Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
I did its called, pantheon rise of the fallen.
This has to be a troll account, i no longer can take anything he says seriously.
Rough estimates are fine imo but this is AoC not L2, cosmetics are here to stay its too late to complain about them now. People should have did that years ago, we already have diablo immoral making 24 million dollars. If you can't sight read enemies int he game i have 0 issue, I'm just happy there is no pay to win. This is still a business at the end of the day, and i want them to have reason to grow. Moment you can turn cosmetics off its pointless to buy it.
If gankers are killing me, why do I care what kind of gear they are wearing?
And... I can check their nametag symbol to assess their gear if I wish, so - that's not really blind.
Yeah I agree. I personally hate how cookie cutter and garrish bis nonsense tends to get. I really do feel like transmogs where your gear still has to be based off the same type of gear you are taking the appearance of is really the best method for resolving this when in conjunction with the planned nameplate tech. It's the best of both worlds and a firm compromise even if it's imperfect.
Unfortunately it's still unclear to me if full body costumes get to circumvent the prerequisites that transmogs will have which might cause some minor gameplay issues. A lot of PvP is about knowing your enemy and knowing what approach you need to take given their build and tactical approach. Knowing if an opponents defense skews magic vs physical at a glance can matter quite a lot in giving certain builds the initial edge in health after all. I personally hope they at least require you wear the same body piece as whatever you are wearing in terms of 'type' (ie, leather for leather cloth for cloth etc.)
I asked about this in the last Q&A and they gave me a firm 'we aren't talking about cosmetic policy right now' so it might be quite some time until this specific part of the cosmetic policy puzzle get's clarified.
It's more so that when you need a bunch of different pieces for a build they don't always look good together and clash or bring out the worst in each other. Dye systems help mitigate this somewhat, but it only goes so far since textures and shape have their own large impact on something looking tasteful in symphany. I know you are pretty pro gear set as, but that sort of leans into the cookie cutterness for me as well.
I humbly accept your humanitarian tolerance of us costume lovers >.> The civility is appreciated.
Yeah. The best looking gear should be from the game and not from the cash shop. I hate games where you look like a beggar or clown and all the guchi stuff can be get from the shop... However, cash shops could focus sell something different or special but the most bad ass looking gear should come from the game.
doesn't want to understand, nuance is missing
It's cute you think I'm a PvE player. For the past few years, most of my time has been spent on Albion online, a hardcore full-loot PvP game where the bulk of combat takes place in the open world. I have never even played WoW. I'm not even sure what my post had to do with WoW. I advise you to take a deep breath and reflect the next time you want to make a personal attack against someone you know nothing about.
Because the gear of the people killing you decides whether you should try to fight back or escape. By the time click them all one at a time to check their gear, you're dead.
isnt that a top down mobile game -insert meme laugh-
Will it really? I'm ignorant on what Steven has said regarding this subject but as an Alpha 1 mage I could delete fighters and other mages in 15 seconds if I outplayed them. Less if I got the jump. Can only imagine this gets easier as my ability pool, stats, and gear increase.
With party play, where most of the balancing will be concentrated, that'll be way more probably. Well, depending on how much mitigation/healing they'll have that would be able to counter 8 people all hitting one dude.
I am sorry but if I paid for my cosmetics I demand that you can't turn them off. I didn't buy them for myself, but to show others how much I am dedicated to Ashes, so no, this shouldn't be an option.
I never troll, ive been influencing mmos for over 20 years.
Well go ahead and influence pantheon online i hear its a great pve game lmao. 90% of people have no desire to play a mmorpg where combat is a statue. Its boring, doesn't look fun, i could go on lmao.
First thing that determines whether I fight back is if I am in the mood for PvP combat.
Second thing is whether or not I want my attacker to gain Corruption or whether I want half the normal death penalties.
Trying to assess who has the weakest gear is pointless if I'm fighting a group.
And, if I'm fighting a group - it's probably just quicker for me to let them kill me.
So, it all boils down to will I penalize with Corruption or go with half normal death penalties.
Gear assessment helps me decide the risk of initiating an attack.
I'd thought I'd never die (agree) side my side fighting with a pve player.
everything above but also.
Main thing id be watching out for is the level of the player until everyone is maxed out. Though im sure there will be that very rare piece of gear that is hard to get and you need to kill a strong boss. I'd still fight their ass though and if i die, then I die and i can better judge the situation after.
You're right, @sternzy.
I wonder how many times we have to post Steven quotes in the thread (about threat assessment icons) until the anti-cosmetics crowd stops replying ... ?
I spilled my fucking drink reading this.... bro come on
Sun Tzu
Transmog and cosmetics are a big part of PvP. A big psychological part. I find the most interesting part of this thread how many people never think of subterfuge as part of PvP or are appalled that someone would dare to use it against them.
First all classes have to be homogenized.
Then gear has to be homogenized.
And now the very idea of using any form of cosmetics will kill the game.
Starting to think some "PvP" players aren't really PvP players at all.
I think a system like this would actually work more naturally and more fluidly than seeing a character and doing your best to judge their statistics simply off of the gear they appear to be wearing!
I disagree. In PvP, you only have split seconds to react to an aggressor, especially if there's a group of them. By the time you look through UIs you'll be dead. We need to see what other people are wearing at a glance AND a UI that gives us more information when necessary. Albion Online does this perfectly. AoC can take a few hints from the best modern open world PvP game currently on the market.
Edit: Oops, I necro'd.
They can sell WHATEVER they want with this. Just please give us a simple option to show or hide cosmetics. I want to see ingame earned gear.
This should just be normalized across the industry at this point, it helps a significant portion of the player base that just wants immersion. While anyone who wants to buy flashy skins can do so without complaint.