Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Like for example the paladin's blessing in World of Warcraft.
PS: Sorry, my English is very bad.
Ashes of Creation is the reason I stream!
This link may help you:
"There won't be separate PvE and PvP servers.[95]"
Not just at launch. There won't be separate servers for each.
If one gets too PvE-orientated, you can bet that the PvP guilds will head there.
Expect to have to do both. This game isn't a one-or-the-other. Make friends. Join groups.
"By the end of Alpha-2, the game is expected to be feature complete"
"By the end of Alpha-2, the game is expected to be feature complete"
"Soon after the exodus, the gateways dimmed and became dormant. Centuries turned to millennia, burying them beneath myriad calamities. Over eons, history became legend, then even the great legends were at last forgotten.[1]"
It's a very, very, verra long time. See what I did there...?
This link may help you:
Node Affiliation is currently set to be the highest priority.
Edit : I should have looked at the Wiki. 15k people initially and 50k per server max should help with this... lol
@Leukael (question), @anarcx (question), @Mematt (question), @Grunxy (question), @Liliosa (question), @FlaccidMoose (question) - Please only post one question next time as requested, and if you only posted one question, please try to make it more clear and direct if possible - that way it's more likely to be picked!
@ace1234 (question) - Yes, one goal of our storytelling is to create compelling and evocative stories
@Immortality (question) - We will have a character page and a companion app for Ashes of Creation! You can read more about that here, on the wiki!
@Wateru (question) - You can read all about Fishing in Ashes of Creation here, on the wiki!
@s1zzl1n (question), @SnowElf (question), @Frost01 (question), @Pallywagz (question), @Fantmx (question), @Barab (question), @MeLlamanOsaka (question), @ILLPeonU (question), @StickyRubb (question), @-T0Mb- (question), @Rym (question), @SkylarckTheBotanist (question), @Cadac (question), @Pyrolol (question), @Mrvalentine745 (question) - Margaret addressed Alpha Two related questions such as these during the last livestream
@SonicXplosion (question) - You can read about current housing goals here, on the wiki! These numbers may change during Alpha Two testing
@Vardailuvitar (question) - You can read about PvE, including raids and world bosses here, on the wikI!
@Ryve (question) - Each size, grade, and type of player-owned housing determines the number and type of items that can be placed in it. For example: You can place only the best furniture in mansion-grade in-node housing. Only the houses that existed at the Village stage will become main street mansions at the Metropolis stage. You can read more about player housing here, on the wiki!
@Arunteli (question) - After a number of days equal to the destroyed node's level, the node will revert back to stage 0 (wilderness) and any modified terrain will revert to its original state. You can learn a lot about nodes here, on the wiki!
@Soliton (question) - There will be viable playstyles and build options for your character. From secondary classes and augments to weapon choice, armor choice, skill allocations, and more! You can check out the wiki and learn much about the many systems of Ashes of Creation here:
@Kalnazzar (question) - Player stalls (also called Kiosks and rental stalls) are rentable locations near the unique building in an Economic node, in Marketplaces (the constructible building available for placement by mayors of any Town (stage 4) node or higher), or as business buildings on freehold plots. You can learn more about player stalls here, on the wiki!
@Wredigo (question) - We'd love for Ashes of Creation to be accessible to as many players as possible, including those who may be new to the genre!
@OsFur (question) - While player characters aren't planned to need to dress accordingly to keep themselves cool or warm, in-game climate does have many impacts on gameplay. You can learn more about this here, on the wiki!
@Liz_Vermillion (question) - You can learn about crafting mechanics here, on the wiki!
@Roofian (question) - It'll be exciting to see players devise fast ways to acquire coin in Verra
@NyceGaming (question) - The team is hard at work on the playable races of Verra! We're excited to showcase dwarves in all their glory as soon as they're once again in a place to do so
@koltovince (question) - We haven't announced any additional plans or functions for the bounty-hunting system at this time
@Grimshaw (question) - It would help the team if you'd be able to reword or clarify your question further
@Kybub (question) - The primary means to remove corruption is through death. Multiple deaths may be necessary to remove all corruption. Dying removes a significant portion of a player's corruption score. Gaining experience will also slowly reduce a player's corruption score. You can learn more about player corruption here, on the wiki!
@TXRain (question) - Please remember to only ask one question
@GothGhost (question) - Currently, we're focused on our core 8 archetypes. We don't have plans for additional archetypes that we've announced at this time.
@Venacier (question) - Housing takes several forms in the world of Verra. However, Freeholds are the highest tier of player housing available. Acquiring a Freehold is a major accomplishment, and it will take a large amount of effort and strategy to get a Freehold of your own. Since there is a limited amount of space available to place Freeholds in each node’s region, these are symbols of prestige for those who are able to acquire and maintain their Freeholds. You can read more about Freeholds here, on the wiki!
@Nigashi (question) - I sure hope so!
@Nubformal (question) - Inventory capacity is subject to quantity rather than weight limits. Players will have the ability to search for items they have stored in various locations (such as personal storage and node warehouses). Inventories will be able to be sorted. You can learn more about our inventory system here, on the wiki!
