Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Please make fishing actually feel like fishing.

Of all the gathering professions in a MMO I think fishing has the most potential to be a fun mini game that I've yet seen fully taken advantage of. My suggestion on what I think would make for a good fishing system goes like this (largely inspired by actual fishing games I used to play on the Nintendo)
Left mouse button to cast/reel in your line
Right mouse button to set the hook when you get a bite and to net the fish when it gets close enough to do so
Move mouse side to side to try to direct your bait away from snags and to the fish
Give the fish a stamina bar and your line a strength bar. Trying to reel in to fast while the fish has high stamina drains your lines strength and increases the chance it snaps, to slow and you'll run out of line
higher skill level and higher quality line/pole would obviously make it easier to catch the fish.
Left mouse button to cast/reel in your line
Right mouse button to set the hook when you get a bite and to net the fish when it gets close enough to do so
Move mouse side to side to try to direct your bait away from snags and to the fish
Give the fish a stamina bar and your line a strength bar. Trying to reel in to fast while the fish has high stamina drains your lines strength and increases the chance it snaps, to slow and you'll run out of line
higher skill level and higher quality line/pole would obviously make it easier to catch the fish.
Lineage 2 Veteran
Right! It is really good also considering how old the game is so now imagine if its redefined and done better! I think it fits good with it being an MMORPG and not an actual fishing game which do exist and ofc do it really, really! good hehe. But we will see what they will do with it, they said that it will be better than from what we saw on the last stream! So we will wait, hope and see!
Lineage 2 Veteran
But aye, fishing is a nice way to relax in any game. I hope it has the same affect in Ashes.
Guardian of the Kingdom of Tyria.
I want to go spearfishing with that on
Never thought i'd see someone else that has played harvest moon. Loved that game on the gamecube
Haha i must admit its something i don't notice, my real life fishing knowledge is very, very low
Lineage 2 Veteran
also fishing competitions!
A fishing competition would be a good idea for a node event
Oh good idea! now i need that!
Lineage 2 Veteran
I assume it will be somewhat similar to Archeage, as that is exactly what came to mind for me when I heard them talking about it.
Well, @Steven Sharif did say that some fishing will require a boat.
For example, they added fishing to Sea of Thieves and it just felt so scripted and you couldn't properly look around while fishing and had to constantly be watching your line to react. It wasn't relaxing at all, even when catching a small docile fish. Not to say that it was difficult or anything, but it simply wasn't fun.
A good fishing mini-game is not an easy task. I would rather have something dumb like WoW where you can watch netflix and listen for the audio queue of your bobber going under, in stead of something tedious without much reward.
Luckily that can all be adjusted on the back end to make it feel worth investing your time into this craft. Or perhaps video game fishing just isn't something I enjoy and I'll leave that profession to others.
A more wowish passive fishing system, and a deep water sort of fly fishing like active experience. That was some years ago, I don't know what Steven or the team have discussed lately.
Keep these great ideas coming, everyone! What else do you think would be fun to incorporate into the fishing system?
I would like to be able to jump into the river and catch fish with my bare hands. /j
Would like some realistic catches .
Stuff like , rocks
Logs .
Old boot , with the foot still in it....
My left ear .
Make it really interesting, and real include combat fishing.