrent, which means people will still do it."
And? That is the stated intent behind the corruption system. Giving people the choice to kill players as they wish for any reason they wish, But it will have a cost with it. I think this is a good thing. The system as it stands now is broken and is being worked on. I don't think it will launch as is.
I missed this comment.
I have not seen them make any comments from Intrepid about anything close to this since 2018.
The combat system the game has excludes difficult raid encounters. They can have "difficult by Ashes standards" encounters, but not "difficult by MMORPG standards" encounters. Hard encounters require players get down to things that make a fraction of a fraction of a percent difference in their own performance, and have an in depth understanding of what is happening in that fine a detail.
Ashes combat system has switched over from being something players can be informed about in that detail down to being outright luck well before we get to that level. This means the window of player performance that is "good enough" in Ashes needs to be more like a fold away wall, rather than a window.
I agree, challenge is good.
The thing is, challenge all the time is tiring. My current job is challenging, and I love it. It is rewarding.
When I finish for the day, if I go to get a coffee, I don't expect to have to win in a boxing match in order to get it. I've done my challenging thing for the day, and now I want a coffee.
Intrepid do not understand this. They (by they, I mean Steven) just has the notion of "challenge = good" in his head (because he is not a game developer), and so is applying challenge to everything. It would be like needing to win that boxing fight to get your after work coffee.
Challenge is good, but challenge has it's place. A lack of challenge is also good, if that is in the right place.
Bigger map
More mats
More mobs & dungeons
And to have you tanks GPH below 400.
Going to piss of the solo players.
This is an MMO RPG
Join a zerg like everyone else it's why we are here. Otherwise I hear fable 2 is on sale if you want a solo RPG
If I have to join a zerg group to play the game, well I'm not playing. If you mean join a Guild, well sure of course. But a normal guild that's actually just 1 guild isn't a zerg. A zerg group is the multi guild, cesspool fest you see right now. Lets say people don't walk away, which they have been, it was dead this weekend, and they do join a zerg group. And the game is full of zerg vs zerg action. Even that is going to suck, it runs like poop, and it's not fun for long. You're right there's lots of other games and people are off playing those, I have been. Encouraging people leave is dumb, this game doesn't work without a massive player base. There a legitimate issues with the world pvp that is thrown off balance because the current zerg meta. This is the right place to voice them. everyone saying 'there's the door' or 'don't let it hit you on the way out' is just hurting the game. We're all testers and we all want the game to succeed.
Do small countries with 10 million people stand a chance against large countries with 100s of million people? You cannot change reality, if you want a smaller guild you get the smaller guild experience make an alliance. This is every MMO with pvp ever made ever.
Otherwise become a vassal or quit and go play something else.
It's odd to compare fantasy worlds to real world... I think the largest army on the planet is N Korea. And Russian ain't doing so hot against Ukraine... But how is that even compared to Ashes of Creation, that's just dumb. I did play this weekend and it was dead, i think more people were logged into Animal Crossing. So this is a common sentiment. I pop in to check out changes and crawl the forum to see whats happening. But hey if you like playing in the zerg and licking pirates boots then go for it, enjoy it while it lasts because most people are already jumping ship, and your "Go play something else" attitude is just going to hurt the game and you in the end.
Currently rarity of nodes are static so people just find legendary nodes and camp them.
Caravans should be ONLY to move resources, not print infinite money.
Caravans should also be harder to attack, someone can just run into a caravan and attack it with 0 risk.
Storage is one of my main pains in this game, even tho it wasn't addressed in this post.
As a JM Miner, you cannot even mine for 20 minutes without your bags being full.
Processing the ore/gems/stones requires all 4 of my storage tabs and even then i have problems juggling the new materials i get.
Also the mob training at leveling spots is atrocious, the very first group i got into at Oakenbane keep got repeatedly griefed until everyone left.
Once the level cap gets raised to level 50, new players are gonna be at such a disadvantage.
Good luck running a caravan when a lv 50 can kill your caravan in 5 min with 0 risk.
A larger world isn't going to fix issues he has pointed out. The forum is a good place to point out issues you see, take a gummy after that, take a break from testing. But if you take too many gummies every game is going to be great.
Comparing Elden Ring to an MMO is an apples to oranges comparison.
By the time the game releases it's going to be outdated I feel. And it's much harder for PvP focused MMOs to succeed.