@Raptin (question) - In theory, if there are quests, story arcs, or events that are tied to prerequisites, like a specific node reaching specific levels, and that node were to not hit those levels due to player interaction, then those quests may not be accessed until the prerequisites are met. You can read about these systems here, on the wiki!
@Wolves (question) - Players can acquire the bounty hunter title through a quest available to citizens of Military Stage 4 (Town) nodes and potentially their vassals or affiliated nodes. You can read more about Bounty Hunting here, on the wiki!
@Killion (question) - Because each system in Ashes of Creation is different, they may require different amounts of time and testing during Alpha Two
@palabana (question) - Death penalties, such as experience experience debt, will not occur during opt-in, sanction PvP battles. In general, death penalties will occur outside of the aforementioned circumstances in the world, whether your death is the result of something more PvE or PvP-oriented. You can learn about death penalties here, on the wiki! Steven also goes into detail about this here, which is helpful
@DougBug27 (question) - Hovering over a player nameplate will show information such as level, class name, and archetype combo. This is our current intention. We're excited to receive feedback regarding this during Alpha Two, which we are always receptive to
@TruckerLuci (question) - A player's ship may not be permanently stolen, but it can be hijacked and destroyed. You can learn more about ships here, on the wiki!
@SoBeNiTo (question), @Solid_Sneak (question), @PavlovDead (question), @Vissox (question) - You can check out current archetype kits here, on the wiki! We haven't shared entire kits for all of the archetypes quite yet
@Iskan (question) - You can read much about what Intrepid has said regarding alts here, on the wiki!
@Daggial (question) - Bill is hard at work with the design team
@Bince (question) - You can read about our intentions regarding security systems here, on the wiki!
@tautau (question) - It's possible
@Yikan (question) - There's an awesome quote from one of our designers that answers your question. That can be found here:
@Tetterian (question) - The team is excited to show off achievements as soon as they're ready!
@Clonage (question) - "The idea behind an 8-person group is to allow us to really amplify party roles, and to create a need for each of the archetypes in every party." - from this article
You can find this answer and the answers to many more of your Ashes of Creation questions here, on the wiki!
@Maniac9 (question) - Yes
@lustinusShiva (question) - All archetypes can use any weapon
@Star_Oracle (question) - You can read much about what has been said regarding Zergs here, on the wiki!
@Godawful (question) - This is something being considered by the team
@simpetar (question) - The team is hard at work on the world of Verra, and is excited to show off updates as soon as they're ready!
@SimpleBiscuit (question) - Somewhere between 0 and 1,000,000,000 but only time may tell
@Spenta (question) - We are generally keeping our cards close to our chests when it comes to lore. We don't want to risk spoiling the story or disrupting the work of the narrative team
@killergermel (question) "There's node citizenship. There's guild. There's alliance. There's party. There's raid. There's family. All of these types of affiliations have a hierarchy. The highest of which is your node affiliation: So your citizenship is your greatest superseding relationship, which means if you were a part of a guild and the guild has multiple nodes in which its members are citizens of, if there was a war between two of those nodes, the members of those nodes would be first and foremost citizens who defend that node, even against their own guild members" - Steven Sharif
@Tangent369 (question) - We'll be reaching out to Content Creator Program applicants in the future
@Castai (question) - We may have some different caravans that could include additional seating options.
@Vyril (question) - Our team is always looking at new technology, and methods that are best for Ashes of Creation as we develop the game
@Roubi (question), @Gaul_ (question), @Aniion (question), @NiKr (question) - Your questions were ones we hoped to have gotten to on stream but didn't quite have the time. We'd love it if you come by next month for the next development update livestream to ask them again!
@Heryglenn (question), @Falkath (question), @Otr (question), @Leonerdo (question), @Liniker (question), @EmLe (question), @Tyranthraxus (question), @Hutchy1989 (question), @Apok (question), @Apolphis (question), @Livu (question) - Congratulations! Your questions were answered by Steven and Margaret on the livestream! Be sure to check out the VoD on YouTube in case you missed it live!
⚔️ Let us know in the comments if you are going to play as a Fighter!
It's good to hear more directly from the Creative Director about intended naval combat mechanics - and his response certainly makes more-sense than NOT have collision-detection. However, it really does emphasize just how far off the naval content is from workable-development.
Yours truly would be fine if naval combat is dropped from the roadmap for launch, and this also seemed to be the consensus of most of the responses garnered from a thread I put up about choosing 1 area of the game to drop from launch, in order to less-delay the launch. It's always been stated that the naval content is a "stretch"-goal, after all.
More of a statement than a question, but please let us have 1 more opportunity to purchase Alpha 2 access before it starts. I know that you've stated that there will be future opportunities to get in via giveaways and such, but please give those of us who missed the deadline 1 more chance to purchase Alpha 2 access.
This month's Q&A has come and gone, you guys. They usually open it a week before the last Friday of every month, if you want to catch the one for April.
THIS we already know: Alpha 2 is set to launch in Q3 of this year; Sometime between July and September. The Alpha 2 will see content added/removed and wipes for testing, and will be persistent/near-persistent until the official launch of the game.
Yeeeh, I misread the link.